This my first time writing a story like this so I hope you guys like and I must say before my beta Lady of Something skilled hands went to work on this story it was poo but now it golden poo. Unless I'm secretly the love child of J.K Rowling I have no claim to Harry Potter. Hope you enjoy.
For a man who was supposed to be dead, Regulus Arcturus Black was very much alive. Earlier today, he thought he was prepared to die, but second thoughts filled his head and he realized he wasn't really that ready to die just yet. So, as one would do in a situation such as this, he used the last of his energy to apparate. When he awoke, he found himself lying face down in an alley in muggle London, next to what looked like a pub or bar where the filthy muggles gathered. He knew there was no way he could show his face in the wizarding community again; not with The Dark Lord controlling everything. He wondered if he was yet to know that Regulus took his locket. If he did Regulus was a dead man, but he knew Kreacher would be but a head on the wall already if he didn't keep his promise not to tell of the locket. Regulus wasn't afraid to say that Kreacher was his most trusted confident, even if he was just a inferior house elf. Now, in his time of need, he had no where to turn to. His family believed he was dead and trusting Death Eaters was just like trusting a cobra not to bite and suck the life out of you.
Regulus put all of his meager strength into picking himself up but his body had other ideas. His arms shook as they tried to take on his body weight, but they buckled and he fell back to the stone. This was when he wondered how different his life would have been if he hadn't blindly followed his parent's beliefs and went with the other Slytherins when they joined the The Dark Lord. Maybe if he was more like his brother he would not be in this mess, but he was completely different to his brother. His brother was outgoing, loud and rebellious and Regulus, on the other hand, was shy, quiet, and obedient to the point of a slavery bond.
Regulus went deeper into thought only to pulled out by faint voices. He heard a girl giggle and a man whisper something in her ear.
"Oh, stop it, Chad, we can't do that here." she protested to whatever the man had said.
"Oh come on don't be a square and have a little fun." he tried to convince her as his hands went up her body, she moaned in reply. Filthy muggles, Regulus thought as he again lifted himself up, this time succeeding in getting to his feet. The couples were too consumed in their dirty snogging, soon the be shagging, to notice the man walking towards them. It wasn't until Regulus accidentally bumped the man they realized his presence.
"Hey, you prick, watch where you're going." the man sneered. Regulus turned around to him and peered at the muggle through his shaggy bangs.
"What the hell happened to you? Someone did a number on you. You look like crap!" the man said, laughing.
"Chad stop it are you alright?" his lady-friend asked. Regulus may no longer be a death eater but he wasn't above using curses on muggles. So he pulled out his wand and pointed it toward the man.
"What the hell is that thing a stick what are you going to do poke me to death?" the stupid man said smiling to only to be replied in an Imperio.
"Give me your money and your clothes." Regulus ordered.
The man obediently handed him a small wad of cash and began to piece by piece take off his clothes. The woman looked likes she was about to scream but he flashed her a warning look and she dissolved into quiet sobs. After the man was done he was left in his boxers, Regulus smirked to himself as he left the scene of his crime.
The clothes he took were a bit big for his skinny body but he other then that he really didn't stand out. The first thing he did was get himself a meal then he searched for a cheap motel to stay the night. As he lay down on the dirty sheets, not meant to be in the presence of noble Black, he sighed. He was going to have to redeem himself from the terrible road he took. Granted, the act that he just did was more of a step back then forward, but the muggle was a annoying git and fully deserved the shame he had received. In payment for his crimes, Regulus Black was now going to live the rest of his life among the muggles.
Six years later
It been six year since Regulus Black had been died and he was now Nigel Antares. It was amazing what six year can do for a person - he was now the CEO of a construction company, though the Imperious Curse had helped him. He now owned sport cars, condos and other luxuries in muggle world but, admitrtedly, they were nothing compared to what he'd had in wizarding world. He kept in touch with his original world and found that the year after he supposedly died was an eventful one. The Dark Lord's end came from a little boy by the name of Harry Potter. Regulus vaguely remembered his brother mentioning the Potters when he was younger. Well, now both of them, the heir and his wife were dead. It was ironic to him that the The Dark Lord killed some many powerful and skilled wizards and witches but found his end at the hands of a little boy. His brother, on the other hand, was better off dead. Regulus was never that close to his brother but he just couldn't believe that his brother would ever betray his best friend and then kill a fellow wizard and muggles in public, not even at the cost of his life if he refused. There was no way his brother, Sirius was capable of such evils.
