A/N: Sorry, don't usually start a chapter with an A/N but I wanted to comment on my note from yesterday about the plagiarism. I edited the last chapter to include the note after I was made aware of a plagiarism against my DW story, A Treasured Discovery, by a wattpad user :( I just wanted to update you all that the story was removed, I believe the user's account might have also been suspended (after they tried to change their name), and that I have added them to my plagiarizers page on my tumblr for anyone who wanted to see the evidence of the plagiarism.

-sigh- What bothered me most was that I got a message about a wattpad user (a different one) that tried to confront the user about it. Their messages about the plagiarism were deleted. The plagiarizing user also apparently denied the plagiarism and denied even knowing who I was...yet the evidence of the plagiarism, when side by side, is identical at times. That always is something I don't understand, why deny it when there is physical and easy proof to be had in simply opening the stories side by side? It's not like someone would believe it's not copied when it obviously is and it's not like they can claim they don't know the story or author when they had to have opened the story to copy it? -sigh-

Worse yet, this user tried to edit the plagiarism out, succeeding only in creating an inconsistent mess and butchering the story I had dedicated to my deceased grandmother. So it hit a bit harder than normal.

But I wanted to thank you all for your support and just wanted to give an update about the plagiarism and that it's been dealt with so far :)


A Land Without Magic

Piper was pacing in Gold's shop, her face set in a mixture of a concerned and angry expression. Oh, she wasn't angry at Gold, no…even though the news he'd given her hadn't been the best, she was angry at Regina. The woman had raised Henry for 10 years and she didn't seem to know her own son well enough to know that he would try to be the hero and eat the apple for Emma! Honestly! Regina had him in therapy because he believed the fairytales in his book and the magic that came with it was real. She KNEW that he would believe any apple that came from her would be poisoned like in the story of Snow White. She knew he cared for Emma, she had to have known he'd see the apple turnover and eat it instead. Emma had ranted to her that she was leaving, she was going to leave Storybrooke yet Regina couldn't seem to leave well enough alone! And now Henry was lying in the hospital, unconscious.

And that was something she was angry about as well, though she could feel tears prickling her eyes. In this world she was August's sister, she had no relation to Emma or Henry at all. No one, save Gold, Henry, and Jefferson knew that Emma was her first cousin once removed, that Henry was hers twice removed though the titles and designations hardly meant anything to her. She and Snow White had agreed their children wouldn't be raised to be so distant, they truly were as close as sisters. Emma was more her niece than anything. And Henry, whatever he would have been had Emma truly been her niece, she would have still seen the boy as a nephew.

She was family as well, and she wasn't allowed to be in the room at the hospital just yet. Emma, as the birth mother, and Regina, as the adoptive mother, could be there…but she had been forced into the waiting room after she and Emma rushed with the ambulance to the hospital. Henry had collapsed right into her arms and Emma panicked, not having been used to being a mother like that. She may or may not have grabbed the girl by the edge of her shirt and yanked her closer to snap at her to call an ambulance, needing to take control and get Henry some sort of help even if his original plight was magical, the medicine of the world could at least slow it or sustain his body long enough to break the spell on him.

She'd stood in the waiting room as Emma ran with Dr. Whale to the emergency room for all of one minute before she had to get out of there. She ran back to Gold's and had told him all that had happened. They had to return magic and they had to do it now. With magic being so weak right now, there was a chance that a curse, like the sleeping curse, that was cast in this world would be weak enough to break once magic was back. But magic had to be back to try it.

And then Gold told her the news she hadn't been thrilled to hear about.

But before she could question him more on it, the bell rang above the door and both Emma and Regina came barreling in, "Emma…" Piper breathed.

"Do my eyes deceive me, or is that the look of a believer?" Gold remarked, eyeing Emma closer.

Piper could see it too, the look in Emma's eyes, she knew, she believed now. And, judging by the guilty and scared look in Regina's eyes, Emma had confronted her about Henry and the apple turnover. She didn't know what Regina had said to her, but whatever it was, Emma realized that all of it was real now. And that would be even more needed to save Henry. Emma believing was the largest step in weakening the curse enough to break, but there was still something else that had to be done. Emma believed, but she could tell from how the townspeople walked about and talked that the curse had not been broken yet.

