Hello Blue Blood fans, so this story is one that is just going to go on as my mind makes it up. I cant promise any character whump because honestly I don't even know what is going to happen. Please read and Review and let me know what you think. Love Layna.


"Come on Jamie, you can't tell me that our last arrest wasn't the coolest!" Eddie was so excited, not only was their shift going to end, but it was also the most productive day they had.

"Okay, fine I will admit it, and now I think that he will be afraid of cops forever." Eddie laughed as they walked down the steps of the precinct, many fellow officers passed by either making their way in or getting ready for patrol. It was late, the moon shone in the sky and for once the stars were out.

"Ugh, I am so excited for the next two days off," She smiled.

"Me too, I am going to sleep for most of it." Jamie said with a laugh, it had been a crazy week and with him and Eddie covering shifts for a few sick officers, the two days off were well deserved.

"Oh, you are no fun, let's do lunch tomorrow, at Hannigan's," Eddie said as she made her way to their cars.

"Okay but this time try not to threaten the waitress, she is only doing her job."

"Oh so you defend her, she was rude, there were three tables besides us and she only stood at one in particular."

"Well, if I find something in my food, I'm blaming you." Jamie said, Eddie was just about to get into her car but they were stopped by a black SVU, none other than Garrett stepped out,. Eddie gave Jamie a look and he just raised his shoulders in a shrug.

"Um, I guess I'll see you tomorrow," Eddie said.

"No, Officer Janko, this also includes you, the commissioner would like to speak to both of you." Eddie became wide eyed as she closed her car door and locked it, Jamie looked confused, both of them got into the SVU and let themselves be taken to One Police Plaza.


"What did we do, I don't remember doing anything." Eddie paced the floor in the conference room, Jamie watched her worry herself to no end before he couldn't take it anymore.

"Eddie, sit down, its fine." Eddie hesitated before taking a seat right across her partner.

"You don't think this is about…" She looked around before leaning closer and whispering, " the kiss?"

"No, I mean only we know about that, and I didn't tell anyone did you?"

"Well, no but I don't know, your Dad is intimidating, like he knows everything."

"He doesn't know Everything and I'm positive he doesn't know about it." The both stood up when they heard the door handle being turned. Frank entered and with him Garrett joined but there were two more that Jamie and Eddie recognized but didn't know why they would be there.

"Officer Reagan, Officer Janko, please sit." They all took seats around the table, Frank pulled out two large files and the two other men, Detective Gareson and Detective Quimby also took out a some files of their own passing them out to everyone at the table.

"Officer Reagan and Officer Janko, you both know Detectives Hank Gareson and Henrietta Quimby from the narcotics division?" Both officers nodded and shook hands with each detective.

"You are probably wondering what this is about." Detective Gareson said opening his own file.

"Yes sir," Jamie answered.

"Five days ago, you and Officer Janko took down Nickolas Vencino." Detective Quimby started

"The man that Janko tackled?" Jamie asked.

"Is he pressing charges, he wouldn't stop, I identified myself… wait is he and undercover cop?" Gareson put his hand up to stop Eddie's rambling.

"No, Nickolas is a worker of the drug lord Henry Jems, we brought you two here because we want to offer you an undercover mission." Jamie looked at his father who gave him a reassuring smile, but underneath it Jamie could tell his father was conflicted about it.

"Why us?" Janko asked.

"Well, we have been following since the arrest and we have checked your arrest records, it seems that you have a great rate, also the story of the arrest, the suspicion of Nickolas and just going for it that is what we are looking for."

"With all due respect sir, I have only been on the force for less than a year, isn't that a problem?" Eddie asked

"No, a fresh set of feelers, I know this is huge and you would like to talk it through with each other but I need and answer by tomorrow." Eddie and Jamie nodded and watched as the two detectives got up and handed them the cards containing contact information before leaving. Jamie turned to his father and Garrett who were also gathering their things.

"Commissioner, what do you think about all of this?" he asked.

"Well, this is a great deal of responsibility, and you won't be able to tell anyone, the only people who would know would be the two detectives, Garrett and I, and going undercover may contain going in deep into undercover, you would definitely be questioned by your family, and may not be able to see them at some points."

"I think you and Officer should go discuss it, it is a hard thing but it could lead to greater things in your career, but also it is a huge risk, danger is around every corner with drug lords like Jems." Garrett added, Frank nodded in agreement. Jamie looked to Eddie who looked a little pale at what was being described. They all exited the room saying goodnight and then it was just Jamie and Eddie being Driven back to the police station.

