Hello Spencer here. This is my second story and I'm really really happy. I have this great idea for the story and I can't wait to finish writing this.

I really hope you'll enjoy it.

Feel free to judge me and to tell me what you think. Thank you!


"You told me." I tried to yell at her through the tears threatening to come out "you told me you want to be with me." the tears were now flowing freely down my cheeks "you said that when you and Artie will break up you'd be with. Did you lie? Did you. Fucking lie?"

She tried to reach and touch my arm but I didn't let her. I didn't care that in 2 minutes the bell will ring and kids will start floating to the parking lot. "Don't touch me" I yelled. I felt Like giving up, just let go and break in the middle of the lot. I looked up to her eyes and they were shining from Tears, a darker shade of blue. No she wouldn't make me feel bad now, I'm not going to let her see how much a single word she says can affect me so bad. I turned around and started running like my life depended on it. I didn't turn around when I heard Brittany yells to me and I didn't turn around when I accidentally bumped an old lady.

I got home and heard laughing from the kitchen. Probably my brother and his football team. I knew they would question my early appearance in the house, and would tease me until I'll spill the beans. So I quickly and quietly went up the stairs and locked my bedroom door behind me.

Looking around the room made me feel a little bit better. My room is the awesomest room alive. My amazing parents let me redecorate it last year for my sweet sixteen, they even bought me a car. A black BMW. They aren't filthy rich or something, it's just I'm there only little daughter with 3 brothers.

I look around and someone tidied a bit. The room is pretty big, I have a queen size bed in the middle with dark red shits. Dark purple walls and a black writing desk in the corner with a Mac book sitting on it. I look over to my closet and smile a little bit when I see someone managed to close him, I assume it was my mami.

I throw my bag on the bed before grabbing a pair of grey sweats and a white t-shirt with a picture of me on a horse when I was eight. When Quinn and I have sleepovers that's the shirt she always sleep with so I kind of like it cause it smells like her. Once I asked her what's the obsession with this particular shirt, she just shrugged and said it's remains her of a time when I was actually cute.

I went into my bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. My eyes were puffy from all the crying. And my lower lip was bruised from the habit of biting it when I'm nervous. My light make up was smeared and I looked like a scary clown. I smiled a sad smile to my reflection and started cleaning my face. After I was done I decided it wasn't enough to wash this terrible day off me so I hop in the shower. Memories from Me and Brittany's fight flashed across my closed eyes as I washed my hair slowly. I shook those thoughts out of my head and left the shower.

After drying my hair and putting on clean clothes I felt million times better. I throw my dirty clothes into the hamper and went back to my room. I opened the night stand and searched for the latest book I was reading. It was king of my guilty pleasure, beside Quinn no one knew about my love of reading. I am after all the Cheerios captain. The book I'm reading this days is little women, not the first book I would pick but Quinn insisted it was the best book she ever read. It really wasn't so bad.

I guessed I lost track of time while reading cause after what felt like five minutes, which was after a short glance on the clock four hours, I heard a knock on the door. "Mija, dinner is served in fifteen." My mom said. I heard the tiredness in her voice. working so hard as a teacher every day and then coming home and making a dinner for a small army must be really hard on her. I let out a soft agreement sound and shut the book. I pulled my hair into a messy bun and left my room jumping to stairs at a time.

Downstairs I went into the living room where I saw my brothers Daniel and Ethan playing the play station. "Piggy, you need to press other buttons instead of the ex one all the time" Ethan told Daniel playfully while tickling his sides.

"But I'm winning Ethan." Daniel pouted cutely.

"there is a different between winning and being lucky D."

Ethan is my older brother. He is eighteen, In The middle of his senior year in school. We go to the same high school- "William McKinley high school". Ethan is the quarterback of the football team and thanks to him they win every game. he is the most popular guy in school. Yep, the Lopez family rules there. Anyway, he is a great guy who just received a football scholarship to Ohio states university and an awesome big brother to me and to Daniel Who is only five, he is so charming when he'll grow up I promise he'll be a great lady man.

"both of you suck." I said and sat between them on the brown leather couch. "at least little piggy have style while doing this." I said and the little sweetheart flashed me a toothy grin. He paused the game and got up to kiss my cheek.

"I love you Sanny."

"I love you to big guy."

"hey, just when I stated winning? Come on Dani let's continue." Ethan said a bit annoyed.

"Ethan come help your old mama." My mom yelled from the kitchen. He mumbled something I didn't catch and got of the couch to go help.

"why are you sad Sanny? I don't like seeing you sad."

I didn't know how to say it without scarring him for life. My parents and brothers knew about my liking girls and they all excepted it but Daniel was only five. I don't know how to explain to him about my girls trouble. It's not really trouble though, It's just really complicated. What should I say, me and my friend/fuck buddy/the girl I like are fighting? Kind of a thin ice I'm walking on here.

"I'm ok baby." He gave me his famous pout. "Just had a long day with a lot of homework and it's sometime hard to handle." I brushed his hair aside the way I liked it and continued "just grown ups trouble. You'll get there piggy."

"If you need me I'm always here."

"Everyone dinner is on the table. Two minutes before it will wait on your beds instead." My mom threatened. Daniel run to the table and I followed suit.

I'm a bitch. I know it. Everyone know it. There is a couple of theories why. My favorite id that being gay in secret makes me mad at the world or something. I think I'm like that because we need amazing people near us, and the fact I have all of this layers makes me awesome, one of my many layers is bitchy. the only people who I barley snaps at are Daniel cause he is just to darn cute and Quinn.

I sat at my sit and looked around me. on the table where five plates. Green salad, potatoes and some sort of meat who looked good. My father sat at the head of the table, to his left were my mother and to his right me. Next to me sat Ethan and next to my mom sat Daniel.

"How was school today Santana?" My father asked while cutting is piece of meat.

"It was ok. Nothing much happened." I said while playing with my salad. "Ohh, I go an A in my chemistry test that was last week."

"Good job."

We ate in silence from there on. It wasn't an awkward silence though. When we all finish eating I took the plate and started washing them in the sink. I heard noise behind me and turned around a bit scared.

"Jesus, it's just me. I came to help." Ethan said And began drying the plates I washed. "Thought you wanted to talk about what happened at school today." I looked at him with horror probably in my eyes, I thought me and Brittany's little chat went unnoticed by the other kids is school. Ethan understood what my line of thinking "don't worry." He quickly said "I just looked for you at the end of the day seeing if you wanted a ride home, and according to Brittany you two fought and then you left." He sighed and asked "what happened?"

I really didn't want to talk about it, we'll not to him. again it looked like he understood. "Sorry, I not this is not place I'm just concerned about you."

"I'm a big girl Ethan. I will be ok. I just really am not ready to talk about it. Not yet." I gave him the biggest smile I could, which was pretty lame. He just shrugged and left. After finishing with the dishes I climbed upstairs to my room. I went under the cover, tomorrow is a new day I thought to my self as I drifted of to sleep.


hey guys. Please tell me what you think. I'm really excited about this story. Hope ya'll like it. Thank you.