Sorry the new update is short and took soooo loonggg but I hated the last chapter (which I fixed so maybe reread that.) anyway I have an idea in my head for this chapter, it's not completed. I just want to see how many people are still actually reading this. This chapter will be full of fluff so be prepared to blush worse than Raven does, or maybe it will be horrible and I will fail but that's to be determined. Enjoy my lovelies! -Nunally.

Weeks had gone back since Beast Boy's encounter with Raven. He could barely make sense of what she had said to him. "The nightmares are her emotions adjusting to the new power..." Beast Boy said to himself in the comfort of his own room, head dangling off the edge of his bed.

"Yo, BB. Starfire's weird party is starting." Cyborg called from outside the door. Beast Boy, still lost in thought, ignored the request for his attendance. A knock hit the door and yet all Beast Boy heard were Raven's words. "It's like my mind is waging war on itself. Every night my emotions try to take control, but everyone else's are so strong... I'm losing control of them." His heart broke at how defeated she had sounded. A smack to the head woke him out of his daze.

"What the Hell?" Beast Boy yelled as he glanced up to see the intruder. Cyborg smiled down at him.

"Planning on joining the living anytime soon?" Cyborg teased. Beast Boy flipped himself over to get a better look at his friend.

"Joining them for what exactly?" Beast Boy asked, slightly more confused then usual. Pulling himself into a standing position, he watched as Cyborgs face went from excited and friendly straight to concerned.

"Starfire's party? The one she's been talking about for weeks? Ring any bells?" Cyborg could barely stop his condescending tone as his face clenched. Beast Boy put on a mask of excitement to cover up this otherwise preoccupied thoughts.

"Sweet! I think I remember her saying something about a movie marathon!" Beast Boy said as he flashed a smile. Cyborg face lightened and his smile returned.

"I knew you wouldn't forget! By the way the Titans East just arrived and Bee is totally into me tonight, so I'm gonna have to pass on late night video games." Cyborg joked.

"Dude, we haven't done that in forever!" Beast Boy mused as they began their walk to the lounge.

Upon arriving at the lounge Beast Boy noticed that everyone had already started sharing gossip and playing games.

"See you were missing all this!" Cyborg said just as Starfire pushed Raven in through the door behind them with her alien strength. Raven's book dropped to the floor as Starfire pushed her passed Cyborg to view the party.

"Look Raven, success!" Starfire said proudly. Raven went for her book, but Starfire grabbed her arm and pulled her on to the bench of the dinner table. Aqua-lad winked at Raven as Starfire forced her to sit down next to him. Beast Boy glanced at the book on the floor only to finally realize that Cyborg had already left his side. Searching around the room he noticed Cyborg and Bee laughing at something in the corner, with Más_y_Menos.

Beast Boy grabbed the book and made his way to Robin at the other end of the table. Raven glanced at him, about ready to get up. Beast boy slid the book across the table to her just as Aqua-lad whispered something in her ear. A blush erupted on her face as she locked eyes with Beast Boy. Grabbing her book, Raven excused herself from the table and left for the comfort of the abandon couch.

After her embarrassing talk with Aqua-lad, the couch became sort of a safe zone. She couldn't believe he was being so forward with her, though there had been some weird Tamaranean drink in front of Aqua-lad at the time. An hour passed before Raven knew it, she glanced around the room. Everyone was relatively in the same spot but Kid Flash and Jinx had joined Aqua-lad. Argent had joined Bee and the others. She almost thought Beast-Boy was missing until she looked down, to see him sitting on the floor next to the coffee table playing a hand-held video game.

Beast-boy had made his way over the to Raven a few minutes after her retreat, he could barely stand Aqua-lad flirting with everyone. He had even flirted with Beast-boy a bit, trying to refain from vomiting he grabbed his old DS that had been casually thrown on the coffee table earlier that day. Almost an hour went by and he was losing terribly. Beast-boy could feel Raven's presence and that just made everyone of his thoughts about Raven boil to the surface.

His attention was grabbed when he felt someone watching him, pausing his racing game, he glanced behind him. Raven eyes caught his as he slightly blushed and stood up. This was his chance, his chance for what he wasn't sure, but talking seemed like a nice start.

"Yo, BB! Guess what time it is?!" Cyborg yelled as he walked towards Beast-boy. Beast-boy's shoulders sunk as the disappointment hit him. Forcing excitement he turned to Cyborg.

