(I don't own all of Bleach or Queen's Blade, only my character)

Queen's Blade: Path of the Wandering Spirits

Chapter 1: The Day I Became a Girl

(Playing Naruto's Daily Life from the Naruto OSTs)

Today was like all other days: quiet and calm as Seishin was coming back home Shibuya from Akihabara after his trip from the Soul Society. As he was about to settle in, he felt strong spiritual pressure nearby.

"Aw, man..." Seishin whined while he brushed the side of his hair. "Just when I'm enjoying my time from the Soul Society, things interfere. Now I know how Ichigo feels."

Seishin then heard his cell phone ring. When he picked it up to see who is was, it turned out to be Rukia who was calling him.

"Hello?" Seishin said as he answered his phone.

"Seishin, we have some hollows near the Shopping District." Rukia said as she just arrived; standing on top of the telephone pole near the Shopping District. "Any chance you could come and help me out?"

"Oy, vey..." Seishin sighed. "Do I have to? I just got back from the Soul Society just a day ago, Rukia and I'm still a little tired!"

"Hey! Don't you dare act like Ichigo, Seishin!" Rukia yelled. "It's your duty to help defend the town from Hollows. There's no time for slacking off!"

"What about Ichigo?" Seishin asked. "Where is he?"

"He's busy in Karakura Town." Rukia answered. "A hollow emergency 's happening down there. You're the only one closest in the area."

"Aw, man... Fine, I'll come." Seishin said. "I'll be there in a minute."

"OK, but you better hurry." Rukia replied. There are alot of people down there."

"On it." Seishin agreed as he hung the phone up. He sighed as he took his combat pass out of his coat pocket and ran out the house. While running he held his combat pass tightly and a blue aura began seeping out of it, turning his clothes into his traditional shihakushō. He immediately used flashstep and fled as quickly as he can.

(Song ended)

Meanwhile Rukia; who immediately rushed to the scene, had slain hollows one at a time with her swift swordplay. At the same time she helped out with several groups of people to escape.

"Hurry everyone," Rukia cried, "get out of here quickly while you still can!"

"Rukia, I'm here!" Seishin cried as he appeared beside her.

"Right on time, Seishin." Rukia smirked.

"Yeah..." He replied. "Let's just get this done, so I can relax back at home."

"Ok, then... Dance! Sode no Shirayuki!" Rukia said as she immediately charged at the wave of hollows on her left. "Tsugi no mai, Hakuren!" She unleashed a large wave of ice towards them, freezing them on impact and shattering them afterwards.

(Playing Linkin Park's A Light That Never Comes - Extended and remixed by Dylan Yadav)

"Yep, that's Rukia for ya..." Seishin thought as he turned to his right and looked at the wave of hollows charging at him. He drew his zanpaktou as he prepares to awaken it. "Now Erupt... Reddnouva!"

Seishin's zanpaktou have enveloped into flames and turned from a normal katana into a large khyber blade. The tsuba of the sword has four large dragon wings for prongs, a flame shaped hilt, a dragon's mark swirled around the crimson blade with the silver edge. He then used his Sen Sanzu to eradicate the hollows before him. He then saw another hollow advancing towards the scared young woman in her early twenties; cornering her. Seishin charged at the hollow and immediately sliced it in half.

"H-Huh...?" The young woman looked at the red haired shinigami as he held out his hand. She was a long blonde woman with cerulean blue eyes while wearing a black tanktop with a jean vest over it. She also has on blue skinny jeans with white sneakers.

"Are you ok, miss." Seishin asked. "I hope that creature didn't harm you or anything."

"I'm ok now..." She said. "Thanks for saving me."

"No problem." He replied as he smiled calmly. "Get to safety, I'll tackle this mess."

She watched as Seishin charged back into battle and was amazed at the way he slayed each hollow with ease. One by one, the hollows fall like falling trees by the hands of the red haired shinigami. Rukia stopped as she watched Seishin fight off the remains of the hollows until every single one of them were gone. Seishin then landed on the ground near a food court. Rukia then appeared behind him.

