Well, thanks for all the nice reviews. I don't think I can thank each one of you personally so instead I will thank you all right here, and for people that have questions, I'll answer.
Shinji Ikari: Well, here are my answers... 1. Yes, this isn't a strategy guide. I just like to be descriptive, that's all.
2. It would be more realistic to get rid of the points. I was only mentioning that because I felt like it, but I won't for the whole fic.
3. I've beaten Tidus many times but haven't even come close to beating Riku unless I use a potion. I guess it's in luck for you, plus Sora wasn't that strong then.
4. I'm making some changes for this story, so the readers won't be too bored, like as if they were reading the whole thing exactly the same. And I didn't have a clue what would be behind the door, space? Well, they'd suffocate and die and then this fic wouldn't be much.
Again, thanks so much for the review and helping me with some ideas. You've given me some great ones. (Yes, you did)
Disclaimer: I don't and never will own Kingdom Hearts.
Chapter 3 Traverse Town *part one* --- (Dedicated to Tiger5913 for their really nice reviews)
Goofy and Donald were now standing in the middle of the First District in Traverse Town. They had only gotten there a couple of minutes ago. "Look, a star's goin' out!" Goofy yelled out of the blue. Goofy pointed at it as it began to disappear. The star got very bright for a second and then had vanished without a trace.
"Come on. Let's hurry," Donald said. They both knew that should hurry in case another star would go out. Goofy nodded as their pace began to speed up. They began to walk towards the stairs that leads the Second District. "Where's that key?" Donald asked himself.
"Hey, ya know, maybe we ought to go find Leon." Donald almost sighed at Goofy's remark. They both knew that they were supposed to find Leon already, so why did Goofy have to bring it up?
The two walked up the stairs. Pluto was separated from the two, since his noise began to follow a weird sent around the corner. "Uh, Donald. Ya know, I betcha that..."
"Aw, what do you know, you big palooka?" Donald said, walking away from Goofy. Goofy scratched himself.
"What do I know?" Goofy asked himself. "Hmm... come on, Pluto," Goofy called, knowing that Pluto was going away. What he didn't know was that Pluto wasn't following him.
Sora opened his eyes and saw Pluto, his tail wagging. "What a dream..." Sora muttered, tiredly. Pluto jumped on Sora to wake him up. "This isn't a dream!" Sora yelled as he awoke. "Where am I?" Sora stood up and looked beside him. He saw Kairi, who just awoke and yawned as well.
"Oh, boy." Sora knelt down. "Do you know where we are? Hey..." Pluto ran away to catch up with Donald and Goofy.
"What was that?" Kairi asked as she yawned and got up. After a little stretch she began to walk. "What happened? Where's Riku?"
"Remember, the monster and then... I don't know. Better start walking." Sora and Kairi both began walking. Monsters kept appearing around them, which they easily killed.
"Hey, is this finally another world?" Kairi asked. "Would we be able to go back?" Sora shook his head, not knowing if they ever could. Some more black monsters appeared and attacked Kairi. She easily destroyed them.
"Well, why don't we go in that accessory shop to start?" Kairi nodded as they both entered the shop, hoping that the owner would be able to tell them where they were.
"Hey there, how can I... Aw, it's only some kids," Cid, the owner of the shop dismissed them rudely. Sora, though, took a stand.
"Hey, we're not kids! And the name's Sora!" Sora yelled. Kairi looked around the place. There was a chimney by the end, a small window and a colorful rug on the floor.
"Ya, don't judge people for their age. And my name's Kairi!" She shouted, defending herself. Cid scratched his head.
"Okay, okay, simmer down. So, why the long faces, Sora, Kairi? You guys lost or somethin'?" He asked. Sora and Kairi didn't know how they would explain their situation.
"No!" Sora yelled, not wanting him to know. "Well, maybe," Sora said. "Where are we?" Cid again scratched his head. It wasn't an everyday thing for two kids to come to his shop, lost.
"You two are in Traverse Town. Lots of people from other worlds get sent here once their world is destroyed," Cid tried to explain.
"Traverse Town... So, gramps, is this really another world?" Kairi struggled to keep herself from bursting with laughter. Sora had really gotten that man for calling them kids. Sora himself could barley keep the laughs to himself.
"Don't call me gramps!" Cid yelled. "And the name's Cid. Anyway... Not sure what you're talking about but this sure ain't your island."
"Hmm... Kairi, I guess we better start looking for Riku. Won't do us any good to go back without him. Plus we still have to venture other worlds."
"Okay, let our search begin!" Kairi said as she yanked Sora towards the door. Cid stopped them before they left.
"One other thing. If you ever run into trouble, come over here. I'll look out for ya." Sora and Kairi nodded as they left the shop.
"They'll come at you out of nowhere," a voice from behind Kairi and Sora came. The two turned and saw a man dressed in black.
"Who are you?" Sora asked while turning around to face him. He was ready to attack who ever said that.
"And they'll keep on coming at you," the man said, ignoring Sora's question, "as long as you continue to wield the Keyblade," he said, pointing his finger straight at him. "But why?" He changed his topic. "Why would it choose a kid like you?"
"Hey," Sora started, "what's that supposed to mean?" He said, getting into his battle position. Kairi backed away. She didn't want him to know that she had one too.
"Never mind," he simply said. "Now, let's see that Keyblade," he said. He started to walk closer to Sora.
