You really fucked this up King.

"I fucked this up?! What kind of drugs are you ON?" Ichigo asked, completely outraged by the accusation. Zangetsu was just giving them both a rather long-suffering feeling. They were currently sitting outside the den, quite a distance away. Even Mayuri had been welcomed by the gentle hollow Beta, but he'd been very firmly excluded. "Why are you so eager to have kids with her anyway?" It was pretty weird. He'd never imagined his hollow as father material. There was an irritated sigh in his mind.

I swear King, sometimes… did you listen to ANYTHING funny hat said about hollow mating? Ichigo frowned. Kisuke had gone over that as they were walking, largely because there was nothing better to do. He hadn't really been listening though. That's what I thought. Look, hollows can't mate very far below their power level. It kills the weaker one. You defeated Aizen. What does that say about me?

"There must be more hollows you can mate with than this one." He said, annoyed.

No. Ichigo blinked at the firm answer. I'd guess that in all of Hueco Mundo there are MAYBE three Betas that can mate to us. Maybe as many as five. Now, you tell me King, where the fuck are they? Because I don't know. I could spend a hollow's lifetime searching and I don't have that much time. The chances of finding another Beta who can take my seed are zero. She's it. And now that she's got her fucking Alpha, I've lost my chance. His hollow sounded very frustrated and Ichigo sighed, running a hand over his face.

"Good. I don't need kids right now anyway." He grumbled and felt his hollow bristle.

Fuck you King! He snarled and Ichigo scowled. We just had to seed her. The fucking shinigami would have taken care of her and the Beta is the one that raises the cubs. Alphas hang around sometimes, but not that often. She wouldn't fucking blink if you left to go home.

"…That's not right." Ichigo said, repulsed. The thought of just leaving his children and their mother behind… no. He would never do that. "Look, you'll just have to wait until I'm ready for kids." They wouldn't be his hollows children, though, not the way the ones from a Beta would. There was a nasty snigger from his hollow and Ichigo blinked. "What?"

You do realize that shinigami have the same problem as hollows, King? He said and Ichigo frowned, confused. What did he…? Well, it's not as extreme. They can have sex with someone lower on the power scale without killing 'em. But the odds they'll have a kid? Ptth, as if. I hope you don't mind being one childless motherfucker.

"What?" This was all bizarre. He was really too young to even think about children, but he'd always taken it for granted that he could have them. And now his hollow was saying he couldn't have them? "Is he telling the truth, old man?" He asked suspiciously. There was a sigh from his zanpakuto.

Unfortunately, he is. Zangetsu said reluctantly and Ichigo swallowed. I did not mention it because it is far too premature to worry about such things. Also, I had thought that Urahara might be able to help you. Ichigo blinked at that. The problem is the reiatsu levels of the sperm. If it is possible for him to… wash out the excess reiatsu before mating them to an egg, impregnation may be possible.

"Um… okay." Zangetsu had clearly thought about this. But then, he wasn't the first person whose soul had called out to the sword spirit. He'd probably encountered this problem before. "I'm starting to see why you're so hot on this. But you'll just have to wait." He said to his hollow. "It's not like she's going anywhere." Well, she might be but that would probably be to Soul Society. Mayuri was fairly open about his intentions towards her. Ichigo had no idea how she was taking it, though. Was she actually willing to go with them?

She might. Alphas don't stick around that often but Betas love it when they do. And who knows what her cubs are going to be like with that shinigami for a sire? I do wonder… Ichigo listened as the hollow mused. A hollow Beta's reiatsu rendering takes the power given and turns it into something the hollow can use. Wonder what she did with shinigami energy? And arrancar are sort of shinigami to start with. That's gonna be interesting. Eh, whatever. I'll just have to wait until she goes into a heat again.

"Um? When will that be?" Ichigo asked apprehensively. He really didn't want to be a father too soon, even if his hollow was incredibly into it. The hollow sighed.

