Jack lounged in his stool, his wintry hair ruffled so effortlessly and that knowing smirk printed on his flawless face. Elsa managed to pull her gaze away from him as she walked in the classroom.

She tried not to tug her shortened navy skirt lower, not being adapted to having so much leg on show despite her persona back home in Sweden. Her usually fastened top button was gone. The buttons usually buttoned on her cardigan leading up to her normally pitiful breasts was gone.

Instead her skirt was rolled, her tie hung loosely in the middle of her chest, her white shirt untucked and was pulled taut around her breasts from the blue push-up bra she nervously clipped into place that very morning, having never worn it in front of her peers at school, rather preferring to save it for the times when she would actually be popular at home, boys all over her.

However, at school, it was better if she was seen as geeky Elsa Snow.

But not that day. No, that day she was provoked into showing her appeal to a certain white haired boy in the class.

Her normally tight braid was gone leaving her hair to dangle in luscious waves and her hips swayed with a confidence that had the majority of the boys in the class mesmerised.

Even those such as Jack Frost, who had been joking with his best friend, Pitch, when she swaggered in. Jack's jaw near enough dropped.

Curves which he had been doubtful that belonged on her, now twisted and rounded her hips and her (what he thought non-existent) boobs were restrained in the white top, forcing the lace to print obviously against the shirt. Her skirt was shortened so that her lovely long legs were announced and looked toned and ready to wrap around any boy's waist. Elsa had a confident smirk that was only betrayed by a slight blush to her cheeks as she made her way over to her best friend Hans who looked just as shocked as all the members of the class with a dick in the room. Instead of the conservative outfit that was made for being in a nunnery, Elsa was dressed to kill.

Jack tried to swallow to dampen the dry Sahara that was his mouth. His normally frosty eyes had melted into an appreciative smoulder, eyeing up her arse, tilting his head to the side when his view was obstructed by a table.

"Who is that?" Pitch murmured approvingly, leaning out into the aisle to get another point of view for that awesome, to put it crudely, ass.

"I think we have died my friend," he purred back, "we have died and gone to heaven."

"Or hell." Pitch muttered back.

The pair both groaned simultaneously as she bent over to place her bag on the floor.

From Jack's vicinity, the skirt rode up and he could see garters. He blinked furiously, determined to be proved wrong that the smartest girl known to man was not capable of wearing garters to school.

Her neck heated as she could feel everyone's gazes on her. She gulped in embarrassment and resigned herself back to the conservative attire tomorrow. That was until she heard groans when she bent to place her leather satchel on the ground. Elsa paused for a moment, her heart beating fast, racing a cheetah in its eagerness to check over her shoulder to hope that it was him looking.

Brushing over the seat of her skirt and perched on her stool and turned to Hans who continued to gape at her, his eyes widened and his greasy red hair falling over his face.

"What?" Elsa whispered self consciously, brushing a lock of platinum hair back and peered over to Jack at the back of the room and smirked when she saw his form.

Where he was completely relaxed before she walked in, completely sprawled over his stool, he was now as still as stone. His white brows raised appreciatively as his eyes wandered her form, his cheeks being sucked in from his held breath, making his sharp cheekbones more pronounced. When his blue hued stare met her own, Jack's smile widened and ran his tongue over his lower lip hungrily.

Elsa just crooked the corner of her mouth higher and dropped her hand to her thigh, her heart throbbing in her chest under his scrutinising gaze. Her hand trailed up the outer side of her thigh, raising the skirt with her. It tickled Elsa's leg to do it but with Jack's heated stare, it sent a flood of warmth to between her legs.

She paused when just a hint of the lace of her garter showed, running the tip of her finger across the abrading fabric, just observing as Jack's eyes fixated on that finger, looking like he was secretly begging her just raise her skirt a fraction of an inch higher.

Come on, just a little higher so I can see a little more of that lovely lace, Jack was hoping to any God out there, to let sinful Goody Two Shoes to raise her finger that centimetre higher so he could see her milky skin in contrast to the sensual black tights.

He could tell that she was teasing him and if she could see below the table where his dick was going as hard as steel, he could imagine her running her pink tongue over her red lips, a shit eating grin on her face as she pressed her hand against him.

Just as he was about to stand and march over to Elsa to take her to the nearest bathroom, Mr Weselton strode into the room, banging his briefcase onto his cluttered desk, knocking him painfully out of his reverie.

All she did was give Jack a playful, mocking pout before lowering her hand and in turn her skirt, rotating to face the white board. He swore as he placed a hand over the throbbing erection that was painful to arrange comfortably for the rest of the one hour lesson. Pitch followed Jack's white hand and gave a mocking smile to him before rolling his eyes to Elsa again his black eyes seeming to darken further in equal lust to the nymph sitting just a table and an aisle away.