"What? There's no way you're getting this!" Sora shouted, backing away and getting ready for the worst.
"All right, then have it your way." He set his gunblade down and prepared to attack. He first cast a fire, which almost hit him. Sora swung his keyblade, hitting him. But he countered with another fire attack, which made Sora fall. Then he attacked him more, making Sora lose. Leon walked up to him, ready to take the keyblade.
"Don't hurt Sora!" Kairi ordered. "You'll have to go through me first!" She revealed her keyblade, which she had earlier hidden.
"What, two keyblades?" Leon stood there, stunned. "There was only supposed to be one!" Kairi attacked him when he wasn't ready, for an advantage. He fell back for a second but then raised his gunblade and sent Kairi flying backwards. Kairi's vision grew blurry. She tried to get up but was sent back down by a ball of fire.
"Hey, you found it. Wait, you found two?" A voice behind Leon said while coming closer. She looked at the two unconscious bodies.
"Still... It looks like things are worse than we thought," He said. "A lot worse," he added before leaving with Yuffie.
"Gawrsh, there's nobody here. Sure is spooky!" Goofy said as him and Donald walked through the alley.
"Aw, phooey. I'm not scared," Donald said. His head was up high, as if he were marching down their place proudly. Goofy covered his mouth with his hand. Then something poked Donald, making him scream and fly in the air. He fell back down on Goofy, holding him tightly.
"Excuse me. Did the king send you?" A small, female voice asked from behind them. Donald stopped shaking and turned to see the woman. Goofy did as well. She had brown hair and green eyes and wore a long, pink dress.
"Come on, lazy bum. Wake up," Sora heard a voice before he could get up. Where was he anyway? And what happened? He rubbed his eyes and looked at the girl. "You okay?" She asked.
Sora nodded his head. "I guess..." Sora said. His vision became clearer. He saw Kairi sitting down in the chair in front of him.
"Those creatures that attacked you are after the Keyblade," she stated. "But it's your heart they really want, because you wield the Keyblade."
"Well, thanks.. Um.." Sora stumbled on his words, since he didn't know what her name was. It was all still a blur.
"I'm the great ninja Yuffie," she said, smiling proudly while saying her name. Sora looked over her, seeing Kairi, who was perfectly fine.
"Is Kairi okay?" Sora asked, even though he knew she was safe. He just wanted to talk to her and see if she had remembered what had happened.
"Hmm... You mean that girl over there?" Yuffie asked as she pointed towards Kairi. Sora nodded. Then he fell down. "I think you may have overdone it, Squall," Yuffie pointed out.
"That's Leon," he said coldly. Ever since his world disappeared he changed his name, and now he hated it when people called him 'Squall.'
"So, Sora... Are you okay?" Kairi asked, finally being able to talk to him after his half an hour of unconsciousness.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Where are the Keyblades?" Sora asked. He saw them both leaning against the wall. The yellow one and the purple one.
"Yeah, we had to get it away from you to shake off those creatures," Yuffie said while walking away from them to Leon. She turned back to face Kairi and Sora. "It turns out that's how they were tracking you."
"It was the only way to conceal your hearts from them," Leon finished for Yuffie, explaining why they took the keyblades away from them. "But it won't work for long," Leon added. "Still hard to believe that you of all people are the chosen ones, and that there are two." Leon grabbed the keyblades and they both disappeared and reappeared in Sora and Kairi's hands. "Well, I suppose beggars can't be choosers."
"Why don't you start making sense!" Sora said coldly. "What's going on here?" Sora still didn't no what was going on, as well as Kairi.
Kairi stood up and agreed. "This is all happening too fast!" She said, then sat back down, confused. "This is too confusing. What are those weird creatures?"
"Okay, you know that there are many other worlds out there besides your castle and this town, right?" Aerith said. Her, Donald and Goofy were all in a red hotel room. Aerith sat on the bed while Goofy and Donald stood up.
"Yeah," Donald answered. Of course they would know, after all, King Mickey wasn't at their castle or this town.
"But they're supposed to be a secret," Goofy said while covering his mouth with both of his hands as if it were bad to say that.
"They've been secret," Aerith corrected Goofy, "because they've never been connected." It sounded as if she knew everything with this topic, and she said it very calmly. "Until now." She paused as if she were going to sigh. "When the Heartless came, everything changed."
"The Heartless?" Sora and Kairi repeated what Leon had said when he answered Kairi's question. He also thought that it was a weird title but fit those creatures who lacked hearts.
"Those without hearts," Leon said again. It had been really hard to explain everything to these two characters.
"The darkness in people's hearts-- that's what attracts them," Yuffie answered for Leon, knowing that he was getting sick of explaining everything they had experienced.
"And there is darkness within every heart," Leon answered for Yuffie. They had both really hoped that their explaining would be done soon so they could get to the real work.
"Hey, have you heard of someone named Ansem?" Yuffie asked, just remembering that she was supposed to ask. Kairi and Sora both shook their heads.
"Ansem?" Goofy repeated the name that Aerith had just said. He scratched his chin while saying the name, wondering who he was.
"He was studying the Heartless," Aerith immediately said, knowing that they'd both ask who he was or what did he do. "He recorded all of his findings in a very detailed report."
Donald closed his eyes as Goofy began to speak. "Gawrsh, uh, can we see it?" Goofy asked while leaning closer to Aerith with his hands out, ready to read the report.
