Hello beautiful people, have a fanfic.

This is my first story that isn't a oneshot so I hope you like it J

Rated T because I don't really know where this story will go just yet, bear with me, ok?

Thanks guys, enjoy! J

Disclaimer: Cassandra Clare owns everything, I just make her characters dance.

A Terrible Night

It was dark, she was completely miserable and there was only one person that would ever even come close to cheering her up. Magnus Bane was the life and soul of every party worth going to in Brooklyn, and he just so happened to be one of her best friends. She knew it was stupid, to make her way through New York late at night dressed in a beautiful (but now completely useless) dress and the highest of heels, however the need for some company that wasn't going to try and make her talk about the situation was overwhelming.

She arrived at his building thankfully unscathed, though she had been wolf whistled at a peculiarly large number of times. On an ordinary day, she might have taken the time to be insulted, or even secretly pleased, but this was no ordinary day. She buzzed the telecom and let out a whimpered 'It's me,' and before she knew it she was knocking on Magnus' front door, practically breaking her heart.

Before she'd even finished knocking, the door was open and Magnus had enveloped her in a hug.

'Can I make you some tea?' he asked softly into her hair. He knew she was in no state to talk right now, and bombarding her with questions was clearly not going to make her calm down. She nodded in response and he helped her over to the sofa before disappearing into the kitchen.

Magnus walked over to the sofa with two steaming mugs of tea in his hands to find her curled up with his cat, Chairman Meow. Her tears had stopped but she was still shaking, curled in on herself in a protective manner, worrying Magnus further. She sat up to take her tea but her body positioning remained defensive. If he didn't know better, Magnus would've thought she'd been physically wounded.

He sat next to her, unsure whether to hold her or to give her some space. He settled on wrapping an arm around her and letting the other hand rest on her knee. Just as he was contemplating how to ask her what was wrong, she spoke up.

'It's over. Me and Seb. The engagement's off.' No emotion laced her voice nor did an expression cross her face. He expected her to start crying again, but Clary Fray was much too strong for that. She just stayed there staring straight ahead.

Anger boiled in his veins at the mention of the scumbag that had broken one of his dearest friends. It was no secret that Magnus was not a fan of Sebastian Verlac, but there had never been reason for him to properly hate the man. Now, however, he wanted to hunt the man down and, well, use your imagination.

'What did he do?' Magnus' barely concealed anger hissed through his clenched teeth.

This drew Clary's attention. She looked directly at Magnus with desperation clearly written over her features.

'Can we just not talk about it? I'll tell you tomorrow, but… just for tonight, can you distract me? Please?' The pleading in her voice was unmistakable, and although Magnus was desperate to know the details of his friend's sorrow, he knew that a distraction was what she needed most at that moment.

'Well you did actually catch me whilst I was getting ready for this positively marvelous little get-together downtown, and being me I'm sure I can persuade them to let you in.' He wiggled his eyebrows at her, lacing his words with his usual flirty and suggestive mannerisms. The only way to distract Clary was to act like nothing was wrong in the first place.

She beamed at him, though it didn't reach her eyes like it usually did, then she glanced sorrowfully at her attire. She'd worn a beautiful full-length navy blue dress with a low neckline and an even lower back. It had been the perfect dress for the original plans for the evening, but now she wanted nothing more to be rid of it.

Magnus noticed this, pulled her up and marched her into his room towards his enormous wardrobe, the tea long forgotten. Magnus was an up and coming fashion designer, so women's clothes did not go amiss in his flat.

He rifled through the selection until his eyes rested on a very short black dress covered in sequins. He'd designed and made this dress deliberately for Clary, though he'd never tell her. The restrictions of her relationship, of which there were many, seemed also to stretch to how much fun she was allowed to have. He glanced back at Clary who was standing in the doorway of his walk-in closet, marveling at all the clothes. He threw the dress at her, calling out behind him as he continued to search through the wardrobe.

