Disclaimer: I do not own Haikyuu at all.

Warning: This is a 11x10 fic if you do not get it than it means it's a Kei Tsukishima x fem!Hinata Shouyou. Also this is an AU!

Read at your own risk.

Please Enjoy!

An orange head teen was standing outside a private school, wearing the school uniform which is a skirt, button white shirt tucked in and a bow around her neck. She also has on the school's shoes. Looking up the teen smiled with confidence, one thought running through her head.

'I'm finally here, after so much hard work.' The teen thought, smiling before stepping on school grounds with her luggage behind him. Brown eyes looking at every corner they passed, smile never leaving her face.

Another teen had similar thoughts as he was setting up his room, he had short blond hair cut and brown eyes with glasses.

'After so much hard work, it's finally paying off.' He thought as he put his clothes away, wondering about his so-called room mates, his friend is one of them.

"Are you sure, Sho-chan?" Asked one of her friends.

"Yea, Izumi is right." Her other friend asked.

"Koji, Izumi, don't worry 'bout it. Everything's going to be fine. If anything happens I'll give you two a call ok." Hinata said smiling at the two of them.


"You better Shouyou or else we will come over here personally." Koji said.


"Well we better head back to our school. Bye Shouyou."

"Bye, Sho-chan."

"Bye, Koji, Bye Izumi."

The orange haired teen walked inside the school only stopping in front of the school's office needing to check in and find out her classes.

"Um, excuse me?" She called out the woman in the office.

Looking up she answered. "Yes."

"My name's Hinata Shouyou." Hinata said as she left the suitcase on her left side, right hand on the bag she was carrying.

"Give me a minute." She said as she grabbed the folder on the desk and searched his last name. "Ah yes here you are, room ten with three first years called Kageyama Tobio, Kei Tsukishima and a Yamaguchi Tadashi."

"First years? Guys? Are you sure about this, isn't there anymore room with the girls." Hinata questioned. This was a girls and boys school so there had to be enough room for her to room up with girls.

"No, if you didn't know we are low on girls I believe you make three or was it for girl students in the school. We are low." She said.

'Three or four!' Hinata thought.

"Yes now here is your class schedule and room key. Anything else come back her for info. Don't forget the school tour at four." She said.

"Hai thanks." Hinata said as she walked away following the map and locating her room easily. "Looks like I'm here, now to see how shocked they are."

Opening the door to the room she was met with a teen that has black colored hair with a long fringe that gives him a scary look. He has navy color eyes. The second one has short black hair, portrayed as green or was it brown? A piece of his hair is sticking up at the top, he also had freckles. The third one was the one that caught her attention the most. He has blond hair that is cut short, brown eyes narrowed as he looked at her. He was laying on his bed with glasses on. She didn't know why but she felt a pull towards him.

"Who the hell are you." Asked the one with navy eyes.

"O-Oh my name is Hinata Shouyou, I'm your fourth roommate..." She stopped as she saw the look they gave her. It's the look she thought she left behind at her home.

"No way."

"A girl."


Hinata looked down and said nothing as she walked into her room guessing her bed was the top one. The room had two bunk beds one on each side. Four desk on either corner and an air conditioner under the window located in the middle across the door. The desk has their own lamps. The blonde was sleeping on the bottom bed, while the other had the top bed. The one with Navy eyes took the bottom leaving Hinata on the top bed.

She left her luggage on the floor close to the bed, looking around she located the closets finding out that there are two. Looks like she has to share with moody number one. Sighing she walked to the closet and started to put her things away making sure none of them touched moody 1's clothes for she knows if it will offend him.

'Crap what about my bra's and underwear...' Hinata's eye twitched, deciding to keep it in her bag she tossed it under her hanging clothes.

-Knock Knock-

The one with freckles got to the door and opened it.


"Is a Hinata here?" Asked a third year.


"That would be me, who's asking." Hinata said as she walked to the door and opened it wider.

"You have a phone call from a Ukai-" The third year didn't get to finish as Hinata squealed and jumped up and down.