Elsa furrowed her brow as she copied a difficult definition on the bond.

...in an enzyme, the disulphide bonds are- Elsa was brought out of concentration with a hit to the back of her head. Raising her face just in time to see a piece of balled paper rolling away on the floor just by her stool.

Peeking up through her lashes, she saw Jack furiously scribbling, a grin on his face, highlighting his crime to her as easily as a sign. He never smiled as he did work.

His smoky eyes also snuck a look and that grin widened when their eyes clashed, sending a snow storm into the pit of her stomach. Jack gestured to that piece of paper on the floor, lying abandoned, rocking slightly from the extra kinetic energy.

Lowering her eyes from Jack she bent over and picked it up, smoothing out the wrinkles, Elsa's eyes widened as she read the message.

I like your clothes. It's a hot look, but I would like them even better on my bedroom floor-J

Elsa snorted at the cliche line before she could help it and rolled her eyes at him, before checking to see if Mr Weselton was watching and chucked the ball back at Jack's face, only kept her eyes on him long enough to see the paper impact with his smug face with a look of surprise.

With a derisive flick of her hair over her shoulder and a small smirk, she turned back to her work.

She fought to keep the smile of victory of her face and forced her mind to stop running in circles around those words I would like them even better on my bedroom floor…

She ran a pattern on her thigh absently, chewing on the end of her biro, deep in thought when another balled piece of paper caught her head again.
Scowling prettily at Jack she bent over again to pick it up. He couldn't care any less about her annoyance or irritation with his interruptions but what she didn't realise was that when she bent over her stool, he could see her tempting lace and saw that it was connected to silk ice blue garters.

Jack could feel his tongue becoming too big for his mouth, alike another piece of his anatomy becoming too big for his charcoal trousers. Just remembering what he wrote, sent his heart galloping.

You wound me. How about yours at 8? I wouldn't mind those garters, I just can't wait to see the matching bra-J.

While her face was partially hidden from him, he could see a smug tilt to the corner of the lip that he could see before she covered it up with innocent wide eyes, and sent a disapproving look to Jack's shameless ones. There was a pleasure for him, in the blush that was working its way across her cheeks and to her cute little ears.

And this was also found when she surreptitiously darted her disbelieving eyes to meet Jack's, her blonde eyelashes sweeping across her reddish cheekbones and he returned the look with a questioning, white eyebrow.

Elsa cast another disbelieving look before turning back to face her work, the paper crumpled in her tight fist. Jack could see the glares that her weird best friend was sending him. Hans' sneer looked like he was going to start drooling out of that brace filled mouth. After eyeing him with disgust, he turned his attention back to Elsa where her curved spine had faced him again.

He could imagine his lips moving through the dents and curves of her muscles lying under unblemished skin of her back and her breathy sighs as Jack took her from behind…

A shrill ring shocked Jack out of his day dream and glanced around to confirm that the lesson was over.

Elsa packed her things hurriedly, her pulse thrumming near to the surface of her boiling skin. Shame was taking over and the blood was roaring in her ears in embarrassment. It was a horrible idea to dress up like this.

Sure she got his attention, but was it worth all the drools from Hans next to her. it wasn't the most attractive sight she had seen in a while.

Dimly, she heard Mr Weselton nasally calling out the homework due in for next week. That didn't apply to her as she already finished that homework, she thought with a grin.

Oh, the possibilities of what she could do after the regulated sport activities, she could probably series binge on Netflix if she really wanted but she knew there was a pile of books by her bed that she would rather get through.

She shifted her determined gaze from her satchel to see Mr Weselton leering down at her.

"Elsa," he began, his little eyes twitching with excitement as he looked her up and down, "I don't know if you could come here during prep period I have to discuss some homework with you."

He leered again, rubbing his wrinkly hands together in delight. Swallowing hard, she rubbed her forearm self-consciously trying to find any reason not to go.

"I'm afraid that won't be possible, Mr Weselton," I heard his dark chocolate voice say behind me, sending pleasurable shivers down her vertebrae. "She is tutoring me for your delightful lessons as well as many others, sir."

The blonde haired girl whirled around, her hair flying in an arc allowing Jack to take a subtle smell of her sharp shampoo and sweet perfume. Jack ruffled his hair roguishly that caused Elsa to feel a little weak at the knees, seeing the muscles in his body clenching. The smile fell off Mr Weselton's wrinkles, the corners of his mouth turning immediately turning down.

"Surely you have some time-" their chemistry teacher began before Jack cut him off.

"I'm afraid that is a negative, sir," he said, apologetic, his face anything but. "As you can probably vouch, my grades are appalling."

Their teacher contemplated Jack with a glare. She waited with baited breath, her hand reflexively curling into her hair nervously. The chemistry teacher shrugged his shoulders and waved a hand at them away with a crinkle of his wrinkled nose.