"We need your help," Emma got right to the point.

"Indeed, you do," Gold nodded, "Pip was just telling me about the tragic ailment that has befallen the youngest member of Operation Cobra."

"We warned you Regina," Piper shook her head at her, "You, of all people, should know that all magic comes with a price."

"Henry shouldn't have to pay it," Regina's eyes narrowed.

"The whole of the Enchanted Forest should not have had to pay for your quest in vengeance either," Piper's eyes hardened against the woman, "You took many mothers from their children, slaughtered whole villages, men, women and children alike…perhaps this is your past coming back to haunt you. Your son, for all the lives you took."

Emma shook her head, "Hold on, YOU are a fairytale character too?" Emma stared at Piper, knowing that Gold was Rumpelstiltskin, Regina had said as much on the way over, "Pinocchio doesn't have a sister."

"Nor does he have a mother," Piper agreed, "Yet I have adopted him," her gaze softened as she looked at Emma, "I would have adopted you as well had I been able to find you Emma."

Emma swallowed hard, a remnant of her past, of her childhood hitting her, the desire to be adopted, to find a family and a home and people who loved her and there was a woman telling her that if she'd been able to, if Emma had still been there, she would have adopted her in a heartbeat, that she WANTED her in her family…

She shook her head fiercely, this was NOT the time for sentimentalities, not when her son's life was on the line, "Then who the hell are you?"

Piper blinked, "I ask everyone to call me Piper," she remarked, "Is that not clue enough?"

Emma stared for a moment, before it hit her, "The Pied Piper?"

"At your service," Piper gave a deep nod.

"Whatever," Emma waved it off, starting to get overwhelmed by all this. She was apparently standing in a room with the Evil Queen, Rumpelstiltskin, and the Pied Piper (who was also the adoptive mother of Pinocchio) trying to save her son from a poisoned apple, this was…this was too much. She could accept this was real, that those other names were who the people before her were, if it would save Henry, she would believe anything, but right now she needed facts, she needed action, and she needed results, "Can you help us?"

"Of course we will," Piper nodded, "Rummy and I have a deal, do we not?" she smiled at Gold.

He nodded, "You, and your family, shall be protected in the end," he glanced at Emma, "I never break a deal, dearie, young Henry shall be fine before the day is out."

"Why?" Emma shook her head.

"How dare you ask that!" Regina snapped at her, thinking she had asked why Henry would be ok.

Emma merely held up a hand to Regina, "Why would you make a deal like that?" Emma looked at the duo before her, "Why would you care that my…my family is ok?" she frowned at Piper.

Piper glanced at Gold, the man moving a hand to the middle of her back, his thumb lightly brushing on her spine, telling her without speaking that he was there, that their first deal was and would forever be in effect, and that he would protect her from the Evil Queen to the end of his days. It was safe now.

She could tell them.

Piper sighed and looked back at Emma, "Because your family…is MY family, Emma."

"Come again?" Emma blinked rapidly.

"No…" Regina breathed, staring at Piper in a combination of anger and bitterness and realization.

"I was not always the Pied Piper, Emma," Piper reached out to touch Emma's shoulder, "My true name is Rose Red…Snow White is my cousin, and you…" she brushed a lock of hair behind Emma's ear, the woman staring at her, stunned, "You are my niece, Henry my nephew, and my family is one of the most important things in my life. Rummy," she stepped back, closer to Gold, smiling at him, "He extended his protection for me, to those I cared about. We WILL see Henry healed, Emma. I promise you this, and I always uphold my end of a bargain."

"There IS a way to save the boy," Gold spoke, seeing both Emma and Regina opening their mouths to say something, something that would undoubtedly either cause one to flee from being overwhelmed or start a fight in his shop and he'd rather his artifacts not be broken until this was over, "But there is a slight problem."

"What is it?" Emma shook her head, pushing her thoughts on this new revelation to the back of her mind for the moment, family reunions later, her son first.

"True love, Miss Swan, is the only magic powerful enough to transcend realms and break any curse," Gold began, "Luckily for you, I happen to have bottled some."

"You did?!" Regina seemed shocked by that, and well she should, it hadn't been done before now.