(Song ended)

"You did a good job Seishin." Rukia said. "Good news is that no one was harmed from the hollows."

"Yokatta..." Seishin sighed. "That's good to hear. Sorry about how I acted on the phone, Rukia. i am still a little worn from all the fights back in the Soul Society."

"It's alright, ya redhaired idiot." Rukia teased him while playfully punched his arm. "I can't blame ya. You were working harder that some of us. Go on ahead and take a small break, alright?"

"Thanks, snow angel." Seishin replied as he was going to head back home until that same girl he saved appeared in front of him. "Hey it's you again."

"Yes." She replied. "I want to thank you again for saving me. Here, I want you to have this..."

She held out a gold medallion with the image of a female swordsman on it.

"I'm just doing my job." Seishin chuckled. "But I'll be happy to accept such a gift. Thank you very much."

"You're very welcome." The young woman said. "This medallion was passed down from my great grandmother and is hundreds of years old. It's supposed be a magical item. I don't really know what it can really do but I wear it as a good luck charm. I hope you'll have plenty of good luck in the future."

"That's pretty cool! I'll cherish it well." Seishin said while wearing a warm smile on his face as he bowed and left using flashstep.

Later that night, Seishin was back at home; after taking a long bath to relax himself, he went to bed. While in bed, he looked at the medallion he got. He looked at how it was designed while he remembered what the young lady told him:


"This medallion was passed down from my great grandmother and is hundreds of years old. It's supposed be a magical item. I don't really know what it does but I wear it as a good luck charm. I hope you'll have plenty of good luck in the future."


"Is there something troubling you, Seishin?" His inner hollow said.

He didn't say a word until he decided to wear it. "No, nothing's wrong, hollow. Just looking at the medallion is all."

Seishin went right to sleep, however his hollow looked at the medallion around his neck and pondered while he folded his arms under his chest.

"Something tells me there's more to that medallion than just good luck." His hollow said to himself. "Best be keeping an eye on what may happen."

The next day came; Seishin and Rukia had just finished slaying a few hollows near the Meiji Shrine in Omotesandō. He gripped his long curved, flame-colored cleaver zanpaktou and hung it over his shoulder and held it behind his back as he enjoyed the scenery.

"Hey, Seishin!" Rukia cried as she appeared beside him. "I just finished eliminating hollows in the Western side of the town. How did it go for you?"

"It's been take care of, Rukia." Seishin answered as he nodded. "It's becoming a little easier now, huh?"

"I can see that;" Rukia replied, "espeially since you're wearing the medallion that shaman gave you the other day huh? You also appeared to be more energetic now that what you were before."

"Yeah, a good night's rest was all it needs and boy, I do need that." Seishin chuckled while he rubbed the side of his head.

"Well, I'm glad you're feeling a lot better." Rukia said as she opened a senkaimon. "Come on; let's report to the Head Captain that all hollows in the city are all eliminated."

"Ri-" Just as Seishin was going to reply; he sensed and spotted the hollow above him, jumping towards its prey across the street and into an alley.

"Seishin, that hollow is pursuing someone." Rukia said.

"I'm on it!" Seishin cried as he left using flashstep.

"You idiot, wait up!" Rukia closed the senkaimon and immediately followed Seishin.

Seishin arrived to the location and saw the hollow trapping the young girl in an alleyway. She cringed in fear from the approaching hollow whose eyes are locked on her, wanting to devour her.

"Mommy, please come save me!" She cried. Just then her mother came to her rescue.

"This way, come on!" The mother said as she and her child ran as quick as she can from the hollow, until she tripped over a crack in the ground and fell face first ont eh ground. The hollow was inches away from the two.

"No, please leave us alone!" The little girl cried but no avail to the hollow. She hugged her mother closely and cringed in fear. "Help us! Somebody, please... help us! NOOOOOO!"

As the two saw the hollow and screamed for help, Seishin appeared in between them using flashstep, and stopped the hollow from attacking them as he pointed his zanpaktou at the creature, stopping it in its tracks.