Elsa and Jack ran from the room, bursting into giggles as soon as they were through the door and Jack looped his hand around her waist.

She looked up at him curiously, a faint smile on her face, her little nose was crinkled in confusion.

"What are you doing?" she asked, removing his hand from her waist before continuing to walk in the direction of the library.

"I thought it was obvious," he said lowly, causing little sparks come from the embers of the heat between her legs. "The least you could do after I saved you from that pervert."

She looked at him over her shoulder, eyeing him up and down, her pouty lips curled into a smile.

"Well, the answer is still a no." Elsa chuckled and turned away from him, pushing through the double doors into the quiet sanctuary of books, expecting Jack to give up and leave.

"And let all that sexual tension go to waste?" he asked impishly, almost skipping in his eagerness.

She turned to give him a withering glare, dumping her bag at her usual table in the library with a Hans for prep.

Pivoting she strode into the first nearby aisle. Looking over her shoulder she saw an absent Jack. Disappointment curled into her stomach, but she shook it off her shoulders and continued into the stacks, breathing in deep the smell of paper and ink.

Elsa hunted for her required books and carried her stack of textbooks when she ran smack bang into another human being. Her arms flailed, dropping the books and strong hands grabbed her dainty wrists and yanked her flush against their chest preventing her from falling onto the worn, abrasive carpet.

Glowing like a red neon sign, her eyes peered up to apologise but then saw that familiar grin and pushed herself off him, angrily re-stacking the books in her arms and stalked off to her table. Hans was nowhere to be seen, even his bag wasn't there.

She frowned and sat down where Jack sat right next to her.

He leaned on his fist, turning his head towards her and smiled, trailing a finger up her bare forearm, cutting to the chase.

"So, how about I come to your room?" he said, noting the way her body jerked in surprise before relaxing and leant back in her chair, her elegant legs crossing and her arms rested on the back of her chair.

"What no sweet talking?" Elsa asked sweetly, noticing the way that Jack's hot stare followed her breathing.

Realising what his eyes were staring at he rushed them up only to greet her amused ones, to attempt not seem like he was leering creepily at her. Jack shrugged.

"I thought we were past that after the little tease you gave me in Chem," he nonchalantly peered over at the text Elsa had opened, flipping through the pages.

Biology, ugh.

The seductive girl just arched an elegant brow and smacked her hand down on top of Jack's, stopping him from turning even more pages. He flipped his intent look towards her.

"What would I have to do to make you stop?" she murmured, her finger unconsciously tracing little distracting shapes on the top of his snow white hand.

"What are you offering?" he leaned his head closer, dabbing his lips with his tongue, his eyes darting around Elsa's facing, drinking in everything on her face.

"How about," her voice lowered further as her eye lashes fluttered crazily as she looked down into her lap, "You give me an offer and I'll see what I can do?"

"Well," Jack drawled, "I don't want to embarrass myself by begging…"

Elsa shrugged as if she didn't care, turning back to her textbook and pretended to peruse the text book in front of her, flipping the pages indifferently.

The stalemate only lasted for ten minutes before impatience over rode his internal desperation to have this girl beneath him and moaning out his name. His body had already known his answer as soon as she had offered to pay him back and had tilted towards her.

"I meet you in your room tonight," Jack murmured close to her ear, taking satisfaction when he heard her breath hitch. "I get two hours of your time and we'll see from there."

She turned towards him, taking her face closer to his, her sweet breath was fluttering coolly into Jack's and he could feel the desire flooding his veins like a tidal wave, all crashing towards this one human being, Elsa.

"Alright," her breath whispered before she could think otherwise, her lips pecking his, returning her gaze to her work.

There was a heated flush of lust that swarmed in him just at this brief contact and he licked his lips to retaste her lip gloss. However, his pride was bashed when he saw the lack of reaction from her, just coolly looking at her textbooks, her hand clenched lightly around her black pen.

Jack leaned in carefully, bit by bit so she knew he was coming. He placed his warm lips in that sensitive crook between her ear and her jaw.

When she didn't move, he opened his mouth and suckled and placed his hand resolutely on her knee. Her gasp was almost worth it but he wasn't done, especially after she grasped his hand with hers. To a any passer-by, he looked like he was nuzzling his girlfriend but under the table…

He was inching his way up her stocking.

Her own hand which was meant to be restraining ended up helping him on his journey up to her crotch. Her breath fluttering in and out, his own inhales and exhales sounded loud and harsh in her ear as he increased in intensity, moving slowly down her neck, his eyes closed in bliss.

When Jack felt the elastic lace of her stocking, he drew his pinkie playfully under it and lightly pinged it, feeling Elsa's sharp inhalation on his shoulder.

