It's All About The Music

Chapter One- A Band Was Formed

I awoke to the sound of my alarm. I placed my hand down next to my head to push myself up but instead of just the sound of my annoying alarm ringing, the sound of a badly played G# deafened my ears making me fall off my stool and shrieked. I rubbed my head and realised that I fell asleep at the piano again. I should really learn but I just can't help it.

I turned off my alarm and started getting ready for school. I looked at myself in the mirror and sighed. Why couldn't I be normal and have normal coloured hair. I lifted a blue strand of my messy hair and flicked it away in disgust. I brushed it down and slotted my headband into my hair. I filled my bag with my music sheets, lunch and the books needed for today. I grabbed an apple and left my house.

I entered homeroom the same time I did every day and sat down in my assigned seat. That's when Karen Lilica, the queen at this awful school, walked over with her two cronies following close behind like poodles and she sat down on my desk.

"Oh hi Levy!" She said in her happy mocking voice. "I was going to invite you to our first gig this weekend but it said no bluenettes. Sorry, I totally forgot." She did that smile that she did every time she would talk about my hair, which was nearly every day. But she can't talk about having weird coloured hair because her's is green but it isn't natural. Still she should give me some slack and the only reason people will go to her concert is because her bands full of bimbo's! If I was in a band no one would listen to my music because I'm so flat chested.

Her two cronies chortled and followed her away. I rolled my eyes and placed my headphones in my eyes and started playing the new music that I wrote and imagining the lyrics being sung by someone with actual talent.

The teacher walked in and I unplugged my music. He was about to finish the register when Gajeel walked in so casually, it ticked me off. I mean he is always late and I'm not quite sure why he hasn't been suspended yet. Every day walking in late and ignoring the world then goes home like he was never here it just pisses me off. I don't understand why he even comes, it's not like he's learning anything!

Gajeel dragged his feet to the back of the class and sat down at the desk next to me, another reason why I hate this school so much. He started leaning back on his chair and propped his feet upon his desk.

I was trying to concentrate in lesson but fail because all I could hear was Gajeel's humming. I gave him a death stare but he seemed not to notice. This annoyed me. He only thinks about himself and not about the people around him. It's hard to think that people like this really exist but after meeting Gajeel and Karen you slowly think that the impossible is possible.

Finally lunch came and I quickly made my way up two flights of stairs and into the dark music room. I flipped the light switch and the room lit up. There were music posters plastered on the white walls. I moved over to the piano in the middle of the room. I stroked the ivory and then pressed the C key. I then moved towards the guitar which was next to the piano. I picked it up and strum each string individually letting each string fade out before strumming the next one. I propped the guitar back against the wall and slowly walked over to the drums. I grabbed the drum stick and lightly tapped the cymbals.

I was in the place where I belonged. I sat down at the piano stool and got my lunch out my bag and ate it.

I then grabbed my sheet music and probed it on the piano stand. I cracked my knuckles then started playing the melody slowly at the beginning and then gradually speeding up. I mentally said the lyrics in my mind and everything fit into place. I smiled as I got nearer and nearer to the end. As I finished the last note I heard someone clap behind me. I quickly spun around to see a blonde girl with chocolate eyes smiling enthusiastically.

"Did you compose that yourself?" She said smiling from ear to ear.

"Erm… h-how long have you been t-there?" I stuttered nervously.

"For most of it, I think." She said still smiling "So did you compose it?" She tilted her head.

"Y-yeah but I t-think it would sound better on the guitar but I haven't w-worked out all the notes for it yet." I said slightly blushing.

"Have you worked out any lyrics?" She said giddy.

"Y-yeah." I said still blushing.

"Can I see them?" She asked even giddier.

"What's your name first?" I asked.

"Lucy Heartfilia. And you" She smiled. She seemed like a person I could trust.

"Levy McGarden." I said smiling. I walked over to the piano and motioned for Lucy to follow. "These are the lyrics." I sat down and passed the lined paper full of words.

"Levy, start playing and tell me when to come in. Okay?" Lucy said winking at me. I then started playing the opening.

