Tsukiko Chronicle


Tsukiko Potter, daughter of James and Lily Potter, the girl who lived was having a very bad day. Tsukiko hid in the library after escaping from her uncle Vernon. Tsukiko Potter had a fateful encounter with one dead apostle ancestor, the Wizard Marshal Zelretch. This encounter changed her life and her fate. The girl who once lived in despair, finds hope in her magic and her new family. Fem Harry. Mainly HP/Type-Moon crossover. Minor other crossover. Year one complete.

AN: I do not own Harry potter, Type-moon or anything that's worth ALOT of money. This is non profit and purely for fun.

Version 3 correction 2.25.16


The second of January, 1980

Forest of Godric's Hollow

It was a beautiful night with a full moon, it was the middle of winter with not a cloud in the skies and cold crisp air. James Potter, Lily Potter and their friend Sirius Black were having a walk in the forest near Godric's Hollow to unwind from the stress of their war against Voldemort and his Death eaters.

Lily Potter was around three months along in her pregnancy, the isolation and protective detail was causing havoc on her mood swing, not that the pregnancy didn't add to it already. James Potter had to take his wife outside before he and his protective detail became the latest victims of her more creative hex.

During their travel through the forest, they came across a crossroad junction they had never seen before. James and Sirius immediately gone on alert, ready their wands for a possible death eater attack.

However instead of death eater, they found a woman with skin like alabaster, midnight coloured hair that reached down to her knees, even thought she had her hair tied up with a strange stick with white ribbon ornament. Her black partially white clothing appeared to be form fitting robe with a slightly open front showing her shapely legs and completely open shoulder, it show both her shoulder and cleavage, which Sirius was having a VERY hard time not looking. James Potter was also looking, but soon removed his eyes from her cleavage when he felt cold fury and killing intent coming from his wife.

The three magic users lowered their wands when they realized the woman was of Asian origin, which they knew for a fact she could never be a death eater, considering their pure blood dogma and outright racist attitude that would make the Nazis red with envy.

The exotic woman whom appeared to be in her mid twenties smiled at the three magic users. She said to them in perfect English."Hello, are you heading to Godric's Hollow by any chance?"

Lily Potter was the first to answer, while her husband and his friend recover from their male induced stupor. "Yes, we are heading back to Godric's Hollow from our walk in the forest, My name is Lily Potter, this is my husband James Potter and the dark hair fellow are our friend Sirius Black, Please ignore his drooling vacant expression, he gets like that often when he is around beautiful woman"

The exotic woman smile widened "Where are my manners? My name is Yuuko Ichihara, it is a pleasure to meet you, Lily-san, James-san and Sirius-san" At this point Sirius managed to come back from the land of drool and into the land of the living once more.

Sirius straightened himself up and placed his most charming smile "Excuse my manner, My lady, It is not everyday that I find myself in the presence of such a beautiful woman" Both James and Lily rolled their eyes at his comment. "But I find myself curious as to why a beautiful woman such as yourself in Godric's forest at this time of the night" Sirius narrowed his eyes and was ready to draw his wand at a moments notice.

Both lily and James thought to themselves 'At least he is not a lost cause when facing exotic beauties.'

Yuuko smiled warmly at Sirius "There is no need to be alarmed Sirius-san, I am merely a travelling fortune teller to deliver some artefact for a client of mine"

Sirius relaxed his posture "Oh OK, the town is just down this path, mind if I travel with you? It can be terribly boring travelling with those two love-birds."

James and Lily lost all their respect for Sirius when he performed that one-eighty.

The four Magic users walked toward the town, Sirius decided to strike up a conversation with Yuuko. "So Miss Yuuko, where are you from? Judging by your attire, you're not from around here." Sirius said while mustering all of his will power from lowering his eyes from Yuuko face.

Yuuko smiled and replied with a hint of amusement. "I am from Japan, the attire I wear is part of the business in my magical profession, I..." Yuuko paused for a moment as her smile widened. "...tend to dress more loosely when I am in my shop." At this, Sirius brain froze over, as he was trying to imagine a more scantly clad Yuuko in his mind, much to the annoyance of Lily Potter.