Regulus was now on his way to meet a potential business partner. He followed the directions given carefully and found himself parked in front of a house that read 'Number Four, Privet Drive'. Regulus rang the doorbell. He could hear voice from the other side.
"Oh, is that him?" a woman's voice asked.
"Yes, I think so Pet." a beefy voice replied.
"Boy, I thought I told you to go in the cupboard." The same voice said, sounding agitated. Regulus raised an eyebrow. Who tells a child to go under a cupboard? he asked himself. He impatiently tapped his foot, waiting for them to open the door.
"Dudley come here." The woman's voice said again.
Finally, after what seemed like hours, they opened the door to let him in. Regulus put on his pureblood mask as he glanced around the room. The Dursleys seemed like your typical muggle family, but Regulus couldn't shake the feel that something was wrong here.
"Let me take your coat, sir." a voice came from below him.
Regulus peered down at the ghastly fat boy who couldn't anymore resemble a pig in a blond wig. Regulus slipped out of his expensive coat and dropped in the kid's hand without a second glance.
"Welcome to our humble home." A horse faced woman said.
Regulus weakly smiled and her and turned as the Mr Dursley said, "Nice to meet you Mr Antares." Regulus shook the fat hand and tried to hide his distaste. As they lead him to the kitchen he heard muffled cry's coming from the cupboard under the stairs, he stopped in front of the door.
"Is something wrong Mr Antares ?" Mrs Dursley asked nervously. Her eyes were brimming with the fear her face tried to hide.
"Who is under there?" Regulus asked bluntly.
"I have no idea what you're talking about." She replied, quivering in fear.
"Don't lie to me there is someone under there." Regulus said, a bit annoyed that she had the nerve to lie to his face.
"Is everything alright?" Mr Dursley asked.
No. Nothing is. Who is under the stairs? Tell me, now." Regulus demanded, his mask slipping briefly in his anger. The Dursleys flinched at his cold eyes; so obviously willing to do murder.
"Ummm, well, ahhh." The beefy man fumbled with his words.
"Well then, if you won't tell me, I'll find out for myself." He replied, pulling open the door after muttering a low, 'Alohamora'.
There, in the cupboard, lay a small five year old boy curled up in a ball, whimpering. The boy lifted his head to see who was there, his bright green eyes boring into Regulus' dark ones.
"Come here it's alright." Regulus coaxed the boy out of the confined space. The boy shook as he stood up on brittle legs and slowly walked toward him.
"What is your name?" Regulus asked the young boy. "I'm Regulus Black." He told the child, with warmth in his voice. He had abandoned the name he had gone by for six years- this boy was obviously a wizard.
"Harry- Harry Potter, sir." The boy whispered.
Regulus eyes went wide. Harry Potter, the wizarding world's savior, the one who killed his oppressive former master was living in a cupboard. Who the hell had left him with these people?! Regulus looked at the Dursleys with clear rage in his eyes.
"Harry Potter!" he all but roared, "What is he doing here under a cupboard? Do you dirty ignorant muggles have any idea who this is? What he has done for you and me both?" The Dursley cowered, hearing the anger in his voice.
"Don't you yell at me in my own home you- wizard." Mr Dursley yelled trying not to sound scared, spitting out the last word like a curse. This made Regulus even madder- how dare he speak of his superiors in that way?!
"That's- that's my sister son. Someone left him on our step five years ago, after she got herself killed." The woman whimpered. Regulus sucked in a harsh breath, trying to calm himself before he cursed the filthy muggles into a coma.