Encouraged, he grasped more firmly on the inner of her thigh, his finger lightly brushing her damp silk panties. Hearing a whimper, Jack pressed a little more firmly on that specific spot. She gasped again. Her hand removed from his and relocated it on his own knee.

Enthusiastic, he pushed his leg further into her palm, which determinedly gripped the muscles of his legs before making little, agonising little circles, leisurely moving her way up Jack's leg.

Elsa's heart was a runaway train, her ears were flooding with blood, she was becoming blind as her vision blurred so much she lost focus on the text book, while his cold hand was massaging her inner thigh the rough pads of his fingers abrading the soft flesh of her thigh.

His thumb plucked at her garter, the elastic pinging back, with a snap. It was hard to keep her breathing steady as he cupped her mound while punishingly biting her ear lobe. A tiny moan came out before she could clamp her mouth shut. Wincing, she glared down at her book, as if it was biology's fault for why she was in that situation.

Elsa felt Jack's approving rumble on her arm and she growled in frustration, splaying her hand over his muscled thigh in revenge dangerously close to his little friend.
He tensed and paused before letting a groan escape.

"Bathroom. Now." he growled ravenously, taking her hand, ignoring her quite protests, dragging her through the deathly silent library and across the hallway.

Jack shoved her into the disabled bathroom, turning and locking the door, her grasped Elsa's tiny waist and hauled her into his arms.

She collided with pure muscle and her breaths now had become ragged as her hands splayed into little stars on his chest while he seemed incapable of not roaming her hands all over her body. He leaned down and pressed a hot kiss to her mouth, forcing her to open her gate and let in his tongue. Swirling it around her wet cavern, compelling her to dance with it.

And it was hot.

So hot.

His grasping hands didn't seem so bad as he cupped a breast through the thin material of the shirt, the coldness of his touch searing. Elsa arched back, feeling the flurry of snowflakes dusting her skin from where his skin and her skin were separated by her shirt.

She whimpered and Jack took pleasure in slanting his burning mouth over her ear and lapped at her out shell, nipping at that little bone behind it and continued to grope, feeling his way over the little buttons of her school shirt. He groaned and hiked up her skirt, just trailing his hands upwards and her body jerked as she felt his freezing hands grapple with her hips, burning skin to skin.

Tangling her fingers in his bleached hair, she fisted her hands in it, pulling his head closer in encouragement, whimpering when he tugged her earlobe in his mouth, sucking and licking it till Elsa could barely hold herself up. She was a weak mess, her knees usually tough as nails were turning into liquefied jelly. Her breath shuddered out as Jack lowered his head further, kissing her skin through her white shirt while his fingers below played with the elastic band on her frilly, lace panties.

Frustrated, Elsa released his hair and shoved her hands under Jack's untucked shirt to push her hands wildly into his stomach where she could feel his muscles contract, feeling her way up to his nipples, he gave a slight grunt of pleasure before abandoning her panties to grip her butt and crush her to him.
Her eyes widened at the feel of something pressing insistently against her belly. Tugging her hands out of his shirt, she wrapped her hands tightly around his neck and Jack heaved so she could wrap her legs around his waist.

God, I was right,
Jack moaned internally to himself, she has legs made for doing just this. She should do this as a career. A woman to wrap her legs around you.
His lips moved frantically over Elsa's. Both were grunting and moaning and hoping that the other will find a way to make the other join even closer.

He whirled around, slamming her pliant body against the door, uncaring of the noise people in the hallway would probably hear. Running his tongue down her throat and sucked at the hollow at the bottom, Elsa all the while murmuring encouragement, running her hands to the nape of his neck, fluttering the hair between her fingers.

Using the door for support, he pressed the feminine body between his hard chest and the hard door and wormed a hand into her panties, wiggling a finger until it sank in her wet heat where she gave out a silent scream, giving out cute, little chokes.

He grinned, happy she was as easy to play as every other girl he had fun with and covered Elsa's mouth with his own, swallowing her next scream which wasn't as quiet as he sunk in another digit, backtracking to flick against that bundle of nerves.

Elsa writhed against him, straining to get closer, arching to get further away as her blood ran hotter than the natural 37.

She couldn't make up her mind if she was feverish but when he sank in yet another, her eyes rolled back in her skull, unable to control the unbelievable pleasure flooding through her body, her inner muscles were clenching tightly around his fingers, grinding hard into them when it appeared like he was going to slow down.

Jack groaned, sucking on Elsa bottom lip, he nipped it lightly before sucking it intensely into his own, sticking his tongue back in hers swallowing her final scream, coming out little more than a moan in the quiet toilet.

Standing there, Elsa limp in his arms and his own chest was heaving from exertion. Jack heaved a happy breath, despite the painful erection pushing against the tight confines of his trousers that was sure to be attended to in a short amount of time.