James Potter decided to fill in the conversation and hopefully stop his line of thoughts going down the same route as Sirius, if Lily saw him going down that road, he would be hexed within an inch of his life. "Miss Yuuko, you said you're a fortune teller and you have your own shop, you must be very skilful in the art of divination, truth be told, Magical Britain don't have very many 'reliable' fortune tellers or seers." James Potter said this as he remembered his time in divination class while in Hogwarts.

Yuuko looked at James Potter, one corner of her mouth twitched upwards in amusement. "I can understand your doubt in my claim to be a genuine fortune-teller or seer, the magical community in Japan have the same problem as its British counterpart, so you are right to suspect me" Yuuko paused for a bit, her smile widened and continued. "Prongs." Then she looked over to Sirius who was still in dream land "Padfoot.". With that announcement James Potter's jaw would have hit the floor if it was not hinged on, while 'Padfoot' was still in scantly clad Yuuko dreamland, he did not even notice her called him by his Animagus name.

Recovering from his shock, James Potter stuttered out. "H-how?" then he realized how stupid that sounded.

Yuuko just smiled "Fortune teller. Remember? And don't worry, you and Sirius-san Animagus secret is safe with me."

Any doubt James had about Yuuko being a true seer was blown out of the water. At this point Sirius had finally managed to regain his higher brain function and recall the conversation Yuuko and James had, he almost lost all brain function again when he realized Yuuko was a real seer.

Lily recovered from her shock of meeting a real seer and decided to ask some important questions about their future. "Miss Yuuko, you must know about the current wizard war in Britain." Lily hesitated for a moment but forged on. "How will it end? Can we win against he-who-must-not-be-named?"

At this Yuuko had a sad down cast smile. "I am sorry Lily-San, I have your answer, but I cannot speak of it." At this Yuuko gave Lily a serious look, a look that did not belong to someone of her age. Yuuko continued. "To speak of the answer you wish to know, will in turn make what I said a self fulfilling prophecy, such answer will set off chains of events that will bring many tragedy and lost of life."

Lily Potter looked down cast. Yuuko smiled at her kindly. "Even though I am forbidden to speak about the war, I am allow to read a fortune for your baby if you like."

At this Lily looked up and stuttered. "H-how!?" She then realized she made the same mistake as her husband.

Yuuko smiled widened. "Fortune Teller, my dear, and I am milking it for all it's worth." Lily blushed at that. Yuuko continued. "Is there anything you like me to leave out? Like gender."

Lily shook her head. "Please tell me everything you can."

Yuuko smiled fondly, her hand reached out for Lily stomach. "May I?" Lily nodded her head and gave Yuuko the go ahead.

Yuuko closed her eyes and was silent for a moment as she placed her hand on Lily Potter's stomach. In a gentle and wistful voice. Yuuko said to her. "You will have a beautiful baby girl with dark hair and emerald green eyes." A vision of a young girl age around thirteen to fourteen stood solemnly on a hill.

"She will face many trials in her life." A vision of a six year old girl being mistreated by the Dursley.

"She will meet many great and powerful people, she will meet many friends." A vision of a blond hair young woman, she wore silver and blue armour, she wielded a beautifully crafted sword. Next to her a man in his mid twenty with snow white hair and tanned skin in black and red combat armour, he wielded a pair of white and black scimitar. Another woman in her mid twenty with brown hair and blue eyes in red long sleeve and black skirt that reached the middle of her thighs with long black socks.

"Surrounded by loving families" A vision of a blond hair woman in her early twenty with ruby red eyes, that seemed to glow with endless joy, she wore a white jumper and long purple skirt. Next to her a young man with black hair and glasses, he wore a blue high school uniform, his eyes showed endless longing and kindness.

"And finding love." A vision of a young man with deep blue hair and ruby red eyes, he wore a blue skin tight body armour, he wielded a blood red spear, the man projected an aura of protection and promise.

Lily Potter couldn't understand why, but tears started flowing from her eyes, she felt a sense of profound loss, sadness and joy. James Potter noticed this and said with concern. "Lily, what's wrong?" Only then did Lily noticed she was crying.

