Stephanie rushed from the Conference room in the hope of finding Paul before the show, first she searched catering and he wasn't there, then she tried the ring and he wasn't there either but before she could search anywhere else Michael Hayes came up to her, "Stephanie we need you to produce the segments with Jericho and then the one with Evolution tonight please, there has been a mix up in the scheduling and you're our only hope. Will you do that please?"

Stephanie nodded, "sure thing, it's only my first day back after a week off and I'm already getting thrown in at the deep end. Give me time and places for when they are being filmed and I'll do it."

"Steph that's great thank you. The Evolution one is being run through as we speak so you need to go straight to dressing room 6 and it is being filmed as soon as it has been run through and the Jericho promo is an interview with Terri which we want to go out live during the show but if you can run through it with them as soon as you've done Evolution's promo that would be helpful."

Quickly writing down all of the information she nodded her head, "I think I've got all of that, I'll see you later."

Stephanie quickly left for dressing room 6 in the hope of talking to Paul also.

Paul was running through his lines with Ric and Randy when there was a knock at the door, "come in."

Stephanie walked in and immediately got down to business, "I understand you guys are running through your promo to be filmed straight away, can I take a quick look at the script a moment and then we'll run through it if that's okay with you guys?"

All three members of Evolution looked at each other before Randy stepped forward with a script, "here's the script for you to look at."

She nodded her head in acknowledgement, "thank you."

Once they had run through the promo they filmed it and as it only took one take Stephanie decided to see if she could talk to Paul before she had to run through the other promo with Jericho, "Paul, can I have a minute please?"

Paul turned to Ric and said, "hang on." He then turned back to Stephanie but before he could say anything there was a knock on the door and in walked Jericho, "Steph I need a favour please, can we go through the promo now as there is a problem with a couple of the spots in my match and I need to go down to the ring to work them out?"

Stephanie sighed softly but nodded her head, "sure Chris I'll be there in a minute if you go and get Terri for me."

Chris nodded his head and left to get Terri.

Once Chris had left Stephanie turned back to Paul, "Paul I really need to talk to you soon."

He just shrugged, "well I'm really busy now with the show so maybe we can talk again sometime . . . like say next week."

She shook her head in annoyance as he walked off and she went back to work.

For the rest of the evening Stephanie was busy working but when she had a spare minute she'd try and talk to Paul but he kept brushing her off saying he was busy or he was getting ready for his match, anything so he didn't have to talk to her. By the end of the show Stephanie was frustrated that he kept brushing her off and making excuses but before she could confront him she was called to clear up a problem that they were having so she couldn't.

Paul was in the shower after his match when Kevin came in, "hey man, how are you doing now? Has Steph talked to you again?"

Paul stuck his head out of the shower, "I'm alright I just wish Stephanie would let me get on with things and not be in such a rush to talk to me, she has been trying all evening to talk to me and I keep brushing her off as I need time to get used to this."

He then stuck his head back in the shower to finish and get out of there.

Kevin waited outside for him to finish so he could talk some sense into him. Once Paul was out of the shower and wrapping a towel round his waist Kevin said, "maybe she has something good to say, don't you at least owe her the opportunity to talk to you?"

Paul laughed dryly, "I owe her the chance to talk? That's rich when she refused to talk to me for a week and then she turns back up again and I'm expected to be all sweetness and light with her when she dumps me and talk to her when she sees fit."

Kevin shook his head, "fine, whatever."

Paul was mad at Kevin as he thought he was on his side so he turned his back on him and got dressed then went to leave but as he reached the doors Ric and Randy wanted a word so he stopped to talk to them.

Stephanie was rushing to see if she could catch Paul before he left as the problem had taken her a lot longer than she expected so she ran to the locker room only to be told he'd left so ran to the doors to see him talking to Ric and Randy, "Paul, I need to talk to you."

Hearing Stephanie's voice Paul turned around and said, "can't you see I'm talking to these two? I'll talk to you next week."

Ric and Randy were both taken aback as they thought they were living together and Paul was going to Smackdown all of the time. Ric felt like they were going to be in the middle of a domestic so said, "it's alright Paul, it can wait."

Paul shook his head and said, "we were talking first and Stephanie will just have to learn some manners and either wait for us to finish or she'll have to talk to me next week."

She was sick of him brushing her off so she grabbed either side of his face and leant up and kissed him on the lips with a lot of passion.

As soon as she pulled away Paul's mouth dropped to the floor, "uhh . . . um . . . what was that for?"

She smiled, "well it would appear we got our wires crossed earlier when you thought I was dumping you, I thought we had got back together, Kevin pointed it out to me after the meeting and I have been trying to talk to you ever since and you would have none of it so I did the only thing I knew to get you to understand, I kissed you."

He smiled, "you don't want to dump me?"

Stephanie shook her head, "I love you and if you'll have me I want things to go back to the way they were."

He nodded his head, "I'd love that. You won't go running off on me again will you?"

She laughed but was eager to reassure him, "nope, this time you're stuck with me for good. The time apart and a conversation with somebody who wishes to remain nameless made me realize that it is between me and you and that is all that matters not what anybody else thinks."

Paul smiled and nodded, "that's true, that person is very wise. So is the wedding back on then or are we going back to the beginning again?"

Stephanie laughed at his question as it was silly to her, "this person wise, never, but yes the wedding is back on if you want it. I love you Paul."

"I love you too Steph."

Paul leant down and captured her lips in a searing passionate kiss. Life couldn't get any better than it was right now, he had his fiancee back and the wedding was back on.