"You two, get to safety!" Seishin cried. "I'll take care of this."

The mother and child nodded as they got back up to their feet. They thanked him and ran off. Seishin watched them as they left and then he turned back to the hollow. Rukia saw the whole thing and decided to aid the mother and child to safety.

"Seishin, you better do this quick." Rukia thought.

The hollow attempted to attack him with its claws but Seishin evaded them using flashstep. Then it fired a red Cero out of its mouth towards him, but he used his zanpaktou's attack Sen Sanzu to deflect the attack. The two beams exploded and made a large smoke cloud that covered the two of us.

"Now!" Seishin thought as he gripped his zanpaktou tightly and then charged towards it through the smoke. Just as the smoke clears, he stabbed it through its mask, mortally killing it. Just as he was going to relax himself, the hollow grabbed him and pinned him to the ground at the last second. Then, it began roaring loudly as its spiritual pressure spikes to unstable levels, attempting to self-destruct itself, taking him with it. By the time it began roaring, Rukia sensed the spike of reiatsu.

"Seishin, I'm coming!" Rukia cried. She hurried as quickly as she can to where Seishin is. By the time she got there she saw the hollow was fully-charged, about to blow any second and in its claws pinned to the ground was Seishin. She charged towards the hollow but the hollow fired a powerful cero, stronger than the one used against Seishin. Rukia immediately used flashstep to evade it and appeared a few feet away from the location. Seishin looked at the gold medallion around his neck while struggling to free himself.

"Alright, lucky medallion…" He spoke to the medallion "If you're supposed to give me eternal good luck or something, now would be the time!"

"SEISHIN!" Rukia cried as she charged towards the two as quick as she cal. Seishin closed his eyes as he struggled to free himself, unknowing that the medallion began to glow. As the hollow made one final loud roar and Rukia's final cry to him, the medallion glowed brightly and immediately transported Seishin at the same time the hollow exploded. Rukia was flown back by the explosion's shockwave and landed on the ground.

"Seishin!" Rukia cried as she got back up, only to see an ash ring around the area the hollow and Seishin, but she didn't sense any traces of his spiritual pressure. "I got to report this to the captains, right away. I fear he's… dead…"

Rukia opened an senkaimon and rushed inside the sliding door entrance, en route to the Soul Society. Meanwhile, Seishin fell through a portal, safe and unscathed, but unconscious all the same. Within his subconscious, his inner hollow tried to call out to him but was unable to reach him. When he then woke up, he appeared on the cliff of a mountain while he saw the sun-setting sky above him.

"Ow… Man, that landing definitely hurts… I hope it won't happen again. But at least I survived that fall." Seishin thought. He looked around at the new surroundings

"Seishin..." His inner hollow called him. "Are you ok? Say something!"

"Y-Yeah, I'm ok." He replied until he heard his inner hollow but then he heard how he speaks. "Hollow... Why do I sound like a girl?"

"That's because you turned into a girl." Seishin's hollow said.

"What, a girl?" He pondered. "Don't be stupid, I am still a boy."

"You might have to look at yourself..." He said as he pointed at the puddle of water near him.

"Huh...?" Seishin rushed to the puddle and saw the reflection of his...er, herself. When he saw his new look, he appeared to have a young buxom figure with a hourglass waistline. his hair, skin and shihakushō all remained the same. He also noticed that his new chest is just as big as Yoruichi's.

"What the hell happened to my voice? What the hell happened to my hands? Why the hell do I have these large sweater-melons on my chest?" WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO MY BODY!" Seishin cried as his voice was loud enough to scare birds away out of the bushes as he began panicking in a upward fetal position.

"Seishin, just calm down and think things straight." His hollow said to him. "It seems that we were transported to another world and I assume the medallion helped transport you were lucky that that medallion saved you."

"So you think I became a girl because of this thing?" Seishin asked.

"It appears so..." His hollow said. "Hopefully it's temporary."

