Chapter 1:

I could not believe he was gone. I stared at my brother's body lying there, so pale, so still and cold in the black steel casket. I waited for his chest to rise and for Kip to sit up and tell me it was just a joke, but he chest didn't rise and he remained still. No longer would I see my brother flashing smile and blue eyes that mimicked my own.

How could Kip die? He had seemed so invincible as we were growing up and even as an adult, he seemed to somehow be almost indestructible. How could he leave me alone in this world? He was the only flesh and blood I had left in the world. Granted, we hadn't been close since I moved to Ireland but he was still my older brother, my hero, my strength. Tears fell down my burning cheeks and dripped on to the leather kutt that lay on his casket. My brother had been a prospect of the Sons of Anarchy motorcycle club, however his kutt said he was a full blown member. He would have told me if they had made him a full member, so they must have bestowed that honor on him after he died. Go figure, poor Kip always a minute too late.

Kip would send me emails about what he was up to from time to time and he mentioned the members…his new family fondly. I wiped the tears from my eyes and looked around the room. I didn't know any of the men or women he was so proud to know. I was sure they didn't know who I was, or that I even existed. I had heard about my brother's death from a member of Sons of Anarchy's Northern Ireland Charter. My boyfriend, Liam worked closely with them; my best friend, Trinity was the daughter of one of their founding members. I had made it to Charming just in time for his funeral. It would have broken my heart if I wasn't around to say good-bye to Kip. My Kip.

"Who's the brunette?" I heard a voice say from behind me. I turned my head and saw a blonde haired, blue eyed man wearing the same cut as my brothers staring straight at me. He was the vice president according to his flash across the top of his right pocket. A little young for a VP but then again what did I know.

"Not sure, but she is hot. Do you think Sack had a piece of ass that we didn't know about?" The other man said. He was tall with lightly tanned skin and he had tribal tattoos on either side of his dark hair which was shaved into a short Mohawk.

I felt butterflies flurry in my stomach when his brown eyes caught mine. Instead of letting them talk about me like I wasn't there; I walked up to them and set them straight. "I am not Kip's piece of ass. I am his younger sister, Kylee." The thought of being a piece of ass for my brother made bile rise in my throat. "Gross." I shook my head in distain, I did not want to think about Kip getting ass for that matter.

They both chuckled. The blonde introduced himself, offering me his hand. "I'm Jax. It's nice to meet you, I think he mentioned once about having a sister but that was a long time ago." He shook my hand, "I'm sorry about your loss."

"Thanks. We weren't too close any more. When I turned 17, I moved to Ireland and he went into the army. We talked and emailed each other a few times a year but he was the only blood I had left. Now I just have my family in the North. Hell, I haven't been back stateside for 8 years." My muttered Americanized-Irish lilt should have given that away. I had easily picked up the Irish mannerisms. Then again I had been there for 8 long years and I shouldn't have sounded like I was solely from American anymore.

"That's a nice accent you have." The tattoo guy said. He was trying to flirt with me, his eyes were soaking me in.

"Are you hitting on my boy-o? Do you really think my brother's funeral is the place to do it?" I raised an eye brow at him as a challenge/

"I…um yeah." He stumbled on his word but didn't lie. There was a first, a man, who didn't lie to me or shadow the truth with lies. He seemed slightly nervous; he fidgeted a bit but then smiled. Oh. My. God. That smile was like a thousand watt light bulb, it lit up the room. He was extremely attractive, if I wasn't with Liam; I would have made a move on him myself.

"Don't listen to Juice, he's a shit head." Jax teased as he gave Juice a playful shove. "We're having a party tonight in honor of your brother if you would like to come."

I smiled at his thoughtfulness, but was hesitant to accept the offer. I knew how the SAMBEL parties were and they were not really my scene. They always had sweet butts everywhere; the scantily clad women, who wanted nothing more to find one of the club members to make her his old lady. They were willing to screw any of the Sons; hell they would fuck all of them in one night if that meant they could be an old lady or had a glimmer of hope of becoming one. I never saw what was good about being an old lady of a member of SOA, seemed like too much trouble.

