Hello FanficFriends

DO NOT KILL ME BUT I totally forgot to update, I'm currently on vacation so please be gentle. Aegon is here, that will make you happy right? Enjoy :)


For someone who was considered a true northerner Arya Stark felt at home under the sunny sunshine of Bravos... almost.

Passing thought the heart of the city Arya's mind was taking in all the tastes and smells the foreign city provided, children's laughter filled the air, merchant's voices rang clear selling their products, the never ending crackle of noises of a busy city. They were near the market since she could already smell her favorite spices until her window was pulled up.

"What part of wanted felon don't you understand? There is no need for the exposure of having your picture splashed across tomorrows papers"-

"It's another country Old Man, nobody gives damn about the mess that is Westeros"

"They will care once they know that the girlfriend of the Targaryen heir is back!"-

"Then it's a good thing that I am not said girlfriend uh?!" Arya sneered at the last person she wanted to see right know; Jon Connington.

Just her luck that of all the people that could possibly greet her and her family it would be this stuck-up pain in the ass. Of course it was better than Aegon and God forbid Joffrey himself but still there was no love between these two.

"I cannot believe I am even taking you back to the compound right now. The ramifications for the whole family to be tied to the Starks in mist of this whole mess..."- He sneered right back.

Jon Connington was once Aegon's guardian; maybe that was why he had a stick up his ass since Aegon wrote the book on being a wild child but that still wasn't an excuse for his treatment towards Arya. He downright hated her even if she was the one who straitened Aegon out.

"Why are you taking me back to the compound? Why where you even at the airport?"

"Aegon had the whole city on watch completely convinced that you were going to come back. Not that I cared, it worked for me since that way I could keep an eye on him in case he wanted to leave and go get you himself"-

"Well I appreciate your concerns but it wasn't necessary. I came back because Westeros was no longer safe for me and my family. I didn't come here to get help from the Targs. Aegon and I are over!"

"How can you be so naive yet so self-centered at the same time is beyond me. Your father was a great man and he paid his debt to this family already. Believe me; if it where up to me we would never see you again"-

"Hey, you just said it; it's not up to you. I'll talk to Aegon myself so we can sort this thing out. We'll leave right away, trust me. I don't enjoy your company either"

"Oh Please..."- Connington said in a condescending tone as he went to serve himself a drink from the minnie bar. "As if Aegon is going to let you out of his sight. Did you have to bring the bastard as well?"-

Arya froze. She was so mad she couldn't even talk back. The word was associated with Jon but she knew Connington was talking about Gendry. These months had taken their tole and she was done fighting, all she wanted was a time out where Sansa could get real medical treatment, where they could all rest and properly mourn their father yet here she was, going back to the place she not so subconsciously ran from. Was this her M.O? Run when things get too complicated? She first ran from Winterfell and then from Braavos, where did she belong?

The scenery quickly changed into a long road that lead to the far side of the island, a secluded area that spawned for acres of green, plush land; Targaryen land. It was an uphill road that ended with a mansion built to mirror the once mighty Dragonstone; ancient tower and HQ for the family back in Westeros.

Arya ignored Connington's ramble has she began to think of her game plan or there lack of. Only Edric knew about Arya's life in Braavos and yet he didn't knew all the details. Her real involvement with the house of black and white, her partnership with Jaqen and Aegon? How in the world was she going to prevent Aegon from meeting her whole family? From meeting Gendry? Hell it was going to be emotional all by themselves, now try to break up with a guy when you're in his house surrounded by both your families!

The car stopped and she followed Connington out of the car as the others arrived as well, all mesmerized by their surroundings, everyone but Gendry. She could feel his body heat as he walked right behind her going up the stairwell into the main house, she was thankful for it, just his presence calmed her. She wondered how much time would Gendry remain calm.

As they were ushered in one of the many waiting rooms, Connington; an ass but an ass with manners, went to arrange refreshments for all as Robb was the first to go on question mode.

"What the hell is happening Arya? Who the hell are these people?"- Robb whispered clueless as everybody else.

"I'll explain later. Let me just..."

Arya was going to at least tell them to have an open mind and spare her a few minutes so she could track down whoever was in the house but someone though differently. Nymeria came barging through the doors leaping strait at her, tackling her down to the floor licking her face.

"Ohh Nyme I miss you sooo sooo much!" She said cooing over the large animal.

