Chapter 8 – The Sun the Sea and the Host Club: Part 2

I've often wondered when regaining consciousness if I am or am not alive. I've never been 100% sure while it happened. I'm hearing seagulls this time around so I'm hoping I'm alive because after all no-one wants to spend the rest of their life in whatever world listening to the constant chatter of seagulls. To that end if that's what happened, I'd say I'd prefer to die but then that would be stupid as I would already be dead.

The sloshing of water began to ring in my ears, and I realised that somehow I must not be dead, only unconscious.


I slowly opened my eyes. A sharpe light assaulted them the moment my eyelids retreated, and I began to squint. My head felt dizzy for a moment as I began to process my surroundings. The sun had set lower, everything was a golden and red glow.

Tamaki was carrying me...he was. I didn't tense, I didn't fight back I just sighed as in snippets the reason the blonde boy was carrying me in his arms bridal style came back to me.

'I hope the three girls are okay...' I worried to myself as I felt Tamaki pause. I glanced around as saw the forms of the other 6 hosts around us.

"Where'd they go?" Tamaki's voice sounded with none of his usual joy or optimism. Kyoya's voice responded with no tone other than relaying information, "We took their ID cards and respectfully asked them to leave. The girls all went back to the hotel and I called a doctor. He should be arriving here any minute now."

"Thank you." Tamaki told his friend and I slowly snapped back into reality. I gently broke free of Tamaki's arms and placed myself back on the white sand.

"There's no need to bring out a doctor, I'll be fine in a minute or so." I said softly as I watched many of them seem taken aback by my statement.

"But Hiso-chan, your bleeding." Hunni sempai said, looking up to me with wide eyes which looked laced with tears. I instantly felt bad. I brought my fingers up to the most likely place and felt around my left eye, as I brought my hand back, I noticed the tips dotted with dark blood. I sighed and reached up and pulled the fabric of the bottom of my eyepatch away from my skin, hiding it from view with my other hand so no-one could see my eye. A warm trickle fell down my cheek as the trapped blood fell out, I would need to go to my doctor at some point in all truth.

"There's no pain." I told them all truthfully and I saw the twins visibly deflate, "It just happens whenever I hit my head, I have a touchy relationship with my eye." I gave them a smile as I spoke.

Any further words were interrupted by Tamaki who seemed to be acting a bit more solemnly than usual. "What were you thinking?" He asked me, his voice wavering for a second, "You know, you're not like Honey senpai. You're not a martial arts master. Why did you confront them? What made you think you would stand a chance? You against two boys?"
Haruhi seemed to get more agitated by Tamaki's words than I did, I had felt bad enough before he spoke but Haruhi seemed to be taking a stance against Tamaki's view of my actions.
"Sempai, it doesn't matter that they're boys and Hisoka's a girl. Hisoka was there and felt like she had to do something. It's not like she could leave Miss Kurakano to fend for herself against two larger boys, who knows what could of happened to her if she had! There wouldn't have been time to think." She said to Tamaki defensively. Tamaki seemed slightly surprised that Haruhi was speaking up my place and his eyes trailed over to her.
"There really wasn't any time to think Tamaki, I just saw how scared they looked and..." I told him as sincerely as I could, not wanting Haruhi to do all my talking for me. Tamaki's darted back to me the moment I opened my mouth, but unfortunately, he didn't seem to be accepting my reasoning.

"That's no excuse, you idiot. Don't forget, you're a girl!" He exclaimed rashly at me and I found myself growing irritated by his words. Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean...

I clenched my hands into fists and felt my nails dig harshly into my palms.
"I'm sorry Tamaki, but all I tried to do was help some scared girls... I don't see what I did as wrong and just because I'm a girl doesn't mean I'm powerless, I won't put up with your sexist insinuations."

Haruhi seemed to be as irritated as me. Her words jabbed in after mine almost after I'd finished my own sentences. Backing me up.

"I agree with Hisoka." She told the blonde defensively, "Tamaki, I don't see why you're getting angry at her, you should know by now that she's like you in the way that she'll will never shy away from helping someone if she sees they need help. She didn't do anything wrong."

A look of realisation seemed to dawn over Tamaki's face, his violet eyes widening slightly before he took a slow step back from Haruhi and I.
"You don't think so, either of you?" He said in a way that gave him off as almost being indifferent which was not like him, Fine, whatever you say. But I'm not speaking to you both until you can admit that you were wrong!"