Lily said to her husband. "I-I don't k-know. Oh God, this is so embarrassing." Lily quickly wiped away her tears and got her feeling under control. All this time Yuuko was smiling sadly at her.

Yuuko said in a pained voice. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to cause you any distress."

Lily replied quickly. "No. No, its not your fault. I don't know why? I just felt very emotional, must be the pregnancy." At this Yuuko brighten a bit.

Yuuko smiled gently. "Lily-San, have you decided on a name for your baby girl?" Lily smiled back and shook her head.

Yuuko asked. "Would you indulge an old woman and allow me to name your child?"

Sirius came out of his brain freeze and said with amazement. "Miss Yuuko! I would hardly call you old, at worse you look to be in your mid-twenty!"

Yuuko smiled wolfishly at Sirius. "Young man, I am close to five hundred years old, although it does make me feel good, when a strapping young man still find me beautiful." At this comment Sirius Black started to imitate a gold fish, having difficulty in closing his mouth.

Then Yuuko gained a certain twinkle in her eyes and winked at Sirius. Much to Sirius horror, those twinkling eyes reminded him of one Albus Dumbledore. At this point Sirius Black lost all brain function and fainted on the spot. Yuuko let out a mirthful laughter that Lily could not help but follow. After they had spend over a minute laughing at Sirius expense. James Potter took a moment before he followed Yuuko and Lily in their mirth.

After the laughter died down, Lily looked to Yuuko. "Miss Yuuko, I will consider it, if the name is good. What do you have in mind?"

Yuuko looked to the skies and saw the beautiful full moon. Yuuko said to Lily. "How about Tsukiko, it means 'moon child' in kanji, written first with the symbol of moon then with symbol for child." As Yuuko said this, she traced magic light and written the words in mid air. Lily marvelled at Yuuko wandless magic, for some reason Lily liked the pronunciation of Tsukiko.

Lily then said in a low voice. "Tsukiko, Tsukiko Potter." Then with joy in her voice. "I like it."

At this point James Potter said. "Who am I to argue against my wife or a five hundred year old seer."

Yuuko replied. "Not if you value your sanity and manhood, I have seen some of the hex your wife have thrown at you"

At this James Potter recovered quickly. "Right, Fortune teller and seer."

Yuuko looked towards Lily "Lily-San for allowing me to name your child, I would like to leave you with a gift, a small token for entertaining this old woman." Lily looked flustered and was about to refuse Yuuko gift.

However Yuuko beat her to the punch line and said. "Please Lily-San, it's something I wish you and your family to have." Yuuko reached into her robe under her arm and brought out a small palm size crystal square with blue runes written on all twelfth edges and four corners. Lily and James Potter saw the square and sensed the power within the item. It was a work of art, the crystal was completely transparent and the blue runes was carved into the crystal. They didn't know what power it possess, but they got a feeling that whoever created this item, did it out of love and dedication.

Yuuko explained her gift. "This is a recording crystal, it's very similar to Pensieve, when you wish to record someone or something, just give the command 'Record' and follow by the name or names of the person you are recording."

Yuuko then activate the crystal. "Record Yuuko Ichihara." The crystal glowed a gentle blue light and floated in front of Yuuko. "Hi, My name is Yuuko Ichihara, a five hundred year old seer." Then Yuuko gave the command. "End Record." Yuuko gave another command. "Menu." The crystal projected a mid air display with a little folder at the right hand top corner named. 'Recorded Yuuko Ichihara second of January, 1980.' Yuuko tapped on the folder on the mid air display and the crystal began to play out the recording that Yuuko had made a moment ago. After the recording played itself out, Yuuko gave the command. "Close." The crystal deactivated itself, Yuuko caught the crystal before it could hit the ground.

Yuuko then smiled brightly at the gob smacked couple. "Oh, don't worry if it hits the ground, this crystal was enchanted to be indestructible, I'm sure you will find many uses for this gift."

Lily gathered herself and said. "Miss Yuuko. We cannot accept this! It must have cost you a fortune!"

James added. "I have never seen items like this crystal, and indestructible as well you say, this gift is too much. Miss Yuuko."

