AN:- Omg 101 followers. Thank you so much everyone, who had followed this story. I can't tell you how good it feels.

A big thanks as well to all this who had reviewed and favourited. I'm really busy and that's why I can't reply to your review. So please forgive me and big thanks to all of you.

Also sorry for the delay, my beta reader was on vacation and thus it took time to update this chapter.

Big thanks to comehomeziva for her help

Disclaimer:- I truly wish, but I do not own NCIS:LA

I was so lost in thought I didn't notice that my princess was awake. She had her eyes closed when she said, "Stop thinking so loud baby, I can hear you." I turned towards her so that I could see her properly, then pulled her close to me so we could lie facing each other. I looked at her; her eyes were still closed.

So much had changed in last few years, but the one person that had changed the most was her. The girl who was now my wife and the girl I met in a gym when I was undercover were two different people. I had heard that times change and people change, and now I could say that she was the best example of it. She wasn't a badass agent anymore, but I think I'll always think of her as a wonder woman.

Being a mother had changed her in a way that I couldn't describe. She was still a smoking hot woman, and if you looked at her, there is no way anyone would say that she was a mother of a kid. But at the same time her features had changed, she wasn't an impulsive woman full of nerve and anger, who wouldn't go down without a fight, anymore. She no longer spoke harshly, her tone was softer now and she didn't give fuel to the darker emotions. Maybe motherhood does that to you. Now her first priority wasn't finding her father's killer or seeking revenge or needing closure; it was about her family. It's all about our family.

I was thinking about her and I forgot that deep down she was still the same person who had mad skills. "You know I hate staring. Husbands are not supposed to stare at their wives," she said, making me laugh. Told you, she still had mad skills. She opened her eyes, those mismatched eyes that I loved locking with mine.

"You think I should get used to your silence or you gonna say something?" she asked while smirking. Told you she laughed more often. I didn't say anything, just kept silent because I knew she wasn't gonna be silent for too long.

A few seconds later, when she couldn't take my silence anymore and was starting to get worried, she asked, "What's wrong, baby?"

I smiled at her possessiveness, thinking how much of softie she had become, and smirked while I said, "You know, I was just waiting for some kind interruption. I still believe the universe hates it when we use words for communication."

She rolled her eyes at this and asked, "You think you're funny?"

I smirked again while answering, "Think? Definitely not princess, I'm sure I'm the one who's funny here because even after so many years with me, your sense of humor sucks." I knew I was going to regret it, but come on, I loved messing with her. It was one of the best things about my life.

I was expecting a punch but she just scooted closer to me and kissed me and before I could do anything, she pulled away and asked, "How's that for communication?"

The utter look of shock on my face gave me away before I could say anything and she started laughing. God I loved her laugh, it was the best sound I had ever heard.

She was here in my bed, lying next to me and laughing and above all she seemed to be happy and that's what I wanted for her. If she was happy than I was happy. She must have sensed what was going in my mind and asked, "Penny for your thoughts?"

I knew I had to get what was going on inside my head out before it started consuming me. I'd been thinking about it for quite a long time now. It was about us, the change that had happened over the last few years and though it was necessary, it never meant that she necessarily liked it. I knew that my silence wasn't going to work this time so I asked her, "Are you happy, Mel?" hinting what I meant.

She got what I meant and she raised her eyebrows at me questioning if I was really asking her that. When I stayed silent for few more seconds, she got her answer and instead of saying anything, she scooted closer to me, making sure to leave no room between us. She scooted further and kissed me again. This time I kissed her back.

I was confused, thinking she was trying to change the topic—but I was wrong. She intertwined her left hand with mine and brought them up, so I could see both our hands. It surprised me how nicely she fit in my arms, her hand in my hand and her body with mine. I looked at our hands and then looked at her, just to see she was doing the same.

She smiled at me, melting me with everything she was doing. I actually thought she wouldn't say anything but I was again proved wrong when she said, "Being able to be called Mrs. Justin Warring is more than enough for me to be happy. I really don't care if no one now calls us Deeks and Kensi, because now, I can call you hubby and you can call me wifey in front of everyone and it won't be for any undercover assignment." I was so shocked about her admission but at the same time I was happy. She had definitely changed.

I got my answer, and I was happy about it but she wasn't and that's why she asked me, "You know what the best thing about my life is?"

I knew the answer but I wanted to hear it from her so I shook my head trying to be as innocent as possible. She chuckled at my action and said, "This and many more things that I couldn't possibly be able to do as Kensi."

Now she really got me. I was confident before but now I was confused. She looked at me, saw my confusion, and laughed. She kissed me again and pulled away before I could do anything. Now she was the one messing with me. She laughed again and said, "Being able to do this, to kiss you whenever I want, to call you hubby in front of everyone, to tease you by calling you daddy in front of our baby, raising our child with you, sleeping with you, waking up with you and everything that we do together. You and our baby are the best thing about my life and I wouldn't have it any other way."

I had no words after what she'd said. My heart swelled with pride from her words. Everything she said was so true and was the same for me. Her and our baby were definitely the best things about my life. It was an emotional moment one that we never thought we would have had few years ago.

I didn't know what to say further and so I decided to not lighten things up a bit. I smirked at her and said, "I knew you had fallen for me so badly wifey, I knew you couldn't resist this," I said, motioning to my body.

She smirked at me and said, "You have no idea, hubby. You have no idea;" and she kissed me again.

AN:- So guys we already have 42 reviews, come on lets make it 50 shall we?

Tell me what you think about this chapter.

Hope you like it

Much Love
