Hello my lovelies, Chapter 11 is here!


Anyway I hope you like it.

Disclaimer-I do not own Vampire Academy, all credits go to Richelle Mead. I only own the plot and new characters.

Then a blast of nausea consumed me, making me bend over in pain. "strigoi is in the house now go tell the boys" Emily got the message to hurry, she ran out to the boys rooms. I grabbed my whip form the bottom of my shirt.

I took out my phone and dialed Alberta's number hoping it was still hers, "Petrov" a voice replies after the 1st ring. "Alberta, there are strigoi in court right now, get all guardians on deck. There are about 5 in my house now, I will finish them and meet you in the gym" I say quickly and ended the call.

Jason, Scott, Emily, and Jacob ran into my room with a weapon in their hands. "Are you hurt?" Jason asks.

"No, I'm fine. You?" I ask back

"No, we fought 3 strigoi on the way here, is there any more?" He replies.

"Yea, about 2 more" I say.

"I will stay here with Jacob, you, Emily, and Jason go help the other guardians" Scotts says making the plan.

"Ok" we all say in unison.

Suddenly 2 strigois bursted into the room, one female and one male. I jumped at the female one and punched her jaw. She didn't even flinch, she kicked me on my side and I hunched over in pain. Jason came up behind it and stabbed it with his silver, spirit infused knife in the heart. She sank to the ground with the life leaving her eyes.

Behind us the other 3 finished their strigoi, "I guess we can all go to help the others"

"Wait I told Alberta that I was gonna meet her in the gym after we defeated the strigoi in our house" I say

"Well then we're going to the gym" Scott replies.

After % minutes of running, we finally made it to the gym, all the guardian were lined up and looked professional.

"You're here" Alberta's voice say from behind us.

"Yea" I start"So, whats the plan"

" 20 guardians will secure the quad, 30 will go to the royal housing, 10 will scout around, and you 6 will guard the queen and princess Vasilisa, You and your team will be 4 of the 6. The other 2 will be guardian Belikov and Guardian Castile. You shall go to the throne room now" She says sending us off. Great, 2 of the people I hate the most and love the most being in the same place.

We set off with Dimitri and Eddie, I couldn't remember where the throne room was so Dimitri leaded. I glanced over at him and yearned to just kiss his soft lips. I then remembered all the wrongs he did towards me and the wanting disappeared but only to be replaced with anger and sadness.

We arrived at the throne room and 4 guardians were already there. Inside I saw Vasilisa and Queen bitch arguing about something.

"I want her gone!" I heard from Lissa, she was probably talking about me, suddenly Adrian showed up out of nowhere and screamed at her "she has every right to be here as you do, stop acting like a little brat and just admit that you have always been jealous of her and the fuck over yourself"

They probably haven't noticed me yet. "You and your stupid crush for her, She is never going to like you Adrian, you're the one who need to get over themselves, she left me! She left me to be with other people, I refuse to have her anywhere near me!" Lissa screams the last part and I decided that this was the perfect time to interrupt.

"Your Majesty, sorry to interrupt but the is strigoi in court and we were sent to protect you" Emily says before I can.

"Oh dear, Adrian, Vasilisa stay close to the guardian" The queen exclaims.

We took our positions around them and waited, "Help, Rose!" My mother bursted though the door, she was heated up and bruised. Her clothes were ripped, her arm had a huge cut on it. Even though I almost hated her, I couldn't stand seeing her so helpless. I ran over to catch her as she falls, "Hundreds of them….everywhere…they are…coming" She manages to get out before she falls unconscious, if the strigoi beat my mother, they must've been powerful but they haven't met me yet.

"Me, Rose, Eddie, and uh Emily will go hold off the strigoi, you guys stay here and protect them" Dimitri announced. Just great, he chose me on purpose.

"Fine" I mumbled and we set off to find the strigoi, as we walked, nausea took over my stomach, so much nausea, about 150. Oh god, I've never seen so many work together. I took out my whip and Emily took out her bow and arrows, "how many?" She asks, "about 150" I reply quickly.

She gasped along with Eddie. Dimitri and Eddie glanced at us weirdly, probably because I have a 7 ft whip in my hand and Emily has a bow.

"I'll explain later" I say to Eddie, he nods sharply and continues walking. Every step I take, the more the nausea grows, but nothing I can't handle.

Suddenly we turned a corner and there 150 men stood there grinning, everywhere there were bodies, mostly guardians. I recognized one, the leader of it all.

"Jonathan, what are you doing here?" I said in disgust.

"Rosie dear, that is no way to greet your… friend" I cooed

"You are anything but my friend!" I yell.

"So I am your lover?" He retorts back. Smart ass.

"You know what I meant" I yell again. An arrow suddenly raced though the air right towards Jonathan.

He caught it right before it hit his face. I knew Emily was probably very pissed to see him again.

He chuckled and says "Emily, Emily, Emily, how many times do I have to beat you for you to ever give up" He smiles. I seriously wanted to rip his fucking head off right now. I could feel my blood burning and I lashed my whip at him at lightning speed and it hit him in the side of the face. He screamed in pain, that wouldn't kill him but it will sting like a bitch.

