
What's up everybody?! So, this is *tear* the very last update to The Secret of Katrian Hope, what a ride this has been. So, above every section, there will be a title stating what that section is about. So all of you who are only reading this because I told you to, you may skip down to the last section labeled 'Presents,' but you will miss out on stuff.

Since a lot of you have taken the time to follow through with everything, I am going to take the time write out this long final A/N, and I don't really care whether or not you wanted me to.

So, now, without further ado, let us get on with the final A/N!


To everyone who Followed, Favorited, and reviewed, thank you so much, it means the world to me. I am so glad that you chose to click on The Secret of Katrian Hope and I hope you check out some of my other stories, too!


To all of my reviewers, thank you so much. I want to say that I have seen a lot of story reviews (yes, because I go through other author's reviews...I'm not a stalker...or am I?!) and also compared to my own, your guy's top a lot of them. I don't mean to boast or sound vain, especially since it's not even me who does the reviews, but I have yet to see a story that has so many continuous actual reviews. I mean, of course it's nice to have reviews filled with 'I love this story', and I thank all of you, too, but especially thanks to everyone who took the time to type out a real review to my story.

You all have helped make me a better writer by pointing out flaws, things that didn't make sense, things that you loved and why, and, as always, the constructive criticism. I also love how all of you managed to praise something, too.

I am not going to do a shout out to all of my continuous reviewers, since there would be too many and I am guaranteed to forget some (if not most) of you, so, yeah...thank you anyways, you know who you are!

And if any of you are reading this story AFTER I have completed it, please feel free to Favorite it or drop a review, I will read it and if you have an account I will do my best to answer it through PM!

What Most Of You Are really Here For

Question: Will there be a sequel to The Secret of Katrian Hope?

Answer: Well, after much consideration, I have decided that I will not continue- haha, I'm just kidding. Scared you all for a second, there, did I? Lol, what I'm here for! Anyways, I think most of you can guess who/what the sequel will be about, and that yes, there will be one. However, I am not going to post the first chapter until I am at least halfway through with The Shifters.

So, to all of you who are anxiously waiting, either Follow me so you know when I come out with a new story or check my profile every now and then!

I will post news of it on my profile, so check that out sometime.

Would any of you like to know the title? I personally love it.

The title to the sequel to The Secret of Katrian Hope is... The Promise of Gracelynn Frost. Yes, it will be abbreviated to TPOGF. *Special thanks to Falcon88 and CupcakeMonkey567, who have discussed my stories with me and dealt with several spoiler alerts:)*

TSOKH Soundtrack

So, this is all of the songs I have used in TSOKH, they are in order of appearance in the story, so, yeah. I have all of these songs on a Spotify playlist, so if you want to, you can collect all of these songs and create your own TSOKH Soundtrack!

I apologize if I spell any of the artists names wrong.


Somebody That I Used To Know by Goyte (but I prefer the one by Walk Off The Earth)


Human by Christina Perri


Me And My Broken Heart by Rixton


Demons by Imagine Dragons


Titanium by David Guetta ft. Sia


Let It Go by Idina Menzel (however, I do not add this one until the second time)


Because of You by Kelly Clarkson


How To Save A Life by The Fray


Sober by Pink


I Want You Here by Plumb


Bring Me To Life by Evanescence


Nobody's Home by Avril Lavigne


Say Your Name by Plumb


Stay by Rihanna ft. Mikky Ekko


I Don't Want To love You by Taylor Mathews


Turning Tables by Adele


Try by Pink


Secrets by OneRepublic


Let It Go by Idina Menzel (now is when I add this song)


I Won't Give Up by Matt Nathanson


Where The Story Ends by The Fray


My Immortal by Evanescence


These Times by SafetySuit


Sweet Dreams by Eurythmics


I Stand by Idina Menzel


A Thousand Years by Christina Perri

Epilogue Part 2: A Thousand Years Review Responses

sykim423rose: thank you so much!

disneyobsessionist: haha, well, here you are;) and thanks, I really wanted Grace to have a special connection with her parents, so, I have to incorporate all that, too. :)

IAmOneMagicVortex: first of all, love your username! Anywho, thank you! I know, sadness.

Grace; who are you kidding, you're ready to throw a party that it's over!

P.N.4700; shhhh...they don't need to know that...

Happypenguin77: thank you!

Sure Snowflake: yes, ikr? I was gonna do a poll for you guys to vote on for what the promise ring looks like but Fanfiction won't let me a) copy down the sites and b) access my gallery so I can upload my top two choices, sadness. Anyways, thank you though!

Wrathan: aww, thank you so much!

CupcakeMonkey567: haha, thank you! I'm sure Grace appreciates that. Although, I'm sure she's happy it's over cause that means I'll start her story soon.

Grace; uh, yeah!

Something That You Won't Really Care About But Can Read Anyways

So, I don't know if Fanfiction has changed it yet, but I changed my profile picture. I'm not sure if (when it changes) you can really see it all too well, I'm just trying it out. If I don't like it I'll probably change it back. Anyways, if you look closely enough, they are pictures of Shifters Grace and real life Grace which may or may not become the cover of TPOGF, as well as her necklace (you have to have read The Shifters to understand that) and the promise ring. The words that are probably too small to read is just her name. Just thought I'd explain it ^-^

The End

Oh my gosh guys, it's officially the end of TSOKH! I'm gonna cry!

Presents ***Seriously, read this!***

Just so you all know, I'm sure that you are going to hate my presents.

Everyone; Well gee, Pearlness47000, that makes us feel good

Haha, I know.

So, here to deliver these presents, I bring in special guest; Rapunzel/Punzie!

Punzie; *sobbing*

Everyone; ...why is she crying?

You'll find out.

Punzie; *still crying* *hands two pieces of papers to Pearlness4700*

Everyone; *wary* what are those?

Would you like to see? Alright, Punzie has given me two notices. I'm sure you will love the first, and hate the second.

The first one is rather short, I'm afraid...


Notice: Escapee Death

Prisoner Kozmotis Black has died in attempt at escaping Berk, Burgess Prison



While father, Kozmotis Black attempted to escape, it was a diversion and prisoner/son, Pitch Black has escaped from Berk, Burgess Prison. Believed to be heading out of country

Appearance: 6'1, pale skin, medium build, golden eyes (color contacts?)

In Prison For: accomplice in several kidnappings and torture

$100 reward for any information, $1000 for capture