For a while all they did was kiss, neither feeling the need to rush things. Maybe it was the tranquility of their surroundings or just the knowledge that neither of them was going to pull back this time. But despite their overwhelming desire for one another, they were content at first to just make out in the river in their private paradise.

Eventually Jeff slid his hands further underwater and ran them over Annie's back as Annie's hands began roaming over his. Even under the cool water they could feel their bodies responding to one another's touch. As Jeff's hands ventured lower and cupped her ass Annie giggled, inadvertently causing Jeff to moan from the vibrations her lips were making against his. She jumped up a little and wrapped her legs around his waist as Jeff securely held onto her. The two of them moaned as Annie's breasts pressed against Jeff's chest, their nipples hardening as they rubbed against each other.

Annie let out a gasp as she felt the head of Jeff's penis slide into her. He kissed her gently as he slid fully into her. Once he was completely inside of her Jeff pulled his head back and looked at Annie, truly believing at that moment that she was the more beautiful creature he had ever laid eyes on.

They continued to look at one another as Jeff's hips moved back and forth in slow deep thrusts. While he wished they were out of the water so he could fully see her, Jeff knew this was the best place for their first time to happen. On land he'd be overcome with desire and would be thrusting into her so fast he wouldn't have lasted long at all. But the cool water offered enough resistance for him to move within her slowly, and be able to savor every single moment.

But while he wanted this to last forever, Jeff knew even the cold water could only make him hold off for so long. As Annie held onto him tightly he felt her clench around him and knew he couldn't last. He pulled her into him as his climax finally came.

Jeff rested his chin against her shoulder, feeling her lips mouth silent sweet nothings in his ear. There were so many things he wanted to say to her right then, to let her know how grateful he was that he was finally being with her after all this time. But he was still Jeff, and sentimentality wasn't his strong suit. So instead he said the first non-sappy or romantic thing that popped into his head. "I think that's the first time I've ever had sex with someone I haven't seen naked."

"That's how I lost my virginity," she said right back.

"What, what?"

"My boyfriend in high school. We had sex, but we never actually saw…I didn't tell you this?"

"I'm pretty sure I would have remembered that one," Jeff said, his voice trying not to laugh.

"Guess I just told Shirley and Britta that story."

"Wow, I didn't think Shirley was capable of keeping gossip like that to herself," Jeff stated, causing Annie to giggle. He noticed that she was shivering and realized his own body was feeling the effects of being naked in a river at night. "We should probably get out of here."

Annie untangled herself from Jeff and watched him walk over to shore and climb out of the river, greatly admiring the view. She took a breath before deciding how to proceed. "Jeff."

"Yeah?" he asked as he turned around, his towel handing by his side.

Instead of verbally answering Annie hoisted herself out of the water and stood up so Jeff could properly see her. She stood there in anticipation as she waited for Jeff's reaction. Even though they had just had sex, she was still nervous about actually being seen naked. Despite the strides she had made over the years, she still wasn't 100% comfortable with actually having others see her naked. She also knew Jeff had been with a good number of women before her, and was apprehensive to what he'd think of her in comparison to the others.

She stood there looking at Jeff, seeing him staring at her with his mouth slightly open. He almost had the look of a teenager who was seeing a naked woman for the first time. As she started to say something her eyes inadvertently traveled downward, before she desperately tried not to blush at seeing his very prominent erection. Though she couldn't help grinning to herself at essentially getting her answer as to Jeff's thoughts at seeing her naked. That was pretty definite proof that he liked what he saw.

Jeff continued to stare at Annie, taking in everything as if this would be the only time he'd ever see such a spectacular sight. He was so engrossed in what he was seeing that it took him a few moments to realize he was hard as a rock. While he was by no means old, he wasn't exactly eighteen anymore and usually needed a few minutes before being ready for round two with a woman. But as soon as he actually saw Annie completely naked, not to mention dripping wet, it was like he had the libido of a teenager again.

With that Jeff marched over and passionately kissed Annie as his hands slid all over her body, trying to touch as much of her as possible. His lips traveled down her neck to the top of her breasts as Annie slid her hands down over his stomach to his shaft. Jeff groaned as Annie grasped hold of his cock with one of her hands, stroking him as her other hand lightly tickled his balls.

"I'm not going to last long if you keep doing that," Jeff told her, raising his head up just enough to discernibly talk.

"You mean the great Jeff Winger can't handle Little Ol Annie," she said in a joyful sing song voice, feeling empowered at the effect she was having on Jeff. She let go of Jeff and brought her hands to his shoulders, pressing down firmly until he allowed himself to sink down onto his knees. "Lay down," she told him with complete confidence.

Without any objection Jeff laid on his back, greatly liking seeing Annie take charge. His eyes widened as he watched her slide her fingers over her breasts, her nipples hardening as she circled and then lightly pinched them. As she moved one hand over her breasts she licked two fingers on her other hand before tracing them down her body until they reached her center. She groaned as her fingers slipped into her folds and she lightly moaned Jeff's name.