"How could you treat you nephew like this?! He is your family!" Regulus yelled at her making her jump. Family was, despite the numerous flaws in most, one of the most important things to wizards.
"Don't you dare yell at my wife." Mr Dursley jumped in.
Regulus glared at him and pulled out his wand. He had about a enough of his mouth.
"Silencio," He said pointing his wand at Mr Dursley's large mouth.
"You're one of his kind ain't you." The wife yelled, obviously rather slow on the uptake.
"I'll be taking Harry with me and if you try to stop me I'll do worst to you then I did to your husband." Regulus said, grabbing Harry's hand.
"You, boy, get my coat. Now." He ordered Dudley, his accent making the words as cutting as a knife. Dudley scampered away, grabbing his coat and handing it to him. Regulus wrapped the coat around Harry gently. He then lead him outside to his car and opened the side door for him. Harry was hesitate at first but then saw the kindness in Regulus' eyes and got in. Who was he to deny someone willing to care for him?
"How long have you lived like that ?" Regulus asked Harry.
Harry fiddled with his fingers. He was grateful that this man save him from the Dursley but he was still very much a stranger. "Uhhh.." he said, unwilling to reveal his past, but then mumbled, "as long as I can remember."
"Shit." Regulus said. This alarmed Harry- was he going to take him back?
"Are you going to take me back?" Harry asked with panic in his voice. Regulus looked at Harry through the rear view mirror.
"No, I would never bring you back to those filthy muggles." He said, assuring the young boy that his choice was correct.
Regulus didn't know what the hell he was suppose to do with a young wizard boy- this was the first time in his life he acted on impulse. He needed help but from whom? He knew it was time for him to make his grand reappearance in the wizarding world of England - the majority of them were Blacks, anyway. He really had nothing to worry about since The Dark Lord was dead, he'd just never thought of it before. He had been somewhat content with his life, but having the Boy-Who-Lived with him was going to complicate things.
"Do you know what you are Harry?" Regulus asked. Harry answered with silence. "Of course you don't look- at who you were living with. Harry, you, I, and most of this part of England, are wizards."
"What are wizards?"
"They are people who use magic."
"I can use magic like you did on Uncle Dursley."
"Yes you can do that and so much more." Regulus said with a smile.
Harry nodded his head and looked out the window and asked, "Did you know my parents?"
"Not personally but my brother was very close friends with them." Regulus told him sadly.
"Can I ask your brother about them when I meet him?" Harry asked excitedly.
Regulus hesitated - what was he going to say? He settled on, "My brother is not with us right now."
"So is he dead like my parents?"
"No, no, he is just- well... he is in wizarding jail."
"Well, umm, they say that he did something bad. That he killed a lot of people." Regulus left out the part about the betrayal because he didn't need another person hating his brother.
"Do you believe them?" Harry asked.
Regulus had forgotten how much children questioned things. "Well, no, I don't believe them."
"OK then - I don't believe them either because if you trust him so do I..." Harry said as his eyelids fell to obscure his emerald eyes. It don't take long for him to fall asleep.
Regulus smiled to himself. As he pulled up to 12 Grimmauld Place, a flood of childhood memories filled his mind. It looked the same as before but there was a more grim and more dark tone to it.
Regulus not wanting to wake Harry picked him up and carried him inside and whispered the password. He carried the child upstairs, placing him on the bed in Sirius' old room.
When he went back downstairs he called for Kreacher. With a faint pop the little house elf he missed dearly appeared in front of him. Kreacher looked different - he was worn out and sullen.
"Kreacher, how have you been?" Regulus asked.
"Master,Master, o Master Regulus, Kreacher has missed you ." Kreacher cried.
"It good to see you also, Kreacher." Regulus said, smiling at the old house elf making him cry even more.
"Master Regulus, Kreacher was told you were dead." Kreacher said in between sobs.
"I may as well have been, but Kreacher can you do something for me please?"
"Yes, yes, anything for Master Regulus."
"Please go and get Grandfather Pollux and Grandfather Arcturus for me."
"Yes, yes, Kreacher will be right back." and with that Kreacher left the house with a faint pop.