"We don't bite." Jax teased, joy glinted in his blue eyes.

"Speak for yourself, Jax." Juice winked at me. My stomach dropped but I kept a straight face. I could already tell that this man was going to be the death of me. I could feel myself making bad decisions and I had spoken to him for all of three seconds.

"I'll think about it." I nodded briefly at Jax. "And you…" I turned to Juice, his chocolate brown eyes got big as I got close to him and quietly whispered in his ear, "I bite too." I smirked at him before returning to Kip's casket to say my final good byes.

After I had told my brother that I loved him and would never forget him; I had to get away from the people and the chaos. I needed time to process what had just happened and the fact that I no longer had any living relatives. It was too much too take in while be surrounded by strangers.

I saw Juice when I stepped out into the California sunshine. He glanced over at me as I made my way down the stairs. He made me through all sense to the wind. "You can pick me up at my brother's house before the party." Juice stared at me with a look of disbelief. "You do know where his house is, right?" He nodded as a smile flashed across his face. "Alright. I'll see you later than." I said as I turned and walked away. A smiled crossed my lips; that had felt good, it was liberating almost. What happens in America stays in America, I thought to myself.
My phone rang as soon as I thought that, it was Liam.

"Hello Love." I heard on the other side of the phone, he was rather chipper. Far from the angry, brooding Irishman, I had left 36 hours prior.

"Hi Liam. How's things?" I asked quietly, trying not to upset his new merry mindset. I sat on the hood of my silver sedan rental car and took in the warmth of the sun, a lovely change from the Irish mists.

"Oh you know same old. How are things in Charming?" Liam asked.

"Sad. It was hard saying goodbye to Kip. I thought he would always around for me." My brother had always seemed so unshakable. The last time I had seen him was when he was in a hospital in Germany during his stint in Afghanistan. He had been wounded in action; he had lost half of his sack. I was guessing that is where is club nickname came from.

"When will you be home?" Liam questioned, there was the Liam I knew. Always wanting to know when, where and why.

"Do miss me, love?" I asked trying to lighten his mood. I had become good at that over the last few years.

"Of course I do. I don't know what to do with myself without you here." Lies. He had probably already bedded some whore. They were always throwing themselves at him, so why not? I mean, we were not on the best of terms at that moment anyway. I had moved myself into a separate bedroom almost a year prior and he didn't even seem to care. He took what he wanted from me when he wanted it.

"I should be home in a week or so. I just have to clean out my brother's house, I will most likely leave it all to SAMCRO."

"Watch yourself around them, darlin'. You know how they make girls welcome." He reminded me. I turned back and looked at Juice, who was talking to a tall man with a thick beard and long hair. He had the hand of a petite brunette woman who was dressed more like a house wife than a biker's old lady.

"I know love. I can handle myself. You know that." I reminded him. I knew how to defend myself thanks to Kip.

"I am well aware of how well you can handle yourself. Well Kyle, I will talk to you tomorrow then. I love you." What? He hadn't said he loved me in months. It had to be his way of trying to reign me in. Those words meant nothing from him at that point. They were just words.

"Me too." I hung up my phone, I took a deep breath and got in to the rental but not before stealing one more glance at Juice. Good God!

I didn't feel guilty about asking Juice to pick me up. Things between Liam and I were rough and well down right intolerable. He had changed and the phone call was just his way of reminding me he had control over me. I was grateful for the distance I had between us. That distance was giving me a sense of freedom and liberation I had not felt in years. It gave me time to think, time to figure out who I was without Liam controlling me.

For the first time I was excited to see what Charming had to give to me. I had never taken Kip on his invitation to visit him in Charming and maybe I should have. I often thought the US was not a place I would ever visit again, because it didn't hold anything I wanted badly enough. Boy was I wrong, what I would have given to have one more moment with my brother. I missed Kip but for some reason I had never felt so close to him as I did at that very minute. I had a feeling this trip was about the change everything in my life.

A/N: Thank you for reading my story. This story was my first fan fiction I had put out in the FF universe. Please let me know what you think. Cheers and Enjoy!