"1...2...3." I said and nodded my head.

"Manage me, I'm a mess.

Turn a page, I'm a book

Half unread

I wanna be laughed at

Laughed with, just because

I wanna feel weightless

And that should be enough" She sang it just the way I imagined in my head. I stopped playing and looked at Lucy in the eye. "I've decided that we're going to create a band!"

"Wait… what?" I said startled. "Do you know anyone who could play the other instruments?"

"Nope but we can have try outs!" The blonde said getting all excited.

"I don't even know you that well!" I said massaging my temples.

"Well my name is Lucy Heartfilia. I'm a first year and my star sign is Leo. Also, my favourite colour is blue and I like singing." She said without taking a breath. "Is that enough information for you? Now your turn."

"Err… My name's Levy McGarden. I'm a first year, class 1-B. My star sign is Libra and err… I can play piano, guitar, drums and I've just started the violin." I said awkwardly.

"Whoa. You can play so much!" She said amazed with a sparkle in her eye. I shrugged my shoulders and the bell indicating lunch was over rang.

"I've gotta go." I said and picked up my bag.

"Meet me hear after school. Okay?" Lucy said smiling.

"Sure Lucy." I said smiling back at her.

"Call me Lu-Chan." She said sticking her tongue out.

"Sure, Lu-Chan." I replied and scurried off to my next lesson.

The lesson was so boring and went by so slowly. I didn't really concentrate that much, I was too busy writing the guitar part of my song in my head. It would have been easier if I had a guitar with me in lesson but I don't think I would have the nerve to play in class, especially in front of Karen who would just make fun of me.

The lesson was finally over and I started making my way to the music room. I entered the room and Lucy was sitting there with a pink haired boy. It looks died but I can't really tell. Lucy looked my way and smiled.

"This is Levy. She's really talented!" Lucy said as I walked over. "This is Natsu and he sits next to me in class. He can play the drums!"

"Well I've never actually played the drums before, only just tapped on the desk with my pencil." He said scratching the back of his head.

"But the way he tapped the desk was amazing!" She said wide eyed and with a big smile on her face.

"If Luc… I mean Lu-Chan says you have some talent then you probably do. Why don't you try out the drums?" I said with a slight smile on my face. He showed me a toothy grin and nodded his head. He moved over towards the drums and picked up the sticks.

Natsu grabbed the sticks tightly and started pressing down on the snare drum to set a steady beat. He then started tapping each drum causing a good rhythm throughout the room. He stopped and I looked at him suspiciously.

"You sure it's your first time playing drums?" I squinted at him.

"Yup." He said taking that as a compliment. I crossed my arms over my tiny chest.

"So do think he's good enough?" Lucy said getting all giddy. I looked at her and nodded my head.

"But he needs to be polished." I said sticking my hand out towards Natsu. "Welcome to the band." I smiled at him as he took my hand and smiled the same toothy grin as before.

"So is it just us three?" He said tilting his head.

"So far but we do need a guitarist." I said thinking about it. "But when we practise I can fill in for that until we get one." That reminded me I need to see if the guitar part I was working on worked. I rushed over the guitar and picked it up and moved over to a chair and sat down. I started playing the chords I had decided and changing some that sounded off. I rewrote the chords again on a new piece of paper and played it through again.

"That's sounding really good..." Lucy said smiling. "and so's Natsu." She pointed over to him where he was keeping a steady rhythm that went sort of well with the tune of the song.

"Natsu keep playing that!" I said to him and rushed over with the guitar. I began to play the bit I had just practised. I fit together so well! "1… 2… 3" I nodded at Lucy and she began to sing the lyrics from before.

We stopped playing after Lucy stopped singing. We all looked at each other in amazement.

"That… was… awesome!" Lucy shouted smiling. I started laughing. I never thought that people would play my music and sing it so well. Natsu collapsed over the drums laughing.

"That was awesome" He said with sweat sticking to his forehead.

"All we need now is to find a guitarist, I can then play on the keyboard and we're all set" I said sitting down on the floor.