Aerith shook her head. "Its pages are scattered everywhere." Goofy tried not to sound or look disappointed, even though it was so obvious that he was.
"Scattered?" Donald repeated, also disappointed, though he could conceal it, unlike Goofy who couldn't with probably everything.
"To many worlds," she said calmly. Goofy and Donald just stood there, not knowing what to do or say to Aerith.
"Oh," Goofy thought while putting his pointer up, "then maybe the king went to find 'em." For once, Goofy had made a big point in their conversation. Donald nodded, agreeing with him.
"Yes," she paused, "those were my thoughts exactly." Surly the king set off to find them so he could find out how to stop them.
"We've gotta find him quick!" Goofy pointed out. Donald stared at him as if he were agreeing with him again.
"Wait!" Donald yelled loudly. Goofy stopped and awaited what Donald had to say. "First we need that 'key'!" He yelled, completely stopping Goofy.
"That's right," Aerith said calmly. "The Keyblade," she said it's title, allowing Donald and Goofy to now referee it as the 'Keyblade.'
"So... This is the key?" Sora asked. "And what about Kairi's? Is it another key?" Kairi stared deeply into Leon and Yuffie's eyes, awaiting for their reply.
"Exactly!" Yuffie answered Sora's first question. "Kairi's is one, too. We still don't know why there are two of them, though. You'll have to find out that question on your own."
"So, no one knows..." Kairi said as she began to get deep in thought, trying to think of all the possibilities and the most accurate one.
"The Heartless have great fear of the Keyblade," Leon said to tell them more about it. There wasn't much to say about them, since they didn't wield one. "That's why they'll keep coming after you no matter what," he said as he walked away.
"Well, me and Kairi didn't ask for this," Sora countered Leon's words. He never did, or did he? He always wanted to get off that Island along with Kairi...
"The Keyblade chooses its master," Yuffie said. "And it chose you, Sora," she said as she looked at him. "And another chose you, Kairi," she said, making Kairi smile slightly.
"So tough luck, you two," Leon said as he walked away and leaned on the door, knowing that there really wasn't any more to say.
"Well, you sure are supportive," Kairi said sarcastically. "This is a new thing for us, but I guess all of you must've experienced it as well."
"How did all this happen?" Sora wondered out loud. New experiences could also be very confusing and difficult to understand. "I remember being in my room..." Then Sora stood up. "Wait a minute! What happened to our home? Our island? Riku!"
"Eck, did we forget all about it? All this talking sure put us off. Is our island okay? And... What about Riku? Would he be all right?"
"You know what?" Leon asked coldly. "I really don't know." He probably never really knew anything about this, so why should Kairi and Sora even bother asking him.
"Hey, what's this treasure chest anyway?" Kairi asked looking around it. Sora got up and looked at it as well.
"You know Kairi, you shouldn't be..." Before Sora could finish Kairi stuck her keyblade into the little hole and the chest opened immediately. "Nosy," he finished.
"Lighten up, already! I just got each other a elixir! It could come in handy." Sora looked at her. "Guess it pays to be nosy!" Kairi laughed, making Sora chuckle a little.
"Sooner or later, the Heartless will find you two," Leon said, breaking up their fun side into a serious one. "You'd best prepare yourselves," he said.
"Well, I glad you finally care about us now, but I think we can manage," Kairi said, trying not to laugh. Sora elbowed her on her shoulder. "Hmm... Why?"
"To fight for your lives. Are you ready?" Leon asked the two a very difficult question, but it was easy towards Kairi and Sora.
Sora looked back at Kairi and she nodded. "Okay then," Sora began, "we are both prepared for the worst things possible."
"Yuffie, let's go join Aerith," Leon decided. He put his arms down. "She should be there by now with the other visitors."
"Leon!" Yuffie screamed, breaking the silence. She pointed as a heartless wearing armor formed in the middle of the little hotel room.
"Yuffie, go!" Leon ordered, sending his arm in the direction of the exit. Yuffie opened the door and closed it on Donald, who got squished by the door.
"Yuffie?" Aerith said, sounding very worried. She turned in the direction that Yuffie was running in and followed her.
"Sora, Kairi, let's go!" Leon said as he took out his gunblade and prepared to attack. The words were more of an order. The two quickly obeyed him. Leon broke the window and jumped out while Sora and Kairi both used the door. "Don't bother with the small fry. Find the Leader! Let's go!" Kairi and Sora quickly ran through the door to the second district. They looked around but couldn't find the leader. More heartless continued coming from all the corners. Sora and Kairi found themselves trapped by the third district, surrounded by heartless. Sora backed them away as Kairi opened the door and pulled Sora through it and then herself.
Goofy looked around and laughed. Then he stopped when he saw some heartless appear. "Garwsh, are these guys the Heartless?" He asked.
"Let's go get 'em, Goofy!" Donald yelled as he swung his staff. But before they could say anything, a bright light knocked them down. Sora screamed as he tried to run away but fell down anyway. But unexpectedly, Sora fell onto Kairi and their lips touched. Both of them flinched, but they didn't break apart until thirty seconds. Both of them were shocked, but in their hearts they thought it was somehow meant to be.