Yuuko just smiled and said to them. "Well, it's too late to complain about it now, I have already attune the magic in the crystal to the Potter families, and I will not take no for an answer." Yuuko watched in amusement as Lily and James tried to mount a counter argument, but in the end gave up and accepted the gift.

Yuuko then looked to the sky at the full moon, a sad smile appeared on her face. Lily noticed this and said with concern. "Miss Yuuko, are you all right?"

Yuuko smiled sadly at her. "It seems like it is time for us to part ways." Lily was confused by this, since they had not gone far from where they first met Yuuko, they were nowhere near Godric's Hollow. As Lily was thinking about this, the ground around Yuuko had suddenly lit up, as a magic circle started to engrave themselves around the ground of Yuuko Ichihara. James Potter pulled his wife closer to himself and away from the magic circle. The circle was glowing purple and consist of symbols, letters and runes, he had never seen before. The amount of power that was emanating from the circle was staggering, it would have made Dumbledore full strength looked like a match stick fire before a burning inferno.

Lily Potter shouted over the sound of the activated circle. "MISS YUUKO! WHO ARE YOU? REALLY!" Yuuko surprised both James and Lily, when he voice sounded clear even with all the racket the activated circle was making.

Yuuko said to them. "Lily-San. James-San. I am Yuuko Ichihara, Fortune teller, seer, owner of a shop that grants wishes, but most know me as 'The Dimension Witch' or 'The Space-Time Witch', Lily-San, your daughter Tsukiko Potter will go on and do many great deeds and she will touch great many lives. Farewell Lily-San, James-San, it has been an honour to have met you two."

As Yuuko said her farewell, a massive portal appeared above the group and pulled Yuuko and her magic circle into itself. As the light died down, Yuuko, the circle and the very crossroad itself was nowhere to be seen, all that was left, was the crystal Yuuko left them and the memories of her. Surprisingly Sirius slept through the whole ordeal, while the shell shocked Potters tried to make sense of the whole unforgettable encounter.

(Line Break)

Somewhere between dimensions stood one Yuuko Ichihara and a massive magic circle functioned as a platform for her workshop, as she looked into a crystal that showed her the image of the dimension that she had just left behind.

She said with regret. "I'm sorry Lily-San, James-San. I cannot tell you the whole truth, nor can I tell you that neither of you will live to watch your daughter grow up." Yuuko looked sadly into the crystal, a little anger entered Yuuko voice. "They are truly GOOD people, it's a shame that you didn't create a plan that would include their survival. Wizard Marshall Zelretch." Zelretch appear at the far end of the circle behind Yuuko.

Zelretch showed his respect to the space time witch. He said with a neutral tone. "You know my limit Yuuko-San, I am stretching this almost beyond what I am allowed to get away with, just like you. I have my own set of balance I need to deal with." As Zelretch straighten himself up, He said to her. "Did you do as I ask?"

Yuuko looked coldly at Zelretch. "Yes I did, I have removed Tsukiko Potter 'Magic Element' and replaced it with 'Origin Void'. Now Tsukiko Potter have the dual 'Origin' of 'Soul' and 'Void', just as you planned, now I will have my payment."

Zelretch reached into the fold of his jacket and pulled out the jewel sword , Yuuko assistants Moro and Maru went up to Zelretch and took the sword from him. Before Zelretch could leave, Yuuko gave Zelretch a warning. "The rest of this plan is in your hands Zelretch, I have done my part, DO NOT mess this up or the price will be more then you can ever afford to pay."

Zelretch looked back at Yuuko, locking his eyes with hers, a grim visage settle on his face. "Yuuko-San, I will not lose the few people that I have come to care for in my long life, Tsukiko Potter possess the means now to achieve my goal and it will succeed." With this Zelretch returned to his home dimension. Yuuko sighed, she planned to keep an eye on both Zelretch and Tsukiko Potter, in the end she was a part of this plan now, if it fails, the death toll will be enormous.

AN: My Very first attempt at writing a fanfic and a chance at getting rid of the damn muse that's dancing endlessly in my head about this story. I will try my best to push out some more chapters. If you have any advice or wish to review, please don't hesitate to contact me

Thank you for your time and I hope to hear from you soon