"Ok, then." Seishin agreed as he got up and began looking around until he then noticed a young girl wearing a small white cloak while carrying a sword was passing by a small set of brick ruins. Aware of her surroundings, she sensed a presence. As she turned around, she saw a pink haired, well-endowed girl with blue eyes sitting on one of the arcs.

"Are you the one that attracts travelers?" The young girl asked the pink endowed girl.

The pink endowed girl giggled at the question the cloaked female asked.

"So what if I am…?" She asked.

"Then I'll slay you." She replied with intension.

"Hmmm… You intend to be the end of me?" She wondered. "This will be fun." The young girl glared at the pink woman as she jumped off the arc and attacked the cloaked woman with a sword she manifested. "Even though you're wearing a cloak, I know who you are…" She smirked. "Your scent is from the Vance family."

While the fight started, Seishin's getting a slight hard grasp on what happening now. What the agenda of this pink haired girl has.

"Both of them are skilled, no doubt about that..." Seishin thought, "but that pink haired woman... It seems she's... toying around with the blonde woman."

"Take this!" The blonde girl charges at her again and manages to strike the female from the shoulder down, but instead of damaging her it literally went right through her like a knife through butter. The pink haired one smirked as he wound suddenly regenerated and tried to cut her down, but she evaded it slightly. Only her scarf that covered her face fell.

"What the- You're not Claudette?" The pink woman gasped.

"My name is Leina." She said, "And I am a noble warrior."

She resumed her advance against the pink haired woman. Seishin on the the other hand heard her name.

"Leina, huh?" Seishin thought.

"I have a feeling that this fight won't go well for the blonde one." His hollow said. "That slime girl has the upper hand."

"We're gonna have to help her." Seishin thought.

"Just give it a minute." Seishin's hollow replied.

Back to the battle

"That's so strange…" The slime girl wondered. "I swore I recognized Claudette's aroma, but you are clearly no Claudette. The Thundercloud General would have put up a much better fight than this."

"This isn't good at all..." The blonde woman thought as she held her ground while panting.

"Aw, you look so confused." The slime girl asked with a smile.

"What is it that you want?" Leina asked the slime girl.

"Don't be so dense…" She said. "I'm crushing the most powerful fighters on the continent; any who hope to enter the Queen's Blade."

"What is this Queen's Blade?" Leina asked.

"Every four years the world's finest female warriors compete in a battle for the right to rule as queen and it's about to begin again!" She answered. "This is disappointing… Based on your scent I thought I would be fighting Claudette, the lead candidate for Queen. Why do you smell like her?"

"Queen's Blade?" Seishin thought. "Strange name. But I have a feeling it might have its perks."

Elsewhere another female with long red hair wearing a redhead band with an tight jacket as her top, a detailed piece around her neck, black panties with a red belt over them, and armguards high up on her arms with feathers protruding from them watching them from above. She heard the names that slime girl and Leina said.

"Those names… Claudette and Leina…" The redhead female pondered on how those names are familiar to her. Then she dug into her bag and found a wanted paper with Leina's face on it. "Leina Vance of the renowned Vance family. That makes her Claudette's little sister. Damn, this is gonna be getting interesting!" She smiled and watched the fight some more.

"I'm gonna exterminate you!" Leina got back up; gripped her sword and charged towards the slime monster. The slime girl evaded each of her moves playfully. She then used her hands that had covered her breasts and squirted acidic breast milk at Leina. The acid dissolved her sword as well as her clothing. The slime girl giggled as she watched her clothes being dissolved by the acid.

"Damn it!" She squealed.

"It's so cute the way you squeal when you're terrified. I can't believe what a weakling you are."

"She squirts breast milk... that melts things." Seishin's hollow thought. "What. The. Hell.

"Best not to think about it, hollow... Please..." Seishin thought as he while facepalming his blushing face. "But right now, the only thing I'm thinking about doing... is saving that girl."

Seishin immediately jumped off the cliff and then dived down; head first towards the battle.

