"SAMMY? DEAN? WHERE ARE YOU!?" Rain poured down its wrath on John Winchester as he quickly ran through the woods, trying his best not to slip down the slippery bank as he tried to find his sons. It had been a very simple hunt, dig up the grave, which was marked and then salt and burn that bastard and fairly enough, that was done now, the poltergeist was no more, now John just had to find his kids.

John sent the two boys off to distract the poltergeist while he dug up the grave without distraction, he watched as Dean practically pushed his younger brother into the house where the poltergeist was waiting..not so calmly.

"BOYS?" John started to worry, where the heck were they?

"DEAN, SAM, IT'S SAFE TO COME OUT, GET OUT HERE, THAT'S AN ORDER!" Johns yells were taken away with the wind, he huffed frustratingly and slammed open the cabin door.

The floor was covered in upturned furniture, paper was everywhere, glass was everywhere, everything was everywhere. That was worrying.

"Boys?" John kept his shotgun close and peeked around the corners of the doors, stepping quietly and listening out for any noise, anything which could indicate to where his boys were.

"DEAN?" He was getting frustrated, where the hell were they. Either something happened or they were piss assing about, John hoped it was the second one.

A bang sounded from upstairs and Johns head snapped up as he hurried towards the stairs, taking two at a time. "Boys?"

Placing his gun into position John sneaked around the corner and blinked.

The place was an absolute tip.

What once was bedroom now looked like someone came in with a bulldozer. Literally.

Where the window to the right once was there was now a giant gaping hole, allowing the wing and rain in. On the floor was glass , wood and brick along with a book cabinet and pages of books ripped to shreds, decorating the floor.

"Dean?" John carefully stepped over a lamp shade and walked into the middle of the room and spun in a circle, carefully taking in anything which could be hiding his sons.

"Dad? DAD?!"

John whipped his head towards the door to the far left of the room and almost ran towards it, he slammed the door open and froze.

His eldest son was attempting to push a book cabinet off himself along with a chest of draws. His face was pale against the crimson blood the trickled down his nose and from a small gash on his forehead.

Seeing his son struggle John rushed over and pushed off the draw and flung the book cabinet to the side, he then pulled Dean up to a sitting position and gripped his shoulder.

"You okay son?"

Dean nodded and pushed off his fathers hands and stood up.

"I can't find Sammy, I've been screaming for him but he doesn't answer. Dad the poltergeist took him, it pushed me into the books and snatched Sammy up, he took him from me Dad!"

John nodded and swallowed, he checked Dean over once more with his eyes and stood up straight.

"Where? Which way did it take him?"

"I, outside, took him straight outside, there was a crash, I swear he went outside."

The hole in the wall. John nodded and ran out the room and looked outside the hole in the wall.

"Holy crap Dad! It took Sammy out there? It's tipping it down!" Dean stumbled towards the hole and peered out.

"Step the hell back Dean, we don't need you falling out that hole." John pulled Dean back and dragged him down the stairs and outside.

"Rains taken any sign away we have to where they've gone, this may take a while."

"But sir, what if Sammy doesn't have a while? For all we know he could be in a ditch bleeding out or trapped under a tree." Deans eyes went wide and he pictured his little brother pale and bloody, his small body trapped under a huge, thick, strong tree.

"Did you hit your head?"


"Did you hit your damn head boy?"

Dean shrugged, "hell if I know."

John nodded and examined Deans head.

"Concussion I assume, you know Sammy will be fine. Lets get searching. We'll split up,I'll go check the graveyard, you go check the woods. Your phone got signal?"

Dean pushed his phone out from the inside of his jacket pocket and nodded. "3 bars. Yours?"

"The same, call me if you find him or anything, I'll do the same." John gave a small nod towards his son as a way of saying "Good luck" and walked off towards the graveyard again.

When John reached the graveyard he looked around, trying to find anything which could point where his baby boy was.

He decided to walk in the middle of the graveyard, it wasn't that big, 50 graves max, he could easily look around and see if anything was up.

John grumbled in annoyance when he found nothing. Nothing at all. He took out his cell and called Dean who answered on the third call.


"No sir, nothing here so far, I'm going to check the right side now, see if there's anything there. I take it nothing there then?"

"No. Theres another graveyard just behind the cabin, facing the hole, how far you from the cabin?"

"Um, rather far, I'm pretty deep in these woods Dad, I can head there now though."

"No it's fine, you keep looking there, I'll head over to the other graveyard see what I can find." With that he hung up and headed over back towards the cabin to the other grave.

When John saw when he reached there made his heart stop.

In the first row of graves was an undug grave. Mud everywhere. But was really scared the crap out of John was that on the headstone was his sons jacket. Pulling out his phone he dialled Deans number as quick as he could.

"I think I found him. Get over here now. I need your help."

"Heading over." And with that Dean hung up and ran towards the cabin, he wasn't that far from it , he had headed straight towards it even when his Dad told him not to, he knew Sammy wouldn't be in the woods, too obvious of a place and this poltergeist was rather smart.

