HELLO EVERYONE! I am back after a long long long time.

Sorry for not updating that much! My files were gone so I have to rewrite this. (Also blame my laziness and stuff -.-)

So after a year? I think. Here's another chapter and again I am so sorry! Hope you like it ^^

It's Saturday already, and at the train station, a group of somewhat bystanders were bickering and bickering nonstop since they probably know each one of them.

"Why are you here?!" exclaimed the Seirin ace at most probably be Aomine.

Aomine glared at his somewhat of an insult, "I don't even know! We are just going to train Kyoto nothing more. Why are you here?!" He exclaimed back. At the back Midorima only sighed in utter annoyance. "Can the two of you shut up? Many people are looking." He noted as the two stopped but continued to glare at each other. Momoi sighed at Aomine's attitude, also Kagami's.

Aomine faced the Seirin team then to Shuutoku then back to his own team. "So why are we all here?" He asked in curiousity. No one really informed him about this stuff. He only knows that maybe Seirin will be here, not really about Shuutoku. Midorima also nodded. "I rarely agree with Aomine but why are we all here anyway." He also asked.

The Seirin coach only shrugged her shoulders. "I only know about Touou going with us. Do you know anything about this Hyuga?" Hyuga shook his head. "I have no idea about this." He answered.

"So how are you guys going to tour there in Kyoto?" asked Momoi.

"I asked someone I know." Kuroko said in response. Momoi and Midorima looked at him at the same which made Kuroko sigh. "I guess we all asked for her to tour us in Kyoto." Momoi stated. Aomine glanced at them and looked quiet shocked from what he has heard. "W-Wait...So she is the one who will tour us all in Kyoto?!" He kinda said in pretty loud voice which made Kuroko sigh again at the Touou ace.

Momoi enthusiastically nodded at Aomine's question. "Of course she is. I mean, who could we even ask for such favor. We don't really know anyone in Kyoto besides her." The pink haired manager noted. Aomine fell silent since it was so true. Even if he was asked to ask for somewhat a tour guide for their stay or training in Kyoto, she will really be his first choice to ask.

"Fine fine. I don't know about these guys but that girl is pretty scary if you ask me." Aomine announced. Takao gazed at Midorima, "Hey Shin-chan, what can you say about that? i'm pretty curious you know." he questioned. He then also looked at his other teammates which also nodded.

Midorima sighed in defeat. "What can I do anyway," he replied, "I don't know about Aomine since I am pretty close to her. But if you really get in her nerves..." He stopped as he simply shrugged at the thought.

"Okay okay! I know you guys are still having your some sort of monologue but really the train is there." Hyuga somewhat growled at the others to move along. And again, after another round of bickering and stuff, they finally went inside the train, kind of peacefully.

The teams sat together probably except Momoi and Aomine who sat down next to Kuroko and Kagami due to Momoi's insisting to sit next to 'Tetsu-kun'.

"I have been wondering Kuroko, who is that person that you all asked for the tour?" He asked the teal haired phantom.

Aomine snickered, "Tetsu didn't tell you? Seriously, does he even know that little fact about her?" he mused. Kuroko simply nodded. "Yes but Kagami-kun doesn't seem to get it even if I am kinda giving out some clues." He told the ganguro which made him laugh.


"Yes. Seriously."

Kagami narrowed his eyes in clear annoyance. "Can you stop that?" He somewhat yelled making his seniors and the other teams even the strangers look at him. "Great..." He murmured which made Aomine and Takao laugh at him. Kagami sighed in annoyance, "Can you guys just...ugh! Never mind." He said, giving up with people who were laughing with his question and all.

Takao looked at them from the other side of the seats. "But when Shin-chan told me about that I was really shocked. I mean if you look at other's perspective no one would really expect that." Takao said his side, making Kuroko, Aomine, Momoi, and Midorima nod at his statement.

"Oh are you talking about her?" They turned to the speaker, who was the bespectacled captain of Touou.

Momoi nodded in agreement. Imayoshi sighed as he gave a small laugh afterwards. "Even I didn't expect that. But that girl is really intimidating if you will ask me." He admitted.

"And here I am not really getting what they are talking about." Kagami thought to himself. He really finds it really interesting since not really anyone knows and such. He then gave Aomine a 'how come you know about that' look. The Touou ace simply stuck out his tongue, insulting the other.