"Don't we need a name is well and are we gonna enter battle of the bands or something." Natsu said confused.

"We'll decide our name later when we have the other member and yeah we should enter battle of the bands then we can show up that Karen Lilica!" I said motivated.

"It won't be that hard to beat her. I mean for one her bands called 'Karen and the hot chicks' and that they can't play music at all." Lucy said smiling.

"Wait how do you know that?" I said raising my eyebrows at her.

"Well they have posters all over the school that has their…"

"No I mean how do you know that their music sucks?" I said waving my hands in front of me.

"Well I auditioned for her band thinking it was going to be serious and I got in. But then I found out they only let me in because of my looks and not my talent." She scowled at the floor. "Also, I heard them practising the other day and it was not good." Her frown changed into an evil grin.

"Gray!" Natsu said randomly.

"What?" My and Lucy said at the same time.

"Not what, who." Natsu said grinning. He grabbed his phone out of his bag and dialled a number. The person on the other end picked up immediately. "Gray. Buddy. Wazup...What are you talking about of course I don't want anything out of you… Well there are these people who I think you should meet… no it's not Juvia… Are you still at school… Good now come to the third floors abandoned music room ASAP!" He hung up the phone. "Think I just found our new guitarist. His name is Gray Fullbuster and he's a second year student. He also has mad skill at playing the guitar!"

Me and Lucy exchanged looks saying 'we're-having-a-sempai-in-our-group?' Lucy looked more excited than worried like I did.

The door burst open and in strode a boy with raven hair. He sort of reminded me of Gajeel. I shuddered at the thought of this cute boy reminding me of Gajeel.

"Why did you call me here flame brain?" He said rolling his eyes.

"You play the guitar pretty well right, ice princess?" Natsu said raising an eyebrow while smirking.

"Yeah now what's it to you?" He said looking away.

"Good because you're now in our band!" Natsu said drumming the drums.

"Since when did you play the drums?" He said with disgust.

"Since today." Natsu said. "This is Luigi, the singer and this…" Natsu got interrupted by Lucy hitting him round the head.

"It's Lucy! You should know that by now!" She shouted at him. "I'm Lucy. Nice to meet you, sempai." She said with a smile.

"I-I'm Levy." I said nervously.

"She's the talent. She can play drums, guitar and piano! She's very talented." He said nodding at me.

"Also she started learning the violin!" Lucy added.

"Well if she can play the guitar then you don't need me." Gray said and he turned around to leave.

"But sempai I c-can't play the piano and the guitar." I said and he turned back around.

"Fine but only so flame brain over there now owes me something." He said turning back around. "I need to go home now but I'll meet you here tomorrow."

"At lunch time!" Lucy shouted as he left. We now have our band sorted out! "Levy you were so cute back there when you stuttered while talking to sempai." I rolled my eyes.

"That because I get nervous when talking to people." I said in a tiny voice. Lucy then squealed at my 'cuteness'. "Well I'm going home now. Bye guys see you tomorrow at lunch time." I got up and left the room with my bag and all my papers.

When I got home I prepared my lunch for tomorrow and then ate the left overs that wouldn't fit in my box. I then finished my homework and got changed into my pyjamas. I started practising the violin and after about an hour or so I got bored and went to my piano. My piano barely fit in my old apartment so the landlady let me have the apartment with an extra room attached to it so it could fit all my instruments and books in. I also love to read books, they inspire me.

I played my songs over and over again until I could feel my eyes start to get heavier. They slowly shut and I could feel my head slam down on the piano yet I could lift my head up. I fell asleep at the piano yet again. I never learn.

Authors Notes:

So i was bored and this is what i created also with my other story i was having really bad writers block so i decided to write a short and crappy story to get my imagination flowing and i actually kinda like the idea and i've already wrote chapter 2 and i'm currently writing chapter 3 but i still have major writer's block with my other story and i might get my sister to help and what not. (You don't care do you)

Them amazing lyrics aren't mine their All Time Low's. Best band ever btw. You should all check them out so yeah see you in the next chapter. -3-