Because Vermont is taking too long x

Jake Ballard let out a long and exhausted sigh. It had been a long tiresome day and with this announcement he could tell the rest of the day would only exhaust him more. As the principal of Crestwood Academy, one of the best private elementary schools not only in Burlington but in Vermont, it was his job to keep a tight leash on his staff and students. But he knew with the announcement he was about to make the staff especially the females were about to break loose of his hold.

"So I'm going to make this very short and sweet." Jake cleared his throat gathering the attention of his co-workers. "After a very long and drawn out process I've arranged for Mayor Grant to stop by our school next week Wednesday to talk to the kids and and answer questions."

The room was silent. It was creepily quiet. It was so quiet in fact Jake was certain breathing could be heard. A pin could have dropped and been heard.

"Excuse me?" Claire Ramos choked out, being the extrovert that she was. "Are you talking about Mayor Grant? Like THEEEE MAYOR GRANT?"

"LIKE MAYOR GRANT THAT LOOKS LIKE A MIX BETWEEN JOHNNY DEPP, BRAD PITT AND HUGH JACKMAN?!" Bethany Walters exploded, standing up and heaving as she boomed that out in one loud breath.

"He does not look like any of them." James shook his head. "He's unique. He's gorgeous."

Jake rolled his eyes, choosing to ignore the outbursts and carry on. "Mayor Grant and I attended to the same alma matter and reconnected again through a mutual friend. Anyway long story short I've managed to get him down here for a talk and some Q & A. I'd greatly appreciate it if you took this news to your classrooms and asked them to come up with a few questions each for the Mayor, just in case."

They all nodded their heads.

"Perfect, well that's it really. When Lyndsey and I finalize the seating plan, you'll know exactly where your class will be sitting in the auditorium, and when you're to arrive. Other than that if there are no questions you're all free to go."

That was a mere few days ago, and now to say that Jake Ballard despised Mayor Grant would be the understatement of the year. The simple mention of the man's name had shaken his establishment to the core. Now all the teachers were running around the school like a bunch of headless chickens, spreading the latest gossip concerning the Mayor.

It was no secret that Mayor Grant was seen as a celebrity outside of his work due to his movie star good looks and charm. Jake was sure it was those two things that managed to have him win the election in such a landslide. The female teachers were now in complete and total Grant fever as they referred to it during the campaign trail and the election or as Jake referred to it as; incompetence.

Sure he'd expected a few fangirls to come out of the woodwork at the news, but never did he expect to lose his entire female staff. Especially Olivia Pope. She was by far his favourite teacher, he hired her upon instantly meeting her 3 minutes into the interview, despite the lack she had no teaching experience due to the fact she was only 23 and fresh out of teachers college. However her two degrees from Harvard proved her worthy as she was natural with her second grade class.

Olivia was smart, witty, funny, charming and most of all drop dead gorgeous. He'd seen his fair share of beautiful women in his day, but none of them compared to Olivia. Which was why when Jake saw Olivia gossip and giggling with Claire Ramos over a youtube video of Mayor Grant, it irritated him greatly. She was too smart to be behaving in such an immature and naïve fashion. It angered him to hear her laughing and gossiping with them. She didn't need to, she was far better than that.

Jake had been planning to ask Olivia out since the moment the school year started. But she had recently just moved to Burlington from Boston, and he knew she needed time to adjust. But her time was now up as he'd given her over 7 months, and this entire Mayor Grant debacle was throwing a wrench in his plans.

Jake let out a large and exasperated sigh. It was lunch time and as he sat in his large and swanky office with big doors and a large oak desk, he could still hear Bethany, Claire, Lyndsey and Olivia giggling out in the hallway by Lyndsey; his assistant's desk.

"Only two more days ladies." Lyndsey giggled. "I told my mom and she said she wants a picture and an autograph."

"I haven't told anyone." Olivia admittedly sheepishly. "It feels surreal."

"I haven't told anyone because I don't need anyone screwing this up for me. I'm going to meet my future husband in two days. Two days! The last thing I need is for any bitch to try and screw it up." Claire sassed all of them.

"Sh Claire!" Olivia frowned. "His office is right there, he can probably hear us!"

Jake smiled to himself before pulling out his lunch. Olivia was truly the smartest of the group.

Olivia and her best friend Claire retreated to her classroom to eat lunch. Olivia plonked herself behind her desk while Claire sat in one of the comfy chairs used for parent teacher interviews.

"What in the hell is that?!" Claire turned up her nose at the sight of Olivia's lunch. "That looks like bird food."

Olivia chuckled, taking a spoonful into her mouth. "It's Quinoa you idiot."

Claire's mouth turned to a frown as she pulled out spaghetti from her lunch bag. "Why on earth are you eating bird food Liv?"

"My doctor recommended it. It's healthy and I like the taste of it."

