Just a Little Obsession

By Spunky0ne


This was a short, three chapter story I wrote that was inspired by a work of art by Vitamine on Deviantart called 'Flower and Butterfly.' It was lost and (I thought) gone when I was forced to remove a lot of my stories for content editing a while back. I found a copy at last and have done the editing, so the 'M' rated version is posting here and the 'MA' is already started on AO3! The story is all new starting with Chapter 4. I hope that you will be as glad as I am that I stumbled across an old copy and was able to restore this!


Chapter 1: Falling

It isn't supposed to end this way, Byakuya thought as his senkei flashed brightly and shattered, breaking apart all around him, He is supposed to be imprisoned. We saw Kurosaki Ichigo take him apart…defeat him. So…that, too, was an illusion?

And to Byakuya's consternation, there would be no warning, no alarm, nothing to tell the Seireitei of his return. Because the one person who knew of Aizen's escape had just been defeated. He watched the slow destruction of his zanpakutou's considerable power, falling backwards and beginning the long, slow and deadly drop back to the unforgiving ground.

Not that he would feel it when he struck it. He was already losing consciousness, the deep blackness wrapping around the tumble of sakura blades that surrounded him and fluttered downward. But suddenly, it seemed they continued falling, but he had stopped. He tried to move, but found himself too weakened from his defeat. His eyes tried to focus, but all they registered was a haze of mingled pink and white. They slid closed and his body went limp and silent. Kuchiki Byakuya laid fully defenseless in the white arms of the transformed Aizen Sousuke.

Golden eyes blinked and a smile crawled across the creature's face. This one, then, seemed to know him. He had caught the creature's attention immediately, but it had, at first, been his beauty…long swirls of raven black hair, woven through an intricate white headpiece…lovely porcelain skin unmarked and softly glowing in the moonlight. He had slender, delicate features, but radiated with power. And the light, sweet scent of him as he passed, set the creature following behind, waiting until this one sensed him and turned to engage him.

"Who is there?"

His voice sent shivers of delight through the white being, leaving him aroused and hungry. But unlike the few others he had encountered, he longed, not to merely eat this stunning creature, but to examine him more closely, touch him, taste the flesh at the surface, and the powerful being underneath.

"I feel your presence. Show yourself."

He hadn't right away. It was too enchanting, watching his head turn this way and that, the smoky eyes scanning the area all around him, his reiatsu reaching out in slender, invisible tendrils that crawled hypnotically in his direction until they found him…touched him questingly…and then slowly revealed him. The dark eyes went wide with what looked to be recognition and the power swelled around them. He watched in wonder as the small, graceful hand drew and brought forth a sword. He raised it high in the air, with the point down. It was then that he remembered that he had a sword too. He held it in that position to release its power…

"Kyouka Suigetsu," he whispered.

The other released his sword and it sank into the rippling ground. He watched in fascination as great silvery swords rose out of the ground on both sides of him, glowed bright pink, then dissolved into a swirling cloud of deadly pink blades. They swelled and turned, moving in his direction…as they grew closer, evincing more malevolence. He watched, rapt, until they were nearly upon him, then let his raw power circle itself around him, shielding him against the intrusive blades and leaving him unscathed, while the blades flashed white and disappeared into ash. The other's eyes revealed surprise, but even so, his body remained deeply calm and composed. He gathered his power again and prepared for a second attack.

This one looked to be much stronger. It locked them both in a small fighting enclosure, where they were surrounded by rows of pink swords. Watching the shinigami, he learned that the wielder could call each blade to his hand at will and that all of his power was tied to attack in this state. It was a formidable technique, but it left him defenseless. Of course, one might consider the fact of his attack, a way to defend, but whatever the case, the creature was beginning to set off warning bells, and thus, needed to be neutralized.

He had to use a considerable amount of power, which he knew would leave him somewhat vulnerable. But he longed for this confrontation to end and to partake of the lovely shinigami who was working so hard to try to injure him. He was just wondering if he should allow the other to draw a bit of his blood as a show of his affection, when he felt something stinging in his shoulder and realized that while he had been considering, his enemy had been moving. He looked into the dark eyes, that had come dangerously close.

"Do you intend to merely hover there and let me run you through?" he said, his voice laden with sarcasm.

He might be beautiful, but there were lines he should not cross…and he had just crossed one. The white being grabbed the offending blade and turned his golden eyes on the other. The shinigami gasped and tried to pull away, but was held frozen as white fire shot through the weapon and crushed it. He tried to break free, even calling down other swords with which to attack…and finally, he did manage to do so. The white creature lifted his face, and his eyes came to rest on the other's.

"You cannot defeat me," he told the beautiful shinigami, "Come…be with me…"

The dark eyes registered surprise at his suggestion, but the rest of his body acted without hesitation. He called numerous swords down at once, seeking to trap him, at the same time, firing kido spells.

