I don't own Divergent.

Hey, everyone. So...this is the last chapter! No more after this. I suppose it's an epilogue, not a chapter. As for my next work, if any: I will be working on Thank You, and I might try a Supernatural fanfic. Any Supernatural fans out there? Anyway, no promises on the Supernatural fanfic, but it would be Destiel if I wrote one...anyway, to recap: this is the last chapter of MMLM, and upcoming is: Thank You and possibly a Supernatural fic. Have a good day peeps, and thanks for reading all of this. Love you all!

- Nik

PS: Enjoy!

"Okay, guys," Tobias says, moving the camera a little. "AJ, put your hands on JD and BK's shoulders. Javi, Rosa, arms around AJ. Tris, wait for me there, love." He glances at the family, nods approval, and sets the timer. He signs to BK to smile. "Smile, everyone," he says as he comes to stand next to me, putting his arm around my waist. He and I are behind the kids.

The camera flashes, and Tobias runs to look at the picture. He examines it, and then nods. "This is fine." He waves a hand. "Now with the extended family. Javi, an arm around Mari. AJ, an arm around Jack. Rosa, where's Emma?"

Emma giggles and runs into the room, kissing Rosa's cheek. "Sorry," she says.

"No problem," Tobias replies. "Arm, Rosa." He looks everyone over. "Okay, good. Remember to smile." He sets the timer and once again runs to be with me. He looks at this one, too, and then nods. "Okay, we're done."

I turn to BK and sign that they are free to come help in the kitchen if they want to, or they can try to play with Nick, JD, and Mirin. They nod and get up, hugging me. They ask if Noah is coming for dinner. I smile and shrug, and they run off.

Tobias puts his head on my shoulder and wraps his arms around my waist. "I love you," he says. He nips at my ear. "What are you thinking about?"

"How I never imagined my life been like this when I was twenty-three," I reply frankly. "I never imagined I'd have four more kids."

Tobias kisses my cheek. "With Javi, Rosa, and AJ out of the house and JD not far behind them, I think you'll be an empty nester soon."

I laugh. "I still have at least four years for JD and at least seven for BK," I argue.

He laughs. "You'll have a grandkid in less than a month," he reminds me.

I let my head fall back. "I'm too young for grandkids! I'm only forty!"

Tobias chuckles. "I don't predict I have much longer with the Yankees," he admits. "A year, maybe two, at the max. My pitching arm is worn out, and my knees will eventually complain."

I kiss his cheek and take his hand. Baseball means so much to him. "Everything will be okay."

"Zeke's already retired," he says, frowning. "And Uri's planning to retire next year. I'm going to be one of the last if I stay past next year."

"Do what you think is right," I tell him. "Now let's get to cooking." I pull him into the kitchen, where Uri sits at the counter, flirting with Rob, and Susan is already pulling pots and pans out. The doorbell rings and Tobias goes to get it, returning with my parents and Noah. I hug my dad tightly.

"Hey, baby girl," he says, grip weaker than usual.

"Dad," I say contently. "How are you?"

"Retirement is in the near future, Bear," he says, a hand tracing my face. "Are you up to it?"

"Maybe we should just put AJ straight into the position," I suggest. "Is JD well enough trained to be AJ's backup, or should I take that position?"

Dad twists his mouth. "I'd rather not put AJ in the position yet," he finally says. "You're older, more experienced. And if Tobias is retiring soon, you could just move the family to Chicago. Javi's starting his adult life and so is Rosa, and AJ's at UChicago anyway."

I nod slowly. "Tobias and I can talk. Maybe next year."

Dad hugs me tightly. "Does JD have hockey tomorrow?"

I nod.

"Maybe we can go watch. But for now, let's cook dinner!" Dad rubs his hands together. "I hear you've put Tobias and me on turkey duty?"

"Mainly because I don't want to do it," I say drily. "Frankly, I prefer baking. I'm going to be doing pies and helping out with a few other parts, but Rob and Susan are doing the most, to be honest."

Dad nods and hugs Tobias tightly.

Javi hugs me tightly. "I missed you," he admits.

Because of the hormones he now takes, Javi has grown a beard and his voice has lowered. I smile at my son. "You saw me a week ago, Javi."

"I know. I guess I meant…" He sighs. "I guess I meant I'm going to miss you."

"Did you get a job offer?" I ask, gripping his hands and grinning.