I looked to the ground in something that I could almost call shame as true to his declaration Tamaki began to walk away from us all and back to the buildings. As I let out a long breath I could hear Haruhi sigh as the rest of the club looked at us both awkwardly.

Tamaki would still be in sight if I looked up and I couldn't take the idea that he wouldn't speak to me until I admitted that I was incapable just because I was a girl. Tamaki was truly like an older brother to me.

I wanted to speak to him already despite his words.

Kyoya cleared his throat and I could hear the clear beep as he took out his cell phone.

"Regardless of any fallouts that have occurred today, we all should return to my estate for the evening."

Even if no-one was paying attention to me I nodded in agreement. The salt air was making me feel ill. It was no longer refreshing.

(-+- The following evening -+-)

Some people say that food is the best way to drown one's sorrows. I live by that.

After returning to the Ootori family villa everyone got changed into normal clothes and I cleaned up my face of blood. While it felt refreshing to change into clean dress nothing was able to distract me from the sour feeling in the back of my throat. Afterwards, Hunni, Mori and I decided to cook the seafood we got today for dinner, the two of them both worked on the crabs mainly while I decided to cook a Moroccan style Muscle pot dish (perfect for drowning one's sorrows).

I was in the kitchen for almost one reason alone, and that was to avoid Tamaki. Even though Haruhi had told me not to give in, I know that if I saw the host king, I would give in.
I poured the muscles and their broth into a large serving bowl and carried it out of the kitchen. The main dining room was located almost on the other side of the door. The room was large, high ceilinged and ornate, Large crystal chandeliers hung from the ceilings and a large table covered in a white tablecloth was laid out in the centre of the room. Hunni had brought out plates and cutlery earlier so I left the bowl in the centre of the table. I had sliced some bread in the kitchen and so decided to bring it out next. After placing the bowl on the table, I noticed that there were no glasses laid out, so I figured I'd bring them through with the bread also.

As I walked back through into the kitchen Hunni and Mori were placing their cooked crab onto plates, the rich smell assaulting my nose in a powerful waft.

"Smells delicious guys. I can't wait to try some of those crabs." I told them eagerly as I looked through the modern white shelving for some glasses.

Hunni giggled from behind me, "Thanks Hiso-chan. Your food looks yummy too. I can't wait to try your cooking either."
I smiled as I pulled out 8 wine glasses from the cupboard. I could take 6 in-between my fingers by holding the stem of the glasses but the other 2 I held between my fingers on my other hand. Using the hand with the least glasses I picked up my plate of already sliced bread and managed to balance everything before walking towards the door.
As I reached the door, I pushed it open with my foot and walked out. As I walked out the door, I found Kyoya standing a few feet away from me. His eyes quickly darted to all the stuff I was carrying before meeting my gaze. I gave him a nervous smile as I swerved past him.
"Please try not to drop anything Hisoka. The price will be added onto your debt if you do." He informed me coolly but naturally did not offer to carry anything himself.
I rolled my eyes before tilting my arm and letting the plate of bread slide off my arm and onto the table safely. I then turned my hand around and placed the 2 glasses onto the table lightly before removing the rest of the glasses one by one and onto the table. Satisfied I turned around to Kyoya and smiled again.
"Don't worry, I had a part time job over the summer holiday as a waitress so believe it or not, I actually know what I'm doing."
Any further words were interrupted by Hunni and Mori walking through the doors with the rest of the food. Mori also held a pitcher of water in his hand and they placed their dishes onto the table also. Kyoya turned to speak to them once they had placed down their dishes.
"Sorry there are no maids to help you cook sempai." He apologized to Hunni and Mori. They both seemed to be completely fine with the lack of servants however.
"It's alright." Hunni told him cheerily, "We appreciate you letting us all stay here," With that said he turned to Mori next with a large smile, "Hey Takashi, would you go get Haru-chan?"
Mori nodded to Hunni's request and walked off to go find Haruhi who was up in her room right now. She had wanted to try get some reading done after getting changed and even though she would never admit it I think she was also trying to avoid Tamaki too. He wasn't even angry with her but she had still taken a stance against him on my behalf since I didn't really have the backbone to stand up to him on my own. I kind depended on Haruhi in situations like this.