Claire nodded awkwardly. Olivia's health was not a subject they often spoke on, but it was definitely something that lingered on Claire's mind in the back of her head. Claire and Olivia had become friends during their undergraduate at Harvard and eventually decided to move to Vermont together and teach— tired of the crazed city life. It was during the first year of her undergraduate that Olivia informed Claire that she had what was called dilated cardiopathy; a condition where the heart becomes weakened and or enlarged and cannot pump blood efficiently. Luckily for Olivia her condition was quite mild, and minimal medication was prescribed which with time showed to improve the condition of her heart. A healthy balanced diet, a fitness regime and the right set of medication had Olivia in the best state of health in her 23 years.

"You're okay right?" Claire asked nervously. "Like you're not going to die or anything?"

Olivia laughed, as her best friend truly had no filter. It was refreshing to know someone so brutally honest and real. She was grateful to have Claire in her life as a friend. "No Claire, I'm not going to die or anything. I'm okay."

"You promise?"

"I promise."

"Good." Claire let out a loud breath. "I don't know anyone else who'd put up with my shit, so you better not die on me."

Olivia chuckled, attending back to her lunch. "I'll make note of that." The two of them continued to make small tall until Bethany and Abby Whelan joined them after getting Starbucks for each of them. Olivia smiled, taking a sip of her iced green tea lemonade.

"He's single." Bethany said plopping herself on the couch beside Claire.

"Who's single?"

"Mayor Big Dick." Bethany said nonchalantly. "He's single."

"BETH WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?!" Olivia boomed nearly spitting out her drink. Looking at Bethany she seemed innocent as a rose, a soft and gentle face with a sweet voice, but she was nearly as vulgar as Claire.

"Oh Olivia hasn't seen the video." Claire smirked before yanking Olivia's Macbook and searching for a specific youtube video. "Liv you're going to die..."

"Why?" Olivia scratched her head dumbfounded. "What is it?"

Abby chuckled. "Claire found a video of Mayor Grant a charity event two months ago. He's walking and well um...—"

"HIS PENIS STARTS SWINGING." Claire bursted out with no remorse for the lurking little ears that could be sneaking out if the cafeteria. "OLIVIA THE THING IS HUGE! AT LEAST SEVEN INCHES!"

"Claire you've really hit rock bottom you know that..." Olivia teased, hiding the desperation to now see the video.

"Even Abby saw it and drooled, and she hates republicans!" Bethany and Claire said in unison.

"What..." Olivia gasped as Abby had remained the most levelheaded throughout this entire phase. If Abby was able to admit it was good, it had to be spectacular. Abby was hands down the sarcastic, sharp tongued and cunning one of the group.

"It looks pretty big..." Abby admitted with a smirk, sipping her passionfruit tea.

"And it MOVES! The thing is the size of a cucumber and it MOVED! The man has a dancing cucumber in his pants!" Claire cried glee as she finally found the video.

Olivia gulped, mentally and physically preparing herself for the video as she crossed her legs tight. "Show me..." Claire placed the macbook back in front of Olivia and all three of them gathered around her. In HD with volume Claire pressed play with a greedy grin for her 16th viewing of the video.

Olivia was a mess. Since the viewing of the "dancing cucumber" video it was fair to say she was full on sick with Grant fever. She failed to shake the nerves which woke with her today, as today was the day; Mayor Grant would be in the auditorium of her school in less than 3 hours and Olivia still couldn't find an outfit.

She tried three pairs of jeans, a pencil skirt and a pair of leggings with no luck, nothing seemed good enough. After countless mental options Olivia's eyes came across a dress which in fact she'd never worn as of yet. It was nice, but casual enough for work. She could make it work, with some sheer black tights, and pair of brown ankle boots— Olivia Pope could make this work.


After settling her class down in the bleachers Olivia gulped, feeling more nervous than ever before. Why was she behaving like this? After all this was merely the Mayor of Burlington, not the President of the United States; she needed to chill out.

With a deep breath Olivia silently took attendance, pleased with her well behaved class.

"You look nice."

Olivia turned around with a smirk. "So do you Claire."

Claire growled, Olivia looked incredible. Her long black straight hair was parted in the the middle and curled slightly at the end, hanging just below her breasts. She wore a black and grey scoop-necked zebra printed bodycon dress which hugged her hourglass figure like a glove and ended just below her knees, paired with black tights and chunky brown ankle boots. Claire even noticed a line of black eyeliner along her upper lashline, tied all together with a rosy pink gloss.

"Olivia what the hell are you playing at?!"

"Nothing!" Olivia smiled.

Claire took a step closer to her, coming down the stairs. "How many times do I have to tell you that that cock is MINE!"

Olivia's eyes nearly bulged out of her head at Claire's obscene language in front of the children. "What is wrong with you!", Olivia grabbed Claire's wrist, dragging her down the stairs, away from the bleachers and right beside the exit doors away from small ears.