"From the hair of Snow White and her Prince Charming," Piper mused.

"I was able to make the most powerful potion in all the realm," Gold continued, "So powerful, that when I created the Dark Curse, I placed a single drop on the parchment. Just a little safety valve."

Regina's hands clenched into fists as she realized how he'd been able to remember after all, it had nothing to do with his precious Pip.

"That's why I'm the savior," Emma realized, "That's why I can break the curse."

"Precisely," Piper nodded.

"I don't care about breaking the curse. All I care about is saving Henry."

"Which is why it's your lucky day," Gold smirked, "I didn't use all the potion. I saved some for a rainy day."

"Well, it's storming like a bitch. Where is it?"

"Right here," Gold pulled the small vial from his pocket, holding it up for them to see the small swirl of purple within it.

"Great, so what do we do?" Emma gave him a look to get on with it.

"Ah, therein lies the problem," Gold mock-hissed, "THIS," he swirled the potion around, "Is not enough. This was created from the true love of those without magic."

"And?" Emma shook her head, "Why's that a problem?"

Regina closed her eyes, "Because the curse is of magical origins."

"And there you have it, dearie," Gold nodded, "This potion would have to be combined with the true love of two who possess magic to have any affect."

"And let me guess, you don't have a potion like that," Emma glared.

"Oh, but I do."

Piper blinked this time, and looked at him, "You…do?"

"I do," he nodded, giving her a pointed look that make her let out a deep breath, startled.

"You…made another one?"

"Once I overcame my shock," he agreed.

"Another what?!" Emma demanded, getting fed up with how long this was taking.

Piper closed her eyes a moment, shaking her head as she turned to Emma, "Rummy was able to bottle true love, from OUR hairs," she explained, "But he broke the bottle. Apparently he made another batch."

"And as we both have magic," Gold gestured between him and Piper, "We can see this through."

"So where is it then?" Regina hissed, "You wouldn't bring it up if you didn't have it somewhere."

"Where it is isn't the problem. Getting it is what should worry you."

"Enough riddles! What do we do?"

"You shall do nothing, your majesty," Piper shot her a glare, "This must be done by Emma."

"He's my son. It should be me."

"Yes, because your magic has had such outstanding benefits for your boy, has it?" Piper shot right back, going right where it hurt, "Tell me, whose magic brought forth the poisoned apple for him to eat?"

Regina swallowed and had the decency to look away.

"And, with all due respect," Gold rolled his eyes at that respect part, "But it's her son. And it has to be her. She's the product of the magic. She must be the one to find it. She is Piper's blood, the protection around our potion will only allow for someone of her family to touch it."

"So why doesn't your precious Pip get it?" Regina spat.

"It can't be taken by those who are components of the potion," Gold narrowed his eyes at her.

"Fine!" Emma cut in, "I can do it."

"Don't trust him," Regina warned.

"Trust me then," Piper looked at Emma, "Have I, in the time you have known me, ever done anything to harm Snow, Henry, or yourself?"

Emma shook her head softly, if anything, Piper had protected them all from the moment she arrived, "Where is this magic?" she asked quietly.

Gold turned his attention to Regina, "Tell me, Your Majesty, is our friend still in the basement?"

"Oh, you twisted little imp," Regina hissed, "You hid it with her?!"

"Oh, no, no," Gold shook his head with a grin, "Not with her. In her. I knew you couldn't resist bringing her over."

"Who is her?" Emma frowned.

"Someone you shall need to be protected from," Piper remarked, looking at Gold, "Rummy?"

He nodded and turned, pulling a long box from under the counter and placing it on top, opening it to reveal a lovely sword and scabbard.

"What is that?" Emma gave it a disbelieving look.

"Your father's sword," Gold slid the box more towards her.


Piper stood beside Emma in the hospital, the fairytale book in her hand as Emma spoke to her son. Henry had been stabilized but it appeared he was in a coma, as far as the doctors could tell though, it wasn't as though they'd believe he'd fallen under the magical sleeping curse. The only good thing in this was that Henry was ok for now, he wasn't better but he wasn't worse, and because he was relatively stable he was allowed more visitors. She had been able to enter with Emma to see the boy for herself.

