Secrets must be kept

A Bellarke Prompt

Chapter 1

She was exhausted. Everything and everyone around annoyed her. Obviously it wasn't their day either, but she wasn't thinking about them in the moment. She wanted to think about herself even if it was just for an hour. She needed to get clean. She was feeling disgusting and it wasn't helping her concentrate on the important things such as medical supplies and food. But it was okay, if she wasn't thinking about it for an hour. An hour. That was all she wanted..

He was mad. Furious even. Octavia was behaving like a 5 year old since they captured that dirtbag, the grounder. Why was she defending him? His people killed John ,Diggs and Roma. He had stabbed Finn. It wasn't like Bellamy didn't care about them. In fact he did a lot, and that was worrying him. He had been trying to get an answer from the grounder for 10 days now. Torturing wasn't doing any good, the bastard wouldn't say a word. Bellamy had tried everything. First Octavia and now Clarke. They have been trying to persuade him not to continue with the beating and finally he gave up. After Clarke had dragged him outside the drop ship and whispered something in his ear so no one could hear her.

' You ,in my tent, tonight. It's an order. As for now, stop it. Please.'

He wasn't sure of how to react but it wasn't the time to argue. He decided to listen to her.

Later he went to her tent, being all sarcastically flirtatious. She just rolled her eyes and told him to sit. It was the first normal conversation they've had since the beginning .She asked him about his life in the ark and told him about hers. He felt strange. Asked her what her point was. By the time she had finished her story, he'd understood almost everything. They weren't so different after all. But he still thought she was a princess and she would always be one.

She didn't seem to mind.

He was walking through the woods, trying to clear his mind when his eyes were captured by an interesting view.

It was her. In the lake. She was turned around with her back at him.

He came closer. Just a bit. There was a tree in front of him so he was able to hide behind it.

She was humming. It was different from that song she used for Atom. It was more calming and suddenly her voice was his salvation. He knew he would scare her with his presence then, but something was telling him to go. He didn't even know what he was going to use as an excuse.

'Having a good time, Princess?'He asked walking slowly towards her.

She turned around as fast as she could. Her eyes were wide but the minute she saw him they closed in relief.

'What are you doing here, Bellamy? '

'Just checking on you, that's all.'

'Bellamy, I really wanted a single hour to myself. Would it be okay for you to leave me alone, please.'

The desperation in her voice was obvious but it wasn't safe for her to be here much as he wanted to leave her rest for a bit , he just couldn't.

'Look, I'm sorry I will have to ignore that comment, but let me present at your attention ,the grounder territory. 'His voice was full of sarcasm. 'Why did you choose this place exactly?'

'Wanted to get away for a while. You're ruining everything.' She was trying to get him out of there but seeing as he wasn't intending to go away she just dived into the water again. It was so peaceful under the surface. As if no one could get to her. Touch or hurt her. It was a moment of peace that was soon to be ruined again. She felt a hand grabbing her by the waist and before she knew she was dragged on the surface.

'Seriously, are you that dumb?'It was him, of course.

'What the hell are you doing ?It's not even deep! Why do you have to-'But she was cut off.

'Ruin everything? Yeah, I've heard that before, ya' know? The thing is ,I don't care if I'm ruining a moment or something else. This is not the place to relax, Princess. You take your guard down, you're a goner.'

'That wouldn't be such a loss for you, so why do you care?'She asked not realizing that she had just pushed a button there.

His gaze went from her eyes to the sky and back to her again.

'Why would I care , really..' He was fighting himself. He was struggling not to scream at her and she saw it. The look that could actually tell her when he was sincere. When he cared. It was the same look he gave her when he told her Octavia was missing. It was the same look from the day Finn was stabbed. The look of desperation. He wasn't kidding. She didn't want to test him but she was pretty damaged too, and decided to continue her relaxation , if she could still call it a relaxation.

'Look, Bellamy I'll be fine. I'm so tired of everyone in the camp. Always hurting themselves. Always shouting and yelling and never stopping, not even for one stupid second. I want silence ,okay?' She told him whispering. 'You can stay if you want, but just don't talk. I need an hour, that's all. I know you can understand meā€¦Against the odds, I know deep down you understand.'

He looked at her for one last moment before turning to get out of the water.

'I didn't say get out of the water. 'She commented.

He just smirked and got out anyway.

'Will be waiting near. An hour, that's all you get. '

'Ay ay ,Captain. 'She smiled weakly before returning to her paradise.

The hour had passed and Clarke knew Bellamy would be there soon. She didn't want to leave. It was the best feeling ever. And she swore she would do it again the next time she get the chance.

'Clarke?'She heard him.

'Yes, I'm coming. 'She said hoping that he would just return to the camp.

'If you think I'll just return back to camp, you're deceiving yourself. Sorry Princess, time's up.'

She shouldn't be doing this but he's annoying.

'You really don't take your time to loosen up a bit, do you?'

'I have my own ways of resting.'

'Do they include a girl or two and a tent?'

'You jealous, Brave one?'He smirked at her briefly.

'No, Bellamy, don't get your hopes up. I mean really take it easy, being alone and just clear your mind of every single bullshit that's been in it for months.'

'I don't do it.'

'Why?'She was intrigued.

'It's not the time, Clarke ,come on. Just get out of the water. 'She was bothering him in a way he couldn't possibly describe.

'Just tell me. I'm not getting out until you tell me. 'Great. Now she was acting childish. As if Octavia wasn't enough for him to deal with.

'You're pushing my buttons, Princess, this isn't good. 'He knew she was playing with him. But when she raised and the water's level reached her stomach he was startled. He couldn't help but notice her curves. She was beautiful indeed. Not that he hadn't noticed before, but, with all this post-apocalyptic situation he didn't have time to check out his nemesis in the camp. Although he wasn't sure that they were still rivals. They had started to learn how to work together and it was pretty surprising for all the people in the camp that their teamwork was making a progress and they made a pretty good damn team. Of course, that, when they actually wanted. Which was..let's say, occasionally.

'Bellamy!'She had been talking. Perfect.


'I asked you a question, answer me.'

That's when he decided he would just do the thing he was planning from the beginning. He was going to drag her out of the fucking water and nothing was going prevent him from doing it.