He nods. "They gave me the choice of L.A. or Chicago. I haven't given my choice yet. I have a week."

I consider. "Tobias is going to retire soon. He can't do as much on the field as he used to. But the point is that my dad also needs to retire, and you know he works in Chicago. Speaking from a mother's perspective, I'd rather you choose Chicago. That said, if L.A. is better, go there. What does Mari want? Will she go with you?"

He gives me a flat look. "Jesus. She's pregnant with our son. Of course she's coming with." His gaze softens as he looks on his wife. "We haven't talked much about it, honestly. I only got the offer yesterday."

"Listen to her opinion," I tell him. "Does she like our family enough that she would want to -"

"Yes," he says, "but you're right, I should talk to her at length." He hugs me again. "Speaking of which, I need to get my darling wife to a place to lay down."

I rub his arm for a second, smiling, before we separate.

Tobias smiles out at everyone from the head of the table. "I won't bore you all for too long, but I just wanted to say a few words about my family."

"C'mon, Dad," AJ protests. "A few words will last you at least an hour."

A chuckle rises from around the room and I smack my boy with a dishtowel. "Hush and let him speak. He's getting older."

Tobias gives me a sour look at that one, but I also get a laugh. "Now, as I was going to say," he says, shooting my and AJ slight glares, "I was going to talk about how when I was twenty-five, I never even imagined having kids. Ever. Then I met Tris, a hurricane of spirit with a mini-hurricane known as AJ, and I fell in love. Now I have a huge, crazy, wonderful family. And I'm loving every minute of it. Cheers!"

Everyone raises their glass and sips from it. Tobias has grape juice in his, as do I, but some of the other adults have wine.

I put an arm around Kenai's shoulders as they stare at the house they've grown up in.

Why do we have to leave, Mom? they sign.

I hug them to me. It's what's best for the family, baby. Grandpa needs us, and Dad's done with baseball in a few games. You and me and JD are just going to drive up now.

They sigh and carry the box to the bed of the pickup truck and shove it in there, under the hood. Then they grab their backpack and pillow and get in the car, leaning their head against the pillow.

"C'mon, JD!" I yell. "Get your butt and boxes out here."

He comes tumbling down the stairs with a few boxes and puts them in the back of the truck, also putting a suitcase in there. He and his backpack go into the front seat. He sits on his pillow. "Happy?"

I grab the last few boxes and fit them into the bed of the truck, closing the back hatch and pulling the cover over the boxes to make sure nothing flies away. Then I grab my own backpack and pillow and get in the driver's seat. I turn around and ask if everyone is ready. Kenai nods and JD sighs, putting earbuds in.

We stop for the night halfway through the drive. I lock the truck and we take our backpacks into the motel. I let the kids choose dinner, and they decide upon pizza, so pizza and soda are ordered, and then we watch an hour or so of cartoons and I put them to bed.

I call Tobias as I stand outside the room, leaning on the wall. "Hey, baby."

"Hey," he says. "How are the kids?"

"Good. Sleeping, hopefully. We're at the hotel for the night."

"That's good," he says. "I'll see you in a few days."

"I'm excited," I say. "How was the game?"

"It was okay. I only pitched four innings. How far did you drive?"

"About six hours. BK isn't too happy to be leaving, and neither is JD, but they'll be fine in Chicago. How are you feeling about this?"

He's silent for a minute. "I'm going to miss New York, and Rob and Uri, but I'm happy as long as I'm with you."

"I love you," I say quietly.

"I love you too. I'll see you soon, love."

"Good night," I say.

"Good night."

"Up and at 'em, kids," I say, opening the shades. I shake BK.

JD groans, and BK sits up and rubs their eyes.

"Mom," JD complains, "it's six in the morning."

"I'm aware." I sign for them to brush their teeth and get ready to go to breakfast and then leave. They drag their feet as they get ready for the day. JD showers while BK brushes their teeth and then they switch. Breakfast is lukewarm eggs, bacon, and a muffin from the front desk, and then we get back in the car and I drive.

Dad gets up on the makeshift stage in the cafeteria, and the Divergents, as well as representatives of the Insurgents and Allegiants, all begin to clap for him. "Oh, hush," he says, but he smiles. "As most of you know by now, I'm getting old. I just can't do the things I used to be able to do. Therefore, I am stepping down. My daughter, Tris, has been tested and trained and will take my place for the time being, until we deem AJ ready. Tris's position is not temporary, however, and I expect you will give her all the respect you give me." He waves for me to come up. "Thank you. And now - Tris."

