Ahhhh, remember when I last updated this? Because I don't.

Anyways, almost two months since my last post, and I cannot tell you how sorry I am. This chapter kicked my ass, and in the end I chose to end your suffering instead of adding more to it. So, this chapter might be re-done in the future.

Just a note, I'm back at school again, and since being an engineer is not conducive to me getting time to write, updates might get worse. Again, I'm sorry.

Anyways, hope you enjoy the new chapter and the new POV.

If you want to talk to me/ask questions/bother me for updates you can go to my tumblr, i use the same username there as i do here.

Enjoy the chapter, I hope to hear from you guys!

My dearest Cyraelia,

The temperature has become warmer here, almost close to that of Palaven. Yet, instead of reminding me of home it makes me wish to leave this planet as soon as possible.

When they pulled me out of C-Sec, I thought this operation would be simple. In and out. Get the Humans under control, then leave. The General seems to have other ideas, however, ones that he will not disclose to me, or any of his other advisors.

I heard from Solana the other day. She seems content upon the THS Critius. She also has come to the assumption that she is being scouted for the Turian Blackwatch? I am wondering if you had anything to do with this?

I haven't heard anything from Garrus, but he doesn't seem to be getting into any sort of trouble.

I hope to be back home soon,


Shutting down his Omni-tool, Major Terellus Vakarian silently hoped that the most recent message that he had composed to his bond-mate back home on Palaven would go through. Communication to his home-world had been difficult in the past few weeks for unknown reasons, so many of his previous messages that he had composed to Cyraelia and his daughter were still stored on the hard drive of his Omni-tool. However, he still continued to write one everyday, just in case.

Four months ago, the Major was on the Citadel, working at C-Sec, until he had received a command from the Turian Military: he was to go to Earth to assist with the Turian occupation of the Human planet, which had been instigated due to the Human's near-activation of the long dormant Relay 314. To protect Citadel law, the Hierarchy had decided that the best way to prevent any Human insurrection would be to initiate martial law in key cities on the planet, using tactics that were also used by the Hastatim for any type of Turian citizen resistance. Before Terellus had joined C-Sec, he had been one of the top-ranking officers of the Hastatim, well on his way to becoming the General in charge of the entire operation. He had left the squad when he and Cyraelia were expecting their first child. Almost 20 years later, he had been called back.

As Hastatim procedure dictated, the invading force of Turians that had been sent to Earth first set up base camps in major cities throughout the planet, which were meant to incentivize Human surrender. However, this initial force was immediately met with resistance. Underestimating Human early warning systems, the Turians did not predict what defenses the Humans could have prepared during the short time it took for them to arrive from the Human colony of Shanxi. The fighting went on for a week in the city that Terellus was currently stationed in, mainly because of the military base that was in the middle of the river that ran between the island and mainland. The fighting resulted in more human deaths than Turian, however, and all Humans who did not participate in the violence had been moved out of the City to base camps situated on the mainland. Terellus was unsure if the same amount of aggression had occurred in other parts of the planet, but according to the General the rest of the occupation operation had run smoothly. However, the General's word was the only thing that Terellus had to go by, seeing as communication between base camps had be almost completely cut off. The only people who had access were the General and communications engineers, for reasons that could only be speculated about between soldiers who weren't on duty.

Rising from his seat, Major Vakarian left his personal tent, nodding to the soldier that stood outside the door. Around him, the Earth day was just beginning to end as the sun set and lit the sky up in a glorious shade of pink. All around him, troops continued to go about their business. Over to the left, a small shooting range had been set up to keep their skills sharp during the long days, and a large group had gathered around two soldiers that were having a go at each other. Instead of breaking up the group, Terellus let it slide, knowing that the soldiers needed to work out the tensions that had begun to set in to everyone's body.

"Major Vakarian!" A recognizable voice shouted from behind him, quickly he turned to the direction from where it came, saluting his commanding officer.

"General Arterius, sir!" He replied.

"At ease, Major." The other man replied as he walked up to where Terellus stood. "Walk with me Vakarian, we need to chat." He commanded. Terellus nodded, following the General as he walked away, making sure to follow one step behind him.

General Desolas Arterius commanded respect from anyone who followed him into battle. His decorated service record alone made sure of that. He exuded charisma, and was able to sway even the most devoted man's opinion to agree with his own. Throughout almost his entire military career he had been widely regarded as one of the best citizens in the Turian Hierarchy.

That is, until Desolas' little brother took the galaxy by storm.

As the youngest Turian to become part of the SPECTREs, Saren Arterius became the golden boy of the Turian Hierarchy, completely overshadowing his elder brother. It was obvious to anyone who worked with the General, the success of this mission was his way back into the spotlight, and the hearts and minds of the Turian people.

"Vakarian, I've heard you restricted the patrol radius again. Why?" General Arterius demanded.

"We've come across more human resistance, sir. I don't want soldiers going out too far until we know where the bastards are hiding."

"Any deaths?" He asked, returning the salute of a soldiers who stopped as he walked by.

"A few, sir. Injuries as well."

"Damn." General Arterius continued towards the largest tent in the base camp, which was mainly used for meetings between the General and other Majors. Desolas walked inside, signaling Terellus to follow him. He then walked across the room, sitting behind the desk near the farthest wall of the tent.

"I need you to work on figuring out where the Humans are hiding, Vakarian. Get Infiltrator units on it, scout out the city, get me results." He ordered, opening up his Omni-tool and beginning to type something on it.

"Yes, sir." Terellus answered, turning to exit the tent so he could get to work as soon as possible.

"Vakarian." The General called after him.

"Sir?" Terellus halted, turning to look at his superior.

"Sit." He replied, nodding his head towards one of the two chairs that sat on the opposite side of his desk. Terellus quickly made his way back across the room, sitting down with his hands placed in his lap, his back directly against the back of the chair.

"Other than the unforeseen Human resistance, how successful do you think the mission is so far? Permission to speak freely."

"Very successful, sir." Terellus replied.


"Well, I don't understand why we're still here, sir." He admitted. In front of him, the General chuckled under his breath, in a manner that could almost be considered condescending.

"The mission's not over yet, Major." He replied cryptically. Terellus wanted to speak up again, to ask why they were still on Earth after so long, but just then he was prevented from speaking when a voice rang from outside the tent.

"Permission to enter, General?" It asked.


Opening the flap, Lieutenant Abrudas stepped in, saluting both the Major and General after she did so.

"Urgent news, sirs. One of our scouts has been reported missing after we lost contact with him over four hours ago. He was out of the patrolling radius, and encountered a Human with a reported Mass Effect field. I ordered him to engage."

"Do you know why communication with the soldier was cut?" General Arterius asked.

"We're unsure, sir. Techs think it was explosives, but we can't know for sure unless we check the area."

"Damn Humans, they're starting to get smart," Desolas muttered to himself, "Which soldier was it that went missing, Lieutenant?"

"Corporal Garrus Vakarian, sir."