Jeff's mind raced furiously as he watched the hypnotic sight before him, not sure what to do at all. Should he join in, or should he continue to watch the show? His decision was made for him as Annie removed her glistening fingers from herself and lowered her body as she lined up her core with Jeff and slowly brought him into her. Once she was completely inside of him she brought her fingers to Jeff's mouth. He greedily sucked at the wetness as Annie experimentally rose herself up and down a few inches.

"Hold mother of…" Jeff managed to get out. Annie smiled and leaned over Jeff, kissing him as she moved her hips and slid up and down his entire length. Not wanting her to feel left out Jeff brought his hand to her center and rubbed her clit with his thumb, causing her to shutter and gasp into his mouth. Jeff pulled back enough to see her face, and realized he wanted to be the only guy who ever made that look of pleasure appear on her. Just like he wanted her to be the only woman he was with for now on. He tried to verbally tell her how much this and her meant to him, but wasn't able to make any sound come out of his mouth besides gasps and her own name. So instead he looked into her eyes, hoping he could wordlessly tell her how completely and utterly he cared for her. He almost came right there as she looked back at him, her perfect eyes darkened with lust and affection. He quickly began mentally reciting the state capitals to try and hold off the inevitable, at least until she arrived also.

As his thump worked faster over her clit Annie arched her back and let out a cry like a song bird as she finally came. Jeff followed a moment later, his body stiffening as his fingers gripped her thighs. Once it was over Annie fell onto Jeff, her head resting on his chest. Jeff laughed as her hair tickled his nose. He moved it from his face and began stroking her wet hair lovingly.

They laid there in the grass holding onto one another, the only sounds being made were those of crickets chirping and frogs croaking. Once he felt he could speak Jeff asked Annie, "Are you okay?"

"I'm great," she said with a grin. "You?"

"Never better." He stroked her back as he felt her shiver. "We should probably get back before we catch cold."

"Okay." She pushed herself off Jeff and got to her feet, her legs somewhat unsteady. Once she felt she could walk Annie grabbed her clothes and towel. As Jeff gathered his own clothes and towel he was surprised to see Annie not getting dressed. Instead she slipped into her sandals before starting back towards the cabin. Jeff quickly put his own sandals on and followed right behind her down the path. As he looked at her back and butt as she walked onward he realized in wonder that he once again was becoming aroused.

She's like a human aphrodisiac, he thought


Jeff slowly opened his eyes and glanced at the clock on the night table. 9:26am. Even though he had slept soundly he still felt tired. Once they had gotten back to the cabin both Jeff and Annie were very horny. They were just able to make it to Annie's room before going at it all over again. By the time it finally ended they had just enough energy to pull the covers over themselves before drifting off to sleep.

He looked over to his left, seeing Annie curled into his side. I hope I can wake up like this every morning, he thought, his thoughts more out of affection then from lust. He kissed her temple before she sighed and opened her eyes.

"Morning," she said sleepily.

"Morning Annie. Didn't mean to wake you."

"What time is it?" she asked.

"Just about 9:30."

Annie quickly sat up in bed, wrapping a sheet around her. "That means everyone is up by now."

"Yeah? And the problem is?"

She looked at Jeff, a bit of nervousness creeping up. "It's just…we never discussed…"

"If this goes further than last night," Jeff said, finishing her sentence. He took hold of her hand before continuing. "Annie, I know I've jerked you about and avoided telling you how I really feel. So I'm going to be honest with you for once. I went to be with you. I want to go out with you, and be in a relationship with you, and tell the group about us. Okay, I don't actually want to tell the group because that will cause drama," he amended, causing Annie to smirk in a way Jeff found both cute and sexy. "But I'll tell them and put up with all that…because you're worth it."

With that Annie leaned in and kissed Jeff, wordlessly telling him that was everything she also wanted. Before it could go any further Annie reluctantly pulled back. "Come on, we might as well get it over with. And maybe it won't be that bad."

"Speak for yourself. I bet you $10 Britta and Shirley will threaten me in some way," Jeff said.

They both got dressed (Annie into her pajamas, Jeff into the clothes he had on before they went skinny dipping) before they went upstairs into the main sitting room. As expected Abed, Shirley and Britta were all sitting there watching TV. As they walked over the three of them looked at their friends curiously before Abed suddenly said, "You two had sex last night."

"Abed!" Annie shrieked.

"What….wha…how did you know?" Jeff stammered out.

"You both just came from downstairs and Jeff's room is upstairs, meaning the two of you must have spent the night in Annie's room. You both have mussed hair, like one gets when they've have sex and then fallen asleep." (Jeff and Annie both automatically tried to smooth down their hair as Abed continued.) "And when you were coming upstairs I heard Annie humming to herself, which she does when she's in a relationship."

"I knew it, I knew you two were sneaking around having sex all this time," Shirley declared.

"Not that it's anyone's business, but last night was the only time we've been together like that," Jeff said sternly. "We haven't been sneaking around all this time. We were just having fun as friends."