"I know exactly what you're trying to do you little slut and it's not going to work! HE'S MINE!" Claire fired with finality.

Olivia bursted into a fit of laughter. "I like your jeans.", she smirked at the pair of white jeans she'd gotten Claire for last Christmas. Claire paired those jeans with knee high black boots and a fitted black scoop neck shirt. The white against Claire's chocolate skin created a beautiful contrast, not to mention her head of thick black curls looked extra defined today.

"Don't compliment me when you're trying to steal my man you bitch!" Claire said trying her best not to laugh.

Olivia wrapped her arms around a much taller Claire, the height difference between the two of them sizeable. With her boots Olivia stood at a mere 5'3 while Claire stood tall and slender at 5'9. "You look like a model."

"Yeah well how is my boney ass supposed to compete with you in that dress?! I mean seriously Liv! You had to show off your ass and tits?!"

Olivia laughed— amused. "I'm sorry. These last two days I've been acting like a crazy person."

"Yes." Claire said adamantly, neglecting to comment on herself. "You have."

"I mean after all he's just a regular guy. We've been running around like stupid preteens at a One Direction concert. We need to calm the hell down...", her voice trailed off as Abby and Bethany came running at her like a speeding train.

"HE'S HERE!" Bethany cried, her face bright red from the sprint she and Abby just embarked on.


"MAYOR BIG DICK!" Abby and Bethany cried in unison. "HE'S OUTSIDE WITH HIS CHIEF OF STAFF."

Olivia felt her stomach contorting and twisting itself in all kinds of different ways. At one point in time, she genuinely thought she could be sick. "Oh my god... I'm going to pass out."

"YOU'RE GOING TO PASS OUT?! I'M ABOUT TO MEET MY FUTURE HUSBAND!" Claire cried, starting to hyperventilate.

"Do you think he'll sign autographs?"

"He'd better my mom wants one!"

"Do you think he'll stay for photo's?!"

"Do you think he'll let me touch his hair?!"

"GUYS!" Olivia snapped finally regaining her train of thought before Bethany and Abby so rudely interrupted. "We need to pull it together! We're acting like children! If he sees or hears us he's going to think we're all a bunch of airheads when in fact we're all Harvard, Yale or Brown graduates!" Olivia took a deep breath, finally seeing error of her ways.

They all nodded their heads in agreement, forming a semi circle around Olivia as she spoke. "You're right." Abby agreed wholeheartedly.

"So what if he he looks like a movie star? He's not the first sexy guy that you've seen and he won't be the last! So what if he has a hot voice that's smooth, deep and rich that sends shivers up your spine? BIG WHOOP! So what if he eyes eyes the colour of the ocean or hair you just wanna run your hands through!"


"So what if he has a 7 inch penis that swings when he walks?! That thing will probably end up tearing your insides or choking you! No one wants a penis that big!"


"SHUT UP CLAIRE AND LET ME FINISH! YOU NEED TO LISTEN!" Olivia fired out, ignoring the shakiness in Claire's voice or the frozen and blood-drained look on each one of their faces.

"So what if the Mayor makes your panties wet or your knees weak! He isn't the first and certainly won't be the last! So what if he looks like a greek god carved out of 6 foot 4 inches of pure stone...", her voice trailed off and Olivia bit her lip in imagination of his naked form. She looked up to see that none of her friends were listening, in fact they were all the colour of beets, with the exception of Claire of course.

"I'm only 6'2 and a half.", said the hot voice so smooth and deep it sent shivers up her spine. "Wikipedia's full of trash."

Olivia felt her stomach drop in sheer horror. Her entire face burnt up with embarrassment, and her throat tightened almost immediately. Her hands were sweaty, almost as if someone had turned up the heat to full. Before she could stop herself Olivia turned around to come face to face with the blue eyes that she'd been dreaming of for the past week.

"Hi.", he smiled at her, his dangerously handsome features even more enticing him person. His presence alone had Olivia shaking and sweating as she stood there with an open mouth. "I'm Mayor Grant, but I think you already know that."

So this will be a multi chapter love story fanfic because I realized I need a story with minimal angst, pure romance smushy Olitz babies. There will be one or two bumps but they are endgame forever.

For those of you who read my deleted story A Case Of You, you'll realize that Olivia has the same heart condition there as she does here. PSA: Olivia will not die! She will be fine! Her heart condition will serve its purpose later on in the story!

So how absolutely embarrassing for Liv... And yes for those of you wondering Fitz heard pretty much everything she said. Jake is infatuated with Liv and for those worried about him, don't be. He will serve his only purpose which will be to strengthen Olitz's relationship. If you follow me on tumblr you know how much I despise him.

Hope you enjoyed and stick around for the ride!

Until next time! x