Not until the cubs are weaned. So I dunno. Four years? He sounded depressed and Ichigo lifted his eyebrows, surprised. That seemed like a long time to be breastfeeding. For vasto lorde the first two years are usually nothing but milk. Next two is a mixed of puked up, predigested meats and milk. Ichigo blanched at that information. Although it did make sense, that was how animals would feed their young. As soon as the pups aren't on the tits anymore, a Beta can mate again. The first few years of heats will be pretty bland, though. Easy to ignore if the Beta feels she's got too much on her plate and doesn't want another litter.

"You know, you should tell Kisuke this. I don't think he knows all this." Ichigo said, fascinated. His hollow suddenly seemed like a fountain of information. But then, this was a subject he clearly cared about. "Do you think they'll grow at the same rate as shinigami?" From what Kisuke had said, hollows typically grew faster.

He was talking about adjuchas. Vasto lorde are so fucking rare… they're the last evolution of hollows. Most of the arrancar out there are adjuchas based and maybe their kids'll grow fast, but not hers. Shit, she is going to make some powerful cubs. Wish they were mine. His hollow sounded depressed. Ichigo actually felt a bit sympathetic. I could try to kill the brats to throw her into a heat but Betas usually don't forgive that… And the sympathy abruptly vanished.

"Don't even think about it you disgusting bastard!" He snarled and could feel his hollow sulking. He had no doubt the white psychopath would try it. Zangetsu sighed and Ichigo felt bad for him, living with his hollow all the time. "Whatever. I'm so bored. When are they going to be done in there?" What was he doing here? Nothing, just sitting around. He hadn't brought a book and there was nothing to fight. No hollows could get anywhere near this place.

Whenever they are done. Zangetsu said, which was true but not very helpful. Ichigo sighed.

Hopefully, Kisuke would need to go home for supplies soon.

"This game is fun!" Ginger said, smiling as she made her move, nudging a chess piece with one clawed hand. Shunsui smiled as he regarded the board. He actually might lose this. The hollow claimed she couldn't remember playing but he was willing to bet she had. Her recollections of Starrk and Lilinette were fragmentary, it was quite possible one of them had been passionate about chess. "Tell me. Do you have a family, Shunsui?" She asked innocently and he paused. The young woman was touching a great pain, although she couldn't know it.

"Yes, a very large one. I'm the second son of the most prominent family of a powerful noble clan." He said after a moment and she wrinkled her nose at him. That was possibly the most adorable thing he'd ever seen and Shunsui couldn't help but smile.

"You smell sad. Is this a bad thing?" She asked and his smile turned pensive as he made his move. It wasn't a very good play but suddenly, he didn't care.

"It's not a bad thing. But we don't get along." He said and the hollow nodded as she considered the board. Mayuri and Kisuke were both quietly discussing the next test they would run on her, but she paid them no mind.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to. I know all about bad families." She said casually as she took her move. Shunsui frowned at the board. He was not in a good spot. "I can't remember Starrk too well, he was second. Lilinette was weaker but she was first. I remember what happened to her. It was her step-father… he was a very evil man." She said sadly and Shunsui winced, deciding not to ask.

"My family isn't evil. Just… inflexible." He told her as he tried to find the next good move. The Coyote moved so she was lying on her side, sliding a finger under her shirt to scratch at her ribs. That revealed a tantalizing line of flesh and Shunsui found himself mildly distracted. Her furry body was very, very interesting. He really wanted to touch it but not with the scientists in the den. "I could never fit in." He'd felt that from a very young age. Ginger nodded.

"You're more like Starrk then. I can't remember too clearly, but I think he never fit in." She said and Shunsui nodded. He was about to make his move when Mayuri interrupted.

"Coyote, would you mind letting us take a few samples of your blood and hair? Also, there is something we would like to try with you and Shunsui." Shunsui quirked an eyebrow at that. It was a bit alarming, having Kisuke and Mayuri working together again. There had been a bit of cordial sniping at first, but now they were united in curiosity. The hollow nodded.

