Hey. As I promised, I am trying to continue more stories.

I would really enjoy reading your reviews, if you have any.

Hope you enjoy it.

The past week has went by pretty casually. Quinn and I returned to normal, well normalish. I started paying much more attention to the things we usually do; cuddle, holding hands, kisses on the cheek and etc. We kind of stopped doing those and that has made things pretty awkward. Me and Brittany hadn't talk all week, she is still pretty pissed off of me for canceling our dinner. But, so far so good, as the optimist bitches would say.

It was Friday night and I was a little under the weather so we decided to just stay in and back cupcakes, my family went to visit my grandma but I got a pass. After changing into black leggings and one of my dad's huge sweaters, I went down stairs only to find that no one was there.

"Quinn." I yelled. "Move your lazy ass down here pronto."

"Shut up." She yelled back. "It's hard deciding which clothes I don't mind you ruining." She fired back.

"Bitch please, I am a master baker."

"Sure." She murmured. "Give me a minute."

I decided to go to the kitchen to organize our supply ingredients for the cupcakes when a knock on the door send me to the other direction.

I opened the door and felt shocked for a second "M-Mr. Fabray, how can I help you?"

"You can call my daughter because I'd like to have a word with her." He said looking rather calmed.

I moved to let him in and I heard Quinn's footsteps descending the stairs.

"Here I am only a minute and..." She looked shocked, "dad."

"Hello Quinn."

"Hey." She said looking at me uncomfortably.

Mr. Fabray turned to me, "Santana could you leave us alone? I would like to talk to my daughter in private."

"No way, I am staying right here." I said sternly.

"Santana it's fine, I'll be okay."

"Quinn, I am not goi-"

"Santana it's really fine, please let us speak." Quinn jumped in and looked at me with her big eyes, reassuring me that I can leave.

"Okay, I'll be right in the back yard if you need me." I said to her without breaking eye contact and then I did something I hadn't done in a week. I took two steps towards her and squeezed her hand gently. She smiled a small smile and then I walked away.

I sat on my old swing set at the back looking at the night starts when I heard Quinn shouting. I couldn't tell what exactly, but after five minutes of not hearing a sound I didn't took any chances. I ran back to the house and I saw Mr. Fabray gripping Quinn's upper arm and I snapped.

I walked quickly and shoved him away, freeing Quinn from his death grip. "I want you to leave my house right now." I said.

Mr. Fabray looked at Quinn "Are you coming with me?" He asked calmly.

Quinn had four dark purple bruises on her arm and small tears dripping on her cheeks. She didn't answer right away and when I tried to look her in the eyes she shifted her gaze to the floor.

"No, she is not coming with you." I answered for her, there was no way in hell I would have let go with him.

"Who are you thinking you are?" He yelled.

"I am someone who wants what's best for Quinn. She deserves to wake up every day smiling and happy and not terrified. She deserves warmth and love. She deserves everything because she is so good. She's a better person than me and yet I have two parents who love me and a family. She deserves it all and I am going to try and give her what she deserves, and right now she deserves you leaving." I didn't know from where I brought that little speech, but I do know I meant every word of it.

Mr. Fabray looked at me for a second more and then he turned around and left, shutting the door behind him.

It was dead quite after he left. I was still looking at the door, and I didn't have the nerve to turn around and look at Quinn.

"Santana." Quinn said just above a whisper.

"Yes?" I said just as quite, without turning around.

Instead of saying something Quinn started crying. It was not a sob, it was a full on crying. I quickly turned around and saw her sitting on the carpet hugging her legs. She tried to talk between sobs, but she was so hysterical, I couldn't understand a word.

"Quinn honey, it's fine, he's gone, I am so sorry, I am so sorry."

I sat down beside her and pulled her all body towards me. I didn't said any calming words and I didn't stroke her back. I just hugged her so hard that she will know I was there. She cried for so long, more than twenty minutes and my heart just broke seeing her hurting so much. Somewhere along those twenty minute I started crying myself. Even after she stopped sobbing I kept holding her tight, waiting for her to completely comedown.


"I am here."

"I-I-I am sorry."

"You didn't do anything, you have nothing to be sorry about. If anything, I am sorry I left you."

She lifted her head from my chest and backed a little. "I did, I did do something. My life sucks and you're the one good thing about it right now and I just pushed you away, I didn't even try to be there for you and I-"

"Quinn, what are you talking about?, I am not-"

Before I knew it Quinn inched closer and captured my lips in a heated kiss. A few seconds later, when my brain began working again I had gently pushed her away.

"Quinn. I want you. So much. That day when you suggested we just be friends has crushed me, but I put on a smile for you. Right now you're not ready for this, and it's not fair to you or to me, but I am willing to wait for as long as it takes you to be ready."

"You are?" She asked in disbelief.

"You're worth it."


What do you think will happen next?

Tell me what you thought.

Thank you