I wave at everyone, smiling. "As many of you know, I grew up in this compound, along with my brother, Caleb. I'm excited to take this position and help in any way I can to make the Divergents the best they can be."

I get respectful applause, and Dad hugs me and hands me the master key to the compound. "Good luck, Bea," he says, kissing my cheek.

I chuckle slightly as we walk off the stage together. "I'll need it. I don't know how you managed all the stress for so many years."

"I'd advise you to buy a good biteguard," Dad says. "Helps with the tooth grinding."

I chuckle further. "Thanks, Dad."

Tobias looks around the apartment. "Hmm."

"What?" I say, already heading to the master bedroom with some of his stuff.

"Not what I expected, I guess."

"You don't like it?" I ask, faltering.

"No, that's not it at all," he says, striding over to me and kissing my cheek. "And I - I understand why we had to move."

I meet his eyes and don't say anything for a minute. Then, "If you want to live somewhere else with the kids, I can stay here on my own. It's only for a little while."

Tobias shakes his head and walks past me into the master room. "Don't be childish, Tris. You know I want to be wherever you are."

I grit my teeth but follow him. "Tobias, that was a serious offer."

"It sounded like you trying to guilt me."

"It wasn't!" I take a deep breath. "Tobias, the last thing I want is for you to be unhappy or angry with me because I practically forced you to move here."

Tobias mechanically begins to unpack. "I'm neither."

I wave a hand and begin to change into all-black workout clothes. "Whatever. I have the tail end of training going on with AJ." I walk out and get JD from his room. "C'mon. Training."

He groans but comes along willingly. AJ's been there all morning, doing some of the stuff I haven't had the time to do. The after-lunch session should be beginning just about now. JD has been doing some of the training sessions. AJ has informed me, more than once, that JD should have started when he was younger, like AJ did.

I ruffle my son's dark hair. "You know, you look a lot like your dad," I say.

"I know, and AJ looks like you, and BK looks like Papa," he says, rolling his eyes. "We've all heard it a million times."

I push him lightly and open the doors to the training room. "Shove it, kid," I say, grinning. "And listen to your brother," I add seriously.

"He could beat me to a pulp," JD mumbles, and he joins the initiates.

AJ nods to me. "Hey, Mom. We're just about to start fights. We're only doing a few today, though. Then it's more guns and knives."

I pick a knife up off the table and twirl it around my hand. "I could use some knife practice."

AJ laughs. "You were always the best at knives, Mom."

"Doesn't mean I can't be better," I say. "Anyway, let's see these fights, bud."

AJ and I lean against a table as the initiates spar. We decided they could use the practice after viewing the fights.

"So," I say, "how's Jack?"


"C'mon, AJ," I say. "I'm your mother. I want details."

AJ raises his eyebrows. "Do you really?"

I shove him lightly. "Oh, shut it."

AJ shrugs and looks down. "We're good. He's cute."

I grin at him. "You know, when you first came out, your dad and I weren't sure if you were serious."

AJ turns a confused look on me.

I shrug. "You were eleven. We may have wondered, but we always respected what you said."

AJ nods slowly. "I get that."

"But then as you got older, and you continued to assert that you were gay, we became more and more confident," I say, voice turning tender. I kiss his forehead. "You've always been my baby," I say, smiling at him.

"Jeez, Mom," he says, but he gives me a small smile. His gaze falls back onto the initiates and hardens, but he's not entirely here.

Tobias kisses my cheek. "I'm sorry."

I raise an eyebrow. "For what?"

"Being an asshole about the move," he says. "Now that I've…gotten adjusted, I've seen that I, uh, I can deal with it here. I like it. I'm with you."

I look at him. "Thank you, but I feel like there's something else."

"I'm bored," he admits. "I'm…not doing anything. No baseball. No job. No practice."

I stare at him for another few seconds. "Would you like to coach?"

Tobias scratches his ear. "I mean, yes, but - where?"

"I'm sure we can find you something," I say, smirking. Then I pull the covers over my legs. "Good night," I say, burrowing into the pillow.

"It's like nine thirty!"

"I'll be up at five," I murmur. "Good night."

