~3 Years Later~


Put your make up on
Get your nails done
Curl your hair
Run the extra mile
Keep it slim so they like you, do they like you?

Get your sexy on
Don't be shy, girl
"Take it off
This is what you want, to belong, so they like you
Do you like you?"

"You have a great voice do you know that Nessy?" said Seth to a 17 year old looking girl as he walked into the living room, Jake trailing behind with arms full of food and chicken leg in mouth.

Renessame had been startled thinking that she was the only one at home. "Jake, Seth what are you guys doing here?" She asked as she changed the Chanel not allowing the boys to see the music video.

"We just wanted to hang out, hey who was the singer right now? She sounded familiar." Seth said as he reached over and stole a pizza slide from Jake.

"That's LeeLove Water, some new artist that Nessi has been obsessing for over a year and a half. Nes knows all her songs by heart and completely idealizes her. Wsont let me even see a picture of her because she says LeeLove is to perfect to be seen by me, Huh to perfect my ass." Jake scoff's, mumbling the last part.

You don't have to try so hard
You don't have to give it all away
You just have to get up, get up, get up, get up
You don't have to change a single thing

The song come from a distance, snapping everyone from the conversation. "My Phone!" Nessie Yelled horrified as she raned to her room in the Cullen's Mansion.

You don't have to try, try, try, try
You don't have to try, try, try, try
You don't have to try
You don't have to try

Take your make up off
Let your hair down
Take a breath

"Hello, Can you call back later on? I have Guest, bye."

"Hey, Nessie who was that?" Jake asked speciously as he looked a Seth who had the same expression.

"Uh, that was just Uncle Valdimir and Uncle Stephan. There not so friendly of wolfs right now after been attacked by some real children of the moon not so long ago in Africa." Renesame lied as she walked in to the livingroom.

"Real Chil-" Jake was cut of by a now familiar song.

You don't have to try so hard
You don't have to give it all away
You just have to get up, get u-

Nessie once again raced up to her room to get her phone. This time instead of a talking she let out a gasp and scream's of joy as she jumped around her room. She soon stooped and screamed from her room in a not so-friendly-voice. "Jake, Seth can you guy's leave i have to call Clair! We need some serious Girl talk, if you now what i mean."

"I-Uh We needed to leave anyways! Sue, want us to,..." Jake called unable to fish as he and Seth shuffled out the door.

"Do some Homework! Yeah do some homework, for uh,..., little Susy down the street? Okay bye." Seth called as he slammed the door running out.

Nessie rolled her eye's after the boys left and made a call, soon joining on what now was a three way call.

"Ren, are you in?" Leah's voice come from the phone.

"Yes! Oh My god Lee! i can't believe your coming to Seattle Next week! Do you want us to come and visit?"I said excitedly.

"Actually i had something else in mind." Leah said.

"What else can you have in mind aunty Leah?" Clair asked.

"Me going to you guys." Leah said makings us gasp.

"A-are you sure you w-want to do that?" I manege to choke out after some minutes of silence.

~La Push's High Detention hall~

"I can take you were ever you want,..., just go out on a date with me, please." Collin begged his classmate, Xion.

Brady couldn't help but snicker at 'C-Man's' 'flirting.'

"No, Collin I- wait where ever i want?" Xion asked now interested, shocking the boys.

Although astronished Collin waisted no time and reasured her. "Yeah were ever you want."

"Okay, Take me to see LeeLove this next weekend and it's a date." She said as she extended out her hand to seal the deal.

"Yes! Deal!" Collin said as he shake Xion's hand.

"Wait, Who's LeeLove?" Brady asked.

Xion gasp and looked at Brady "You don't know who LeeLove is?" She screamed "Well she The singer of the Year with 7 Hits songs, and 3 Billboard awards in her 2 years of been in the show businesses. Haven't you heard her song 'Try', Monster, or her newest one Night like this?"

Not getting a respond back from the boys she sighed and gestured the to come close as she toke out her phone.

Brady and Collin came close as she played a song. "This is called Night like this."

Doo doo doo doo
Doo doo doo
Doo doo doo ooo

You are the one, you are the only one I was

born to know
Beyond the crush of any summer lust and we dared to go
To chain our hearts and tear apart and come together again
A lover's bane forever will remain and I remember when

Brady winced at the Voice of the singer it was too familiar fro his liking. Brady narrowed his eyes trying to remember who it remind it him of.

Ahoo stars are falling, are we falling too?
Ahoo dawn is coming, what's this coming to?
On a night like this
On a night like this
Ahoo stars are falling, are we falling too?

Doo doo doo doo
Doo doo doo
Doo doo doo ooo

We are the ones, we were the lucky ones, and I will take the blame
And pay the cost for every lover's cross, heaven knows my name
The summer's touch? I loved so much I played again and again
And in the end I wasn't innocent, but we can still pretend

Ahoo stars are falling, are we falling too?
Ahoo dawn is coming, what's this coming to?
On a night like this
On a night like this

"How could I not have realized it"Brady thought "It's the same voice that put me to sleep when mom left me at Aunties Sues when she worked at nights."

Ahoo stars are falling, are we falling too?

If we survive the storming and we're alive by morning
We'll never be the same I'll never be the same


Ahoo stars are falling, are we falling too?
Ahoo dawn is coming, what's this coming to?
On a night like this
On a night like this
Ahoo stars are falling, are we falling too?

As soon as the song ended Brady asked Xion to show him a picture of LeeLove. "C-can you S-show me a p-picture of L-leeLove, Xion?

"Huh, a picture, yeah sure."