As soon as Mori was out of the door things turned very awkward. Clearly not noticing I was in here the twins and Tamaki walked in on the back of Mori's heels. Several very awkward seconds passed before Tamaki and I met each other's eyes. The moment our eyes locked I almost found words forming in my mouth. I quickly swallowed them and with my stomach churning I gave a quick nod before rushing as quickly as possible back into the kitchen. As the heavy wooden doors swung shut I could hear the twins laughing on the other side at the awkwardness between Tamaki and I.
I found myself biting my lip as I stood in the humidity of the kitchen, the longer I stood, back pressed up against the door the more anxious I found myself becoming. A single bothersome drop of sweat undulated down my neck taunting me before sliding in-between my breasts, over my pounding heart.
Even I wasn't stupid enough to not realise what had me so anxious. I really wanted to speak to Tamaki, the crazy blonde who was like an older brother figure to me. Knowing he wasn't speaking to me was almost becoming unbearable especially since I knew that if I was put in a situation where I was alone with him or something than I wouldn't be able to resist speaking to him, despite Haruhi's words.
And if he didn't speak to me I'd...
I groaned into my hands as I fought the urge to hit the back of my head off the door behind me, the only thing stopping me was the knowledge that I'd probably cause my eye to start bleeding for the second time today.
That would be the cherry on top of this train wreck of a day, wouldn't it?

I struggle to find a time in my life when I felt this awkward. And I mean awkward. The type of awkwardness that makes your stomach knot and feel like it's full of rats. Given the current circumstances, I am at least 40% certain that the events I caused have left me where I am now: sat of right of Haruhi and opposite Kyoya in the grand dining room where we were dining tonight. To Haruhi's left sat the catalyst to the awkward formula, Tamaki Suoh.
I would have attempted to reconcile with the host king already if Haruhi hadn't convinced me to hold my ground and not let his sexist implications from today's argument win…..except…..
I owed so much to Tamaki, and I had really grown to care for the older boy. So, it felt like a part of me was dying inside not being able to talk to him without my best friend getting irritated at me.
I tried to distract myself when Haruhi walked into the dining room clad in a pale pink frilly dress that Ranka had obviously packed...but even that couldn't lift my spirits. To put it mildly I was at a bit of a loss, that's why Hunni's awkward break of the silence was so necessary for me.
"Let's dig in, everyone. These are all the shellfish we caught. I bet they're delicious." He declared somewhat nervously, and I was more than happy to reach into the pile of freshly cut bread and serve myself a small bowl of the Moroccan mussel pot. I then served Mori, Hunni and Kyoya each a bowl too and despite the longing glances Tamaki made over to the pot, the blonde did not ask for any. Haruhi with her infinite love of crab reached forward automatically for the crab legs, making an amusing crab pun as she ate. The twins went for some of the oysters that Mori and I prepared with lemon earlier while Hunni had been preparing the crab. I noticed while dipping a piece of bread crust into the pale-yellow broth that Tamaki flinched every time that Haruhi snapped a crab leg before eating it, before slowly reached for an oyster himself. Despite the tension I attempted to enjoy my meal. Bread, mussel pot, crab and oyster later I was ready to devour some lobster…that was until a certain reluctantly toned voice broke the silence of the room.
"Hisoka...Don't you think you've had enough? You'll make yourself ill. Give it a rest."
Tamaki's words made my hand pause partway from placing some lobster in my mouth. Haruhi seemed to notice and picked up another crab leg in response.
"Excuse me, I thought you weren't speaking to us." Haruhi voiced up with a mouthful of crab from beside me. Tamaki seemed to tense as he realised Haruhi was speaking on my behalf. Not expecting her interjection myself I glanced down at my plate not wishing to make eye contact with anyone in the room.
"You... trying to be cute?" Tamaki asked Haruhi incredulously and he stared at the female host. Almost tauntingly she kept chewing before swallowing slowly and glaring over at Tamaki.
In a sudden flurry of movement Tamaki slammed his napkin down on the table, causing me to flinch and stood up from the dining table. Irritably he looked between Haruhi and I. His tone matching his eyes, "Okay fine, I get it. It seems you refuse to admit that you were wrong. See if I care, then. I'm going to bed." He sharply turned to the bespeckled host who was watching the whole exchange silently, "Kyoya, would you show me to my room, please?"
Said host followed his friend's lead and stood up from the table before inclining his head to us all, "No problem. Well, excuse me, everyone."
I averted my eyes from the 2nd year hosts, feeling that my building guilt would spill over if I met either of their gazes. I'm not sure that Haruhi would forgive me if that happened.
Deathly silence filled the room, only broken by the thud and resounding echo of the large dining room doors. Several seconds passed before in a moment of rashness I stood up from the table myself.
I caught the eyes of Kaoru as I stood. The twin in question gave me a small, almost sad smile as I did so. Clenching my fists tightly I turned to the room.
"Please excuse me but I'm not feeling well. I'm going to retire to my room."
I heard a timid reply from Hunni to my 'announcement' and bowed slightly before walking towards the door. I could see Haruhi eyeing me as I spoke but I avoided eye contact with her at fear of losing any nerve I had. I left the room as quickly as I could without making my haste apparent.
I shut the door and walked along the corridor I found myself in quickly. I walked aimlessly along the decorative corridors for a good 5 minutes before grasping that I was lost. I knew where my room was...I just didn't remember how to get there. It was a big house after all.
I paused.
The moment I did so I felt my stomach turn in a violent flip. Maybe Tamaki had been right...eating this much food, especially seafood, really was likely to make me ill.
As these thoughts ran through my head my throat clenched suddenly with another lurch from my stomach, I was feeling very nauseous very quickly. Looking around the corridor I spotted a door and ran towards it, praying that there was a bathroom in there with a toilet. Ignoring everything around me I thanked every God I could think of that there was. However, to my complete dismay my stomach lurched one last time and I found myself vomiting the beautifully cooked dinner I had eaten but 20 minutes earlier into the toilet. My body shook in torrents as I spat any remnants of vomit from my mouth before flushing the toilet to get rid of the previous contents of my stomach. I then walked over to the sink and washed my hands before drinking some water, rinsing my mouth and spitting the water back out. I repeated that process over and over and over again until the disgusting vomit aftertaste was gone from the back of my mouth. A taste foul enough to make me actually throw up again.
There was a mirror above the sink, and I stared, rather unimpressed with myself in it. I'd looked better to be blunt. I was a bit disappointed by that fact as I was wearing a quite pretty pale green and grey dress that Mei had wanted me to wear, I couldn't refuse her ask and therefore had to wear it. In my defense however, I had been punched off a cliff earlier. Such a thing was bound to make anyone look dreadful... or at least worse than usual. The area around my eye under the eyepatch I was wearing had erupted in a dark coloured bruise since the incident earlier but thankfully no-one other than me would be able to tell that it was there.
I sighed.
Looking around the bathroom I made note that it was still clean and tidy despite my throwing up in it only moments before. I also had the crushing realisation that I still had no idea where I was.
I sighed again.
'Oh well, best go find where my room is...and probably get lost along the way...again.'