"It's always the quiet ones." He teased a little breathlessly and smirked, kissing Elsa's nose, moving a hand from her butt to outline her waist soothingly.

Elsa rolled her eyes but allowed her noodle legs to shakily stand on their own, but her partner however couldn't seem to find a reason to remove his hands from their place on her derriere. She lent in his arms awkwardly but Jack seemed very comfortable with his head tucked into the crook of her neck and reluctant to move from her at all.

"You can get some," Elsa started before she was choked from her pants and began again, murmuring softly in his ear, "You can get some more of that later, but for yourself, if you come to my room, eight o'clock."

With that she nimbly disentangled herself, pressed a hot kiss to his lips which, when he tried to deepen it further, his hands crawling up her sides, had him pushed away with her lips releasing a tinkling laugh and a swagger out the door.

Jack shook his head in disbelief with a little laugh. That was possibly the most fun he had in a while. However he looked down at his un-satiated, throbbing erection and groaned, lolling his head back.

"I am definitely getting some later," he muttered to himself just as the shrill bell made itself known.

"The snow storm outside, as you can probably tell, has gotten worse. For this we must ask all students to stay in their houses and not leave without adult supervision. Those with evening activities have been cancelled. However," The overhead voice turned stern, "students, this is not the time for procrastination, spend your time revising wisely."

With a screeching click the overhead turned off.

Elsa turned back to her work on the table and finished the last question before she let herself consider what had just been said.

Jack wouldn't be able to come around. The regret drowned her until Elsa was in a truly foul mood.

Her roommate, Anna, left an hour ago, claiming she was going to do revision in the common room but no one ever manages that. She sighed, scrubbing an irritable hand through her hair and placed her iPod in the docking station and scrolled through numbly until she spotted that one song. The one that made every bad day better.

Completely angsty, encapsulating everything it was to be about a young adult.

It just reminded her of Coyote Ugly and Burlesque. Two of her most major films.

With a smirk, Halestorm screamed out the lyrics to "I Miss the Misery". When the first few slams came, Elsa undid her hair tie, whipping her hair around. Undulating in time with the song her top was stripped off.

This was the song that she imagined a stripper dancing to or the bar tenders from Coyote Ugly.

Elsa had already changed out of her garters since Jack had already seen them and had favoured turquoise lace and silk bra and matching underwear. She began to rotate her hips seductively imagining a man in front of her, enjoying the show. Her fingers combing back her hair in thick chunks, pretending that it was a certain white haired boy's instead, clenching the back of her neck.

There was her imagined bar, there she was, dancing on the table top, men everywhere coming just to see her. She would pour tequila down one throat, another would haul himself onto the bar top and start to grind behind her, guiding her curvaceous hips as he would swipe the tequila from her hand and drink it straight.

Bringing her hands down from her hair and Elsa cupped her breasts and she continued to roll her body, imagining men clambering, wishing that they were the ones who got lucky with her that night.

Making sure that he was alone and that none of the teachers were patrolling the outside of the dorms, Jack hopped over his ground floor windowsill and started scurrying through the thick snow, dampening his lower trousers instantly, heading straight to the girl's dorm.

Finally seeing the lights, he started to count the number from the corner, knowing from the information that he was kindly given from Elsa's roommate Anna, it should be the eighth.

That one of which had music blaring out. Cautiously approaching the transparent pane of glass, what he saw made him stop in the biting cold.

Elsa was moving with a seductive grace, her teeth had peeked over her bottom lip and was biting that soft, tender flesh, her toned stomach was clenching as she rolled her body, undulating her entire being. Her hands were finger combing her glorious, shining locks, tousled from her ministrations. He swallowed around the lump in his throat when she ran her hands erotically down to her breasts.

He swore as he got so hard so fast, it hurt.

Wasting no time, he quickly worked on opening the window and clambered in. Elsa was so swept up in the music that she didn't notice him until Jack lured her backside to grind into his hardened erection, sending a heady glow to settle in a glaze over his blue orbs.

The seductive girl in front of him gave a squeak and tried to push him away.

"Hey, I thought you promised tonight was about me?" Jack murmured sensuously in her ear, grinding his hardness into her derriere again, sucking on her neck, knowing her special places already.

She panted and made a noise that sounded like affirmation before snaking one hand to grasp his prominent hip behind her, while the other wound its way to hook on his neck so she could pull in his face for a kiss.

He opened her hot mouth with his hand grasping her chin, feeling her skin burning him, her deliciously long legs were tangling in his and he grabbed her hips in a punishing grip.

The one hand that had gripped her chin, stroked its way down her throat and smoothed its way to her bare stomach, pressing the flat of his palm over her navel, his middle finger teasing the elastic band of the lace.