It didn't take too long for Kreacher to return with Pollux and Arcturus.
"House-elf, you'd better have a good reason to wake me from my slumber." Pollux said
"And my dinner." Arcturus added.
"And he does." Regulus said, stepping out in front of the two old men.
"R-Regulus." They both said in unison.
"Yes, it is me." he replied with a smirk.
"But you are supposed to be dead." Pollux insisted.
"Well, as you can very well see, I'm not and I've something very important to tell you." Regulus stated. The two old men looked at each other. "I have a son." There was a long silence.
"Pureblood or halfblood." Arcturus asked.
"Halfblood." Regulus answered nonchalantly. Both Arcturus and Pollux sighed.
"Well in any event, The Noble House of Black has an heir again." Pollux said clapping his hands together.
"True. Your son's heritage can be changed with a little potion making." Arcturus said simply and Pollux nodded in agreement.
"So where is he?" Pollux asked.
"He is sleeping." Regulus replied. "You'll see him tomorrow."
"Yes, yes, we will have a dinner for you and your son." Arcturus said. "And find a suitable mother for the boy."
"The Malfoy's had a daughter Belinda no one knew about because she was squib. The poor girl died in exile in Germany a few years ago." Pollux suggested.
"I'll need something of her's to put in the potion, presumably something with a magical signature - squibs do have one, just not enough for magic." Arcturus said. "And we'll need to do it tonight."
"I have a hair brush she gave to Melaina, but Melaina used it but once." Pollux suggested.
"That will work. Go get it now." Arcturus demanded of him. When Pollux left, Arcturus turned to Regulus, ordering him to go wake the boy.
Regulus tried to lead Harry down the stairs. But he stopped while they were out of earshot of the old men.
"Harry, they are going to give you a potion to drink that will make you look like different so that nobody will find you. It may seem scary but I'll be right there, so no harm will befall you." Regulus explained.
Harry just nodded along, he would do just about anything not to have to go back to the Dursleys.
"Call me dad in front of them, my son."
"Ok Dad." Harry replied. Regulus smiled at him.
"We're ready Regulus bring the boy." Pollux said. Regulus pulled out a piece of his hair and dropped in the cauldron.
"We Didn't really need your magical signature but it will have no effects." Arcturus said. "Now, come here, boy." he added, motioning for Harry to come near. With a flick of his wand the cauldron contents were transferred to a small flask. He then handed the bottle to Harry.
"Drink all of it, m'boy." Pollux said in a warm voice. Harry nodded and brought the bottle to his lips. The potion had a bit of bitter taste but if drinking it meant that Harry was free of the Dursleys then he would drink hundreds of them. After drinking all of the contents Harry looked at Regulus who smiled back at him.
"It start working when he falls asleep." Arcturus said. "Now what his name?"
"Apodis Orion Malfoy-Black." Regulus replied.
"Who are they, dad?" Harry asked. Regulus was surprised how believe the five year old boy was when he called him father.
"I'm Pollux Black, your great -grandfather."
"And I'm Arcturus Black, your great-grandfather also."
"Oh. Hello, Great-grandfather Pollux and Arcturus." Harry said smiling. Both of the old men could not help but smile at him.
"A charming one isn't he." Pollux chuckled.
After Pollux and Arcturus left, Regulus let Harry have a bath. When he look at the tapestry under his name was Apodis Orion Malfoy-Black.
Where one name was being added another was being crossed out. Albus Dumbledore came back from dinner to find his book of names laid out on his desk. Under the years of 1991, a name had a line drawn through it. Someone must have died, he realised. Albus felt a twinge of sadness overcome him for the youth that died so young.
When he peered closer he saw the name was none other than-
"Harry Potter!" Albus cried out. There was no way he could have died. Albus was sure he made the right choice in sending the boy to go live with his mother's sister. How could he have died? Did a Death Eater get to him? Did an accident happen? So many questions were racing through his head. He knew it was time to a pay a visit to Number Four Privet Drive. Because there was no way Harry Potter was dead. Right?