"YAY! HE FINALLY HAD TIME!" Hinata said as she got her shoes on and started pulling the third year away.


"Hurry, we have to hurry or else I won't get another chance." Hinata said.

"A-Alright, it's this way."

Hinata's brown eyes were shining with happiness.

"Just give me a minute I want to see how she's doing, sir."

"Fine a minute longer if she doesn't answer than you hang up."



"About time brat, what took so long."

"Sorry things happened and I'm just getting used to it here."

"That's good, I won't be able to go home yet need to stay here for another couple of weeks."

Hinata's smile fell and her brown eyes lost its brightness. The third year looked worried.

"Oh, how long."

"Maybe two or three weeks depending on the deployment here."

"Okay, promise you will come back in one piece."

"Ha! Have I ever missed a piece no I haven't. I promise, if they tell me I have to stay for another couple of weeks I'm outta here."


"Yea, can't stand it anymore. I'll find a job near there so I can be closed to you."

"That makes me so happy!" Hinata said, her brightness returning back. The third year sweat dropped at the mood changes.


"SIR! I have to go now Sho-chan. I promise to call you when I have time."

"Okay! Bye Ukai!"


After he hung up Hinata jumped up and down squealing in happiness. She than remembered she was not alone.

"S-Sorry..." Hinata said as she stopped and stood still.

"Haha, it's all good. A call from someone important I guess."


"The name's Sawamura Daichi." Daichi said, he is around 177 cm, has short dark hair and dark brown eyes.

"My name is Hinata Shouyou!" Hinata said as she introduced herself, shaking his hand. Than she remembered something. "Do you think you can show me back to my room, Sawamura?"

"Sure, just call me Daichi." Daichi said.

"Un!" Hinata said.

"Alright, and your room is this way." Daichi said as he walked her back. Hinata had a jump in her step, Daichi noticed as they walked back. "Here we are Hinata."

"Thanks Daichi!"

Hinata opened the door only to see it all empty.


"Oh, it looks like they left you behind." Daichi said with a frown on his face. "I didn't know this was the new way to treat a girl."

"Haha, they weren't too fond of me when I came in." Hinata said honestly. "I don't even know their names."

"Now that is not how you treat girls, it's a no wonder that all three of them are single."

Hinata tried so hard but a giggle escaped through her lips. Than a full on laugh making Daichi join in.

"I said me first-"

The trio stopped as they saw Hinata and Daichi laughing.

"Oh, looks like they are back." Daichi said. He than turned and winked at her grinning. "Keep it a secret between us."

"Hai!" Hinata said smiling a huge smile.

"Well I have to go it was nice meeting you Hinata, Hinata's roommate's." Daichi said. He than walked out the room and closed the door behind him. A cellphone started ringing, the boys looked up and saw Hinata go red.

Picking up the phone she looked at the number and frowned, deciding to answer or not.

"Hello." She decided to answer while looking for clothes in the closet.

"When the fuck were you going to call brat."

"Sorry I had things to do and couldn't call you."

"Sure keep lying to the person who gave birth to you. I just wanted to make sure you were still alive or if I just wasted a bunch of important money for no reason at all. Although the first option sounded nice."

Hinata sighed and then realized the others were looking at her weird again.

"Don't worry I'm alive and no the money didn't go to waste."

"Better not brat."

-Beep Beep-

"Love you too ma." Hinata said sarcastically and hung up. She than walked to the bathroom and took a quick shower.

"Ah! Wait I was supposed to use it first damnit!"

Hinata had her back to the door and her face to the pouring water.

"This feels good."

"Ah shoot I forgot my watch." Tsukishima said he than walked to the bathroom and opened the door.

"Ah Tsukki what are you doing!" His friend tried to warn.

"Getting my watch I unlike you two showered and forgot it there." Tsukki said.

"Oi." The other tried to warn.

He didn't listen and froze when Hinata did a small twirl showing herself completely to him.

"La la la~" Hinata said only when she turned to face him completely did she freeze.

