A Note- hey! I decided to edit and bunch together some of my chapters because lets face it- their shorter than well, everything! So I decided to do that and here you go! I don't own anything except for this new tablet I'm posting from!

The war had ended, yet Hermione had been at her utmost state of depression, it seemed unreal that Harry was a Horcrux, that Ron and she had kissed, or that Remus and Tonks, Colin, Fred, and fifty others had died. Lavender Brown's last words were to thank and apologize to her, and then there she was, near the ruined Room of Requirement, she felt it: It was an odd, swooping sensation she hadn't felt since her third year. And then there was a loud cracking noise before the world suddenly went black... Darkness was rather soothing really, but it made her feel claustrophobic.

I must have fainted, Hermione mused as she regained her consciousness, but this was not the ruined corridor, nor was it anywhere she knew of, then where was she? Her sight soon came into focus and she realized that she was in the hospital wing. Ah, she sighed mentally, so I am in the hospital wing, silly me. Then it came to her; the hospital wing had been demolished in the battle. She needed to clear her mind, she knew for a fact that she was on a bed.

She swiveled her eyes about and made several important mental notes. It looked exactly like the hospital wing but instead of a grumbling, middle aged geriatric there stood a

rather attractive young woman in her twenties with raven hair in a neat white apron humming a cauldron full of hot strong love beside a cabinet whilst mixing a complicated brew. She probably didn't realize that she was there.

Seeing Hermione awake the woman started and spoke in a soft voice,

" Ah, you are awake at last my dearie, could you please drink this for me? I am Poppy Pomfrey." She added,

in response to her enquiring look and Hermione, who was sipping the potion with her numb fingers, gasped and fell out of her bed.

How could it possibly be? It was impossible, unreal but unless-

"My word!" Madam Pomfrey cried.

Hermione now knew what to ask. Not where but when. What year had she landed herself in?

"What year is it?" She croaked from the floor, her breath quickening rapidly.

Madam Pomfrey laughed,

"Why it is September the first, 1977!"

Hermione's brain was speculating so fast that she was quite surprised at the fact that that no one heard her brain whirr.

Suddenly, it dawned on her that Professor Dumbledore was still alive.

I-I n-need to see Proffes-"


The door opened and there stood none other than the silver-bearded wisdom; Albus Percivial Wulfuric Brian Dumbledore.

"Ah you are awake at last, Miss-?"

He looked at Hermione enquiringly, his blue eyes piercing her brown, giving her a feeling that she was being monitored closely.

"Granger, Hermione Granger sir"

"Ah miss Granger I am afraid that you were a victim of a strange phenomenon known as quo sibi alienavit which creates a rift in time and I believe that you were at the center of this rift. This is a very misfortunate occurrence as one can never be sure about the fact the when the rift will open again. I know for a fact that no one will remember you when you go back from here. Seeing that you have told me your name; I shall expect Some side effect. I would advise you to try not to alter the turn of events, even if it could save a life."

Hermione tried to get up but buckled and fell down, causing another exclamation from Madam Pomfrey. Dumbledore lifted his wand and with a spiraling movement, Hermione rose gracefully into the air and landed onto the bed with a soft flump.

"Miss Granger, I believe that you have acquired a grievous side effect of your misfortunate accident, as far as I know Miss granger you cannot walk easily without support and so," he added with a sad smile," you will need these for support." He waved his wand and pair of crutches appeared.

Hermione was provided fresh robes and she changed with the help of Poppy as Madam Pomfrey insisted to be addressed as. She was relieved to find her expanded purse for this meant that she did not need any supplies. professor Dumbledore had told her to reside as a student who had been homeschooled until her parents were killed in a deatheater attack. It took her a while though, to get used to the crutches and the sharp pain which she had mentally nicknamed Bellatrix.

Apparently, Madam Pomfrey had placed a number of complex charms on her leg to ease the pain. Almost all feeling was gone from it.

"it is necessary to protect your legs and give support to them my dear!"

It was in the evening when professor Dumbledore met her again, He told her that she had to go through the sorting and that she needed to choose a name for it could result in a time paradox. Hermione thought that the name of a character from a Muggle book would be suitable and she chose Ariadne Ranger.

Hermione was in the entrance hall waiting for her name to be called, her bushy mane of hair crackling with electricity.

"...and now we welcome in our midst a new seventh year, Ariadne Ranger!"

The door opened and Hermione hobbled in unsteadily ignoring the rest of the speech and the breakout of violent whispering. She went up slowly,painfully and nervously jammed the hat over her head.

Ah, my dear I have sorted you before, have I not?

I think so

Well no time for chatter then GRYFFINDOR!

The hat was taken off her head and a girl with dark red hair and bright green eyes, with a badge which read as HG held her hand and helped her down whispering soothing words in her ear as she went down the Gryffindor table near a boy who looked exactly like Harry and three others who were looking around to catch a glimpse of her. One of them was looking extremely weak and she guessed that it must be Remus Lupin, Another boy with watery blue eyes was peeking around meekly; Wormtail, she felt like vomiting. The last boy was unmistakably-

"Sirius black at your service!"

Sirius said jumping out at her face making her collapse and tumble down again. He was as reckless as she knew him alive and that annoyed her. She did not think she could manage to fall down like this again for it made her legs even more unstable than they already were.


Both Lily and Professor McGonagall bellowed. Sirius looking perplexed offered his hand, his grey eyes shining with concern.

"I will be alright thank you very much Sirius!" she snapped slapping his hand away and taking Lily's arm instead.

Hermione had never realized how much she had missed Hogwarts as she helped herself to some lemon tart and some cake and some pie. Sirius was grinning at her like maniac throughout dinner. She had to admit, he did look much, much better than she had ever seen him alive, his face brighter and his hair sleek and shiny, he was a man who had never faced azkaban. As the plates disappeared James and Lily came to her aid making her stand. Lily scowled at Sirius who was grinning at Hermione. Lily and James argued at the same pace as they explained. They were like a pair of Budgariars. Thank goodness she knew all the stuff for they were incomprehensible to human ears.

She reached the dormitory with Lily yelling abuses at James. She was attacked by a flock of girls wearing lurid, vivid pink nightgowns, all cooing and sympathizing. They introduced themselves as Hestia, Marlene and Alice.

Hermione waited for them calm down and then pulled down her hangings took the frail looking bag out of her pocket, forced the crutches inside and got out a pair of blue pajamas and put them on as Bellatrix taunted her. She took out a photo of the DA, closed the purse and set it aside. Then she cried, cried at the state of her life.

She resolved not to make any close ties with anyone except maybe Lily with whom such ties had been formed already. She could not even bear to think of the futures of the people who were in the dorm right now.

Chubby cheeked Alice was tortured into insanity, gusty Marlene died fighting in the order, dark-haired Hestia lost control of her arms after The battle and brave Lily who stood up to Voldermort. They were all chatting unconcernedly on Lily's bed. Hermione did not know what to do so she took out a peice of parchment and a self inking quill wnd she drew, drew and drew...