Dean jogged up to his Dad and stopped dead in his tracks taking in his little brothers jacket hanging over the old stone.

John took hardly a notice that his oldest had arrived as he skidded next the the grave and tried pulling the lid of the coffin.

Dean took the head of the shovel and slipped between the coffins grove separating the lid and base of the coffin and lifted upwards with all his strength, letting out a sigh of relief as the lid popped open.

John wasted no time in pushing the lid to the side of the grave and let out a gasp of despair to what he saw.

Sam Winchester was almost buried alive.

His long hair was matted and messy, his sharp featured face was pale as the moon, his small body was twisted strangely to fit inside, the, shared, coffin, shared. Oh dear god, Sammy was buried with a dead body with hardly any space to move.

Dean let out a gasp as horror and he bent down in no time and lifted his brother out of the grave and hugged him close, rocking him back and forth, not noticing that Sam was awake , he'd been awake through it all.

John pulled Sams jacket off the gravestone and read the marking.

Here Lies ,Julia Waters

Loving daughter .


The poltergeist was Henry Waters, Julia's father. Of course.


Dean let his tight grasp on his brother weaken as he pulled Sam to face him.

"Hey there buddy, you okay?" Dean brushed the hair from his little brothers face and quickly examined him for injuries, satisfied that he seemed unharmed.

"I..I thought I was never...never getting o-out. I was t-trapped De-" Sam let out a small sob as he hid his face into Deans shoulder and began crying harsh sobs.

Dean looked up to his fathers eyes and the rest is history.


John shook his head and looked directly at Dean. "I still don't get it."

Dean slammed his fists onto the table and stood, knocking the chair from behind him clattering to the floor.

"He's Claustrophobic Dammit!"

John paled slightly, of course. How didn't he notice the way Sam clung to his brother as soon as he was out of that small space, how when Dean trapped him in the car to undo his seatbelt he went crazy? Now that's what they call a shit parent.

"Yeah Dad, that was pretty shitty of you."

"Dean, look, son, I'm sorry, I didn't notice, I don't know how I didnt notice I just didn't."

"Oh hell Dad, it's obvious why. You just don't care, you don't care. Simple as. You only care about making sure the hunt is done, make sure there's nothing to slow you down, and having a son who's claustrophobic? That's going to slow you down and you full well know it. Well guess what? It's your fault."

John looked down at the table, he knew it was his fault, if he hadn't let Sam and Dean be bait none of this would have happened, he should of been bait, not his boys.

"Dean?" Sams voice sounded from the kitchen door and sure enough when John and Dean looked towards the door, Sam was there with Bobby arm wrapped around his waist making sure he didn't collapse from fatigue.

"Hey Sammy, thought I asked you to go sleep?" Dean walked over to the door and knelt down to Sams height. "Something wrong?"

Sam shook his head , "how you expect me to sleep while you two are yelling like and old married couple?"

Bobby let out a chuckle and removed his hand from the youngests waist once he deemed Dean had a strong enough hold on him. "I'll be in the wreck yard alright boys?" with that Bobby left.

John stood up from his chair and faced his two sons, his eyes lingering on his youngest.

"Sammy, I'm sorry, I really screwed up."

Sam arched an eyebrow and looked at Dean in confusion.

"You screwed up?"

John nodded and sighed looking down to the ground, "if I didn't make you and Dean be bait then you wouldn't have been t-" John swallowed at the look on his sons face when he almost mentioned being trapped, "well, you know, lost."

"It's not your fault, really, I wasn't looking where I was going and suddenly Dean was yelling at me to duck and there was a crash, I don't really remember much after that you know, other than waking up in there.."

Dean sighed sadly and shook his head, "it's not your fault Sammy, not at all, will you please go to sleep now? You're gonna work yourself into a fever if you don't get some don't need you being sick now , do we hey midjit?"

Sam stuck out his tongue, "I wont be ill, and stop calling me a midjit , Ima be taller than you one day, aren't I Dad?"

John laughed lightly and smiled, "Dean knows you will be, he's just too annoyed his little brother will be bigger than him."

Dean shook his head and picked Sam up, "Bed, now."

Sam playfully kicked, "nooooooooooooooo, I don't wanna sleep, Dadddddd, tell him to put me down, I wanna help uncle Bobby, I wont get ill I promise."

John sighed, "Let the kid do what he wants, he's going to bed soon anyway, we all are."

Dean nodded and put Sam down and watched as his little brother ran outside.

"Dean I-"

"I know, it wasn't your fault though, I'm sorry for putting the blame on you, it was no ones fault, just that stupid poltergeists."

Dean smiled slightly and then let out a Cheshire grin, "You realise Sam will get ill now right?"

John laughed and nodded, "He sure will."

And sure enough, the next day Sam did wake with a small fever.


That's that then. I really hope you enjoyed my little two shot story. Thank you to everyone to followed/Favorited me and this story, rather upsetting no one reviewed though, oh well. I hope you all liked it, tell me what you think?