"What time is it?" Beast-boy asked, becoming genuinely excited about his answer.

"IT IS MOVIE TIME!" Starfire shouted across the room. Gliding over to the stereo to turn off the music, Starfire grabbed all of the movies she could carry and brought them to display to her party guests.

"What was this party about again?" Raven mumbled to herself as she evicted the couch, in favor of the empty kitchen as everyone jumped onto the couch and sat on the floor surrounding it.

Beast-boy had taken over Raven's spot as he waited for her return.

"Raven, you are making the corn of popping?" Starfire asked as she pouted, hoping her friend was planning on watching with everyone. Raven turned to she Starfire's sad face and released a small sigh.

"What's a movie without popcorn?" Raven let out in a monotone voice. Beast-boy could feel the sarcasm in every word, but Starfire seemed to accept it as a yes. Cyborg suggested some horror movie, about teenagers breaking into a haunted house, which everyone soon agreed on, except for Raven whom was ignoring the loud yelling while making the popcorn. Soon, her excuse was done and she had no choice but to watch the B-list horror movie. The lights were off and Starfire was messing with the DVD player. Raven used her powers to bring all six of the bowls over, handing them to any willing takers. The movie was in and everyone was seated, except Raven. She had lingered in the kitchen so long all the visible seats were taken. Raven was almost happy to find an excuse to leave, when a hand grabbed her arm and pulled her onto someone's lap.

"Hey, let go of me!" Raven stammered as she recognized the green hands around her waist.

"You aren't getting away that easy!" Cyborg said as he released the hand still on her arm. Beast-boy's face exploded in a blush of red as soon as Cyborg pushed Raven onto his lap, as embarrassed as he was, his body moved without his knowledge and held Raven in place.

"Beast-boy, let me go now!" Raven whispered hoping no one would notice she was sitting on Beast-boy's lap.

"If I let you go, you'll leave." Beast-boy mumbled. Raven couldn't escape her own blush any longer.

"Plus, Cyborg will just grab you again." Beast-boy stated, as Cyborg glanced at them. Raven let out another sigh, she didn't really mind watching the movie with them, but this was kind of ridiculous. When isn't Beast-boy ridiculous? she thought to herself. Beast-boy's arms tightened around her as the previews stopped, forcing her to lean into him. Her head fit perfectly in the curve of his neck, she silently thanked Arazth that he had gotten taller than her over the years or else it would have been even more uncomfortable for her.

"Rae, if you don't relax this is gonna be one long movie..." Cyborg whispered to her, hinting at her tense posture and unforgiving frown. She shifted until her legs were crossed and her arms laid on top of Beast-boy's. Letting her head lean into Beast-boy was the worst part for her, she wanted some sense of control and that was giving it all up.

Beast-boy could feel Raven loosen up as he tried to focus completely on the movie but her shifting was causing him discomfort of a different sort, and the actresses getting progressively sluttier were not helping matters. Beast-boy couldn't watch anymore as he shoved his head into Raven neck and nuzzled into her hair. Raven's practically jumped at the gestured but some how regained her relaxed composure as she leaned into Beast-boy, giving in to the comfort. Two hours of slutty teenagers, getting murdered by ghosts later, and Starfire was ready to pop another movie in, only to notice Raven and Beast-boy cuddled together. She decided on a romance movie and took their idea as she placed herself on Robin's lap. With no argument from Robin, Starfire got comfortable in between Robin's legs. During the whole movie Robin whispered how illogical the plot line was.

Two hours of romance later, Raven had fallen asleep on Beast-boy and Starfire had decided to silence Robin with a make out session. The lights flicked on causing everyone to turn toward the switch, except the sleeping Raven. Aqua-lad seemed to have had enough of the movies and was holding twister in his hands with a suspicious smile.

Cyborg rose to say something just as the Titan alarm went off. Raven was startled more so by the fact that she was previously a sleep. Glancing around the room, Raven was pleased to find the tower intact, but annoyed by the alarm. Suddenly, Beast-boy tapped her on the shoulder, she turned around seeing is awkward smile and red face. registering the alarm, Raven got up.

"Sorry about that." Raven mumbled as a blush crept over her face. Beast-boy rose to meet her. Everyone was scrambling around to get ready, but they didn't seem to notice as the stood in an awkward silence.

"Titans, Lets go!" Robin yelled awakening Beast-boy and Raven from their solitude.