"Nymeria?"- Sansa said as the wolf lifted its head and went straight over to Sansa, a scene that made Arya's heart clench. It was as if Nymeria knew what happened to Lady and approached Sansa with such tenderness that made her want to cry. Nym wiggled her tail back and forth as she saw the rest of the Stark brood but positively lost it once she saw Gendry.

"Whoa, back down girl. I'm happy to see you too"- Gendry said as the large beast stood on two legs licking his face.

The large wolf proved to be a minor distraction as seconds later the doors barged open again, this time a flash of silver hair came running down the massive living room sweeping Arya off her feet, and unlike Nymeria she wasn't being licked. She was being kissed full on the lips while a pair of hands encased her body tightly.

"About fucking time you came back home!"- Aegon said with the same expression of adoration he always had for her.

"Hey Aegon..." It was lame, she knew it but what was she supposed to say? They weren't together anymore so she couldn't exactly return the sentiment but he still had opened his home to her and her family. She couldn't just brush him off.

"I'm sorry...but what the hell is happening here?!"- Gendry shrieked as much as his deep voice let him. Aegon barely noticed the clueless onlookers.

"Are you ok? Are you hurt? Are you hungry? Do you want to lie down? Do you want some water? Shall I run a bath? What do you want to do? I can call my lawyers. What about your father? Arya I am so, so sorry I..."-

"Aegon slow down just..." Arya wanted to stop his rambling but she was the one forced shut by Aegon's mouth as he kissed her again this time with more force and passion not caring who was around them. He pushed her body flush against him as he kissed her like so many times but sadly he could not tell that she wasn't kissing him back. Aegon was a hell of a kisser but his lips seemed to pale in comparison to the ones that still lingered on every inch of her body; Gendry's.

"Don't..."- He said ending the kiss, pressing his forehead to hers. "...Don't ever leave me like that, I've been in hell since you left me"- He said all toughness gone; her little lost boy. On muscle memory her hand stroked his cheek and he leaned towards her. Boyfriend or not; he was part of her life.

"Arya thank the Gods you're alright!"- This intrusion Arya did welcome. Gendry, Aegon, Connington; all were tossed aside as she disentangled herself from Aegon's and ran right into Daenerys arms.

"You were missed kiddo"- Daenerys's husband said as he walked beside his wife tussling Arya's hair.

"I am so sorry for your loss my little wolf, I'm truly am"- She said making Arya instantly cry.

Dany; as she was affectionately called by her inner circle was Aegon's aunt. They were close in age but mentally Dany was wise beyond her year; the perfect wife and typical mother-hen. Arya's rock and maternal figure when there was no female presence in her life. She cooed and affectionately stroked her back letting Arya cry while she noticed the newcomers.

"Please sit, make yourselves comfortable. I've always have wanted to meet you all but it is a shame that it has to be under these circumstances"- Dany said as everyone looked at this tiny, graceful and exquisite woman console Arya who finally stopped sobbing and seemed to compose herself.

"Sorry" She mumbled still sniffing. Aegon came and gave her a perfectly monogrammed hanker-shift.

"Guys this is Daenerys Targaryen, Dany this is my family; what's left of it really" God she needed a good rest in a proper bed.

"Such formality. Please, do sit. I see you weren't downplaying when you said the Tully ran strong in your family"- Dany said trying to lift of the mood but everyone seemed rooted to the spot. Northerners eyeing with mistrust the newcomers who in turn didn't know how to act towards the guests. Gendry was absolutely fuming so Jon and Robb stood in front of him as Aegon continued to hoover over Arya who was hating herself. Did she had to choose this moment to break down? She cursed at Dany and her motherly ways since it was sure her freakishly purple eyes were the ones that made her cry thinking about her mother and everything that had happened since they left Winterfell. Through her tears she managed to catch a glance of Edric, who nodded taking the lead since he already knew the Targs. He cleared his throat.

"Uhmmm Dany? These are Arya's older brothers; Jon and Robb"- He said signaling to the two who nodded back eyeing Aegon up and down.

"This is Jeyne; Robb's wife and Sansa, Arya's older sister."- To this introduction Dany reacted.

"Oh I have heard so much about you"- Dany said sitting up from her spot crossing the room and sitting next to a very surprised Sansa. "May I say you are as beautiful as Arya said you were"- She beamed making Sansa feel relaxed at her openness.

"Uhmm yes, I'm sorry but we don't know who you are"- Sansa said confused looking over at Arya who finally stopped sobbing. She stood up taking some distance from Aegon but she couldn't downright go over to where Gendry was. She was in no energy to start World War Three.

