Disclaimer: The Charakters are not mine, only the ideas belong to me :(



Yes we had to run

we needed to get to a safe place...

Hogwarts would be to far, we wouldn't reach it in time, or could we?

The Danger was right behind us,

our personal death was chasing us...

Padfoot, my dear faithfool friend,

he risked his life to get us time to flee.

We had to be fast, but we could not run as fast as we needed to do.

A low growl broke the silence and I knew what that would mean,

the werewolf, our death sentence, he came closer, dangerously close.

Had Padfoot lost?

Had he not been able to stop Moony?

Was he okay?

Were was he?

All that were questions I could not answer at that time

But as I dared a look over my shoulder, I saw it...

Our death approached, with giant steps ...

Would we manage to escape?

Well, what do you think? I know it's a rather small chapter, but it will get better, I promise.

Please let me know, what you thought about it.