Dear all, I understand it as been one hell of a long time since I last updated but I promise I had a good reason. I kind of got into university to study criminology (and then deciding to crash the sociology lectures for fun) and underestimated how much of my time it would consume. In all that time I kind of got massive writer's block when trying to write the rest of episode 8 and there's a reason for that.
The bedroom scene. Since coming to university, a lot of my perspectives on both people and how they operate and how society operates has changed. As such every time I watched the scene and then tried to write, the way I interpreted it would change which is why it has taken me such a long long long time to finish. I also didn't want to diminish the arguments of either side and create a way in which Haruhi and Tamaki can have their scene in the wardrobe which I feel was a really important moment for their characters and their relationship, without the presence of my OC getting in the way of that.
As you have determined the bedroom scene is not part of this chapter despite the fact that I've finally finished it with the understanding and maturity such a serious moment in the franchise deserves, and that's because it's going to be part of the chapter that finished up episode 8. I just wanted to give you guys all something since I ended on a cliff-hanger about 2 years ago.

Shout out to 'Sapphirepelt3' and 'fishy7073' who commented on the previous chapter. Hope to hear from you again 😊

And as I mentioned in my announcement I am re-writing parts of the early chapter of 'What If?' as since I've grwn up a lot when writing this, so has Hisoka, and looking back at my previous writings and where she is now she's already very different. And I want to change the previous chapters in a 'What If?, the rewrite' to properly reflect the character Hisoka has grown into with me. Although this will defiantly continue once I've finished my bloody criminology exams and met my deadlines.

Lots of love and wishing all my wonderful readers the best.