Kuroko gave a heavy sigh as he gazed at the window, clearly seeing the beautiful scenery outside. "This will be a very interesting trip." He thought as he remembered a certain red haired girl. "I really can't wait to see her."

"Sei-chan!" Akashi turned around and saw Mibuchi running towards her. "What is it Reo-san?" She asked her senior.

Mibuchi smiled, "I was just curious to where are you going after the training?" The raven haired shooter answered. Akashi raised him an eyebrow. "Why do you ask?" She asked back. Mibuchi laughed lightly. "Oh I was just really curious to where will you go since you are dressed rather casually different." He mused at their red haired captain.

"As far as I know, I always dress casually." Akashi noted.

"No! I was just saying that, where will you go later? You seem a little preoccupied."

Akashi faintly smiled. "You should have went straight to the point." She said straightly. Mibuchi somewhat pouted at her response. "But I was just really curious! No need to put it to me bluntly." Reo reasoned out which made Akashi sigh at his antics.

"I'm just going to have a rather long walk around Kyoto." She replied as she continued to walk. The other raised his eyebrow. "Walk around Kyoto? What for?"

The Rakuzan captain smirked to herself, "Nothing much. Probably a small reunion." Akashi said as she went on her way. Reo sighed to himself. "I really can't read her." He simply told himself as he watched the female red head went on her way.

After a few hours, the train finally arrived at Kyoto which made the others, namely Aomine, stop complaining. "Ahhh! Finally we arrived!" He said as he pumped his fist at the air. Kuroko nodded at his statement. "After a few hour we are finally here." He mumbled and then smiled lightly at his thought.

Midorima looked at Takao who is looking around the place. "Are you done looking around like a kid?" He bluntly asked Takao, who only laughed at him. "Not everyone already went here. Look! Even Miyaji-senpai and the others is rather curious here." He responsed at green haired man. Midorima only sighed at them

Hyuga glanced angrily at Kiyoshi and Kagami. "You two shouldn't really doze off like that. The two of you are hard to wake up for goodness sake!" he scolded the two. Kiyoshi simply laughed at Hyuga's words. "Now now Hyuga don't be like that. It was a really a long trip, so don't be mad." He said as he gave his usual smile at Hyuga.

Riko smiled at her team's actions and then went to Kuroko. "Kuroko-kun where is the person you asked to be our tour?" She asked.

"Now that you said it, where could she be?" Momoi asked as she scanned the area but no sign of a certain girl.

"She never really mention that she will meet us here." Kuroko announced to them which made them a little surprised.

"You should have said so!" Hyuga almost yelled in shock. "Yeah. We don't really know about Kyoto though. We might get lost and so on. So can you call her and tell her to meet us here Kuroko?" Kagami somewhat requested which made Aomine smack his head a little hard.

"Are you nuts Bakagami?!" Aomine blurted out. He narrowed his eyes at Aomine and smacked him back. "I am not you Ahomine! I was just suggesting something. What is wrong with it?" He answered back. Kagami then rubbed the back of his head. Aomine's smack really hurt.

Aomine sort of calmed and glared at Kagami. "What's wrong with that? That midget is very...I don't know...bossy and very intimidating. I suggest thtat you should not do that." He stated. He then felt an intense stare at his back which was Kuroko. "What?"

"Aomine-kun you somewhat made an insult."


Midorima 'tsked'. "If Murasakibara was here, he would be annoyed at you Aomine. Well...you are really annoying in my point." He straightly pointed out which made Momoi chuckle lightly and some of their teammates, namely Wakamatsu.

"That guy is really clingy to her like gum." Aomine said as a description to the purple giant.

"I still don't get what you guys are talking about?" Kagami admitted which made the currently annoyed looking Aomine laugh loudly at him. "Seriously? You still don't?"

"Do I look like I will get it in one shot?"

"You are stupid then."

"I just can't relate much."

Kuroko sighed at the two's continuous bickering. He then took a look at his phone and saw a message.

Tetsuya, did you already arrive here? Do call if you are.


He smiled at the message and began to dial the said number. "Hello?"

"Ah. So you finally arrived in Kyoto." Kuroko felt happy hearing her voice again. "Yes. We have arrived here." He told her. The others glanced at Kuroko who was talking at his phone. Koganei went closer to Kuroko, "Kuroko, who are you talking to?" He whispered.