He was truly a magnificent sight, with his power swirling around him, but the white being wanted to end the confrontation. He sent his power out of him in a slow circle, moving outward and placing itself between the shinigami and his pink blades. He fired a volley of binding spells, several of which connected and held him in place, while the white creature prepared the final spell. He sent a disruptive blast through the pink blades, shattering them back into their petal blades, then sent a hard shock of kido into the body of the captured shinigami and watched, entranced, as it struck him with stunning force, and his body trembled, went still, and started to fall.

He flashed across the distance, capturing the falling shinigami in his arms and holding him close against his body. He placed his face closer to his captive's and very gently, tasted his perfect lips, stroked the soft cheek and throat, then slipped his tongue into the frowning, pliant mouth. He moaned at the sweet, delicious taste of him. He was so beautiful, so enchanting, and now his to do with as he would. He wondered if he could resist devouring him. He had been left so drained and hungry by the other battle, the one that had left him floating and senseless for so long. The one that had made him forget. And this shinigami was filled with tasty reiatsu, sweet blood beneath sweeter, pale flesh.

He might be too good to eat…

He held the other in his arms, leaning forward at times to taste him again…and trying to consider his options. He kept coming back to the idea of not wanting to drain him completely…of returning to him at other times…of tasting him repeatedly. His mind made up, he set the shinigami down and smoothed his hair around him. He carefully removed all of his clothing, revealing the full expanse of that perfect, unblemished flesh. He was glad that he hadn't been damaged overly much in the battle. It would have been sad to see such beauty marred by injury. He set the man's wrists and ankles in soft, gossamer restraints…soft enough to prevent him damaging himself, but spun strong enough so that he could not break them. Finally, he remembered the shinigami's response to seeing him and took two decisive actions. First, he erased the memory of their conflict from the shinigami's mind. Then, he set a hand over the man's eyes and willed his vision to fade. It was temporary…and given the strong reaction he had had before…seeing would only make him likely to start resisting again. He leaned over the shinigami, kissing him lightly and slowly raising his level of consciousness.

The shinigami moaned softly and opened his eyes. He made a small sound of dismay at realizing he was both blinded and securely bound.

"Do not worry," he whispered, "Your eyes have not been permanently damaged."

"Who are you?" the shinigami whispered, "Where are we?"

"Shh…" the white creature said, brushing his lips against the other's, "all is well. I will not cause any harm to you. Be at ease."

"Who are you? I would feel more at ease if I at least knew that."

The white creature smile and licked the shinigami's throat, enjoying the shiver that passed through that lovely body at his touch.

"My name," he said softly, "You told me my name, shinigami. You said it was Sousuke."

"Sousuke? But you are not…"

"I had no name until you gave this one to me. I think I resembled one you knew."

"I see," the shinigami said, frowning cutely, "but where are we? How did I come to be here? Do you intend to keep me here?" he asked.

"So many questions," whispered Sousuke, "Here, allow me to help you relax."

He touched the lovely face and watched the tension leave the shinigami's body. Sousuke breathed a contented sigh and slowly brought his body to rest on top of the shinigami's.

"I hunger," he said, very softly, "I will need to feed. It will not hurt, nor will it drain you completely. Be calm, now."

He felt the shinigami's body shiver as stroked the fine curve of his jaw and coaxed his mouth open. He tried to turn his head away, but the white fingers tightened and held him in place. He realized quickly that the tension in the other was rising…and he knew of only one way to make the shinigami calm again.

He brought his mouth to the pale throat and broke the skin lightly with his fangs, releasing a desensitizing compound into his blood, leaving him mobile, but unable to summon the will to fight. He licked the small wound afterward, gently healing it and leaving the skin perfect and unbroken again. Then, he released all of the other restraints that held him.

"What are you doing?" the shinigami whispered, dizzily.

"Tell me your name," Sousuke said softly.

The dark eyes blinked several times as the words sank in.

"Byakuya," he said finally.

"Byakuya," repeated Sousuke, "I have tried to make you comfortable. I desire you and I will feed on you. But as I do so, we will exchange pleasures of the flesh. I promise you, you will not be harmed…and I will release you when I am sated."

"And why should I believe you?" Byakuya asked quietly, "You have bound me…blinded me…incapacitated me. Why would I believe for a moment that you would release me?"

Sousuke smiled warmly.

"I will offer a token of my intent. I will restore your vision. Now that your body no longer responds to your fears, you will not fear the sight of me."

"Was I afraid before?" Byakuya asked.

"Your mind was not…your body was."

He brushed a hand over the shinigami's eyes and watched them darken in reaction.

"You are Aizen Sousuke," he whispered, "You weren't captured in the battle with Kurosaki Ichigo? Then, who sits in the cell in Muken?"

"I remember only bits and pieces," he admitted, "and when I woke, I could not be considered to be that other…though I admit that it does feel good to have a name…"

"Not that name," Byakuya said, meeting his eyes warily, "You brought great evil to the three worlds. You committed horrible acts…"

"I remember nothing of those actions…just a terrible battle…and waking here…I wandered, hungry and lost, feeding on lesser beasts until, at last, I sensed you. You attacked me and I was forced to defeat you."

"But instead of killing me, you will feed on me and release me?" Byakuya asked, his voice sounding more tentative, tantalizingly curious.