"The key, or two of them!" Goofy and Donald both yelled. Before they could say any more, some heartless began to appear. This time, there was no escape. Sora, Kairi, Goofy, and Donald all attacked. Since there were four of them, they won easily. But before they could celebrate, a heartless with purple armor attacked them. Its head began to spin and hit Kairi, knocking her down. It appeared that this armor was after her, first. Its arm punched her out. She feel down and struggled to get back up. She weakly attacked the armor, then practically collapsed. Sora threw a Hi-potion at her. Kairi smiled and remembered that it was the one she had given him. She drank it and then felt fully restored. Then her and Sora both began attacking it's middle body. Is spun around to knock the two away but failed. Sora and Kairi destroyed it and looked for more pieces of it. There was only one arm left, and a leg that was being taken care of by Donald and Goofy.
Sora and Kairi both dashed towards the piece as if they were racing, then took it down slowly. It disappeared, leaving only Sora, Kairi, Donald, and Goofy standing there. A small, pink heart floated up into the clouds, telling them that it was dead.
"So, you were looking for us?" Sora asked while scratching his chin. Kairi laughed at him. "What?" She didn't reply. Donald and Goofy nodded.
"They, too, have been seeking the wielder of the Keyblade," Leon said before Sora and Kairi could even ask a question.
"Hey, why don't you come with us?" Goofy asked, knowing that the wielders had to go with them. "We can go to other worlds on our vessel."
"Would we find Riku?" Kairi asked, remembering that he was still missing. "I miss him," she said. "But then again, we'll find him, right?"
"Sora, Kairi... Go with them. Especially if you want to find your friend Riku," Leon said, cheering her and Sora up.
"Yeah, I guess," Sora said, sounding very said, like it was impossible for him to find Riku ever again, and that Kairi couldn't find him either.
"But you can't come along looking like that. Understand?" Donald asked. "No frowning. No sad faces. Okay?" Goofy decided to follow Donald up.
"Yeah, ya gotta look funny," Goofy searched for something to compare Sora to in the funny range. He immediately knew what t say, "like us!"
Donald smiled and pushed Goofy over to the side. "This boat rides on happy faces," Donald said, trying to made his sad face go away.
"Happy?" Sora repeated while looking down. Kairi then knew exactly what he'd do. She covered her mouth to contain her laughter. Sora went back up with his eyes looking way up and his teeth all spread out. Kairi fell and burst into a laughter. Donald and Goofy stood there and stared. Then Sora stopped his face and they went into a laughter as well.
"That's one funny face!" Goofy said during his laughter. Donald just continued, not being able to contain his laughter.
"Sora, I knew you would use that face. You always do!" She giggled. "But I like it!" She said as she began to laugh again. "I'm going with you two," Kairi decided.
"Okay, why not?" Sora asked himself. "I'll go with you guys as well," he said, walking up to them, attempting to shake hands.
"Donald Duck," Donald said as he put his hand out. He smiled while saying it, remembering how many times he had to introduce himself.
"Names Goofy," Goofy said as he walked up closer to the two and stuck his hand out, waiting for a all for one and one for all thing.
"I'm Kairi!" Kairi said as she cheerfully stuck her hand on top on Goofy's and Donald's. Sora smiled after receiving all the names.
"And I'm Sora," he introduced himself finally. He put his hand on top of Kairi's and they all lifted them up, knowing that they were now a team.
"All for one and one for all!" Goofy shouted before they lifted their hands up. Each one of them smiled happily, even Sora.
"Make sure you're prepared for the journey ahead of you," Leon said before they all left into the gummi ship. "We don't know how far the Heartless have spread," he reminded Sora and Kairi.
"Check out those shops here," Yuffie said. "They've all got some pretty neat stuff!" She exclaimed before they could leave.
"This is from all of us. Spend it as you see fit," she said, hoping that it'd do some good. "And this is from Leon," she said as she handed Sora the elixir item.
"Good luck!" Yuffie said before anyone else could. Kairi waved to her as she got ready to depart from Traverse Town.
"I hope you find your friend!" Aerith remembered that Sora and Kairi were still looking for Riku, but also knew that they'd have fun on their journey.
"Look out for each other," Leon finally said. "Keep your spirits up." Sora nodded and Kairi smiled and nodded.
"The gummi ship is outside that gate," Donald said as he looked at Sora and Kairi, knowing that it would be difficult for them to go in it.
"The what?" Kairi and Sora both said in unison. The two of them almost laughed, knowing that they kept saying things at the same time.
"That's our ship," Donald tried to explain. There was a lot of explaining to do about the gummi ship. Sora and Kairi might even want to know how it works.
"Wait 'til you see it!" Goofy remembered how big it was, and when he first saw it he was amazed at its size and colors.
"Hold on. Sora, this is for you. And Kairi, take this." Donald gave them a little fire gem which taught them how to use fire magic. "Now you can use magic, too! Lets get going!"
"Well, I see big adventures coming their way!" Jiminy Cricket said. "Looks like it's up to me to keep track of it all in my journal!"
"Hmm... A cricket?" Kairi asked. Jiminy stormed off, ignoring her comment. "Sorry, just down see one in clothes every day," Kairi said nervously. Then she got into the gummi ship. "Wow, this is cool! What's this do?" She pressed a button, luckily not a dangerous one.
"Don't just go touching things!" Donald ordered as he got everything ready. "Blast off!" He yelled as the gummi ship began moving.
*** End of chapter
Ow, my eyes are burning! Can't write anymore. Should I make Sora & Co go to Wonderland or The Olympus Coliseum? Reviewers decide... This chapter was long so please give me reviews.