"If you want." She said calmly and offered her arm. Shunsui watched as she passively let them take blood and some hair clippings. Nothing seemed to phase her… well, except for an amorous Alpha vizard.

"Now, Shunsui! I want you to sniff the base of her neck." Mayuri instructed and the hollow giggled as Kisuke smiled innocently. Shunsui felt like he'd just been invited to a vampire party as the star victim.

"May I ask why?" He asked, stalling for time. Mayuri gave him a very wide, teeth baring smile. He actually leaned back a little. Oddly, Ginger didn't mind it at all. But no doubt she'd seen much worse over the years.

"No. Please go ahead." Mayuri said pleasantly and he hesitated a moment before pulling the Coyote onto his lap. The base of her neck… from behind? Shunsui decided to go for that and buried his face against the back of her neck, breathing deeply.

At first, he only smelled a warm, animal musk. But then another scent seemed to penetrate him, going deep into the animal hindbrain. It was… he had no way to describe it. It was arousing, yet gave him a beautiful feeling of peace. He felt like he could just sit with her in his lap all day long, breathing in that intoxicating aroma. As he did, though, the sensation of arousal began to gradually increase. Feeling almost like he was in a dream, Shunsui slid his hands under that tattered white shirt, cupping the hollows' breasts. They were a good size, fitting his hands quite neatly, and his hands were not small…

"He's reacting like a hollow would. Interesting. It must be because the scent is partly based on the reiatsu she took from him." Kisuke. Shunsui found it vaguely annoying. Didn't they know he was about to do something quite private to the Coyote on his lap? She made a soft, needy sound before slowly rubbing her backside against his straining groin. Shunsui bit back a groan, rubbing her nipples with his thumbs. The sense of peace was helping him to keep from taking her right now, but it wouldn't last much longer…

"Mayuri, Kisuke. Get out of the den." She calmly ordered before suddenly moving around so she was straddling his waist. Shunsui wasn't pleased with the loss of that scent, but he was more than happy when it was replaced with a hand, slipping into his hakama and finding his little friend. Agile fingers began to stroke him with easy, practiced skill. Shunsui looked into grey eyes, remembering the man he'd taken. The female version was very different but just as desirable. "NOW!" She snapped over her shoulder and dark reiatsu flared dangerously. The two scientists finally took the hint, although neither one really wanted to. Shunsui wondered if they were leaving a camera then decided he didn't care. He worked on the female's obi, pulling away the fabric and revealing her sex. She gasped softly as he slid a hand between her legs, easily finding her nub and giving it attention with his thumb as he tested her wetness. She was aroused, but not as damp as he would like.

Shunsui smiled as he set about fixing that. Her shirt was held together poorly to begin with. Loosening the ties just a touch exposed those lovely breasts. They were as nice as he'd thought, perfectly formed and milky white, with dusky aureoles. Shunsui nuzzled her throat for a moment, catching echoes of that scent before lowering his head to catch one of those tantalizing nipples. The Coyote moaned breathily, her hand still busy in his pants. Shunsui groaned softly as she thumbed his tip, digging into the sensitive flesh. He tested her again and found that she was ready… pulling his hand away he ignored her disappointed whine, smiling into her face as he adjusted her so his erection was rubbing teasingly against her stomach.

"Oh, Shunsui… get inside…" She moaned and he laughed, kissing her and feeling her fangs before he gripped her hips and slid into her folds. There was a sharp gasp from her and he felt her body tremble. He kissed her again as he waited for her to adjust and his eyes went wide as he tasted the strangest thing.

Mint and honey wine. The flavor was like a pleasant tingle on his lips, a gentle bite in his mouth. Along with the wet, tight heat around his member, it was deeply intoxicating. He gripped her hips, slowly pulling out before sliding back in. She moaned, her little hands pressed against his chest as her insides gripped him like a glove.