And she was going to murder Regina for causing this.

"Henry…" Emma breathed, reaching out to brush some of his hair from his forehead, "You were right about the curse. I should have believed you. I'm sorry," she leaned in and kissed his forehead, Piper holding her breath as she saw that nothing came from it, no blast of magic, nothing.

She closed her eyes a moment, true love's kiss could break the curse, Emma needed to acknowledge she truly loved her son but Emma was so guarded and held back so much, was so hurt from her life that she couldn't seem to open herself up, even to Henry. She could relate in a way, her heart was hardened against others, but it was largely due to her being half-siren, and slightly to do with her past on the run from the Evil Queen. Emma had just been hurt too much and she felt a tear threatening to fall at the knowledge of what would have to happen to Henry for Emma to confront her feelings. It always took a while for the women in her family to come to terms with how they felt. It had taken her ages to work out that she loved Rumpelstiltskin, it took Snow running away from Charming and nearly losing him to realize she loved him, it always took something large and heartbreaking it seemed for them to realize what was right in front of them.

Something would happen to Henry again before Emma was able to admit she loved her son and truly break the curse on him.

She just hoped Emma wouldn't be too late.

"Can you stay here?" Emma turned to Piper, making her open her eyes, "With him? Please," she swallowed hard, "I just…I don't want to leave him alone and…you've protected him in the past so…"

Piper nodded, "Of course," Emma still wasn't quite ready to admit that they were family so she went for her second option of her past history with the boy, "Find the potion, and come back safe, and Henry shall be well again."

"Thanks," Emma nodded, turning to leave as Piper set down the book on a small rolling table next to Henry's bed, "Say what you got to say," Emma spoke and Piper looked up to see Regina stepping into the room, "You got ten minutes."

"You know where to meet?" Regina asked.

"Yeah. Don't be late."

Regina looked over at her son and slowly made her way towards him, "I'm sorry…"

"Stay back," Piper threatened, moving in between Regina and Henry, "Do not even think of taking a step closer."

"He's MY son!" Regina snapped, tears in her eyes, "I have a right to speak to him."

"You lost that right when you caused all this," Piper shot back, "When YOUR drive for revenge sent him here. Tell me, your highness, when shall it be enough? You were so blinded by what you wanted that you failed to see what HENRY needed. And now this boy is fighting for his life, my family, my BLOOD family, and I will be damned if I let you anywhere near him."

"How dare you…" Regina began.

"You forget how protective Sirens truly are," Piper's eyes narrowed, "And how deadly. One more step, and I shall not hesitate to force you back."

Regina's eyes flickered down to the pipe sticking out of Piper's boot and her jaw clenched. She knew Piper's magic wasn't as strong in this realm but she DID have magic and that was more than she could say for herself. She didn't know exactly what Piper could do to her with her music and she did not want to find out.

"I should have known it was you, Rose," Regina glared at her.

"I fault you not for it," Piper smirked, pleased Regina hadn't worked it out till just before, "I was never around you much, and it HAS been quite some time," she gestured at her face, older than Regina remembered it, older slightly than Regina herself was, "Your curse tried to affect me, pity for you it did not work. In the end, it worked to MY advantage. Memories of this world, but ones that failed to consume me. Aging yes, but partially frozen from your curse. And to cast me out of Storybrooke?" she scoffed, "That was by far your worst mistake."

"Was it?" Regina challenged.

"Indeed," Piper tsked, "You were unable to watch me grow and practice and get stronger, for 28 years," she gestured to her pipe, "I have worked on my weakened magic, strengthening it, for decades now while you walked about in your little world as mayor. Imagine how much stronger I shall be should magic ever return."

Regina's lips pursed at that, but Piper saw it, a spark of fear in her eyes. She knew what the Pied Piper was capable of just before the curse hit, and now…to know that she hadn't stopped tuning her magic all that time while she'd lived a complacent life? She was scared.

And well she should be.

"Now, I believe you have somewhere else to be," Piper turned her back on the Queen and looked at Henry, focusing on him, signaling for Regina to leave, which she did with a storming air to her. She waited only a moment before speaking, "My apologies Jefferson," she called, looking up as the man stepped out from behind a chancing screen where he'd been lurking, "I doubt the Queen shall give you what is due."