Again, thanks to Tiger5913.
Shinji Ikari: Well, here are my answers... 1. Yes, this isn't a strategy guide. I just like to be descriptive, that's all.
2. It would be more realistic to get rid of the points. I was only mentioning that because I felt like it, but I won't for the whole fic.
3. I've beaten Tidus many times but haven't even come close to beating Riku unless I use a potion. I guess it's in luck for you, plus Sora wasn't that strong then.
4. I'm making some changes for this story, so the readers won't be too bored, like as if they were reading the whole thing exactly the same. And I didn't have a clue what would be behind the door, space? Well, they'd suffocate and die and then this fic wouldn't be much.
Again, thanks so much for the review and helping me with some ideas. You've given me some great ones. (Yes, you did)
Disclaimer: I don't and never will own Kingdom Hearts.
Chapter 3 Traverse Town *part one* --- (Dedicated to Tiger5913 for their really nice reviews)
Goofy and Donald were now standing in the middle of the First District in Traverse Town. They had only gotten there a couple of minutes ago. "Look, a star's goin' out!" Goofy yelled out of the blue. Goofy pointed at it as it began to disappear. The star got very bright for a second and then had vanished without a trace.
"Come on. Let's hurry," Donald said. They both knew that should hurry in case another star would go out. Goofy nodded as their pace began to speed up. They began to walk towards the stairs that leads the Second District. "Where's that key?" Donald asked himself.
"Hey, ya know, maybe we ought to go find Leon." Donald almost sighed at Goofy's remark. They both knew that they were supposed to find Leon already, so why did Goofy have to bring it up?
The two walked up the stairs. Pluto was separated from the two, since his noise began to follow a weird sent around the corner. "Uh, Donald. Ya know, I betcha that..."
"Aw, what do you know, you big palooka?" Donald said, walking away from Goofy. Goofy scratched himself.
"What do I know?" Goofy asked himself. "Hmm... come on, Pluto," Goofy called, knowing that Pluto was going away. What he didn't know was that Pluto wasn't following him.
Sora opened his eyes and saw Pluto, his tail wagging. "What a dream..." Sora muttered, tiredly. Pluto jumped on Sora to wake him up. "This isn't a dream!" Sora yelled as he awoke. "Where am I?" Sora stood up and looked beside him. He saw Kairi, who just awoke and yawned as well.
"Oh, boy." Sora knelt down. "Do you know where we are? Hey..." Pluto ran away to catch up with Donald and Goofy.
"What was that?" Kairi asked as she yawned and got up. After a little stretch she began to walk. "What happened? Where's Riku?"
"Remember, the monster and then... I don't know. Better start walking." Sora and Kairi both began walking. Monsters kept appearing around them, which they easily killed.
"Hey, is this finally another world?" Kairi asked. "Would we be able to go back?" Sora shook his head, not knowing if they ever could. Some more black monsters appeared and attacked Kairi. She easily destroyed them.
"Well, why don't we go in that accessory shop to start?" Kairi nodded as they both entered the shop, hoping that the owner would be able to tell them where they were.
"Hey there, how can I... Aw, it's only some kids," Cid, the owner of the shop dismissed them rudely. Sora, though, took a stand.
"Hey, we're not kids! And the name's Sora!" Sora yelled. Kairi looked around the place. There was a chimney by the end, a small window and a colorful rug on the floor.
"Ya, don't judge people for their age. And my name's Kairi!" She shouted, defending herself. Cid scratched his head.
"Okay, okay, simmer down. So, why the long faces, Sora, Kairi? You guys lost or somethin'?" He asked. Sora and Kairi didn't know how they would explain their situation.
"No!" Sora yelled, not wanting him to know. "Well, maybe," Sora said. "Where are we?" Cid again scratched his head. It wasn't an everyday thing for two kids to come to his shop, lost.
"You two are in Traverse Town. Lots of people from other worlds get sent here once their world is destroyed," Cid tried to explain.
"Traverse Town... So, gramps, is this really another world?" Kairi struggled to keep herself from bursting with laughter. Sora had really gotten that man for calling them kids. Sora himself could barley keep the laughs to himself.
"Don't call me gramps!" Cid yelled. "And the name's Cid. Anyway... Not sure what you're talking about but this sure ain't your island."
"Hmm... Kairi, I guess we better start looking for Riku. Won't do us any good to go back without him. Plus we still have to venture other worlds."
"Okay, let our search begin!" Kairi said as she yanked Sora towards the door. Cid stopped them before they left.
"One other thing. If you ever run into trouble, come over here. I'll look out for ya." Sora and Kairi nodded as they left the shop.
"They'll come at you out of nowhere," a voice from behind Kairi and Sora came. The two turned and saw a man dressed in black.
"Who are you?" Sora asked while turning around to face him. He was ready to attack who ever said that.
"And they'll keep on coming at you," the man said, ignoring Sora's question, "as long as you continue to wield the Keyblade," he said, pointing his finger straight at him. "But why?" He changed his topic. "Why would it choose a kid like you?"
"Hey," Sora started, "what's that supposed to mean?" He said, getting into his battle position. Kairi backed away. She didn't want him to know that she had one too.
"Never mind," he simply said. "Now, let's see that Keyblade," he said. He started to walk closer to Sora.
"What? There's no way you're getting this!" Sora shouted, backing away and getting ready for the worst.