"How silly of me; my name is Daenerys Targaryen and this is my home. This is my husband Drogo and my nephew Aegon. We welcome you and wish to help you as much as we can, any family of Arya's is welcomed here."-

Dany's welcome was filled with good intentions but raised more questions. Weren't the Targaryen's crushed by the Baratheon's years ago? What the hell where they doing up and coming in Braavos? And more importantly they all wondered how Arya managed to befriend them?! The clock kept ticking and Dany was eyeing Sansa with interest while Aegon seemed to finally acknowledged Gendry who in turn wanted to smash his fair little head off.

"I'm sorry but you are?..."- Aegon questioned the others but looked straight at Gendry.

"I'm Brandon, you can call me Bran"- Bran piped in said walking up to Dany, Aegon and Drogo giving them a firm handshake.

"That is my girlfriend Meera, his brother Jojen. You already seemed to know Edric and that's our foster brother Theon"-

"Oh welcome, welcome all"- Dany said giving Bran's hand a squeeze making him blush. "And you might be?... I seem to remember Arya telling me about another brother but she said he was the youngest."- Dany said directly addressing Gendry.

"I'm Gendry... Waters"- That's all he said and Arya instantly knew he was hurt. Titles were a big thing with Gendry, they always where. And after Aegon's display of affection he must be dying for an explanation.

"He's Robert Baratheon's bastard"- Connington sneered entering back into the room but before Arya could react he was put down with authority by Dany.

"Jon we do not use that word in this house"- She said in her small voice but effectively making everyone flinch. "Baratheons and Starks have been loyal to each other for generations so it doesn't surprise me to find Robert's son with Eddard's children. We are not our fathers and we will not judge each other upon their actions. Are we clear?"- Everyone nodded while Dany stood up smoothing down her dress while Arya only wanted to kiss the woman and get back to crying.

"Dany we won't bother you for long, we'll head out as soon as possible" Arya said not convincing Daenerys an inch.

"Nonsense. I have prepared quarters for each of you so you can lie down, have a bath and relax after your journey. We will have plenty of time to talk over dinner. The north wing will be completely yours, I know you need privacy as a family, Arya? I moved your things to another chamber as well"-

"Whoa there, our room is..."- Aegon's outburst was cut short by a death glare from Dany. Once again Arya was thankful.

They all thanked the small woman who was clearly in charge of everything as they were escorted to their rooms by another small woman, of course Theon was all over her in seconds.

"Well hello you... I'm Theon; and you might be?..."-

"I am Missandei; Daenerys personal assistant. By the way, good to have you back Miss Arya, you had us all worried."- The young woman said completely ignoring Theon as they walked.

"Arya? What the fuck is going on?"- Gendry 'whispered' fooling no one.

"Shhh I'll sort everything out in a second" Arya shushed Gendry up but gave him a pleading look to understand and play along. Missandei kept on talking.

"As my mistress said, the North wing has been completely accommodated for you. Each room is fully equipped to your needs with a change a clothes for the night and housekeeping is open to your service 24-7. Dinner is to be served at 7 sharp"-

"Thank's Missy. I really appreciate it" Arya said seeing one of those rare times Missandei slipped out of her professional role.

"My pleasure Arya, you truly were missed"- She said winking and turning away given them last instructions. "Every room is ready pass this corridor, the last one is the Princess Chambers. Those were prepared for you Arya, the rest of you are free to stay where you want."-

"And where do you sleep Gorgeous?"- Theon said but was ignored all together by Missandei who only looked back to remember them to be on time for dinner. Finally alone, Arya was quick to talk shutting down the wave of questions that was surely going to come at her.

"Guys, this is as safe as we're gonna be. Please just go to your rooms and I'll explain everything over dinner"

"Arya... c'mon I mean it's the freaking Targaryen's! How did you end up with them? People don't even know they are alive!"- Jon was the first to speak.

"And there's a perfectly reasonable explanation for it, just please. Let's all go freshen up!"

"Is there? How come you're such buddy - buddy with them? Did Dad know about this?"- Asked Robb.

"Of course he did! Who do you think set up the whole thing?"

"It's him isn't it? He's your ex-boyfriend?"- Gendry asked finally letting the other shoe to drop. No one daring to speak up.

"Yes, Gen... he is. But... There are bigger things in our plate that we should discuss first. Please, just let's go to our rooms and meet up back for dinner. I promise to tell you everything." They were in the middle of a staring contest when Jeyne spoke.