"I will feed on you," Sousuke breathed, running his tongue up the long, pale throat again and feeling the shinigami shiver, "I will make love to you…and then I will release you. You needn't remember that you even saw me."

"You wish for me to forget," Byakuya mused.

"I will leave that to you," Sousuke said, pressing his lips to the other's, "You needn't decide right now. First, let us taste each other. Your body will move, but only as long as it serves me. If you try to attack, you will be immobilized."

"I will not attack," Byakuya said quietly, "It seems that you have defeated me. I have no right to resist you any longer."

Sousuke laughed softly.

"I think, Byakuya, that you would oppose me, if I gave you the slightest opening…but fear not, I will keep you under perfect control."

He lowered his mouth to the shinigami's and felt a soft jolt inside as it haltingly opened for him, allowing, rather than welcoming his tongue's entrance. He plunged in deeply, exploring the yielded space relentlessly, bearing his weight down on the other and feeling that wonderful body shiver and tremble softly beneath him. His seeking tongue stroked Byakuya's hungrily, touching and pleasuring, tasting and treasuring until he felt it hesitate, then curl gently around his.

So sweet was the taste, that he nearly began feeding too soon. He broke away from the soft, pliant lips and dove onto the slender throat again, licking, and biting down gently, licking again and sucking lightly, teasing and tempting until the soft breast beneath his heaved and Byakuya gave a barely perceptible moan. But even that small sound was an intoxicating admission. The pleasure was reaching him now…reaching him, taking hold of him and making his body move beneath Sousuke's. He sank his long fingers into the dark, silken hair and returned to his mouth to plunder it again, before bringing his lips to the shinigami's ear.

"You taste sweet, shinigami," he whispered in a rough, wanting voice, "I must begin to feed before I lose control and simply devour you."

It seemed that Byakuya barely heard. He brought his fingers to the pale lips and thrust them inside, watching in wonder as the lovely mouth wrapped around them, treating each to a teasing array of licks and suction, before bathing them carefully in saliva and releasing them.

Sousuke's eyes sparked with desire and he loosed it on the long, slender torso that writhed and danced hypnotically under his touch. He nibbled and licked his way slowly down its length and paused to dip his tongue into the waiting navel, gasping softly as Byakuya moaned more loudly and his back arched. It was hard not to stare and forget what he was doing. He moved lower, seeking the shinigami's nether region, attacking as though starved, beginning a slow, purposeful preparation and feeling the noble's hips rise against the hands and mouth that pleasured him. He sucked hard and continued his ministrations, trying to take his time, but finding himself more and more overwhelmed by the beauty, not just of his body, but the graceful way he moved and how his moans sounded…and how he seemed to lose control for a moment when Sousuke hooked his fingers slightly and found the center of pleasure inside him. He meant to keep the pace deliciously slow, but Byakuya's body shook with pleasure and his moans had become feverish. He didn't dare wait.

He moved into position, bringing his aching, painfully aroused member to the shinigami's entrance, trying again to be gentle, but forced to abandon all semblance of it as Byakuya loosed a gasp of blended pain and pleasure and thrust his hips upward. His dark eyes had gone black and senseless and his hands clung to Sousuke now. He held Byakuya tightly as the noble's body recoiled and he loosed a cry of pain. He held them both still and panting against each other, breathing reassurances against the pretty, white skin, waiting until the shinigami's breathing had calmed slightly and he moved his hips, silently asking for Sousuke to continue.

He lowered his mouth to Byakuya's, latching on tightly and beginning a gentle thrusting with his hips as he bit down on the sweet lips and began to draw the reiatsu. Byakuya's mouth opened wide and his head tilted back, his hips rising and falling in perfect harmony with those of the shining white butterfly form that held him down and continued to feed. Sousuke continued to writhe against the shinigami's body as Byakuya's mind disappeared beneath the gripping sensations that rocketed through him from end to end. Their hands tightened on each other as the pleasure overtook them and they cried out into each other's mouths, their bodies shuddering and trembling as hot seed erupted onto their skin and deep within Byakuya's heated core.

Sousuke continued to feed more slowly as Byakuya's body relaxed beneath his and the dark eyes met his questioningly. He sighed softly and released the shinigami's mouth, then smiled and offered him the most tender of kisses before sending him off to sleep with a light touch. He laid there entwined with that heavenly form, gazing down and watching Byakuya sleep. He had never seen anything more enchanting than this shinigami, this one who was different from all of the others. He wondered why, when he had been one of them…he hadn't sought this man out before. It occurred to him suddenly, that he was remembering some things…some good, some neutral…and a few darker. He wondered if somehow the shinigami had caused this to happen, but sighed comfortably and brushed it off as he settled in Byakuya's arms and joined him in sleep.


When Byakuya woke, it was late at night. He found himself lying in his bed, with the garden doors opened, as he liked them, and the moon shining down brightly. He walked to the dressing area and opened his sleeping yukata, looking for any sign of injury or…

"Nothing," he whispered.

He remembered going walking, but he wasn't sure where, meeting someone, but he didn't know who. And standing there, looking at his unclothed body, he had to wonder…

Was it real?