"I don't know what to do." Leina thought to herself. "But if I don't do something, I'm doomed." Leina glared at the slime girl though she doesn't have a weapon.

"Bring it, you wicked little monster!" Leina barked at the slime girl, which made her irritated at the remark. In an instant, she charged at her and gripped her neck as she began choking her to death.

"What did you say?" She asked. "You just called me a little monster, didn't you?" The slime girl began tightening her grip around Leina's throat. "No one has ever said that and lived to tell about it. I'm gonna kill you now. It's the only way I can be sure you won't cause any trouble. Say goodbye, Leina."

Leina tried to fight off her grip but no avail as she was almost out of breath. Just as she was almost dead by the slime girl's hands, a flame colored sword with a dragon's mark cut off her arm, dropping Leina as the dust covered the area. The redhead female saw what happened in an instant.

"What the - -?" She asked. "Who could have done that?"

(Now playing Shiro Sagisu's Chokkaku {Breakbeat Raiden Remix})

As the smoke cleared, Leina saw the red haired swordfighter. The slime girl looked up and saw the swordfighter beside the blonde swordswoman.

"Hey, are you ok?" Seishin asked her with concern in her voice as he/she spoke to Leina while looking at the Slime Girl... as well as cover the blush on his/her face

"Yeah, thank you..." Leina said as she passed out.

"You bitch! Who the hell do you think you are?" The slime girl rebuked. Seishin remained unmoved from her insult

"I see you like to fight stronger opponents, am I right?" Seishin asked. "May I ask for your name?"

"Huh?" The slime girl was rather surprised. "Strange, you're the first person who wants to know my name. But since you kindly asked, I'll gladly tell you. My name is Melona, the Protean Assassin and I am here to eliminate anyone who hopes on entering the Queen's Blade."

"I see." Seishin nodded with his eyes closed. "Thank you."

"Now tell me what your name is! I'm dying to know." Melona said as she emphasized her reply.

Seishin began pondering over what his new name might be. If he says his actual name which is a male's name, he'll be rather embarrassed to not only himself, but his opponents too. Just then, he came up with a name to blend with his new female self.

"I'll gladly tell you..." Seishin said as he drew his zanpaktou from his sheath. "My name is Seika Samayou... And I'll be your opponent"

Melona began laughing with her hand covering her mouth at the red haired shinigami before her. She looked up at the swordswoman and said, "You as my opponent? Don't make me laugh! Many females had come to face me but failed to defeat me. What makes you so different from the others?"

"Well unlike the others, I know how to pick a fight with strong opponents." Seika said, "Even against monsters like you."

"You dare call me a monster!" Melona said as she gripped her weapon tightly in her hands when she glared at the calm determined look Seika has. "I will have to give you credit. You are the only one who doesn't show fear in your eyes."

"Thanks..." Seishin complemented. "Now show me what you got!"

Seika and Melona both charged at each other with full force. When they got close, Melona quickly made the first move, locking blades with the crimson haired shinigami. She struggled to push him down, but she saw Seika smirk as she pushed Melona away with intensive force. Melona flipped and safely landed on her feet and glared back at her.

"She's pretty strong for a foreigner." Melona thought to herself. "How come I never seen this girl before?"

Seika charged at Melona and made a downward swing over her head, forcing her to block it. Melona growled for a second but then smirked at her as she immediately used her acidic breast milk to damage her and her zanpaktou. Seika anticipated it and immediately used flashstep to evade it. She then appeared beside the unconscious Leina and then looked at her sword covered in the acidic breast milk.

"Whoa, she's fast!" The red haired muscle girl thought.

"Heh, looks like your weapon's about to melt." Melona giggled and teased her. "How will you beat me with a melted weapon?"

"I'll show you..." Seika said as she pointed her zanpaktou towards Melona. "Now, Erupt... Reddnouva!" Seika and her zanpaktou were enveloped in the ball of flames. Melona and the red haired woman were surprised to see what's going on.

