Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural. All credit goes to the amazing writers and producers of the show.

In the year 2016 all demon activity as stopped. Sam and Dean are unsure and nervous about why. It makes no sense to them and the quiet is unsettling. In the year 2040 demons have slowly begun to return. Joanna and Jessica Winchester are on a mission to stop the evil, but when Jo finds herself in the year 2016 and Sam finds himself in the year 2040 things get turned upside down.

A Glitch In Time.

Chapter one

"We have to find him," Jo said, as she ran past Jess into the dark, wet cave.

"Jo!" Jess called out as she cursed under her breath. There was no way they would be able to find him in this cave without thinking it through, and she was sure Jo was not thinking clearly. Jessica ran into the cave after Jo. There was also no way she would let Jo do it alone.

"Jo, this is stupid. We really should get help," Jess said as she approached her. Jo was looking between two openings, trying to decide which to take.

"I can't just leave him down here Jess." Jo said, as she blindly made her choice to go right. She jogged down the cave tunnel, running her hand along the wall to know where she was going. It was so dark and the lantern she held out in front of her gave off such a small glow. However she was on a mission, and if anything happened to Cass! She shook the thought from her mind. She wouldn't allow herself to go down that road.

Jo looked over at Jess, who was keeping pace with her. Her face held a mask of worry. She couldn't blame her. Jess was right about this rescue mission not being a good idea without back-up. No one but them knew they were here and she was sure by now their phones where probably out of service range.

She meant what she said however. There was no way she was walking away when Cass was somewhere in this mess of tunnels. Besides, it wasn't like they had a whole lot of people they could call.

"Jo let's go back and get help," Jess said once they came to yet another fork. When Jo didn't respond, Jess went on. "Joanna, seriously. Cass means a lot to me too, but this is crazy."

"Then go," Jo snapped as she started down the middle tunnel. "I am not leaving Cass."

Fed up with the crap Jess grabbed Jo's wrist, using all her strength to force Jo to stop. "Listen to me!" Jess said in a desperate tone. She waited until Jo to look at her before she spoke. "We can come back for him when we have lights and back-up. We have no idea what is waiting for use. For gods sake Jo, think!"

"We are hunting a Wendigo," Jo replied even though she knew that they were not one-hundred percent sure on that. When they first stopped in town they were confident it was a Wendigo, and though some of the behavioral patterns fit, there were some things that suggested something else. Although, what else it could be that they wouldn't know about?

"We don't know that. Come on. Seriously Joanna, This might be out of our league." Jess said always being the voice of reason. She liked to think things through, while Jo would just jump into things without a thought.

Jo closed her eyes as she took a deep breath. She hated that Jess was right. She just wanted to get to Cass. They had lost so much already, and she was not sure she could take another loss. As she looked at Jess she realized she was being selfish. Jess couldn't take another loss either.

The wave of guilt that hit Jo nearly knocked the breath right out of her. She was always messing things up. Making Jessica's life harder than it had to be. Though she never asked for Jess to look out for her. She was a big girl and could take care of herself.

Still when she had made the decision to be a hunter and leave home it was not that big of a surprise that Jess dropped everything and had come along for the ride. "No way will I let my little cuz be out on her own," Jess had said, as she threw her bag into the back seat of the car. Of course, Jo rolled her eyes at this remark. Though they were not sisters they were only three hours apart. It didn't matter that she was born three months preemie. She was born October sixth, exactly three hours after her cousin.

Jo was about to agree with Jess when she heard Cass call out. She couldn't make out what he was saying, but still. She took off like a bullet toward the sound of his voice. She heard Jess cuss come from behind her but didn't care.

As his voice got closer she pushed her legs faster. She was close. She was so close.

Sam took one path in the cave as Dean took the other. It was surprisingly nice to be on a hunt. Since the demons had taken their sudden hiatus about a year ago, hunts were simple and nothing overly life threatening. Though this had also allowed them free time, it made both him and Dean anxious and waiting for the other shoe to drop.

So the fact that they were hunting a Wendigo was somehow a nice change. It made him feel centered and honestly like he was back to himself. It was weird. They both despised hunting, yet both jumped on any and all leads to work. Old habits die hard maybe?

Sam looked over his shoulder to what sounded like a yell. It wasn't Dean. Sam paused. It sounded like Cass, though the last he Checked Cass was trying to sort all the crap out in heaven. Hell might be temporarily in a state of calm, but heaven was chaotic and angels were refusing to return. Some too scared to, others liking the freedom the earth provided.

Again the yell echoed through the cave and this time he had no doubt it was Cass. Though he was confused, Sam ran toward the sound. As he ran he knew he was going the right way when the yells seemed closer and closer.

He came to a fork in the cave and paused until he heard the yells again. He took the left one hoping he was right. How had Cass fallen victim to the Wendigo? It made no sense.