"But you two are together now, right?" Britta asked tentatively.

"Yes, we're together now," Annie declared, taking hold of Jeff's hand.

They were all silent for several seconds before to everyone's great surprise Britta said, "Finally."

"Wait, what?" Jeff said in surprise.

"Oh please, we all knew this would happen. 'I'm going skiing with Annie. I'm playing Hot Lava with Annie. I'm going to try and save video game Annie before accidently killing her'. You want me to keep going?"

"And, you're okay with this?" Jeff tentatively asked.

"As long as you two keep the lovey dovey crap to yourselves, I'm fine with it. You both might be less annoying if you're actually together and regularly doing it." Britta then cringed at what she just said. "I think I was possessed by the ghost of Pierce for a second there."

"Shirley? What about you?" Annie asked.

Shirley took a breath before looking at Jeff. "I still stand by what I said to you last night. If you hurt her in any way-"

"I'm won't. I'm not going to hurt her," Jeff said with true honesty.

"Then I'm not going to say anything."

Annie and Jeff both looked at Abed, who simply said, "We can use a new plot dynamic. This could be good for all of us."

They both breathed a sigh of relief at having the group's approval, before Annie laughed and looked at Jeff. "You owe me $10."

"No, I owe you $5 because only Shirley threatened me."

"Wait, what!" Shirley yelled.


As they all began packing up the van both Jeff and Annie moved slowly, not wanting to leave. This trip had brought them together, and neither were eager to leave. Jeff in particular didn't want to leave this place, in particular their secret spot. He wished there was a way for them to keep the magical feeling that place had brought them forever.

It was then that an idea of how to do that came to him. He asked Annie to cover for him, stating he left something at the river. He quickly made his way to the river and searched the area. Finally, he found what he was looking for.


Jeff smiled as he walked out of the jewelry store. It had been three weeks since their trip to Pierce's cabin. During that time he and Annie had spent seventeen of those nights together, had gone out on ten actual dates, and survived their first fight (with both of them taking advantage of the joys of make-up sex.) Even if they hadn't been together for that long Jeff was extremely enjoying being with Annie, and hoped this truly was the beginning of a very long and happy relationship.

The two of them still talked about the cabin, and in particular their secret spot. Both of them had great affection for it, since it was the place they finally ended up together at. They both wished they could spend every day there, just lounging around lazily without any disturbances or responsibilities.

Though even if they couldn't do that, Jeff did now have a way to keep the memory of their spot with them always.

Jeff made his way to Annie's building and went inside, knocking on apt. 303. After a minute the door opened with Annie standing there. "Milady."

"Milord," she said with a smile. Jeff kissed her before Annie stepped inside and let him in.

"Is Abed here?" he asked

"He went to see that new Wes Anderson movie with Rachel, so we have the place to ourselves," Annie said as she went to the refrigerator and got two beers for them. "I just got American Hustle on Netflix. If you want we can stay in and watch that."

"Yeah, that sounds good. But there's something I want to talk to you about first."

"Okay," she said curiously as she went to him, sensing the tone in his voice. "What is it?"

Jeff ran his finger over the bag before putting it on the counter. "Okay, I'm still working on getting better with romantic gestures and such, so here it goes. I know how much our spot by the river meant to the two of us, and that we wish we could go back there every day. Well…before we left I wanted to do something that would have us keep a part of that special place with us always."

Annie's eyes widened as Jeff reached into the bag and pulled out a large square black jewelry box, handing it to Annie. She opened the box and pulled out a gold bracelet. The band was sturdy without bring too thick, and had a hinge to easily put it on one's wrist. In the middle was a disk where a stone would go. As Annie looked at it she saw it wasn't a diamond or other precious stone in the setting. Instead it was a smooth ordinary rock. As she looked at it closely she brought a hand over her mouth as she read the inscription that was finely engraved on the stone, 'A & J'.

Annie wiped a few tears away as Jeff reached into his pocket and pulled out his key ring. He held his keys in front of Annie, where she saw that attached to the ring was a short gold chain. At the end of the chain was a gold setting with a rock inside that looked just like the one on Annie's bracelet. And inscribed on that rock was 'J & A'.

"They're from the river at our spot," Jeff said apprehensively, now wondering if what he did was lame. "I figured it's a way we can always remember our time there and-"

Before he would finish talking Annie launched onto Jeff, kissing him all over his face. "You are the sweetest…most thoughtful boyfriend ever," she said in between kisses.

"Guess you like it," he said with a grin.

"I love it. I love…" She trailed off as Jeff looked at her, both of them knowing that last love wasn't in reference to the jewelry. Apprehension crept into her heart as she wondered if she had just scared Jeff off, if it was too soon to actually say it.

Her fears immediately evaporated as Jeff said to her, "I love you too." He kissed her passionately, causing warm happiness to flow throughout her entire body.

"Bedroom, bedroom now," she said with lust in her voice. They ran to her room and locked the door, in case any unwanted visitors decided to try and pay them a visit. Since as it was, neither of them were going to emerge anytime soon.