He recovered a bit and raised his hand, signaling for the other to attack. A wave for strigoi ran towards us. The rest of the fight was just a blur, probably because I had so much anger to release that I couldn't comprehend what was really happening. Then I hear a sickening scream, I keen that scream anywhere. Dimitri. A buff strigoi was standing on top of his leg with a hand twisting his arm. It was about to go in for a bite but I whipped him in the back and as he raised to fight me, I swung my whip and it sliced him in half. Ew. Usually all my whip did was decapitate the enemy but never slice him in half.

Dimitri looked up at me in astonishment but I didn't spare him a glance. I looked over to see Emily helping an unconscious Eddie out of harms way. We looked at each other and gave each other a reassuring smile and returned to the fight. Finally, we defeated them all but Jonathan.

He looked pissed, we probably just killed his whole team.

"So, any last words?" I ask

"Do you have any?" He puts on a cocky smile, but I knew it was forced. "How about we do this as adults and put down our weapons" He was scared of my whip, I would be too, I could see about 20 heads laying around.

"Fine" I say wrapping it around my hand and Emily throwing hers on the floor. We circled each other and Emily threw the first punch, it was blocked by him but I also threw a punch at his stomach, he was so focused on Emily that he left it easy for my to punch him. He looked over to me and Emily took that opportunity to punch him in the face. The fight consisted of him trying to keep up and block both our attacks. Then I saw an opportunity to stake him and I pulled my stake out from my combat boots and stabbed him in the heart.

He sank down but he managed to get out "I will always love you" to me. I ignored it and watched the life leave his eyes before pulling the stake out.

I went to help Eddie up, he had a broken leg and arm. I slung his good arm on my shoulders and helped him to the infirmary. Emily copied my actions but on Dimitri, I could hear her ask, "How bad are you hurt?" I could tell she was on the verge on slapping him but she had enough self control not to.

"I'm pretty sure a broken wrist, twisted ankle, and fractured shoulder" He replies after thing a moment.

As we neared the infirmary Alberta ran out and looked worried but her guardian mask went up straight away, "Rose, thank goodness you're ok, there were hundreds of strigoi out there."

"There was, and Rose here killed 84 of them by herself!" Eddie boasted giving me a proud smile, I earned one from Alberta also.

"Lets get them inside, we arranged a meeting for the guardians that are still alive and healthy at the gym" Alberta says gesturing at the infirmary door. We placed them in the beds like instructed and I looked around the infirmary.

It looked like hell.

Bodies laying everywhere, bloody and bruised. Nurses were running around trying to keep up. I wonder where Vasilisa is, if she were helping I know there would be less bodies. "Where is the princess?" I ask Alberta.

She looked down sadly and responded "She refuses to help, she says that the magic will kill her. But we all know that is not true, she has really become…selfish after you left, Adrian is here helping but he passed out from exhaustion"

What was wrong with Vasilisa!? Hundreds of people are dying and she's the one thats supposed to help them, its her power. That bitch, kids are here dying, how selfish could she be? I've lost my patience. Just wait until I talk to you bitch, you will probably walk away with a broken arm.

Emily also looked pissed, her hand was in a fist so tight, her knuckles were totally white. "There are people dying here and all she does about it is drink her little fancy tea and talk shit about people behind their backs!" She nearly screams. Heads turn and start to realize who she was talking about.

I put my hand on her back trying to calm her, she just shakes it off and heads for the door "lets get going to the gym"

When walked in total silence, Emily is seriously the sweetest girl you will ever meet but when you get her mad? You are walking on a straight road to hell my friend.

When we get there about 20 guardians are lined up against the wall waiting for orders. I looked around for Jason, Scott and Jacob but they weren't there. I started panicking in my head, Oh God, please no, they didn't die, they didn't die. Why the hell did I leave them alone. What if I've been there? Wait why am I thinking they died? They are the strongest guys I know. I just have to wait for them to show up.

"From the looks of all of you we need a young guardian round up" Alberta says shaking her head. "I really do hate taking young ones from their families but it has to be done, any 16 year old and up will be able to join the guardians" I didn't like this one bit. They were freakin 16 yr olds. What do they know except partying, girls/guys, and beer pong? She continued talking but I just zoned out.

Then I remembered, I had a whole team of about 90 dhampirs in Europe waiting to help me at a phone call. "Em, remember the gang in Europe?" I whisper to her.

"Uh... Yea, why?"

"They could maybe help you know, 90 dhampirs with no lives and we bring them here to be guardians" Sure, I over exaggerated that they had no lives but really all they do over there is hunt strigoi and party.

"We can't just bring them over here to work, they aren't slaves. How would Michael feel about being placed in an unknown place guarding some rich brats anyway?" She scolded. It was true, they weren't slaves, but they could be willing to help. About Michael, he has a huge crush on me, I can make him go anywhere. I know I know, Rose is so evil, but think about all the people that's gonna die if I don't call them.

I excused myself and went outside to make a quick phone call.

"Hello, my sweet Rosalie" A deep sexy voice came through the speaker, I rolled my eyes and replied, "We need your help. Now."

I bet you're wondering about Michael and the gang in Europe. We'll you have to wait until next week. Haha. How do you think about a bunch of the groups friends coming to court to help.

Did you like to strigoi fight? Who the heck is Jonathan you may ask, that is also in the next chapter. Wow, I put a lot of mysteries in this chapter. Review who you think the gang in Europe or Jonathan is? I will PM the people who get the closest ;).

Don't forget to review, follow, favorite, and all the good stuff!