"What kind of magic is this?" Melona cried as she saw Seika within the ball of flames as it began clearing up. As the flames and dust cleared, she emerged carrying her scarlet khyber blade with a flame shaped hilt with metal wings for prongs and a dragon's mark wrapped around the blade.

"No magic... Just a power... The power of my zanpaktou." Seika said as she pointed her zanpaktou. "Now, Protean Assassin Melona... With this very blade, I shall end this match and you'll do nothing about it."

"You..." Melona's smile was gone but in her eyes were her killing intent. She growled with her teeth clenched and her grip on her sword was tightened up so much that she might break the handle. She starred at the calm determined look Seika gave.

"You dare to look down on me?" Melona said while trying to keep her anger down. "You think you can out-best me; somewhere deep inside that mortal mind of yours that you think you can beat me? I won't stand for it!"

"Hmph... Then try to prove me wrong, monster." Seika rebuked Melona which ticked her off. Her sadistic smile came back and her eyes were wide opened with her passion to kill the swordswoman burning inside her.

"I am gonna enjoy killing you nice and slow, swordswoman! You and that meddlesome Leina!" Melona said as she manifested a bigger sword; just as big as Seika's. While Melona charges towards Seika, Leina slowly wakes up to see the swordswoman fighting in her place simply raise her swords up as it began glowing in a firey yellow aura.

"DIIIEEEEE!" Melona cried as she jumped towards the two girls, only to see a golden aura from her opponent's sword.

"Sen... SANZU!" Seika unleashed a golden high density beam from her blade as it went towards Melona. Melona tried to block it, but the overwhelming power of Seika's attack overwhelmed her. As the smoke clears, two things were shown: A deep gash in the earth before Seika and Melona badly damaged as she struggled to get back up.

(Song ended)

"She's too strong!" Melona thought while she slowly gets up; enduring her injuries. "Damn it... I have no choice..."

"Damn... you..." She muttered. "You haven't seen the last of me, Samayou! I'll be back to kill you and that blonde bitch!"

Seika didn't say a word, but all she did was watch Melona make a hasty retreat. She then returned her zanpaktou back in its sheath and then sighed calmly.

"Even with this female body, my strength hasn't changed." Seika said as she looked at her hands. Just then the red haired muscle girl came down. Seika saw her and prepared to fight her.

"Hold it!" She said. "I'm not here to fight. I am not an enemy."

"We should trust her, Seish- I meant Seika." Seika's inner hollow said. She then nodded as she calmed down.

"You saw the fight, didn't you?" Seika asked her while rubbing the tip of her nose with her index finger.

"I did." She answered with a smirk. That was an impressive display you did there."

"Thanks." Seika replied as he looked at her and then sensed someone coming. "We'll save the formalities for later. Right now we need to find a place for her to rest. "

"Right. " Risty agreed as she followed Seika, who carrying the unconscious Leina Vance, to a safe place away from others who would find her. By the time the small blue haired angel arrived to the location, they were long gone.

"Late! I'm so late!" The blue haired angel cried as she arrived to the top of one of the arcs, closed her eyes and readied herself to make her announcement. "I am the Angel of Hope, known as Nanael! All of those who will take part of the Queen's Blade Tournament shall bear witness to your gallantry and valor, and now, let the Gates of Trails be opened!"

When she finished making her big announcement, nothing had happened. But as she opened her eyes, she noticed that none of the fighters are not around.

"Aw, man!" Nanael cried. "Why can't I host one lousy match, if there's nobody arouind?!" Stubborn to find contestants for the first round of the Queen's Blade Tournament, Nanael flew off.

Later that night, Leina; who was unconscious from her recent fight, woke up on an area next to a small lake. As she got up, she saw Risty washing herself. She stopped and turned around to see Leina finally awake.

"Where am I?" Leina asked as she looked at the new surroundings.

"You're in a safe place, now." Risty said as she made a calm smirk while she dressed herself. Then she sat with her by the fire, carrying her bag. "My name is Risty, Benevolent Bandit of The Wild. That fight of yours didn't go off that well…"

"That woman…" Leina wondered as she remembered that girl she fought. "Who was she?"