Elsa heaved in breaths trying to oxygenate her dizzy brain, roughly urging Jack to increase the passion by pushing her bottom insistently into his dick.

His mouth roamed all over hers a pleasant wet mess, his tongue sweeping in and probably tasting her lollipop that she was sucking on earlier.

He groaned and pressed his hand harder into her firm stomach. Elsa bunched his hair in to a fist and rested her head on his tall shoulder, losing energy quickly. They grinded together, the heat licking them on the inside, Elsa's skin felt the tingles like when she is about to shiver but Jack rocked their hips in time to the music making her release a groan. It was way better than she even imagined.

Jack was breathing heavily and moved the other hand from her deliciously soft and curvy hip to press between her breasts. So close to offering her relief yet avoiding it by trailing one finger between the cleavage.

He felt her breath catch and smirked into her neck and started to suck on the skin that connected the flesh of her shoulder to the firmness of her neck. Elsa moaned again, writhing hard against him.

She was panting hard, needing Jack to touch her, he was avoiding it deliberately. In the past, she had no patience for teasing so without much warning, grabbed his hand and slapped his palm over her heaving breast and felt the cocky blonde tense behind her.

Smiling to herself and she captured the other hand holding her adamantly by her stomach and relocated it slowly down into her knickers.

However, when she felt Jack refuse to go any further than his hand pressing on the apex of her mound, Elsa reclined her head further back.

"If you don't do it," she breathed warningly, "I'll do it myself."

He continued his onslaught of her neck and smirked into her neck.

"Believe me I would love to watch." Jack murmured throatily, a promising lick to her ear lobe and felt as goose bumps popped everywhere on her skin.

He chuckled and massaged the breast in his hand, thinking he knew her well enough to predict that she wouldn't do it.

That was something you saw on porn sites; it was never something mimicked in real life.

Ripping herself out of his embrace, Elsa pivoted to face him, a crooked smile alight on her lips.

It was then that the power went out. The lock on the electric door clicking resolutely shut, the room darkening, the music cutting off suddenly.

Everything was dark. Everything was silent other than their frenzied breathing.

Elsa wasn't perturbed by the sudden darkness, in fact Jack would go as far to say that her eyes alighted with a feverish desire.

Her pale hand was illuminated by the dim lighting outside the window and placed on her stomach, he could just see the slow decent towards those killer underwear. Jack swallowed tightly, his eyes refusing to so much as blink in case he missed anything.

She grinned impishly and plucked at the elastic causing it to snap on her skin provocatively, before dipping her finger inside.

Jack's eyes widened and felt his manhood jumping up even higher and was even forced to undo the button and zipper to try and relieve some of the tension located in his lower anatomy.

It wasn't made any easier when he could see the fine bones in her hand and could tell what she was doing as he saw one bone moved he could tell that she had inserted a finger. The moan she let out was his undoing as he rushed to her side, placing his hand on top of hers, rubbing demandingly causing his breath to huff out in excitement, before skating into her wet heat, forcing her own hand to rub roughly against her clit.

This forced a sweet whimper out of her slender throat before both Elsa and Jack groaned in unison. Lowering his head to the breasts that were hidden from sight by the fabric that was cupping them intimately and buried his nose in their unbelievable softness.

Elsa giggled quietly as Jack had face planted into her chest, rubbing his nose into the soft globes.

The sneaky boy looked up from his vantage point and gave her a cat-ate-the-canary-grin, before biting her nipples through the bra. She tipped her head back, her eyes catching on the ceiling as she whimpered.

His hand was moving at a fast pace, pushing Elsa's hand to go that little bit faster too against that little bundle of nerves. Her breaths came shorter, faster as the heat overwhelmed her lower body.

Jack soon groaned, ripping his hand out of her clutching inner walls, ripping her bra off as he buried his face into her chest, the rumbles coming out of his chest causing tingles to go straight to her damp crotch.

She sighed breathily, running her hands all over his muscled back, clawing when his sucked a nipple into his mouth. She couldn't see. She was blind. All she could focus on was that talented tongue swirling around and around her nipple, giving it a little love bite.

He heard her scream and smiled to himself before stripping off his trousers. Elsa tilted her head forward again in interest, pushing his shirt over his head so he was at the same stage of undress as she was. Dragging her nails painfully down his chest she began to tease the elastic of his boxers alike the way she played with her own.

Elsa was now a little bit shyer now that he was actually almost as naked as she was.

She glanced up at his face from lowered lashes, her finger nail dividing between Jack's skin and his boxers. Jack's face was little scrunched as if he was in pain, Elsa spotted his pulse frantically throbbing against his throat. She couldn't think of anything else than pushing herself onto her tip toes and drawing on that tense little flesh. Her lips roamed over it, feeling it pulse against her lips, her lips drawing more into her mouth when she felt his shudder.