An arm snakes around my waist and pulls me close, but Tobias says nothing more.

AJ rubs a hand through his hair, dark circles under his eyes. "Late night?"

"Yeah. Where's Dad?"

"With BK. I think they're both asleep. I got JD up and forced him to get over here. He wasn't too happy."

AJ laughs. "I was doing it when I was eleven. He can do it at fourteen."

"JD's…not like you, AJ." I shrug and look out over the initiates.

"What do you mean?"

"Your papa and I tested him for divergence last year and he's just - not. He's Erudite, Aje, through and through." I meet AJ's eyes. "If BK, Rosa, or Javi aren't matches, you're gonna need to have a kid. And fast."

"Let's pray BK is a match," AJ mutters. "But I don't know if they're the best candidate."

I nod, accepting this as true. "But we can prep them like we prepped you. They'll work in a pinch. You could also just give me a grandkid, Aje."

"Not for a while. Javi gave you one."

"I know that, but there's a higher chance your kid would be divergent," I answer. "Anyway, you should start training. I'm supposed to watch you and groom you even more for this position."

AJ nods and opens his mouth to say something more before deciding against it.

"Who's my birth father?" AJ suddenly asks over lunch.

My grip on my fork tightens. "Why?"

"I need to know."

"Telling you will hurt your father. He wants you to know that you're his, through and through."

"But you don't want to tell me either, do you?"

"Not particularly, although I might do it if I thought it would benefit you." I shake my head. "Trust me, Tobias is the best father you could have had."

AJ nods slowly and sighs. "I'd like you two to tell me, when you're ready."

"We'll try." I cup his cheek. "We love you, AJ."

"I know."

"AJ asked again," I say, stirring the stew on the stove.

Tobias frowns. "Did you tell him?"

"No," I admit. "I - it would be so hard on him - to find out that he was a product of such violence - could he take it?"

Tobias breathes out slowly and pauses in his cutting carrots. "I think we have to tell him sometime."

"I agree, but - I don't want to hurt him."

"And you don't want to hurt me," Tobias adds.

"That's true." I sigh. "AJ knows you're his - real father, but he still wants to know who his biological father is. It's not because he doesn't love you. Quite the opposite, actually."

"I know. How do you want to tell him?" Tobias hugs me from behind.

"We should get Jack over here and have him here to help AJ, you know, deal." I turn my head and kiss below Tobias' ear. "His psychiatry training should help him."

"But how specifically? What will you say?"

"I'll just say it outright and then try to explain," I say, grimly setting my mouth.

"I'll call Jack and invite him over, and you can make AJ stay until he gets here." Tobias hugs me and goes back to his carrots.

Jack knocks on the door in the middle of dessert (chocolate cake, naturally). Tobias gets up to get the door, even though the rest of the family looks confused.


"Hey, baby." He kisses AJ's cheek and sits in the chair next to him.

Jack knows why we asked him over tonight, but AJ doesn't, and obviously JD and BK don't know why their brother's boyfriend is here.

Tobias eventually ushers JD and BK into the living room to watch some TV, or a movie, or whatever. He comes back and sits next to me, taking my hand. Jack seems to take this as a sign and puts his hand on AJ's leg.

"Mom, are you - today, huh? Why Jack?" AJ frowns at me, and then looks at Tobias.

"We thought it might be helpful for you to have him here," Tobias says quietly.

"All I want to know is his name," AJ says. "How hard can that be?"

"It was Peter Hayes, AJ," I say quickly.

"Why would you sleep with him?"

I look down, and Tobias says, "She didn't, AJ."

"Then how - oh. He raped her, didn't he?" I nod slowly and look up, and AJ chews on his lip. "So…you got pregnant with me because my - because Peter raped you?"

"Yes," I say. "But -"

"Jesus," he says, "I'm just - it makes me sick. I'm a product of fucking rape."

"Hey there, AJ," Tobias says. "Watch the language."

"I'm not a kid anymore, Dad," AJ mutters, but his heart isn't in it.

"AJ," I say sharply. "Listen to me, will you? When I found out I was pregnant, I was angry. Hurt. I'd been raped recently, and I dropped out of school, and Mom and Dad were treating me like glass. Caleb barely spoke to me.

