AN: ok I am not sure what this is, just wrote it last night on my phone before bed. I may have an idea how to add one more chapter, but I'm not sure. Let me know what you think :)

I do not own or profit from The Walking Dead


Carol stood with her back pressed against the wall, eyes closed tightly to the darkness. The inky blackness of the closet felt ominous and suffocating. Oh god, T-Dog, she trembled with repressed tears, he sacrificed himself for her. She panted starting to feel her anxiety escalate. She couldn't breath in here, she needed to breath, a senses of lightheadedness started envelop her no, she would not pass out, she wouldn't. Things could be worse, she thought, she could be by herself.

She opened her eyes to see Daryl standing with his ear pressed to the door, listening intently to the herd in the hallway, their moans echoing of the walls. He looked over at her, his face held a questioning look. He took the two steps needed to bring himself directly in front of. Oh god it was so tiny in here, she wondered how much oxygen this room contained. A closet probably didn't need much ventilation right? Oh god they were going to run out of air she thought gasping suddenly squeezing her eyes shut.

"Hey, breath, come on now Carol" he said softly. Opening her eyes she glanced at him. She'd never seen his eyes look so worried. Her chest ached but she attempted to breath slowly, for him. She closed her eyes again. That was the last he needed to be trapped in this minuscule tiny room with someone who was freaking out. "Carol, open your eyes for me ok?" She nodded and did what he asked

"You need to stay calm ok? You need to breath slowly, we don't know how long this is going to last, if you breath quick like that you're gonna get dehydrated. Ok?" She nodded shakily

Daryl looked at her with a sad smile then said "come here" and drew her into a hug. She knew this was out of his comfort zone, but it was just what she needed, she was deeply touched by the effort he was making. She stood there for a long time, her head on his shoulder, a feeling of peace coming over her, her breathing regulated. "I promise Carol, as soon as I figure things out, I will get you out of here ok?" She nodded


She sat on the floor, they had been in here forever.

"Nawwh not forever, maybe a day, tops don't be such a drama queen" he said with a chuckle

She snorted, she hadn't realized she had spoken out loud. He knelt down in front of her, putting his hand on her chin "I'll get you out of here soon Carol, I promise ok?" She nodded as he leaned down and placed a brief kiss to her forehead. Wow talk about venturing outside his comfort zone she thought with a smile. He pressed his forehead to her own and repeated again "I promise"


"Carol, open your eyes, come on, open those pretty blue eyes, come on open em baby, please" she cracked her eyes open to look at Daryl. He looked really worried, she wanted to tell him she was okay, but her lips were so dry she couldn't seem to move them. "Carol, you have to hold on a little longer, okay? I promise I will get you out of her. You can't leave me alone, please, I need you okay?" She nodded. His eyes held hers "We have unfinished business between us, you know what I'm talking about Carol, and I'm definitely not finishing it in a shithole of a closet." She nodded, she knew what he meant. Had known for a long time. He placed his hand on her cheek. "My mom used to have this saying when things would go to hell with my old man- everything will be all right in the end, and if it ain't well then it's not the end"


"Carol you need to wake up" she opened her eyes she was on the floor slumped against the wall by the door. He was the floor on the other side of her. "I know how I am going to get you out of here now. You need to bang on the door. Come on hit it, I know it's hard, you can do it, I'm so proud of you, you were so strong" she was confused how this would help them, but she trusted him, so she started thumping on the door, every jab of her arm forewords feeling like she had run a marathon. He suddenly turned her chin towards him "it's almost time, thank you, I know you did it for me, it's meant to be in the end" he brushed his lips over hers softly. A light filled the room, and she turned to the door. To find him standing in the open doorway. She smirked slightly as a realization struck her. His hand brushed her chin and then he leaned down and picked her up, starting down the hall

"Ya alright?" He said quietly as he carried her. His voice sounded emotional, choked, like he was holding back tears.

"You kept your promise" she said weakly "you were right, it wasn't the end"


AN#2: the quote Everything will be alright in the end, and if it's not, then it's not the end is a quote I have always seen listed as anonymous, I have no idea where it comes from but it's not mine:)