Exhilarated by the control she had over this boy she once thought was untouchable she started to nibble her way from his muscled shoulder down his arm. Elsa would suck in the flesh when it seemed he was most sensitive. He kept gasping like a fish out of water and Elsa had to hide her grin as she crouched in front of him. Sinking her teeth into the flesh around his hip bone, kissing it hotly, her hands ran down his chiselled stomach to rest by his navel.

He had to shudder when he felt her teeth digging into his skin especially when her hair accidently trailed over his boxer covered dick. Her shoulder unintentionally rubbing softly against it until he thought he would just come from her being there. Jack threaded his fingers through her hair when she placed a light kiss on the top of him through the shorts.

Elsa appeared not to realise that her hands were moving vigorously against his hair roughened thighs, but Jack feeling the lightening zinging beneath his skin, hooked his fingers into the waistband and crudely shoved them over his hips and stepped out of them, completely bare to her.

She snapped her head back to look up at Jack with wide, innocent eyes at the obvious hint.

"Someone's impatient," Elsa was embarrassed when her voice cracked.

Jack raised an eyebrow, his eyes glinting dimly in the dark, a smirk on his perfect face.

"Believe me, you'll be begging me later." Dark promise now sparkled over that glint in his eyes, his hands guiding Elsa's head towards his groin.

Moistening her lips only slightly, ran her tongue along his dick, loving the feeling of Jack's hands tightening in her hair, the slight moan rumbling from his chest that she could swear vibrated through the floor.

She was on her knees in front of Jack, and this sent tingles throughout his body, making everything feel numb yet feel electrified. The most nerdy girl that he knew, the most unassuming and innocent looking girl he knew, was going down on him, a going down good. In fact, on the way to giving the best blow job he had ever experienced.

Elsa had ran her tongue up the other side of his dick, her eyes closed in he didn't know what, but he ceased to care when her mouth closed over the top of him and swirled her tongue around there a little. Jack felt his eyes rolling back in his head, tightening his fingers into fists just enjoying the feel of her on him.

Before today, if someone asked if Elsa Snow would be giving him a blow job by the evening he would've scoffed, saying she wouldn't know the first thing…
He was taking that all back now.

She bobbed her head, knowing how to slow and speed up, using her hands to gently rub the bits she couldn't fit all in her mouth.

She would be lying if she said she was inexperienced. Back in Sweden, she was a prized catch compared to here where every boy avoided her like the plague. When she felt Jack jerking a little faster into her mouth, she moaned a little to send vibrations up his dick. Elsa was graced with a hiss before he blew his load into her waiting mouth.

Jack groaned to himself. This girl is the one I'm going marry if she can give a blow job like that every time.

He glanced up just in time to witness Elsa shimmying out of her panties, swiping the corner of her mouth, the one with the cocky smirk on her face.

Taking a step out of her panties towards him, eliminating the final inches between their bodies, Elsa looped her arms around Jack's neck, pressing her naked body against all his muscles which she felt tense as she rubbed her body daringly against his causing some more delicious friction forming between them.

"Elsa," Jack groaned, his hands sliding to press into her lower back "I think it's time we get into your bed."

She curled her mouth into a grin before kissing the corner of his mouth.

"Then quit your jibber-jabbing, fool." Elsa said in an uncanny version of Mr T.

He gave a pleased laugh and lifted her light body, who wrapped her legs around his cool waist, tucking her head between his shoulder and neck.

Gently pressing her into the mattress, he lay over her, kissing her forehead, her temple, the corner of her jaw. His hands were massaging her waist, deliberately not moving higher or lower, to build the tension in the girl beneath him and he could already see her squirming to try and move his hands up.

Elsa clutched his shoulders and was getting frustrated with the lack of movement on Jack's part. It was like he suddenly had a chastity filter because his hands refused to move up to her neglected nipples.

"Ugh, none of that foreplay stuff," she grunted, tugging his blistering lips to hers so she could slip her tongue in. "I want you now Jack."

White eyebrows rose in shock and flushed a little, having been simultaneously rejected by Elsa but buoyed by the fact she just was impatient.

"Someone's impatient," Jack grinned at parroting her words back, before slamming home.

She brought her hips to meet his, clenching her inner walls against him, forcing him to pause before continuing, wanting to give Elsa the maximum pleasure before continuing. Pounding into her wasn't like it was with other girls where they would lay there and take it. No, she was too fiery for that. She was just as a participant as Jack was.

She muffled her screams into his bare shoulder sometimes clamping her mouth onto his neck, so as to be quiet; she reversed their positions so she was on top. She held her hair back as she grinded with no qualms of what she looked like. Jack couldn't help but think that it wouldn't matter as she was beautiful. Just so damn beautiful. With a great rack.