"Dad and I talked through my options and we decided to put you up for adoption after you were born. And until the day you were put in my arms, I was going to do it. But once I saw you - a beautiful baby - I couldn't give you away. It was like you were a sign, showing me things would get better. You were a beautiful product of something awful." I reach across the table and take his hand. "And I raised you in the compound as best I could, along with trying to get Dad let me to help and working for the high school.

"Then I got my job with the Yankees and we met Tobias and you just - you just lit up when you met him. I could tell it was something special. Then, at my birthday party, he asked me two things: would I marry him, and could he adopt you."

Tobias laughs. "She told me she wouldn't marry me, but she wanted me to adopt you. I'm sure you remember that day."

AJ nods slowly. "Mom put me in a suit."

"And then he was just your dad. He's been there for you for eighteen years, buddy," I say. "You were a blessing, AJ."

AJ fights to keep his composure, and Jack puts his hand on the back of AJ's neck, running his hand down AJ's spine. AJ curls into the touch and then into the man that sits next to him.

I stand and walk around the table, kissing AJ's head. "Dad and I are going to go watch TV with BK and JD. If you want to talk with either of us, we're always here, but we thought you might want some time with Jack to - think things through."

AJ nods, and Tobias and I go into the living room and curl up on the couch, kicking JD and BK off.

"Can Jack be here during training?" AJ asks under his breath.

I nod. "He's already here."

AJ shrugs. "Figured I'd shoot now and ask questions later, so to speak."

I ruffle his hair. "How are you doing, baby?"

"I'm not a baby," he grumbles.

"Oh, be nice, bubbles," Jack says.

AJ's face hardens and he spins. "I asked you not to call me that in public," he growls, face now red.

Jack laughs and grabs AJ, kissing him firmly. There's an ooh from the initiates and AJ grins slightly when they separate. Jack sneaks in another kiss.

The man my son loves is shorter than AJ by a few inches, and he has curly dark hair that wisps around his head when long. His eyes are dark, and they sometimes seem blue and other times green and occasionally brown. He studies psychiatry at UChicago, and has an uncanny knack for recognizing personal problems and offering solutions. I'm sure he talked thoroughly with AJ last night.

My son leans against a table, taking Jack's hand and watching the initiates. I study my boy for a moment. Then I pull out my binder and hand him a file. "I want to test an initiate. This is the case. I'll send Maynard with them."

AJ rubs a hand across stubble filling in on his face. "Raj," he calls sharply. "Come here."

An initiate steps up. Thick black hair, darkish skin, medium height, light muscles. "Yes, sir."

AJ hands him a file. "You have a mission. Maynard will supervise you."

Raj's face doesn't change. He nods and follows Maynard out.

"Did I pass my own test?" AJ asks.

"Yes," I say thoughtfully.

"All of my babies will be in one place!" I hug the newest arrivals - Rob, Uri, Mirin, and their newest addition, Linden, who's three years old.

Javi and Mari are expecting another baby, and Rosa is here with Emma. I expertly hold Cedar in one arm.

Noah and his girlfriend should arrive in a few hours, and then everyone will be together and my family complete. Mom and Dad are already cooking in the kitchen, and JD thinks I don't know he's making out with a girl in his room.

Tobias kisses my cheek and takes the baby from me. "Great to see you, Uri. Rob." He ruffles Mirin's hair and smiles at Linden.

Rob and I hug firmly. "I missed you, asshole."

"You too, cocksucker," I reply, finally releasing him. "If you're comfortable, JD could use some cockblocking."

"Oh, of course. I'm always in the mood for a good cockblock," he says. "Except when it's my cock being blocked, of course."

Uri chuckles. "And by 'my,' do you mean yours yours or mine yours?"

Rob shrugs. "Does it matter?" He kisses his husband and walks towards the door JD has decorated with "Do not enter!" and "DND!" signs.

Tobias sits next to me, handing Cedar back. "Did you send Rob to stop JD from trying to go too far with that girl?"

"You think far too much like me," I inform him, kissing his cheek. "How's the cooking going?"

"BK and your parents are loving it," he replies. "I'm totally fine doing the dishes if I don't have to cook."

I laugh. "I'll keep that in mind, baby."

"All of my family, together," Tobias says contentedly. He puts an arm around me and pulls me into his side. "And I'm only forty-three," he says, kissing my cheek and laughing.

I smile at him and lay my head on his shoulder. "Everything started with you and it will end with you," I tell him.

He pulls me closer and we watch our family.