'Put that on while I look for the right accessories!' Clary disappeared into the bedroom to change, whilst Magnus practically tore apart his closet to find those darn shoes! He had designed a whole outfit for Clary, one that he had never expected her to actually wear, so his excitement about getting her into his own design was impairing his ability to search effectively.

Finally, he found the box with the accessories for Clary's outfit in, and brought them out to the bedroom. He began saying something about the colour he'd chosen but his words died in his mouth when he saw her. Clary stood there in his dress, and she totally rocked it. It was better than he could ever have imagined, and the thought made him a little emotional.

'Hey, do I look completely terrible or did I stun you into silence with my beauty so much I may actually be turning you?' She winked playfully at him, and he could tell he was on the right track to distracting her.

'Darling you look fabulous, and though usually I'd be more than willing to tap that, I must inform you that my attention has been well and truly captured, and that fact renders me unfailingly and irreversibly gay.' Magnus almost swooned at the thought of his beautiful other half, though he tried to play it cool because it was still meant to be a secret.

'I'm hurt, Magnus, you and me, we could've been something special!' Clary exclaimed, holding her hand to her heart. She pretended to sob, adding to her melodramatics. 'But seriously, unfailingly and irreversibly? That sounds pretty permanent, and you never do permanent.'

'I know! I'm just as confused as you are,' Magnus replied as he sat on the bed next to his friend. 'But all I know is it's the happiest I've ever been and that's not something I'm willing to give up any time soon.' This conversation seemed to have ensnared all of Clary's attention, however Magnus worried that talking about his relationship would remind her of her own, and that would be completely counterproductive.

'Magnus that's great!' Clary cried, engulfing the eccentric man in a hug. 'I'm so pleased for you! So what's he like? How long have you been together?'

'Clary he's just the sweetest guy on the planet. We met about six months ago but we've been together for about three months. He's an artist, you'd totally love him, but he's super shy and so closeted he's practically a permanent resident of Narnia.' Magnus's eyes sparkled and his face lit up as he described his beau. 'I've been dying to tell you about him, but I haven't seen you in forever!'

Clary's face fell and she stared at the stray piece of thread on the pillow she was picking at. 'Yeah, well, y'know, Seb was never the most social type-'

Magnus cursed himself for allowing the conversation to head back to melancholyville and cut her off before she could say anything else. 'Well you're here now and we are going out to partayyy!' His overenthusiastic manner put a smile back on Clary's face, and before long the two were applying makeup and singing cheesy 90s pop songs at the top of their lungs.

Pandemonium was packed. Music too loud to distinguish was pumping through the speakers, the bass pounding through all of the bodies pressed tightly on the dance floor. It had distracted Clary for a while, dancing so closely to Magnus it would have been inappropriate if they weren't such good friends. She allowed the noise and the feel of the club to consume her. The pounding music replaced all misery in her brain, and the freedom of dancing with someone else was intoxicating.

It probably helped that she was almost completely drunk.

But after a few hours, when her feet started to ache and her head pounded with a headache instead of the music, she excused herself from Magnus insisting that she'd be back soon and found her way to the bar. The club had emptied significantly, but it was still busy. However, that didn't stop her from getting some water from the bar and finding an empty table right at the back of the club.

She sat there for a while, sipping at her water whilst allowing exhaustion and misery to take over. Just as she was about to find Magnus to tell him she wanted to leave, someone plonked themselves down in the seat next to hers.

'You look like you could use some company,' said a soft, deep voice with a –dare she think it?- delicious British accent. She turned to look at the someone whose voice had intrigued her, to find a conventionally attractive blonde guy with equally intriguing golden eyes.

She shook her head. It must be the lights making his eyes look funny, she thought, or I'm drunker than I originally intended. As her liquor impaired brain tried to work out the golden conundrum, she forgot to answer the stranger.

'Hey, is anyone in there?' he asked, waving a hand in front of her face.

'Uh, yeah, sorry. And I had company, actually. I was just getting away from it for a bit,' she replied, her thoughts returning to her miserable situation.

'Oooh, bad date, huh?' he suggested, 'Join the club.' He took a sip from the beer he was holding and glanced in Clary's direction.