"Kami, you feel wonderful in there." He whispered before claiming her lips again, his thrusts speeding up. She was actively participating now, meeting his movements with downward jerks of her hips. Amaretto and honey wine. A strange combination but ever so delicious…

Shunsui was vaguely aware of the power rising around them. It was a dark corona of black and green flame, terrible and glorious in its power. He didn't care though. All that mattered was the rise and fall of their bodies, the pleasure he was finding between her thighs. Lowering his face he captured a nipple again, rolling the firm flesh in his mouth as she whimpered, her hands tangling in his hair. Clawed feet bit into the stone, raising small chips from the floor as his cock laid claim to her from the inside out. She was so tight and hot in there, her little body wrapping around him as they mated.

He didn't mean for it to happen, but Shunsui felt his own reiatsu rising in response to hers. That hadn't happened in the initial mating, but then the Coyote had not been carrying his children. Golden power flared around him, caressing her body as her darker reiastu caressed his. For a strange, almost transcendent moment he imagined he could feel her body in addition to his own. The feel of his cock inside her, the way he was filling her and stretching her, causing a faint but oh so pleasurable burn, the way she was struggling to catch her breath as she came closer and closer to her orgasm…

That moment was too intense to last. Shunsui cried out as he felt her body clamp down on him, felt the echoes of pleasure jolting through him. Power erupted around them, circling them like a cyclone. His power joined it as he found his orgasm and gold, black and green power erupted outwards.

"What are you guys doing – woah!" Ichigo flinched and had to shield his eyes as the storm of power circled the den. Once, twice, three times… then it flowed outwards in a painfully destructive wave. Kisuke's and Mayuri's shields just barely saved them and Ichigo was pushed back several steps by the force of it. But his own incredibly powerful reiatsu was easily a match for it. A few hollows who'd ventured a bit too close died instantly, their bodies overwhelmed the unleashed reiatsu.

"How vexing." Mayuri was checking some kind of monitor. "They shattered my cameras and now my shield is mostly drained. It should have lasted three times as long… now I'll have to go back to Soul Society to recharge it."

"Mine too. I'll have to go back to the Living World… are you ready to go home, Kuroaki-kun?" Kisuke asked cheerfully as Ichigo flavored him with a glare.

"I've been ready all day!" He retorted as Urahara smiled. "Can we go already?" He desperately wanted to get out of here. If he wasn't welcome in the den there was absolutely nothing to do. Kisuke laughed and they all began to head out. The powerful reiatsu in the area would distort any garganta.

They needed to leave but soon enough, they would be back.

"This is harder than it looks."

"Everything worth learning is." Shunsui said to the tired hollow. She was lying on her back in the sand, her arms stretched out as she rested. Her great, curved sword was stuck in the sand beside her. The gun had been set aside. That was not the weapon they were working with today. "Although it's strange. Starrk was very nearly my equal." He wouldn't say the Coyote had been entirely his equal. With his centuries of experience, he was relatively certain he would have defeated the arrancar in the end. "Why are you so…" Shunsui struggled to find a polite way to say it. Gingerbuck laughed as she sat up, folding into a cross legged position.

"Because Lilinette was the first. She's stronger in me than Starrk." She rested a hand on her chest and for a moment Shunsui saw a deep pain in her eyes. "He was the stronger power but not the stronger person… he never really wanted to be in control, but she did. Yet, when I became two, Starrk was the strong one… I can't seem to find what he knows. He's silent within me." She sounded frustrated at herself. Or, perhaps, at the person within who refused to speak. "I think he's sleeping. So lazy." She muttered and Shunsui couldn't help but laugh.

"He didn't seem lazy to me!" The arrancar he'd fought had been a dervish of energy, tossing power everywhere in an attempt to defeat him quickly. The Coyote made a face, then laughed.

"He was rutting! He was probably desperate to get away from you so he could fuck a pillow." She said merrily and Shunsui blinked at the image. "But I'm ready now. Should we start again?" She jumped to her feet, pulling her sword out of the sand. Shunsui smiled as he drew his blades again.

"Of course." It was unlikely she'd need this even now – well, perhaps she could use it to keep away unwanted Vizard suitors – but teaching her to fight was something to do.

