Author's Note: I'm sorry. Really, I am. I have no excuses for not updating. I've had plenty of free time to work on this, and I haven't been working on it. I'm really sorry, I just haven't really had the inspiration to work on this like I used to. Now that we're done with that, I have to tell you something. This is the last chapter. I might make an epilogue, but I'm not sure yet.

Dedication: To all of those kids out there who don't have any friends, who get bullied, and all of those kids who committed suicide because of bullying. To those kids who are invisible. Bullies are just cowards. Don't let anybody tell you otherwise.

Disclaimer: I don't own Kingdom Hearts.

Warnings: Bullying, use of swearing, OOCness, child abuse, blood, smoking, suicide, and whatever else comes to me as I write the story.

Chapter 18: Here's to Us

Naminé's POV

"I can't believe that this is our last day as sophomores," Roxas said. It was hard to believe. At the beginning of the year I couldn't wait for it to be over, but now I wish that it wouldn't end. I'd miss our club meetings after school, and I'd miss being able to hang out with the others every single day.

"I know, right? It feels like just yesterday we met in detention," Riku agreed as he took his seat at the lunch table. We had decided to walk to lunch together today, so all six of us were together. Ventus and the others had decided not to walk with us.

"That was the best day of my life," Kairi told us.

"Best day of mine, too," Sora agreed. Roxas, Riku, and I agreed. Xion was silent.

"How do you feel about today, Xion?" I asked. She was often silent, so this wasn't anything new.

"...I'm gonna miss you guys," Xion whispered. All five of us stopped what we were doing and looked at her. She was looking down, and I couldn't see her face.

"I'm really going to miss you guys, too," Kairi whispered.

"Me too," Sora and Roxas added simultaneously.

"This year has been amazing, and I think we should get together over the summer so that we can keep in touch," Riku suggested. The rest of us agreed.

"Hey guys," Ventus spoke as he sat down at the table. Axel was right behind him. Sadly Selphie had moved again. Axel and Roxas were still in contact with her, though.

"Hey Ven," Roxas greeted his twin. Those two were almost inseparable. I was glad that Roxas had someone else to help keep him happy.

"Do you guys want to hang out this weekend?" Sora asked.

"That sounds like fun. Where would we go?" Kairi asked. Everyone started to think about it, and chipped in ideas here and there.

"Why don't we go to an amusement park or something?" I offered.

"YES!" Sora exclaimed excitedly. I could tell that he really liked amusement parks. The others voiced their agreement, then we all texted our parents if we could go to an amusement park. My mom replied almost instantly and told me that Xion and I could go to the amusement park. The others got their answers before lunch was over.

I smiled and said my goodbyes as we went our separate ways to our classes. Roxas and Xion had english together and Sora and I had art together. Kairi and Riku had science class, but they weren't in the same class.

Sora and I walked to his locker first and retrieved the materials that he had left for art class. We weren't really doing anything in class today since we finished all of our exams already. I wasn't sure why we needed an art exam, but I didn't question it out loud.

"Okay," Sora said. The two of us then went to my locker to get my materials, and then we went off to art class for the last time this year.

I smiled as I walked out of my art class with Sora. I told our teacher to have a great summer and the two of us walked back to our lockers. Roxas and I had our last hour together, which was math class.

"Later, Sora," I said. He said goodbye to me as well and we went our separate ways. I met up with Roxas at his locker and we walked to our final hour of the day together. After taking our seats he turned to me.

"I can't wait for this stupid class to be over. I just want to go to our club," Roxas declared. I nodded.

"Me too. At least we don't have to do any actual work," I pointed out. Roxas just shrugged as the teacher came into the room.

"Alright, you guys can just do whatever you want to until class is over. Just don't get too loud," he instructed. I smiled. Our math teacher was the best.

Roxas and I pretty much played games and talked the entire class period. I had a lot of fun, but I was a bit impatient to get to the club as well.

Finally the bell rung and Roxas and I headed out the door. We went our separate ways so that we could get everything from our lockers and head to the club. I met up with Roxas again on the way to the room. The two of us then continued to walk to the club together.

"Hello, my favorite dysfunctional freaks! Now that you're all here, I say that we have a joyous celebration. This is an occasion that we shall not forget for years to come. Therefore I brought snacks and drinks so that we may feast and celebrate," Axel declared. We smiled and dropped off our stuff in the back of the room before heading up to the front.

"Axel, you are officially the best person ever," Sora exclaimed, grinning widely. I couldn't have agreed more. All of us got our snacks and drinks and began to eat.

"I say that this calls for a toast," Roxas declared while we were eating. We all agreed and lifted our cups up.

"To all of the invisible people! All the shy kids, teacher's pets, freak shows, foster kids, angel lovers, and goths! Here's to us, and here's to the best year of our lives!" Axel declared. We joined our glasses together and cheered.

"Here's to us!" I echoed, and they all echoed me. I smiled brightly.

This year has been nothing but crazy. From finally getting friends, to joining the best club that ever existed. From having a crazy principal to dealing with parent problems. This year has been full of ups and downs, and somehow we all ended up okay. We made friends and we took down bullies together. We stood up for what we believed in and we changed our lives for the better. We've been through so much together, and it's been crazy.

And it truly was the best year of my life.

Again, sorry for the short and late chapter. As I said earlier, there might be an epilogue. In case there isn't, I'm going to do all of my thank yous right after the replies.

Undeadmonkey8: Thanks! Yeah, she still has a bit more recovering to do!
Tiny Zephyr: Wow, thanks!

Okay, so now onto the thank yous.

Reviewers: (Wow, I never knew I had so many!)
Moonlight queen
Tiny Zephyr
Dario Flaman
Ucho no akuma no kami

Thank you to everyone who favorited (I don't care if that's not a word!) or followed my story as well. You guys are the best.