Sam tuned the corner quickly and had to stop as it felt like he had run right through a thick spider web. He took a few steps forward as he rubbed his arms. Then a suddenly as the feeling had come it was gone.

Jo didn't stop running even when it felt as though she had run right through a thick spider web. Though the feeling didn't last long. She looked behind her and briefly thought about the fact that she couldn't see Jessica's light but it didn't matter. She would get out safely. Or at least she hoped so.

She turned a corner and saw a light up ahead. She ran to it and slowed as she realized she was somehow back at the mouth of the cave. She stopped, breathless at the mouth of the cave. "How the hell?" She asked herself out loud.

"Jess?" She called out as she turned and faced the darkness. She waited for a moment and when there was no response she made her way back into the tunnels of the cave. This made no sense. How did she manage to get back to the mouth of the cave.

Jo walked slowly. Soon she should be coming to the fork yet it didn't seem to be coming. Had she taken a wrong turn? She was also worried since she hadn't heard Cass since she felt like she had run through that spider web.

After walking for a bit longer Jo, leaned up against the cave wall. Well damn. She was now lost and alone. Why hadn't she just listened to Jess? "Because you are stubborn," She had started to think back to herself, however a noise not far from her made her drop the thought.

Jo pushed herself more against the wall and pulled her blade from her boot. She held up her light and tried to see into the darkness. Nothing.

She looked down the way she had come one last time before she followed the curve of the tunnel. She looked behind her as she did so and yelled as she smacked into something that grabbed at her. She dropped the lamp she was holding and the light flickered out.

In the darkness she pulled away from who or whatever had grabbed her and pulled the knife from her boot in one swift movement. She backed up into the cave wall and waited in the silence.

There was a clicking sound, then there was light. She raised her knife ready to fight.

"Whoa," A male voices said in a tone that told her he was as surprised as she was. "What the hell are you doing down here?" The voice went on.

Jo stiffened as she realized she knew that voice. But it couldn't be. It couldn't possibly be. The light moved up and she was able to make out the face. Her breath caught in her chest and her heart felt as though it were going to stop beating all together. How was it possible? How was her father standing in front of her looking as though he had just showered that day? It had been five years since she had seen his face. Shock made it impossible for her to speak.

"I won't hurt you," He went on. "My name is Dean." he said looking at her as though he was unsure she could even understand him.

She blinked a couple of times trying to understand what was going on. Did he not recognize her? Has she changed that much? Or maybe she was dreaming? He looked young. Not young, young, but younger than he was the last time she saw him. So maybe it was a dream. So was Cass not really in trouble? Or did she get herself knocked out?

Dean looked at her puzzled. "You mind pointing that blade elsewhere?"

Jo's brow pulled together slightly as she looked at the blade that she still held out in front of her. She had not realized she was still in attack mode. Slowly she put down her knife. She was unsure of what to do from here but clearly something was off.

"Joanna!" Jess called out for the tenth time. "I swear when I get my hands on you." She said out loud. It was times like this when she really hated Jo's stubbornness. Jess rounded the corner. She paused. Was she going in circles? She held up her lantern a little bit to try to get a better look. She sighed with frustration. How the hell could she possibly know for sure whether or not she was going in circles? It was too dark in here and it all looked the same.

"Hey," A male voice called out to her. She spun around as the familiar voice struck her like lightning. The moment the light touched his face she felt as if she had been smacked in the face. She felt her eyes grow wide.

"You okay,?" He asked her with concern.

Jess looked up at him and had to fight back the tears. It just couldn't be. He couldn't really be him. A shape-shifter? Crap she didn't have a blade on her. But what would a shape-shifter be doing down here? Unsure what to do Jess pulled out her gun and pointed it at the impostor.

Sam held up his hands as the woman pulled the gun on him. "Hey, I won't hurt you." He said trying to reassure her.

"Who are you?" Jess demanded. He sure and hell acted the way Sam Winchester would at in this situation. But there was no way in hell this could be right. Where the hell was Jo?

"Okay," He said making a movement with his hand as if to try to calm her down. "My name is Sam."

Jess looked him over once. He was younger than he was the last time she saw him. What the hell was going on? "What are you doing down here?" She asked unsure what else to say.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you." Sam said.

"Try me." Jess said, lowing the gun slightly.

Sam made an 'okay' kind of sound then said, "I am down here with my brother Dean. We are hunting a Wendigo." Jess' brow pulled together. "What are you doing down here?" Sam countered.

Jess thought on it a moment. "I am here with my cousin." She said slowly. "We are also hunting a Wendigo." Jess tilted her head to the side slightly. "Or at least we think it's a Wendigo."

"Well why don't you put the gun away. Maybe we can work together." Sam said.

"How do I know you aren't a monster or something?"

Sam slowly put his hand in his jacket then pulled out a silver knife. "I will prove it if you will."

I hope you enjoyed. Please leave reviews so I know to go on. Thanks for reading :)