He smirked to himself as he fondled said rack and the girl lazily opened her eyes to give him a grin, grinding extra hard, causing him to hiss at the pleasure and decadent feelings flooding his system. Jack could feel himself hitting that special spot of hers as she kept giving this little ah's every thrust.

Jack was nearing completion but then realised that that she was no way near done. Reaching between their bodies, he began to flick her clit, placing pressure until he knew the ticking time bomb would go off. And go off did it go.

Covering her mouth, she screamed, rocking one more time before continuing to pump him, seeing his grimace that showed he was nearly done.

He was clutching her hips, ground their together until she could have seen Jesus, with the second overwhelming heat soaring through her blood like a hot bath, relaxing her muscles. Elsa lowered her arms languidly, blinking several times to get her bearing before looking down to see a panting Jack.

Elsa placed her hands on his chest, for balance she told herself before tucking a clump of hair behind her ear. Jack was staring at her with such blatant wonder as his hands moved from her bruised hips to cup her neck and drew her dazedly to him, so their bodies could rest with each other. She sighed contentedly, pulling herself out and lying bare beside him, her head tucked in that place where muscles of the shoulder met the muscles of his chest.

Jack couldn't believe it. He couldn't believe it. He must have died. Died and gone to heaven. Or hell. Just like Pitch said earlier. That is the only explanation for having the best sex ever with Elsa Snow. Elsa Snow! Pitch was going to throw a fit.

Languidly, Jack dragged his fingers lightly up and down her back, just staring at the cracking ceiling.

"So…" Elsa said into the silence.

Jack chuckled.

"Don't you know by now that saying 'so' into the silence makes everything awkward?" he rolled onto his side, drawing her even closer to his sweaty body, pressing his lips into her hair.

She giggled, raising her blue eyes to meet his and her breath caught.

He gazed at her so intently, a beginning of a smile peeking out.

It was so boyish that she felt a wave of arousal still overcome her at the innocence in his lack of action.

She hooked her leg around his hip and forced their bodies to align.

Jack's eyes smouldered down at Elsa, telling her he appreciated the move, tracking the pulse in her artery thoughtfully with one index finger.

"Well," Elsa drawled, cuddling herself further into the warmth to ward against the chill made by the snow storm outside, "I predict we have another hour to kill before the power comes back on. What do you think we should do?"

She arched a perfect eyebrow suggestively at Jack who in turn, rolled onto his back taking her with him.

"I don't know," Jack smirked, cupping her delicate shoulder blades, he pulled her against him, sucking at her neck. "Have you got a Monopoly board around here? Cards?"

The little murmurs were delicious against her sensitive skin but she laughed, her voice bubbling with mirth.

"What about Jenga?" Elsa continued lowly, as her own hand made its path down to the elephant in the room who had just woken up again.

"I wouldn't test me on Jenga," Jack warned, his hands now brushing in a less chaste places, "I make everything fall down. Even women."

She snorted before she could help it. Rolling again so her body was underneath again, she craned her head upwards to press a kiss to his lips.

"I've got more stamina. You wouldn't catch me falling for you." Elsa whispered against his lips.

"Princess, I'm can give you what a snow storm can: I give you 12 inches with you unable to leave the room for days." He hitched a hand under her thigh and gained a grip on her sweat slicked skin.

"Better put your money where your mouth is," Elsa sucked Jack's bottom lip in her mouth.

"My pleasure," he grinned evilly before massaging her breasts.

"In a while," she said noncommittally, "Me first."

He grinned at the witty word play but then remembered what he would rather be doing at that point in time and proceeded to pleasure her until the lights back on.

Anna came back from the common room, sighing with relief that they could go back to their room. Coding herself in, she halted instantly.

Revision paper was scattered everywhere, the smell of sweat and something primal permeated the room. Elsa's usually made bed was in disarray, the mattress slipping half way to the floor.

She was flabbergasted but just stood there, unsure if she had the right room or not. It was only when Elsa came out of the bathroom whistling and saw Anna in the doorway that she realised that she couldn't have possibly got it wrong.

"He was better than we anticipated." Elsa beamed as she began to tidy up.

Anna just rolled her eyes at her antics. Of course Jack would still come here during a snow storm.

"I'm glad but now I'm afraid of touching anything."

"Believe me, Jack got very imaginative." Elsa smirked before turning to the window, wishing that he was still there to keep her warm again.

Jack was back at his room, ruffling his hair self-consciously, a goofy grin on his face, stretching his sore back. Who knew Elsa would be able to contort like that?

He brushed it off, bemused as he stripped for bed and clambering under the sheets.

Yawning, Jack lay back, tucking an arm under his head, staring at the ceiling, imagining blonde hair and ice blue garters there to keep him warm and relaxing his muscles.

Edited: 31/01/15