"Arya is right guys. These people seem to like her, they opened up their home to us. Personally I'm going hunting for a real nice bath. I suggest we all do the same"- She said tugging Robb by the hand.

"I'm with Jeyne. Jon you should probably rest your wound and so should you Sansa. Arya is there any way we can get someone to come and check up on her?"- Meera piped up. The women were clearly steering the attention away from Gendry.

"I'll tell Dany to fix something up right away. Sansa take to room next to me, I don't want you far off"

"Sure..."- Sansa said unsure glancing over to Gendry. Well this was awkward but it needed to be done. As much as she needed to explain things to Gendry she needed to explain things to Aegon first. She needed space from Gendry to avoid any tantrums from Aegon at least for one night.

"Come on Gendry, what's done is done. Arya already said she'll tell us all at dinner"- Said Jojen managing to snap Gendry out of his internal debate. He sighed and looked tired but Arya was the same or worse as him, she needed to collect herself first.

They said their goodbyes agreeing to meet up for dinner and Arya all but collapsed in her bed once she got inside of her room. It was the master bedroom of the wing but it could easily been the basement. She was so tired she wouldn't know the difference after sleeping in shady motels and cars for the last months.

Losing track of time, it could have been a matter of minutes or hours when Arya heard the door being opened. After a quick shower she had dropped dead to the world under the covers not even drying her hair getting all the pillows wet. It was easy to tell when Nymeria jumped in bed because of her happy little yelps. It was even easier to tell when Aegon sat beside her and stroked her back as she smelled his natural spicy scent.

"I brought you back my old t shirts. I didn't think you'd be comfortable in the nightgowns Dany chose for you... although I have to say you look good in them"-

"Too tired to care" Arya mumbled from under her pillow only poking her head out as Aegon fell silent.

"Hi..."- He said stroking her face with tenderness. "Arya I am so sorry I didn't come for you earlier"-

"Nonsense" She said finally sitting up. "It wasn't your problem Aegon"

"Everything that has to do with you concerns me, it's my duty to help you and I failed you not only now but how I behaved in the past. Before you left..."-

"Aegon right now is so not the time to talk about us. I mean, there isn't an us left, just a lot of loose ends"

"Of course there is an us, there will always be an us! I am here for you Arya, I've always have and I'll always will"-

"Aegon we are not having this conversation right now" She tried to stand up from the bed but he held her back.

"Ar I am so sorry about your father"- She froze.

"DON'T! Definitely don't go there!" She trashed in Aegon's arms but he only held her tighter. How much more was she going to cry?

"You lost your father, I knew how much you loved him"- He engulfed her in a big hug as tears started to make their appearance.

"I... I..." Full sobs escaped her body, she was a mess again crying for everything and everyone. Her father lived his life with honor that ultimately killed him, the world was unfair just as it was unfair to have Aegon reassure her when all she wanted was to run over to Gendry's room and find the comfort she needed that his arms provided.

"Shhh, let it all out"- He rocked her back and forth till she cried and cried. Nymeria jumped out of bed and started to wiggle her tail next to the door but no one came in or knocked.

"I'm so tired Aeg... I don't think I can take it anymore, I'm not strong enough" Arya muttered with her head deep in the crook of Aegon's neck like she had done millions of times before. She searched for comfort but she found only a body, a mass of flesh. There was no connection! Aegon didn't hold her back when she got out of his arms and sat back on the bed.

"I don't know what happened on your journey from the North to here but I have no doubt that your family is safe because of you. You're stronger than you think so Arya, you'll get through this. I know you can"-

"You're just saying that because you want in to my bed" She chuckled. She had to give to Aegon, when he toned down the intensity he made her relax.

"Please, that's a given, I just want a permanent residency"- She flinched and hoped he didn't noticed as she stood up. It was if her body reacted on its own. No chance buddy, she was spoken for.

"Aegon there is something I need to tell you before we go down for dinner. More about someone..." She saw his demeanor change in a matter of seconds, purple eyes boring into her as a knock interrupted them. Jon's soft but assertive voice ringing through the door which Arya quickly opened.

"Hey, it's almost seven but I needed to talk to you first and... Oh, sorry. I didn't know you weren't alone"- Jon said noticing Aegon by the bed. It was only then when Arya realized that Aegon looked pretty comfy on the bed in his sweats while the nightgown Dany gave was very short and sheer in fabric. Jon raised his eyebrows and Aegon had the decency of leaving the room.

"See you downstairs. Jon? Hope to talk more to you"- Aegon said giving Arya a kiss on the head and Jon a firm handshake. When he was finally out of the room Jon sighed and ran his hands over his dark locks.