"That nasty creature you tussled with was called Melona." Risty replied while digging in her bag. "She works for the Swamp Witch; I'm afraid you're no match for her."

Leina began wondering about the Swamp Witch and how strong she is.

"The Swamp Witch…"

"It was foolish to challenge her without realizing your strength…" Risty said with a calm smirk as she shifted her eyesight towards Leina. "You should be more careful… If you want to live…"

Leina, now snapped out of her thought process, now noticed Risty digging in her bag.

"Hey!" She said in a stern voice. "Give that back, it's mine!"

"Suit yourself…" Risty tossed the bag to her. "Besides, I didn't save you when Melona almost killed you."

"Hmm…?" Leina's eyes widened in a bit of a surprise. "If you didn't, then who did?" Leina began wondering who saved her until a young woman who wore a Shihakushō and carried a sword on the side of her waist. She then looked up and saw her dark crimson hair; she then remembered that same one who saved her from Melona.

"Are you ok, Leina?" The young shinigami asked.

"Yes, I am now..." Leina replied while she was trying to cover herself. Risty tossed her a blanket. "Thank you for saving me, umm..."

"It's Seika. Seika Samayou." She replied. "I am a Soul Reaper."

"Soul Reaper…?" Leina wondered.

"So you are a person who attacks souls?" Risty asked.

"Something like that…" Seika replied. "Soul reapers are beings that protect souls and keep the peace between this world and another world."

"I see…" Risty said. "You soul reapers are like guardian of souls, correct?"

"In short terms, yes." She answered.

"Seika, right?" Leina asked her name, which she nodded. "Thank you for saving me… I would've died if you haven't been there. My name is Leina. Sorry that I didn't introduce myself earlier."

"It's ok, Leina and you are welcome." She smiled and replied. "Tell me, why are you out here in the first place?

"She's a wanted criminal, Seishin." Risty interrupted. "She's one of the daughters of Count Vance… and I'm here on the other hand to return her…"

"Is that true, Leina?" Seika asked. "Are you a member of a royal family…?"

Leina sighed as she shook her head.

"Yes, I am…" She replied. "But I have a reason I have left that place."

"You want to follow your own path to become a warrior." Risty said

"Yeah..." Leina answered. "But my father, the Count and sisters wants me to become next in line to become Empress. I tried to reason with them but they couldn't take no for an answer."

"I saw what had happened through your life." Seika felt sympathy for the young blond woman. "I'm sorry you had a stuck-up life as a member of a royal family… and to become next in line to take over the capital."

"Don't worry, Seika…" Leina replied. "I'm just gonna escape again and follow my own path."

"I see…" She calmly nodded. "I also saw some potential in you as a fighter, and it steadily growing."

"Thanks… but I need more time to get stronger…" She glared at her clenched fist.

"…and you will…" Seika smiled as she touched her shoulder. Leina looked at her and smiled.

"Alright, you two…"Risty interrupted them. "We got to get some rest. I'm taking Leina to her home in the morning."

"I may as well wear a mask to cover my face." Seika said as she looked at her hands.

"Why do you want to wear a mask when you approach others but show your face to people like me and Risty?" Leina's question also got Risty's attention.

"It's because…" Seika lies on the ground next to the fire. "I only show my face to those with a reason they are fighting. You, Leina, have a unique path that you follow; something only a certain few saw. Risty on the other hand fights to help others out… When she said 'Benevolent Bandit of The Wild', she reminds me of Robin Hood. She fights against the rich and gives it to the poor."

"I see. Ok, we'll talk on our way to my home…" Leina lies down and went to sleep; Risty smirked as she heard what Seika complemented about her when she went to sleep after Leina. Seika looked at the stars for a little bit and went to sleep, until Risty called her.

"Seika, one question that left me wondering..." Risty wondered. "Where did you come from."

Seika calmly sighed and said, "All I can say is, after we get to the capital... then I'll tell you everything."

"Heh..." Risty smirked. "Alright, but I'm holding you to that."