"The tour guide." Kuroko simply replied.

"Tour guide?" Akashi asked on the other line. "Sorry. I was talking to someone." He apologized to the red haired captain. "It's fine Tetsuya. But where are you and the others?"

"We are currently at the station."

Kagami raised his eyebrow and turned to Aomine. "Do you know who is he talking to?" He asked the ganguro.

"Of course I do. It's the person who will tour us." Aomine answered Kagami. The Seirin ace raised an eyebrow. "Can you just tell the name, so it won't be that hard." He told Aomine, who just shook his head in disapproval. "Nope. Just when we get there or if she will go here or something."

Kuroko then ended the call after their conversation. "Ummm...She said to just meet us at the park near the station. She's waiting there." He informed the others. They all nodded. "Okay so just near the station right? So let's go team." Riko told her teammates and they all followed her lead.

Meanwhile at the park, Akashi glanced at her watch and sighed. "I don't usually wait like this." She muttered to herself. She then saw group of people who were very noisy. She sighed as she then walked towards the group.

Midorima sighed at the sight of others talking and talking. "I don't even know now." He whispered to himself as he walked around but he then felt someone tap his shoulder. He sighed once again thinking it is just Takao. "You know Takao you could have just called...me? Akashi?" He said in a shocked tone.

"Hello Shintaro. So where are the others." She asked the green haired shooter.

"Oh them. There." Midorima mentioned as he pointed at the group of talking boys. Akashi sighed with him. "Some people are still the same." She mouthed earning a nod from Midorima. "I should head there now." Akashi said as she went to the others, followed by Midorima.

Aomine and Kagami were bickering again, but then Aomine stopped fighting with Kagami all of the sudden. Kagami looked at Aomine weirdly. Who wouldn't be shock if the person you were fighting with just shut up very quickly. "Oi Ahomine, why'd you shut up all of the sudden?" He asked, quiet confused with the sudden action of the blue haired Touou ace.

"Oh that. Well she is here." Aomine said flatly, he then sighed as he rubbed his neck. "If you are going to ask who is that she, it's the so-called tour guide." He added as he pointed at the red haired girl with Midorima.

Riko then smiled at the girl and then clapped her hands. "Ummm...Hi! I'm Riko Aida, Seirin's coach...oh and we will just be having a training here to have a new view of practicing. So miss what is your name?" She asked the girl.

Akashi eyed his former teammates and sighed. "So you people asked me to be here and tour you but you didn't even bother to tell your team members about the person who will be touring you." She kind of scolded them, which made them nodded in understanding.

"I wanted to have an element of surprise about that. Sorry." Momoi explained herself as she gave a huge smile at her. Akashi then gave another sigh. "I don't even know why bother with the surprise. But I am really shocked that some people doesn't really know about that fact." Akashi stated which made Midorima eye Takao who was nodding at her statement. He also didn't expect that.

Riko faked cough. "Sorry for interrupting your talk but I would really like to know about you since all of us will be in your hands and you know hehehehe."

"I understand. My name is Seika." Akashi only replied not really mentioning that thing.

"So Seika-san, do you know any good training place for basketball here in Kyoto?" Otsubo asked her.

"Of course I do. I always train with my team so it's not hard for me to find such place." She bluntly replied. Some were kind of shocked to hear her statement. "So you play basketball?" Kiyoshi blurted out his question, making Aomine eye Kuroko, who simply gave him a 'I never really told them about her' look.

Akashi nodded at his question. "Yes I do play basketball." She said as a response. She is really used to those questions anyway.

"Woah. Really?What's your position there?" He asked again.


"That must be tiring." Kiyoshi claimed which made the red haired female nod her head. "So where is your school here?"

Akashi glanced at Kuroko and the boy nodded in understanding. "She is studying at Rakuzan, Kiyoshi-senpai." Kuroko answered Kiyoshi's question, which made many of them shocked except Aomine and his team. "It's the same reaction as usual." She noted making Aomine somewhat laugh at her.

"Well who would expect that our former captain was a girl." Aomine revealed. Takao laughed at his senior's pretty shocked reaction. Kuroko smiled lightly at most of their reaction. Kagami on the other hand, just stared at the girl in front him. Still not believing that the person he was kind of interested in was no other that the captain of the Generation of Miracles. "This is going to be hard." he thought as he took a glance at his bag where the girl's handkerchief was.