"All right, then have it your way." He set his gunblade down and prepared to attack. He first cast a fire, which almost hit him. Sora swung his keyblade, hitting him. But he countered with another fire attack, which made Sora fall. Then he attacked him more, making Sora lose. Leon walked up to him, ready to take the keyblade.
"Don't hurt Sora!" Kairi ordered. "You'll have to go through me first!" She revealed her keyblade, which she had earlier hidden.
"What, two keyblades?" Leon stood there, stunned. "There was only supposed to be one!" Kairi attacked him when he wasn't ready, for an advantage. He fell back for a second but then raised his gunblade and sent Kairi flying backwards. Kairi's vision grew blurry. She tried to get up but was sent back down by a ball of fire.
"Hey, you found it. Wait, you found two?" A voice behind Leon said while coming closer. She looked at the two unconscious bodies.
"Still... It looks like things are worse than we thought," He said. "A lot worse," he added before leaving with Yuffie.
"Gawrsh, there's nobody here. Sure is spooky!" Goofy said as him and Donald walked through the alley.
"Aw, phooey. I'm not scared," Donald said. His head was up high, as if he were marching down their place proudly. Goofy covered his mouth with his hand. Then something poked Donald, making him scream and fly in the air. He fell back down on Goofy, holding him tightly.
"Excuse me. Did the king send you?" A small, female voice asked from behind them. Donald stopped shaking and turned to see the woman. Goofy did as well. She had brown hair and green eyes and wore a long, pink dress.
"Come on, lazy bum. Wake up," Sora heard a voice before he could get up. Where was he anyway? And what happened? He rubbed his eyes and looked at the girl. "You okay?" She asked.
Sora nodded his head. "I guess..." Sora said. His vision became clearer. He saw Kairi sitting down in the chair in front of him.
"Those creatures that attacked you are after the Keyblade," she stated. "But it's your heart they really want, because you wield the Keyblade."
"Well, thanks.. Um.." Sora stumbled on his words, since he didn't know what her name was. It was all still a blur.
"I'm the great ninja Yuffie," she said, smiling proudly while saying her name. Sora looked over her, seeing Kairi, who was perfectly fine.
"Is Kairi okay?" Sora asked, even though he knew she was safe. He just wanted to talk to her and see if she had remembered what had happened.
"Hmm... You mean that girl over there?" Yuffie asked as she pointed towards Kairi. Sora nodded. Then he fell down. "I think you may have overdone it, Squall," Yuffie pointed out.
"That's Leon," he said coldly. Ever since his world disappeared he changed his name, and now he hated it when people called him 'Squall.'
"So, Sora... Are you okay?" Kairi asked, finally being able to talk to him after his half an hour of unconsciousness.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Where are the Keyblades?" Sora asked. He saw them both leaning against the wall. The yellow one and the purple one.
"Yeah, we had to get it away from you to shake off those creatures," Yuffie said while walking away from them to Leon. She turned back to face Kairi and Sora. "It turns out that's how they were tracking you."
"It was the only way to conceal your hearts from them," Leon finished for Yuffie, explaining why they took the keyblades away from them. "But it won't work for long," Leon added. "Still hard to believe that you of all people are the chosen ones, and that there are two." Leon grabbed the keyblades and they both disappeared and reappeared in Sora and Kairi's hands. "Well, I suppose beggars can't be choosers."
"Why don't you start making sense!" Sora said coldly. "What's going on here?" Sora still didn't no what was going on, as well as Kairi.
Kairi stood up and agreed. "This is all happening too fast!" She said, then sat back down, confused. "This is too confusing. What are those weird creatures?"
"Okay, you know that there are many other worlds out there besides your castle and this town, right?" Aerith said. Her, Donald and Goofy were all in a red hotel room. Aerith sat on the bed while Goofy and Donald stood up.
"Yeah," Donald answered. Of course they would know, after all, King Mickey wasn't at their castle or this town.
"But they're supposed to be a secret," Goofy said while covering his mouth with both of his hands as if it were bad to say that.
"They've been secret," Aerith corrected Goofy, "because they've never been connected." It sounded as if she knew everything with this topic, and she said it very calmly. "Until now." She paused as if she were going to sigh. "When the Heartless came, everything changed."
"The Heartless?" Sora and Kairi repeated what Leon had said when he answered Kairi's question. He also thought that it was a weird title but fit those creatures who lacked hearts.
"Those without hearts," Leon said again. It had been really hard to explain everything to these two characters.
"The darkness in people's hearts-- that's what attracts them," Yuffie answered for Leon, knowing that he was getting sick of explaining everything they had experienced.
"And there is darkness within every heart," Leon answered for Yuffie. They had both really hoped that their explaining would be done soon so they could get to the real work.
"Hey, have you heard of someone named Ansem?" Yuffie asked, just remembering that she was supposed to ask. Kairi and Sora both shook their heads.
"Ansem?" Goofy repeated the name that Aerith had just said. He scratched his chin while saying the name, wondering who he was.
"He was studying the Heartless," Aerith immediately said, knowing that they'd both ask who he was or what did he do. "He recorded all of his findings in a very detailed report."
Donald closed his eyes as Goofy began to speak. "Gawrsh, uh, can we see it?" Goofy asked while leaning closer to Aerith with his hands out, ready to read the report.
Aerith shook her head. "Its pages are scattered everywhere." Goofy tried not to sound or look disappointed, even though it was so obvious that he was.
