A/N Well here we are everyone, the penultimate chapter. Even though it has been extremely sad to write Elsa's death. I hope there will be a little happiness to come out of it by the end of this chapter.

Chapter 21

Anna tossed and turned, shifting uncomfortably, until she woke with a deep feeling of nausea in the pit of her stomach.

Today was the day of Elsa's funeral and she wanted nothing more then to crawl under the bed sheets and stay there forever.

This is not how it is supposed to be! How can I face burying my sister and saying goodbye to her forever?

"Anna? Anna, are you okay?" came a soft, soothing voice beside her.

Anna's gaze flicked to Kristoff, who was now propped up on his elbow, a look of concern present on his face.

"I don't think I can do this," she whispered to her loyal husband.

"Anna?" Kristoff questioned soothingly. "We've been through this before. Of course you can do this. You have to do this. Elsa needs to be laid to rest, so she can finally be at peace."

"I know...I know. But why is it so hard?"

Kristoff really wasn't sure what to say, but anything comforting couldn't be a bad thing. "After today, I can assure you, things will get easier. You can try to move on. It won't be easy and you'll have good days and bad days, but it is a step in the right direction. I'll be here for you Anna. I'll always be here for you. No matter what."

Anna found herself clutching hold of Kristoff for dear life, before another wave of nausea hit her and she had to struggle off the bed and hurry to the bathroom.

It was just a small gathering inside the cathedral. Kristoff squeezed Anna's hand gently as he ushered her into one of the pews to the front. Gerda and Kai slipped in behind, whilst the remainder of the pews were soon occupied by the palace servants, council members, dignataries and a few of the Kingdoms most trusted and loyal guards.

As Anna gazed towards the bishop who now stood solemnly at the front, a tear slipped down her cheek. Only one year ago, Elsa was stood here celebrating her coronation. Just three months ago, she was sat in this very pew watching me marry my true love. Now I'm here, expecting to remember her life, whilst mourning her death. Isn't it so unfair how one minute life is perfect, then your whole world comes crashing down?

As the ceremony commenced, Anna lowered her eyes to the floor. Her head was pounding and the whooshing sound in her ears drowned out the bishops well-crafted euology.

She was just thankful when it was over and she could finally get out of there. She raced from the cathedral and found a private spot where she could heave up the rest of her stomach contents.

As she clutched her stomach, it was Gerda who had surprisingly come to her assistance, offering a hanky to wipe her mouth and a comforting arm around her shoulders.

"Are you okay, Your Majesty?" Gerda asked.

Anna panted heavily. "Not really, Gerda. I don't feel well at all."

"Pardon me for saying this, but you do look a little peaky. Are you sure you're able to manage to attend the service? because the carriages will be arriving shortly."

"I-I think so...no I have to...for Elsa...for my sister," she replied shakily.

As the Queen now stood in the courtyard, she almost wished it was gloomy to match the mood of the funeral, yet instead the sun shone down bright upon the sad event.

The procession was due to start, and Anna tried to put on a brave face. Her stomach was still churning and she felt rather dizzy and hot.

"It's just nerves," Kristoff calmly reminded her as they waited patiently. Gerda tried her best to console the younger servants who were stood crying and sniffling.

The first white carriage which arrived, was to carry Elsa's coffin. Anna had ensured it was to be drawn by the finest horses in the Kingdom. The second carriage would house The Queen, Prince Kristoff, Kai and Gerda, and the third and fourth carriages would carry the ministers and dignataries.

Anna glanced briefly at the coffin, which was now draped with the official Arendelle flag, sporting the crest of the purple and green crocus, before climbing inside.

Anna and Gerda couldn't stop crying as they rode through the streets of Arendelle. The pavements were lined with the citizens, both old and young who had come to pay their respects to the fallen monarch and her family.

The guards marched slowly alongside as the carriages rolled over the cobblestones, and made their way to the Royal cemetary. A memorial stone would soon be erected next to their parents, but for now, Elsa's final resting place would be amongst their ancestors.

As the Queen now stood at the gravesite, she could hardly keep upright. She felt Kristoff's hand encircle her waist and pull her close as they took up their positions and listened to more dreaded speeches.

Finally, it was time for Anna to give her speech that she had prepared. Her hands were trembling as she held the piece of parchment in her hand. She poised herself, cleared her throat, took a deep breath and then began.

"Before we say our final farewell, I'd like to share with you some of my fondest memories. Because you see, Elsa wasn't just the Queen. She was my sister...and also my best friend. She always...always knew.." Anna faltered as she was suddenly overwhelmed by a feeling of dizziness.

Composing herself, she attempted to continue, but her heart was pounding so loudly, she was afraid it was about to leap out of her chest. Everything became hazy as disorientation set in. Anna could hear Kristoff yelling something, but it was all a blur as she collasped to the ground.

Kristoff paced outside their bedchambers as Kai attempted to console the Prince.

"You're going to wear a hole in that carpet, if you keep doing that, Your Highness. Now you and I both know, Her Majesty is as strong as an ox. I'm sure there is nothing to worry about."

"I knew something wasn't right, but I thought it was stress, because of the funeral and all. What if it is something serious? what if she has suffered an infection from her injury? I mean it's possible, isn't it?"

Thankfully, Kai didn't need to answer. The door was opened and the doctor appeared, inviting Kristoff to come inside...alone.

Now he was truly nervous, so once inside he hurried over to the bed where Anna lay. She was awake now, and thankfully some color had returned to her cheeks.

"How is she doctor? Do you have an explanation as to what happened?"

The doctor pushed his glasses towards the bridge of his nose. "I've already carried a full examination and I've already spoken to Her Majesty. Although it would probably be better if this news comes from her."

"News? what news?" He turned to Anna, who looked gravely worried. "I knew it! Hans is still managing to destroy every inch of happiness, even from the beyond the grave."

Anna grasped his hand reassuringly. "Kristoff, I'm fine. It's not at all what you think."

The Prince scratched his head. "Did I think it was something bad? no of course not. Why would I think that?" Great, now I'm rambling. "So, are you going to tell me?"

Anna managed a weak smile. "I'm pregnant."

"Pregnant?!" Kristoff found himself too lost for words. "But how?"

"I'm sure I don't need to tell you how it works, Kristoff. You may have been raised by trolls...but they are the love experts."

Kristoff looked flustered. "I don't mean it like that. I mean...the trauma you experienced. The stab wound?"

The doctor stepped in with some medical information for the young man. "Luckily, the knife narrowly missed her uterus, so there is no danger there. As for the trauma, it is amazing what the human body can endure, and even more amazing that a tiny new life could survive against all the odds."

Kristoff's emotions were all over the place. This was supposed to be the worst day of their lives, but he had just been given the best news he had ever had in his entire life. He had never cried before, but as he sat down on the bed, tears flowed freely as he hugged Anna tightly. "We're going to be parents," he finally choked out.

Anna felt her own rush of emotions. "This is a miracle Kristoff. I may have lost my sister, but I've gained something just as precious...our baby."

A/N Well there you have it. I am going to add one last chapter and it will be set after Anna has the baby.