Jefferson stiffened, "You know?"

"That your hate is the only portal available for her to get the apple?" Piper gave him a look, "I am well aware. Rummy and I investigated all the potential portals ages ago. Yours is the only one that would have worked with such little magic here."

"She…she's holding information on my daughter," Jefferson stuttered, "She promised to give me her back and…"

"I know well enough the desire of a parent to return to their child," Piper waved him off, "For this I pardon your treason against my family."

Jefferson let out a breath at that, not having expected the Pied Piper to be so lenient.

Piper just looked at him, "Fear not, Jefferson. Rummy and I have a plan."

Now she just had to hope that it would work before Henry suffered any more.


Piper stood at the foot of Henry's bed a short while later, her hands gripping the rails at the end of it as she looked at Mary Margaret who had come to read some of the stories from the book to the boy, just as he'd asked her to do to David so long ago when the man had been in a coma too. It had worked then, it had woken him up, and she'd hoped it would work this time as well. Piper nearly smiled as she saw the sight, all they needed was Emma and her blood family would be together.

She looked down at her left hand, running a finger along the palm. There was a faint scar there, so faint that it was nearly unnoticeable, and small as well, which made sense, she had been but a young girl when it had been created. She glanced at Mary Margaret, knowing that the woman had that scar as well on her hand too. They had always said in the Enchanted Forest that they were more than cousins, that they were sisters, and had gone so far as to do a small little ritual, just for fun, no real magic or ritual to it, to be 'blood sisters' as well. She wanted her cousin back so badly, being there and having the woman right there and looking at her with no inkling as to who she really was to her was torture. She really hoped this would work.

"She was beyond hope," Mary Margaret read softly, "Beyond saving. This was her end. When Prince Charming saw his beloved Snow White in her glass coffin, he knew all that was left was to say goodbye. He had to give her one last kiss. And when he did, true love proved more powerful than any curse. A pulse of pure love shuddered out and engulfed the land, waking up Snow White and bringing light to the darkness…" she sighed, closing the book and looking at Henry, reaching out to touch his hand, "Henry, when I gave you this book, it was because I knew…I know life doesn't always have a happy end. But I thought…"

Piper nearly jumped, having been watching the grandmother interact with her grandson, when the monitors around Henry began to go off with an alarming noise.

"No," Piper breathed, turning to rush to the doorway, "Dr. Whale!" she shouted and the man came running in with nurses, all of them heading right for Henry.

"What is that?" Mary Margaret gasped, stumbling back, Piper hurrying over to her side and taking her hand, Mary Margaret's squeezing hers so tightly her knuckles were turning white, "What…what…what's wrong?"

"Nurse, get them out of here now!" Whale ordered.

"Leave it to me," Piper shook her head at the nurse that approached them, leading Mary Margaret out herself, "Focus on HIM."

"What is it?" Mary Margaret cried even as they reached the door, "What is it?"

"His heart rate's falling," Whale shouted to his crew, "Come on, Henry!"

"Oh my god," Mary Margaret started to cry as she watched them frantically trying to recussitate Henry.

Piper swallowed hard, "Stay here with him," she murmured to Mary Margaret, "I must call Emma and…Regina," she hated to admit it to call the woman, but legally she was Henry's mother as well and on the emergency contact list.

Piper hurried off down the wall and pulled out her cell phone, calling a different number at first, "Have you got it?" she asked immediately.

"Meet me in the woods Pip," Gold's voice answered back, "You know where."

She nodded and hung up, knowing he'd understand, and quickly sent a text to Emma and Regina's phone as she rushed for the doors, telling them to get to the hospital NOW.


The woods were NOT where Piper wanted to be right then, she'd much rather be with Henry and Emma and Mary Margaret, trying to do something to help the boy but this…this might save him too. True Love's Kiss was what could break a curse, not a true love potion, the potion that Emma had gotten had been to restore magic, which might be the only thing to save Henry. Magic in this world that was so unused to it was unpredictable. Henry starting to flatline was NOT how the sleeping curse operated, it was like magic was reacting to non-magic and causing chaos in Henry. They needed to get magic back because then…then Gold could heal him, heal him enough for Emma (or possibly Regina) to wake him up.