"Scattered?" Donald repeated, also disappointed, though he could conceal it, unlike Goofy who couldn't with probably everything.
"To many worlds," she said calmly. Goofy and Donald just stood there, not knowing what to do or say to Aerith.
"Oh," Goofy thought while putting his pointer up, "then maybe the king went to find 'em." For once, Goofy had made a big point in their conversation. Donald nodded, agreeing with him.
"Yes," she paused, "those were my thoughts exactly." Surly the king set off to find them so he could find out how to stop them.
"We've gotta find him quick!" Goofy pointed out. Donald stared at him as if he were agreeing with him again.
"Wait!" Donald yelled loudly. Goofy stopped and awaited what Donald had to say. "First we need that 'key'!" He yelled, completely stopping Goofy.
"That's right," Aerith said calmly. "The Keyblade," she said it's title, allowing Donald and Goofy to now referee it as the 'Keyblade.'
"So... This is the key?" Sora asked. "And what about Kairi's? Is it another key?" Kairi stared deeply into Leon and Yuffie's eyes, awaiting for their reply.
"Exactly!" Yuffie answered Sora's first question. "Kairi's is one, too. We still don't know why there are two of them, though. You'll have to find out that question on your own."
"So, no one knows..." Kairi said as she began to get deep in thought, trying to think of all the possibilities and the most accurate one.
"The Heartless have great fear of the Keyblade," Leon said to tell them more about it. There wasn't much to say about them, since they didn't wield one. "That's why they'll keep coming after you no matter what," he said as he walked away.
"Well, me and Kairi didn't ask for this," Sora countered Leon's words. He never did, or did he? He always wanted to get off that Island along with Kairi...
"The Keyblade chooses its master," Yuffie said. "And it chose you, Sora," she said as she looked at him. "And another chose you, Kairi," she said, making Kairi smile slightly.
"So tough luck, you two," Leon said as he walked away and leaned on the door, knowing that there really wasn't any more to say.
"Well, you sure are supportive," Kairi said sarcastically. "This is a new thing for us, but I guess all of you must've experienced it as well."
"How did all this happen?" Sora wondered out loud. New experiences could also be very confusing and difficult to understand. "I remember being in my room..." Then Sora stood up. "Wait a minute! What happened to our home? Our island? Riku!"
"Eck, did we forget all about it? All this talking sure put us off. Is our island okay? And... What about Riku? Would he be all right?"
"You know what?" Leon asked coldly. "I really don't know." He probably never really knew anything about this, so why should Kairi and Sora even bother asking him.
"Hey, what's this treasure chest anyway?" Kairi asked looking around it. Sora got up and looked at it as well.
"You know Kairi, you shouldn't be..." Before Sora could finish Kairi stuck her keyblade into the little hole and the chest opened immediately. "Nosy," he finished.
"Lighten up, already! I just got each other a elixir! It could come in handy." Sora looked at her. "Guess it pays to be nosy!" Kairi laughed, making Sora chuckle a little.
"Sooner or later, the Heartless will find you two," Leon said, breaking up their fun side into a serious one. "You'd best prepare yourselves," he said.
"Well, I glad you finally care about us now, but I think we can manage," Kairi said, trying not to laugh. Sora elbowed her on her shoulder. "Hmm... Why?"
"To fight for your lives. Are you ready?" Leon asked the two a very difficult question, but it was easy towards Kairi and Sora.
Sora looked back at Kairi and she nodded. "Okay then," Sora began, "we are both prepared for the worst things possible."
"Yuffie, let's go join Aerith," Leon decided. He put his arms down. "She should be there by now with the other visitors."
"Leon!" Yuffie screamed, breaking the silence. She pointed as a heartless wearing armor formed in the middle of the little hotel room.
"Yuffie, go!" Leon ordered, sending his arm in the direction of the exit. Yuffie opened the door and closed it on Donald, who got squished by the door.
"Yuffie?" Aerith said, sounding very worried. She turned in the direction that Yuffie was running in and followed her.
"Sora, Kairi, let's go!" Leon said as he took out his gunblade and prepared to attack. The words were more of an order. The two quickly obeyed him. Leon broke the window and jumped out while Sora and Kairi both used the door. "Don't bother with the small fry. Find the Leader! Let's go!" Kairi and Sora quickly ran through the door to the second district. They looked around but couldn't find the leader. More heartless continued coming from all the corners. Sora and Kairi found themselves trapped by the third district, surrounded by heartless. Sora backed them away as Kairi opened the door and pulled Sora through it and then herself.
Goofy looked around and laughed. Then he stopped when he saw some heartless appear. "Garwsh, are these guys the Heartless?" He asked.
"Let's go get 'em, Goofy!" Donald yelled as he swung his staff. But before they could say anything, a bright light knocked them down. Sora screamed as he tried to run away but fell down anyway. But unexpectedly, Sora fell onto Kairi and their lips touched. Both of them flinched, but they didn't break apart until thirty seconds. Both of them were shocked, but in their hearts they thought it was somehow meant to be.
