A/N: So Bookwithrose asked very nicely for an update recently and I know many others of you have asked in the past so, here is a little Christmas treat of an update. It is set a few months later and I hope you like it.

So it's been a few months, long months and I mean long, like painfully long. We have talked though, texted and emailed but it just isn't the same. I miss her so much, she is here with me but just not physically and certainly not the way she is in my many hopes, dreams and fantasies. Something has definitely changed between us since our 'date' and she seems more open and understanding with me than before, on some levels.

You'd never believe we actually live so close really. It is like there are oceans between us not just a distance of miles across land. Its enough to make my head hurt and it does. So anyway, as I was saying I hadn't seen her physically for months but yesterday we saw each other and well all I can say is it was interesting to say the least.

So I am guessing, you wanna know what happened right?

*Insert cheeky pleased with myself smile here*

Oh you do? Ok then...

So it all started when we were messing around texting each other the other day and we have been talking a lot about life and what we want from it and how good it would be if we could just have the lives we dream about and well I just typed the question before I could stop myself.

I told her it would be much nicer if we met in person to have some of these conversations and talk as friends and well you'll never guess what she said?

*insert high pitched squeal here*

She said ok! So it was one word but you guys...it said OK!

Ok sorry I must calm down or you will never hear the rest of the story.

Anyway after I had gotten all excited and calmed myself down sufficiently, I finally texted back to say it was great and arrange the details for our meet up. Eventually we agreed on meeting up for a coffee, one morning this week and it was all so real I literally was bursting at the excitement of seeing her.

The morning came and I got up early, too excited to sleep as I am sure you all knew I would be. I drove in to meet her and made sure I was on time. Dressed up as much as I could manage without looking to over the top, because you know you gotta play these things cool!

I was so nervous and could feel my palms sweating as I got a coffee and waited for her to arrive. Well it was more like anxious wondering if she would turn up but then only a few minutes late, in she came, looking immaculate and like the perfection she undeniably is and I bolted up out of my seat, beaming away with the world's biggest smile and called her name.

Instantly I cursed myself. She seemed startled by it and I could feel my cheeks turning deep crimson beyond my control. You know way to play it cool!

Then she walked over, so I took a few deep breaths and then offered her a drink. In a squeaky voice that just happened! #Cringe!

She accepted, told me what she would like and took a seat, all done with grace and poise and hell of a lot less dorkily than me and my actions.

So I got her an Americano and back I came to the table and then we sat. It was so awkward. I didn't want to speak first, I don't think she did either and I sat back and sighed inwardly and in silence thinking how sad it was that we had been so close when texting and now suddenly we were caught there in that uncomfortable silence and neither of us knew what to do.

I took as much of it as I could stand and then I had to break the silence. So I asked her how she was and she politely responded and then finally we were on our way. Conversation flowed and then we came to the bump in the road when she said something along the lines of being alone. It took everything I had to hold it together because the thought of her sitting alone, thinking that a woman as beautiful as she is was going to be alone forever really upset me. She carried on talking, almost as if she was talking to herself and before I could stop myself my lips were moving, mouth engaged and speaking before brain could process the train of thought of my heart and I just said it.

"Well don't be alone. Be with me"

There was a few seconds delay as she looked up and made eye contact with me and I slapped my hand across my mouth in hope that would stop anything else from slipping out.

"Excuse me?" she mumbles across at me.

I stare, god I can see the pain in her eyes. She doesn't mean that.

"Why not? We could be together. We are friends, we talk, we spend time together..." I pause for a moment before continuing.

"and I care about you. I do I really do"

She stares and I get that heart sinking feeling again. Please don't reject me I mumble over and over in my head. I just don't think I'd survive it again and especially from her, I am just head over heels in love with all of her.

"You love me" she quickly quipped after.

Yes! She said that! Can you believe it?

No? No I didn't either but she did, she said that and then she said it again but more of a question. It was like an honesty and truth test and her eyes penetrated me violently as she waited for my reply.

"Yes" I quietly and very very honestly answered.

She then smiled and rose from her chair. I just watched wide eyed and vulnerable as she slipped past the table and came closer to me. Heart racing, palms sweating and thoughts scattered so far and wide I couldn't think straight I just gaped at her as she leant down and her lips brushed my cheek.

She smelt delicious.

I was so overwhelmed I wasn't even sure this was happening but next thing I knew her breath was beating against my ear lightly and she whispered to me.

"Excuse me, I need to powder my nose"

God it was so sexy, that voice and just coming from her and as she retreated from me slowly, I am talking slower than a snail slow here, her lips brushed my cheek again in a kiss.

My jaw dropped. I am not kidding! Literally fell open as I watched her smile in amusement and slowly saunter away.

What the hell was that?