"Not that I approve it but if there's going to be a man in your room shouldn't it be Gendry?"-

"Jon, don't start ok? I have a lot on my head!"

"A lot on your head? Arya regardless of what we've been through you've been shaking up with Gendry for the past months. What the hell was this Aegon person doing in your room?"-

"Nothing! We were just talking. We are close Jon"

"Whatever you are, sort it out with Gendry. I know I haven't been exactly the best friend lately but I got his back and he loves you. Like really loves you. If you are going to get back with Aegon you should at least tell him!"-

"I am not going to get back with Aegon. I love Gendry just the same as he loves me!" She shouted as Aegon came back to the room.

"I just was leaving more clothes for you in case you needed them"- His eyes wide full of hurt. He quickly walked out again.

Suddenly Arya preferred eating her own hands than to go down for dinner.


Steak, wine, salad, potatoes.

Steak, wine, salad, potatoes.

Steak, wine, salad, potatoes.

Gendry was reciting his actions to have something to focus on during the most tension filled dinner of his life, nobody saying anything but wanting to know everything! Their side still restless from the trip and the other side; the Targaryen side looking at each and every one of them. Gendry was particularly this evening's plate for Aegon and the other guy; Connington. He could feel their eyes on him constantly. Fuck em! He glared right back. One called him a bastard while the other one dated Arya; his sentence was out the second he kissed her. Gendry wasn't about to forget on that little tidbit anytime soon.

Not that Arya had a type; there was Edric and himself and he wasn't sure Arya had been honest about being with other guys in Braavos but what the hell did she see in this guy?! Aegon had long hair matching the girl's length. I'm sorry but he's like an older Joffrey; Skinny, pretty and loaded. What could he possibly have that made Arya want to date him?; he thought.

She told her little tale of how she meet the famous family but if someone knew Arya that was Gendry. If she had told the truth she was sure as hell leaving things out. The thing that stood out the most was something Dany said; 'when Arya came to us bringing Aegon with her we were finally together'... What the hell was that supposed to mean? She didn't know her own nephew? Was he an outcast? Gendry asked precisely that but he was shot down by Aegon himself with some form of a very polite fuck you. That had been the norm all night. Snarky comments between both of them while Arya tried to defuse the situation.

"Well... honey I know it's a Wednesday but I need a beer. Anyone?"-

"Yes...but wine for me and certainly sparking water for Sansa"- Daenerys replied to her husband as they soaked up the tale of everything that had happened since Arya left Braavos for Robb's engagement. Everyone chipped in their part of the story leaving nothing.

"He was a fine man; your father"- Daeneys said to each of the Stark siblings. "After all that time he could have just washed his hands and walked away but he chose to help us. Bank up every single one of our projects till we were up and running. He said he wanted to write off his wrongdoings after playing such a part in our family's downfall. It speak volumes of him, what he did and for that I am eternally grateful"-

"As am I! I will never forget the day Ned Stark came into my office offering me partnership with a dead ass newbie firm; sorry honey!"- Drogo said handling everyone their chosen drink for the night. Out of the corner of his eyes Gendry saw both Arya and Dany glare at Aegon who took a beer.

"It's safe to say that not only we became associates but we became husband and wife"- Danny replied with a smile on her face.

"Damn strait! Finest decision I have ever made in my life."- Drogo said kissing his wife very freely making everyone uncomfortable.

"See the thing I don't get is..."- The moment was broken by Aegon who was casually seated next to Arya, his hand draped over her chair.

Steak, wine, salad, potatoes.

Steak, wine, salad, potatoes.

Steak, wine, salad, potatoes.

"... I mean, I get Dayne; he is in charge of your PR and all and he hardly distances himself from Arya and I get the Reeds"-

"Of course, Old man Howland was Roberts and Eddard's accountant and personal adviser"- Connington said with a mocking tone making Meera and Jojen stare daggers at him.

"But what I don't get is you!"- Aegon said pointing over at Gendry who gripped his table knife. Sansa who was on his left squeezed his arm to prevent him doing something stupid.

"The press only outed you as Robert's bas... I'm sorry; other son just recently. Did you knew about his parentage all along?"- He asked feigning innocence but fooling no one.

"Gendry is familiar face in our lives. He was always home and he hanged out with Arya ever since I can remember"- Said Robb in his defense.

"I doubt that, he's Robert's spitting image. To not know anything..."- Connington was rambling on when Arya cut him mid speech.