"The key, or two of them!" Goofy and Donald both yelled. Before they could say any more, some heartless began to appear. This time, there was no escape. Sora, Kairi, Goofy, and Donald all attacked. Since there were four of them, they won easily. But before they could celebrate, a heartless with purple armor attacked them. Its head began to spin and hit Kairi, knocking her down. It appeared that this armor was after her, first. Its arm punched her out. She feel down and struggled to get back up. She weakly attacked the armor, then practically collapsed. Sora threw a Hi-potion at her. Kairi smiled and remembered that it was the one she had given him. She drank it and then felt fully restored. Then her and Sora both began attacking it's middle body. Is spun around to knock the two away but failed. Sora and Kairi destroyed it and looked for more pieces of it. There was only one arm left, and a leg that was being taken care of by Donald and Goofy.
Sora and Kairi both dashed towards the piece as if they were racing, then took it down slowly. It disappeared, leaving only Sora, Kairi, Donald, and Goofy standing there. A small, pink heart floated up into the clouds, telling them that it was dead.
"So, you were looking for us?" Sora asked while scratching his chin. Kairi laughed at him. "What?" She didn't reply. Donald and Goofy nodded.
"They, too, have been seeking the wielder of the Keyblade," Leon said before Sora and Kairi could even ask a question.
"Hey, why don't you come with us?" Goofy asked, knowing that the wielders had to go with them. "We can go to other worlds on our vessel."
"Would we find Riku?" Kairi asked, remembering that he was still missing. "I miss him," she said. "But then again, we'll find him, right?"
"Sora, Kairi... Go with them. Especially if you want to find your friend Riku," Leon said, cheering her and Sora up.
"Yeah, I guess," Sora said, sounding very said, like it was impossible for him to find Riku ever again, and that Kairi couldn't find him either.
"But you can't come along looking like that. Understand?" Donald asked. "No frowning. No sad faces. Okay?" Goofy decided to follow Donald up.
"Yeah, ya gotta look funny," Goofy searched for something to compare Sora to in the funny range. He immediately knew what t say, "like us!"
Donald smiled and pushed Goofy over to the side. "This boat rides on happy faces," Donald said, trying to made his sad face go away.
"Happy?" Sora repeated while looking down. Kairi then knew exactly what he'd do. She covered her mouth to contain her laughter. Sora went back up with his eyes looking way up and his teeth all spread out. Kairi fell and burst into a laughter. Donald and Goofy stood there and stared. Then Sora stopped his face and they went into a laughter as well.
"That's one funny face!" Goofy said during his laughter. Donald just continued, not being able to contain his laughter.
"Sora, I knew you would use that face. You always do!" She giggled. "But I like it!" She said as she began to laugh again. "I'm going with you two," Kairi decided.
"Okay, why not?" Sora asked himself. "I'll go with you guys as well," he said, walking up to them, attempting to shake hands.
"Donald Duck," Donald said as he put his hand out. He smiled while saying it, remembering how many times he had to introduce himself.
"Names Goofy," Goofy said as he walked up closer to the two and stuck his hand out, waiting for a all for one and one for all thing.
"I'm Kairi!" Kairi said as she cheerfully stuck her hand on top on Goofy's and Donald's. Sora smiled after receiving all the names.
"And I'm Sora," he introduced himself finally. He put his hand on top of Kairi's and they all lifted them up, knowing that they were now a team.
"All for one and one for all!" Goofy shouted before they lifted their hands up. Each one of them smiled happily, even Sora.
"Make sure you're prepared for the journey ahead of you," Leon said before they all left into the gummi ship. "We don't know how far the Heartless have spread," he reminded Sora and Kairi.
"Check out those shops here," Yuffie said. "They've all got some pretty neat stuff!" She exclaimed before they could leave.
"This is from all of us. Spend it as you see fit," she said, hoping that it'd do some good. "And this is from Leon," she said as she handed Sora the elixir item.
"Good luck!" Yuffie said before anyone else could. Kairi waved to her as she got ready to depart from Traverse Town.
"I hope you find your friend!" Aerith remembered that Sora and Kairi were still looking for Riku, but also knew that they'd have fun on their journey.
"Look out for each other," Leon finally said. "Keep your spirits up." Sora nodded and Kairi smiled and nodded.
"The gummi ship is outside that gate," Donald said as he looked at Sora and Kairi, knowing that it would be difficult for them to go in it.
"The what?" Kairi and Sora both said in unison. The two of them almost laughed, knowing that they kept saying things at the same time.
"That's our ship," Donald tried to explain. There was a lot of explaining to do about the gummi ship. Sora and Kairi might even want to know how it works.
"Wait 'til you see it!" Goofy remembered how big it was, and when he first saw it he was amazed at its size and colors.
"Hold on. Sora, this is for you. And Kairi, take this." Donald gave them a little fire gem which taught them how to use fire magic. "Now you can use magic, too! Lets get going!"
"Well, I see big adventures coming their way!" Jiminy Cricket said. "Looks like it's up to me to keep track of it all in my journal!"
"Hmm... A cricket?" Kairi asked. Jiminy stormed off, ignoring her comment. "Sorry, just down see one in clothes every day," Kairi said nervously. Then she got into the gummi ship. "Wow, this is cool! What's this do?" She pressed a button, luckily not a dangerous one.
"Don't just go touching things!" Donald ordered as he got everything ready. "Blast off!" He yelled as the gummi ship began moving.
*** End of chapter
Ow, my eyes are burning! Can't write anymore. Should I make Sora & Co go to Wonderland or The Olympus Coliseum? Reviewers decide... This chapter was long so please give me reviews.
Again, thanks to Tiger5913.