As she and Gold hurried through the woods, she worked on unlocking an egg-shaped container that possessed hers and Gold's vial of true love, Snow and Charming's clutched firmly in his free hand as he led her towards the well that contained the waters of Lake Nostos, the waters that could return what was lost.

They had JUST reached the well when they stopped, gasping as a rush of magic breezed through them. They stood still for a moment longer before a brilliant smile bloomed over Piper's face and she ran at Gold, the man taking her into his arms and holding her tightly as they realized what had happened. Emma had broken the curse, and without them getting the magic back first! That meant she believed, that meant she accepted her love for her son, and that meant Henry was alright.

"Oh thank god," Piper breathed in his ear as she clung to him.

Gold wound his arms around her, holding her tightly to him, feeling her relief at it all. It was a relief not just for Henry's safety, but for August's as well, the boy having likely turned into wood by now and with the curse broken he would be able to live even if as a giant puppet. It was a relief that, after decades of waiting, the happy endings would finally be returned to those she cared most about. And it was a relief that her family, a family that he knew she suffered to see every day, to have them look through her and not recognize her, would finally see her for who she was again. Rose Red would finally have her cousin back and he was truly happy for her. He had not had to suffer that, to see his son look through him as though he were a mere stranger. He felt a ping of guilt for having forced August to experience that, but now...now it was ok.

It was all going to be ok.

Or it would be.

"We aren't done yet Pip," Gold grinned as he stepped back, reaching out to brush a tear that had fallen from her eye in joy and relief away from her face.

"No, we are not," she agreed, the two of them turning to continue the small distance to the well. Piper opened her vial and held it over the well as Gold did the same with the other.

"To the return of magic," he smiled at her, taking her hand, and, together, they both dropped the vials into the waters, stepping back moments later when a thick, purple smoke began to rise from the well and spread out across their feet, growing thicker and taller behind them and heading right for the town.

"It is beautiful Rummy," Piper squeezed his hand, feeling it swirling around her, "The return of Magic to a land without."

"Oh yes, dearie," Gold grinned, seeing the purple smoke suddenly shoot out of the well, rising above them, gathering in mass and power and speed, before he closed his eyes and squeezed his hand, letting it race over them, through them, "Magic…is coming," he pulled her closer to him, winding his right arm around her waist as her left hand took his own left hand and lifted it to rest the back of it over her heart, the two of them standing there, watching with pleased and satisfied smirks, anticipating grins, as the magic grew taller, more powerful, more turbulant.

And as they stood there, allowing the magic to consume them, to replenish them, to fill them with a familiar power, the purple cloud of smoke continued on, heading right for Storybrooke, towards a town that now had their memories returned, a town that would not be ready for the return of something like this.

And so, just as the clock tower struck 8:15, magic swept over the town of Storybrooke.

Magic…was back.

To be continued...in...Every Rose Has Its Thorns!

A/N: Oh wow! The first story is over! O.O But I've got a little surprise for you, check back in about 7-8 hours and I'll be posting the next story today too! :) We'll get a bit of a double whammy going ;)

I can officially say that the winning pairing name for Piper/Gold is...Dark Rose ;)

I want to take a moment also to just thank you all, anyone who's ever read/favorited/followed/reviewed/anything this story :') I love you all so much and I hope you enjoy the next story in the series too :)

Small note about DW for readers of that, yesterday's plagiarism instance really got to me, more than the others as the story plagiarized was the one I had dedicated to my grandmother (rest her soul) and to see that story as butchered as it was, I didn't get any DW written, I'm sorry to say but I won't be posting Mac's new chapter today, but tomorrow. Mac will officially be resumed on Saturday ;)

Some notes on reviews...

I just want to say thank you all, for the support about the plagiarism. Thankfully the story was removed and it appears the user's account was suspended as well. I'm sorry it came to that, but plagiarism is just terrible :(

Yup, the curse was broken :)

The Graham/OC and Hook/OC would be completely separate stories, so no Piper at all ;) The pairings would follow what they are in the show, save the Hook/OC which would likely be a Neal/Emma one ;)