"Jamie, meet me at my apartment in like half an hour, we should talk about this now, they need to know by tomorrow." She said as she got into her car and Jamie into his, this was going to be a long night.


A half eaten Large pizza sat between them as they sat there at 3:00am discussing the offer on the table.

"This is a huge thing for a rookie but I don't know if I could do it, not without you at least, and I know family is a huge thing for you." Eddie said taking a swig of beer.

"It is but this could be a huge opportunity, and when I was a rookie I went undercover, you can do this, but we have to commit, we can't give up."

"I know, Jamie we put out lives in danger every day, this though is going to be a huge risk, I have heard about Henry Jems he is brutal."

"If you are nervous, we don't have to do this."

"No, I think we have to," Eddie said with a little more confidence in her voice.

"I promise you Eddie, I won't let anything happen you, I'll protect you like I do now."

"Okay, let's make the call."

"It's three in the morning, I don't think they will answer, we can call them tomorrow, for now I think we need some sleep." Jamie got up and grabbed his jacket.

"Jamie, you have been up for like 20 hours you can crash here for the night, we can call tomorrow together." Jamie nodded before throwing is coat back on the couch, it was a little odd staying the night, but she was right and he had just had his third beer. She brought him a pillow and blanket and he crashed on the couch.


The sun seeped through the cracks in the blinds, casting rays of light on Jamie, for a minute he forgot where he was but then he saw Eddie and remembered everything about last night.

"What time is it?" He asked as he sat up and stretched.

"Like 10:15, we slept in pretty late." She said as she poured two cups of coffee and handed one to Jamie, sitting beside him.

"Given last night, I wouldn't blame us." They sat in silence for a moment going over in their heads that this was real, they were going to do this.

"Should we call, they are probably wondering." Jamie nodded and Eddie stood to grab her phone.

"The card is on the table," Jamie said standing up, he walked to her and sat at the kitchen nook. The phone rang before a voice finally answered.

"Quimby, who is this?" The woman asked.

"It's Officer Janko."

"And Reagan."

"Hold on a moment, I need to go get Officer Gareson." They heard the woman walk away and finally calling her partner over, "okay we are both here."

"We are excepting the assignment." Eddie said looking at Jamie who nodded.

"This is excellent, Officers, meet us at midnight at Planto's, you know the place?"

"Yes," Jamie answered.

"Great, see you then, and Detectives, you are in it now so be ready." The line went dead and Jamie and Eddie just stood there, letting out a heavy breath, would they be able to take on this challenge?


"They said midnight right, and here."Eddie asked.

"Yes, don't worry, if I know anything about detectives it's that they are always busy and that they can sometime be a little late."

"Okay," Eddie said as she bit her fingernails.

"Are you sure you want to do this Eddie, we can turn back, turn it down."

"No, we can't pass this up Reagan, we can do this I'll be fine." Jamie nodded.

"Jamison, Edit," it was Quimby and Gareson.

"Sorry we are late."

"It is fine, we understand."

"Lets go in."

"But its closed," Jamie said puzzled. Gareson pulled a key and dangled it in front of him.

"It's a safe house, for any detective who needs it." Eddie nodded and followed as Quimby and Gareson lead them in. They had been there before, it was a bar, a cover they guessed but right now it was pitch black and the only thing leading them was a flashlight that Quimby had magically made appear. They were lead to the back to a door that read employees only, entering it Jamie felt a chill rise up through his spine. Quimby flipped a light on and revealed a pegboard loaded with info about Henry Jems and his partners, his business.

"You two will have new names, Jamie, you will be Spencer Clarke and Edit your name is Emily Hastings, here are your back stories study them, your live depends on it. We will send in Jamie first, give him a week in first, Edit, you will have to enter after, make sure that you don't act like you recognize each other, it is crucial. This place will serve as where you bring your Intel in to, we will arrange everything here with your jobs now and we will get you your in with the Diablo gang, these are your phones on assignment, use code when speaking to us, but only contact us unless it's vital information or if you have been made. Jamie you start on next Friday, and Edit, you start on the 16th, are you ready for this?"

"Yes." Eddie said without thinking about it, Jamie nodded.

"Okay, no go burn those stories into your head."


Undercover! can they do it? Especially with the Rookie Eddie? Read and Review let me know if I would continue and let me know what you think so far, love always, Layna