For a split second her mind toyed with the thought that she should correct him, that no, it wasn't a bad date but the end of a 7 year relationship, but curiosity and need for more distractions got the better of her. 'What did you do?' she asked dryly, unable to keep the accusatory tone out of her voice. She regretted her implication that he must've done something wrong until he smirked and turned to look at her directly.

'Nice of you to assume that I ruined my own evening, however it wasn't like that at all.' He nodded at her, as if to reinforce the truth of his statement and took another sip of his beer.

'Oh?' she countered, not completely interested but grateful for the distraction.

'Well, apparently,' he leant down and looked around as if he were about to divulge a close secret, 'girls just want me for my body. They don't want to know me at all. It hurts me,' he clutched at his heart much in the same way as Clary had done to Magnus earlier, 'I mean I know I'm stunningly attractive but I'm pretty damn interesting too!'

Clary snorted but couldn't help the faint smile tugging at her lips. 'Wow, pretty and modest, you've got the lot.'

He grinned at her and held out his hand for her to shake. 'Jace Wayland, devastatingly handsome and wit extraordinaire at your service!'

She returned his grin and shook his hand. 'Clary Fray, not interested but highly amused.'

'You wound me, woman, and here I thought I was wooing you exceptionally.' His easy, laid back smile was infectious as he continued their banter.

'Ah yes, because narcissism is the new romance,' she said, her tone dripping sarcasm, 'I'm completely wooed, take me now.'

'Well seeing as sarcasm is the new flirting, I'd say were getting along brilliantly.'

A slight blush dusted her cheeks, this guy has an answer for everything!

'Anyway, Miss Fray, tell me about yourself. What do you do?'

Her face fell as she contemplated his question. What does she do? Nothing. Seb always insisted that she didn't need to work, her entire being was devoted to being Sebastian Verlac's fiancée. And now she doesn't even have that.

It was at exactly that moment that Magnus decided to find Clary. He walked up to her table, caught sight of her miserable expression and concluded that this gorgeous, golden piece of man-meat to her left was responsible for it.

'Hey Clary, is this guy bothering you?' Magnus's eyes narrowed in Jace's direction.

'Oh,' she said, startled out of her thoughts, 'no, not at all. In fact he was the perfect, if slightly unorthodox gentleman.'

Magnus visibly relaxed but remained slightly suspicious about the beautiful blonde's intentions. Locking eyes with his red-headed friend, he said 'Are you okay? Do you wanna go?'

'No, I'm okay, Mags, really. We can stay if you want,' Clary replied, though her eyes pleaded with him to let them leave. She was tired and miserable and had a headache, and one interesting conversation with one intriguing man was not enough to make anything better.

'Well I don't really have a reason to stay, I mean the good music stopped and unfortunately for you, Blondie, I'm already taken.' Magnus winked a glittery lid at Jace, catching him completely off guard.

After being laughed at by Clary and Magnus for a good two minutes as he composed himself, Jace managed to reply with a wink of his own. 'That's such a shame, you're totally my type.'

'Another time, mon cheri,' Magus purred as he pulled Clary out of her chair and wrapped a hand round her waist.

Clary, still chuckling at the bizarre conversation unfolding before her, expressed her goodbyes to the hilarious stranger. 'Bye Jace. It was great to meet you.'

He smiled a crooked smile up at her. 'You too. See you around, Clary Fray.' Then, with a completely unexpected smack of Magnus's ass, he continued, 'Don't forget about me, Sparkles.'

With a glance at each other and then back to Jace's mischievous face, Clary and Magnus cracked up again as they left the club.

As soon as they were outside and the cold night air hit them, Clary's mood fell once again. She stopped walking with Magnus and he turned to look at her.

'What's wrong, honey?' he asked, his usually cheerful expression now solemn.

'Can I stay with you tonight? I don't have anywhere else to go.' Tears slipped from her eyes at the realization that she had nothing. The life she had grown so used to was over and there was nothing she could do about it.

Magnus draped his arm around his friend, pulling her close. 'I wouldn't have it any other way.'