"HIIIEE!" Hinata screamed and grabbed the nearest things, which happened to be soap bars and shampoos. "GET OUT!"

She managed to hit him in the face and left cheek.

"Hey your throwing my shampoo!" Said moody #1. "Use someone else's."

Tsukki quickly closed the door a blush on his face.

Smirking the navy eyed teen teased him. "Did you get your watch or just a free show."

"S-Shut it Kageyama!" Tsukki said his blush only deepening by the second.

The door than opened again but what came out was an arm.

"What." Tsukki said.

"Shampoo and soap." Hinata said.

"Why should I?"

"Than I'll accidentally drop your watch in the shower."

"Tch." Tsukki got the things she asked for and asked for his watch in reply.


When they both got the things they wanted she closed the door.

The next couple of weeks passed by without changing. Hinata finally learned their names. The blond is Kei Tsukishima, the navy eyed teen is Kageyama Tobio and the one with freckles is Yamaguchi Tadashi.


Daichi was going over somethings, since him and his friends are the Student Counsel of the school when he spotted something that made him freeze.

"Oh no..." Daichi said when he read the reports. He reread them hoping that he misread them but it was still the same. "How am I going to tell Hinata..."

"Is something wrong Daichi?" Asked a grey haired teen. He has brown eyes and is around 174, a mole under his left eye.

"Nothing Suga." Daichi said, his hands rubbing his face. "I just need Hinata Shouyou's class. I need to speak with her."

"Ok, what's it about... Oh." Suga said. "I'll get you her classroom."

Daichi nodded and sighed. "I'm so sorry Hinata. No one deserve's this happen to them."


Hinata was taking notes in class when the door opened.

"Ah, Mr. Sawamura. How can I be of service?" The teacher said with a smile.

"I, uh, actually need to speak with Hinata." Daichi said.

"Eh? What's up Daichi." Hinata said as she stopped writing.

"Ahem, we need to walk out of the classroom, if you don't mind teach." Daichi said.

"No not at all I hope everything is okay." The teacher said.

"It'll be okay knowing Daichi after all." Hinata said as she smiled and walked out with him.

'I don't know if you'll keep your smile, Hinata.' Daichi thought.

Everyone was watching out the see through windows and saw Hinata fall to her knees. Daichi crouched down in front of her.

"I'm really sorry Hinata." Daichi said. "I really am."

"N-No, this isn't true please tell me it isn't." Hinata said, he hands clutching his uniform.

Daichi looked away, a sad expression on his face. The bell rang and everyone walked out of class some eyeing Hinata with confusion while others had a 'I could care less' look.

"Kageyama, please take Hinata to her room. Yamaguchi can you get her stuff for her please."

Kageyama and Yamaguchi followed orders, Tsukishima just waited for Yamaguchi.

Hinata walked like what Daichi said didn't affect her. Kageyama turned to look at her with a little of concern, although her will never admit it.

When they got to the room Hinata collapsed to the ground screaming scaring Kageyama shitless.

"AHHHHH!" Hinata shouted holding her chest as she replayed the words Daichi told her.


"Hinata I'm really sorry I have to be the one who tells you this but, your friend Ukai I think?"

"Yea thats him." Hinata answered.

"Well he was boarding a plain when it exploded." Daichi said.

Hinata's face changed to one of shock and horror.

"N-No..." Hinata said as she fell to her knees.

"Hinata." Daichi crouched down in front of her.

"P-Please tell me that there were survivors." Hinata said.

"I'm sorry there was no survivors." Daichi said.

Hinata looked into his eyes looking for a lie but finding nothing but the truth. An image of Ukai smiling filled her eyes.

Hinata was on the floor with Kageyama behind her panicking, this is how Tsukishima and Yamaguchi found them. They were both confused when Hinata shouted a name unfamiliar to them.


Yes I changed some things around. If you didn't read the warning it's an AU I don't think I will involve Volleyball here since it's an AU. Can anyone guess what Ukai is? His job I mean.

Please review, this is just a chapter tester. Review if you want me to continue!