Author's Note: Contrary to what I've probably lead you all to believe, I have not, once more, dropped off the face of the earth though I do sincerely apologize for the delay. Season 3 was pretty rough on me, but even after it was through, a few real-life projects took over and took up all of my time, energy and inspiration. Those wrapped up roughly a month ago, and I'm just now back in the headspace to write. So again, sorry for the delay. I hope to get back into a more regular routine very soon.

She hadn't set foot in this particular part of H Division since her own brief stay in that cell on the lower floor. Summer was now upon London; the air was made thick by a looming storm, making it seem as if the walls of the cell block themselves may start producing rain at any moment.

Susan took deep, measured breaths as she walked slowly, purposefully toward Jackson. If questioned, she'd blame her unsteadiness on the heat because she refused to show Reid or anyone else the satisfaction of knowing what she was truly feeling at the moment, save for Jackson who could see the emotion in her eyes.

"Figured you'd be staying as far away from this place as possible," he drawled loudly for Reid's benefit, as the Inspector settled himself near the door, just close enough to keep an eye on them.

"Of course not," she replied a bit more breathlessly than she would have liked, as she gripped one of the bars that separated them. As his hand came to rest on hers, they shared a tentative smile.

"Any of the girls come back yet?" he asked, stroking her cheek with his other hand.

"Charity, Myrtle, Bella and Mary so far. No word from Rose."

"Inspector Reid might be able to provide you with some information on that front."

Susan raised an eyebrow in question, glancing for a moment at Reid. Jackson took the opportunity to take her other hand in his, as much as the bars would allow. "Listen, darlin'"

Her eyes snapped to meet his.

"If for whatever reason I don't leave here," he began, focusing his gaze on their hands, still joined over the cell bars. He continued, not wanting to give her a chance to interrupt, to hear the panic creep into her voice. "And believe me, darlin', I have every intention of walking out of this place a free man - but if my fate's decided, I want you to leave this place. Go to Paris or Dublin or whatever catches your fancy, but Christ, Caitlin, don't stay here."

"I'll return tomorrow, a pistol hidden in my skirts," she began in a hushed whisper.

"-and you'll be the one to shoot a policeman this time or will I?"

She stared at him, incredulous, "It was much the same that brought us here."

"I won't have these men's blood on my hands too," he snapped dropping her hands and running his own through his hair. The fact that she hadn't stormed off, hadn't uttered a single word in reply spoke volumes of her present state of mind. He again reached for her hand, now gripping the shiny green fabric of her skirt.

"From the very moment we met, you swore to me..."

"I don't go back on that vow," he eased her hand back into his stroking the spot where she had worn a wedding ring for only a brief few months. Jackson flashed a devilish smile. "Despite my many other failings."

Susan grinned sadly as he went on.

"Which is why you have to listen to me, Darlin'. Whatever way this thing ends up, I won't have you in harm's way as a part of it."

Before she could argue further, Susan found herself jumping slightly as the door the cell block opened, slamming against the adjacent wall. A constable whispered something to Reid and then turned to leave as the Inspector made his way toward Jackson's cell. "Inspector Abberline approaches."

Susan nodded at Reid's meaning; it was time for her to make a hasty exit. She stared at Jackson for another moment, not wanting or able to say anything close to goodbye. Luckily, he felt precisely the same, squeezing her hand and simply saying, "I'll see you soon, Darlin'"