"The thing is that we certainly know that Gendry is in fact a Baratheon and Baratheon's and Stark's stick together so wherever we go, he goes. It always has been and will be like that so drop it. Now that we're on the subject Dany said it best; we are not our fathers. Gendry is not Robert as much as Aegon is not Rhaegar so stop talking down at him as if he were responsible for Robert's actions years ago."- Arya fumed standing up making the room silent.

"I didn't know about my father's identity till a few months ago when Eddard was forced to tell me. My loyalty to the Starks comes purely out of that; loyalty. Without a name they gave me a roof and love" Gendry said looking straight at Arya. "Wherever they go, I go..." And he knew she knew he meant it from the bottom of his heart.

"It's been a long day... We'll continue this talk tomorrow. For today I think we all need a good night's sleep"- Dany said motioning the maids to pick up the table.

"Arya... a word please"- Connington asked as Aegon stormed out of the room. Gendry searched Arya's eyes to see if she wanted him to stay but she never looked back locking herself off in the living room with the old man so everybody said their goodbyes and went to their rooms.

He escorted Sansa back to her room out of habit; he wasn't one of those guys that though pregnant meant sick. It's just that he felt for her being it was her first pregnancy and it had been so chaotic. It made him think about his own mother...

"We mortals are but shadows and dust..."-


"I don't know. I heard that in a movie, I thought it was fitting"- Sansa said gesturing to their surroundings. They were officially in a castle, it wasn't a house, and it wasn't a building. It was a freaking castle!

"This? The house? The luxury? You know they mean nothing to Arya don't you? There's still a lot we don't know. I can certainly relate to being trapped inside a castle"-

"You think Aegon and Dany? That they?..." Gendry was alarmed. The thought of Arya going through what Sansa did made him want to faint, he'd make sure no Targaryens lived on this lifetime.

"Oh God's no! I mean it's Arya; she's a pretty good judge of character. I meant more like in the end this is not real, it all fades. There's a lot of money at stake here Gendry and Arya knows that but she loves you. In the end she'll do her duty"-

"Yeah... I'm starting to see a pattern with you Starks and duty. Don't think I like it" He sulked as Sansa kissed him goodbye and went inside her room. Gendry didn't bother changing into the spare clothes he was given as he threw himself in bed. You'd think that he'd appreciate the soft mattress and comfort of a clean room but he missed Arya, she had taken a hold to the space next to him so as if summoned she entered his room at some point of the night when everything was pitch black, immediately melting into his arms. None of them saying anything but as always it was as if Arya could hear his thoughts.

"We are far bigger than a label or a title Gendry, please remember that. Remember us…"-

"Arya... this thing with Aegon."

"Gendry close your eyes"- He did as she told him "Can you see it? Even in the dark, even miles away we will always be -us-. And there will never, ever be another place I'll rather be"-

Was she rambling out of the few drinks she had at dinner? Not a change, Arya could hold her liquor, was she sleep deprived? Maybe. But her words made sense. Even when they were little, with no romantic feelings involved he could literally feel her. Like the piece to his puzzle as only she could understand him. Take that feeling and raise it to the maximum and that was where Gendry was right now. Yes; mortals in the end where shadows and dust but this wasn't the end, they were alive and Gendry could touch Arya, feel her skin and smell her scent.

"I'll always see you Arya... even in the dark" She heard her soft breath, she had fallen asleep.

"There really is no other place I'd rather be..."


He didn't need to see Nymeria sleeping in front of one of the guestrooms to know where Arya was as he was standing inside the room that was conditioned for her, a room that wasn't theirs, where they slept together countless of times side by side embracing each other.

He knew which room it was, he'd asked one of the maids to tell him who slept where. She was in his room, the bastard's.

Aegon knew he had to play his cards well enough that Arya couldn't find out he was actually moving the chips. Arya was wild and like any wild animal she'd bit back and run if she felt threatened. He'd finally found out why she ran from Winterfell in the first place so the brute must have done something right this time around. But if anything, Aegon had a will like no other and he wanted Arya.

Let her have tonight, tomorrow she'll start to find out that she won't run from him, not for a second time anyway. They were wrong, they were their fathers. A Dragon once got away with the Wolf leaving the Stag alone licking his wounds and he would certainly do it again.

Aegon left the room and knocked on Connington's door. Tears magically appeared on his eyes...

Loves you to death, please be kind with your reviews since I have a fragile heart. ;) did you catch the quote?

Have a great weekend.

Song: Brick by Boring Brick by Paramore