When they'd woken up from their first mating, they'd found that Mayuri and Kisuke were gone, along with Ichigo. Shunsui wasn't sure how long it had been, but they hadn't gotten back yet. He'd brought a few supplies of his own, so he wasn't hungry yet. He'd offered to share his tea cakes with Gingerbuck, but she'd declined. Not because she didn't want them – sweets were something the hollow had rarely experienced – but because they were all he had and she needed no sustenance.

"Peeka boo!" Shunsui was caught completely by surprise as warm hands suddenly went over his eyes. How had she…? She'd been in front of him! Then he suddenly realized. Coyote Gingerbuck was even faster than Starrk, which befitted her larger reiatsu pool. She'd moved so quickly she'd left an after-image of herself in front of him and he'd fallen for it. Laughing, he lowered his weapons and turned around, smiling at her. She was grinning at him impishly.

"I didn't know you could do that. Quite a surprise for an opponent!" He said admiringly. Although she wouldn't catch him unaware twice. Ginger giggled at him, looking so happy that she'd surprised him. "Do you mind if I call you Ginger?" He suddenly asked. It was something he'd been thinking about for a while. She looked surprised, then smiled happily.

"Of course! Can I call you Shunsui?" She asked and he smiled warmly at her. She was so adorably when she smiled, flashing those little fangs.

"Of course. Now, defend yourself!" He raised his weapons and she pulled her sword out of the sand. Now that he was ready for it, her stunning speed didn't take him by surprise again. It took all of his effort to match it, but he could and his skill was superior. It didn't take long before she was disarmed and pouting slightly at her loss. "One for you and one for me." He said easily, not minding conceding her an earlier victory. In a real battle, second chances were rare. She smiled and bounced to her feet again.

"Look, they're back!" She said and he turned to see Mayuri and Kisuke. Ichigo wasn't there, likely left behind in the Living World. "Hello!" She waved her sword with a smile and Shunsui couldn't help but laugh. That sword was absolutely huge for her, but she handled it effortlessly. It looked very odd though. Kisuke waved back with a smile. Soon the two scientists were back and Shunsui almost regretted it… almost, because they had brought plenty of supplies. They would be provisioned for at least a week. Shunsui smiled to himself as he thought of it. They might have enough supplies for that length of time, but he doubted the scientists would be able to stay that long. He planned to mate with Ginger as much as possible. If their reiatsu released so powerfully every time, Mayuri and Kisuke were going to have a very interesting time.

"So what have you been up to while we were gone?" Kisuke asked with an innocent smile that concealed not innocent at all thoughts. Shunsui wasn't fooled for a moment.

"Well, let's see. We ate some tea cakes and then I taught Ginger the joys of oral sex." He said sincerely as she made a small 'eep' sound, her one eye suddenly going wide. "And she taught me a very nice trick with her tongue – ow!" He'd just been slapped, not to his surprise. Kisuke had tilted his hat back, looking rather shocked. Kurotsuchi frowned, rubbing his chin.

"Interesting. Are you planning to do that often?" Shunsui smiled at him brilliantly before putting an arm around his sexy little hollow, who immediately forgave him and snuggled up against his side. "…Oh dear." Mayuri sighed. "I can see we'll need to rework our reiatsu shields."

"A challenge!" Kisuke was suddenly enthusiastic. "I can think of so many ways we could – " Shunsui immediately tuned them out as they began to brainstorm. Looking down at Gingerbuck he saw her smiling up at him with a wickedly impish air.

"Why don't we go back to the den and mess up their day? Then we'll have all the tea cakes to ourselves." She whispered and he grinned widely.

"What an excellent idea!" It would be such a pleasure to follow up on, too. She dashed away, her clawed feet sending the sand flying and Shunsui followed close behind, admiring the lines of her body. Her clothing was too large but that meant it often gaped in tantalizing ways and he knew exactly what lay beneath it.

He would have a wonderful time exploring her again.