Author's Notes: First off, I want to warn you all that I have no idea where this story is going or where it will end up or how long it will be. It's just an idea I've had for a while and decided to write it. Both of my other long stories I had planned out before posting so this is a little bit of an experiment for me. It's also not as well edited or thought out because life is kicking my bootie these days, so please try to overlook any mistakes :)

For background purposes in this story, Alex and Jo have been in a relationship for around four years, but they are still not married. They are very committed to each other and haven't had an actual breakup, but Jo is still hesitant about marriage and Alex, while still hopeful Jo will one day change her mind, has taken Meredith's words in 10x17 to heart.

Cristina left at the end of season 10, but returned to Grey-Sloan sometime after Alex & Jo's daughter was born. She's living with them in her old room for the time being. I don't plan to have Owen show up in the story, but if he does he won't be with Cristina. I loved Crowen & they were my favorite ship for a while, but I now feel they are better apart.

Alex is still working at Lebackes' private practice, but is at the hospital a good bit being the kickass surgeon he is. Jo is about to start her ortho fellowship. Their daughter was a surprise, but they had planned on having children at some point in the near future. Jessalyn Grace Karev is around nine months old at the beginning of this story. She has several nicknames including Jess, Jessie, JK, and stink pot.

I'm planning to do this completely from Alex's point of view which has been more of a challenge than I realized as A) I'm not a guy and B) Alex is a really complex dude

Rating: T for language, sexual innuendo, and adult situations.

Disclaimer: I own nothing related to Grey's Anatomy. If there is any doubt, one look at my paycheck would prove it.

Alex looked around the small exam room, inwardly rolling his eyes at the dated equipment and decor that looked straight out of the 1970s. It was his and Jo's luck that she would become ill while away from Seattle and end up in a dump like this. His heart ached for her, partly because she was so miserable and partly because she hated being so pitiful. His eyes snapped back to Jo at the sound of her moaning. He stood and gently wiped a damp cloth across her forehead as he moved the basin from her lap to the bedside table. "Wait, I may still need that," Jo protested weakly, her eyes fluttering closed.

Alex smiled sadly, "I'll grab it if needed. What else can I do?"

Jo met his eyes and squeezed his hand that was resting at her side, "Stop worrying so much. You're starting to freak me out."

Alex grinned slightly, "I'm freaking you out? A few hours ago you were normal, now you're scarier than the little girl on 'The Exorcist.'

Jo's lips curled slightly as she moaned in pain, "Har Har." Alex pushed some of her hair back and wiped her forehead again before softly kissing her cheek. He hated seeing her in pain and miserable, he would do anything to take it away from her. He felt so helpless. Suddenly Jo grabbed his arm as she curled into a ball, "Basin!"

Alex quickly reached for the hospital issue plastic basin and placed it in her lap before pulling her hair back and rubbing soothing circles on her back. When she finished he wet the towel again and wiped her face as she leaned back against the pillows, "Better?"

Jo cut her eyes towards him, "You're kidding right?"

Alex awkwardly moved to rinse out the bin, "Sorry."

Jo sighed, "I should be the one that's sorry. This is my fault."

Alex narrowed his eyes in thought, "Why do you say that? Your test results aren't even back yet, we don't know what caused this."

"I abandoned our baby for a night of hot sex in a small town inn and now we're stuck in this bandaid station of a hospital that won't even give me something for the nausea! It's kismet!"

Alex looked at her with sympathy, "Stop it, you did not abandon her. Baby girl is fine. Mer won't stop sending pics of her being a "student" for Zola the teacher. We may have a battle on our hands when we go to pick her up."

Jo sighed with a smile, "I miss her."

Alex grinned as he kissed her forehead, "Me too."

At that moment a doctor breezed in, "Ms. Wilson sorry for the delay. I have some good news and some bad news."

"I hope the good news is you finally brought some medicine for her nausea and pain," Alex said gruffly.

The doctor began flipping through the paper chart, "I thought you were already given something."

Alex rolled his eyes, "Are you serious right now?"

The doctor excused himself to bark orders down the hall for medicine before turning back, "Now where was I?"

Alex could feel his blood pressure skyrocketing. Jo seemed to have picked up on this and squeezed his hand before directing at the doctor, "Good news and bad news."

"Ah yes, the good news is we have identified the source of your problems, the bad news is we were overachievers and found more than one issue that could be causing your pain and nausea."

"Which is?" Alex asked through gritted teeth.

"Kidney stones will be one issue. You have several with one being much too large to pass on your own. The good news is we can break them up with a machine called a lithotriptor. It uses shock waves..."

"We know what a lithotriptor does," Alex asserted angrily.

"Okay. Good news is we split time with our sister hospital for the machine and it will be here Tuesday. We'll admit you and..."

Alex narrowed his eyes, "You're joking right? This is a freaking joke. Why would you admit her for four days to do an outpatient procedure?"

"Well she needs fluids and rest. She may possibly need a catheter. Plus we need the GYN to consult on the ovarian cyst."

Alex rubbed his face and started silently counting in an effort to calm down. It would do Jo no good for him to get arrested while she was stuck in this dump. He narrowed his eyes and gritted his teeth once more, "What cyst?"

Jo spoke up, "No kidding, what cyst?"

"You have an approximately ten centimeter cyst on your right ovary. It seems to be twisting somewhat so it needs to be removed soon. Also there's a suspicious spot that we want to biopsy. Does ovarian cancer run in your family?"

Alex felt as if he needed the basin. He looked back to Jo as his world seemed to shatter. Jo took a deep breath before tilting her chin up stoically, "I told the triage nurse, I don't know my family history."

"Ma'am, it's really important that you know that information. Family history is crucial..."

"She knows that, asswipe," Alex barked.


"No, this isn't working. Give her the damn meds so we can leave," Alex flexed his hand repeatedly trying to keep from punching the wall, or worse the doctor.

"Sir, I understand your frustration, but she needs to be admitted."

"No, what she needs a competent doctor and a medical facility that has seen the twenty first century. Get her discharge information and medicine together so I can get her back home." When the doctor didn't respond, Alex's eyes blazed, "Now!"

"Alex, I think..."

"If you need surgery, you're not having it here in this cesspool. He hasn't even said when the GYN will be here which makes me think it won't be soon." He glanced menacingly at the doctor, who didn't dispute what had been said. "I'll call Mer and Bailey and have them and the on-call GYN ready to check you out by the time we get back to Seattle. We can be there in three hours. We'll take care of you."

Jo smiled and touched his face, "I know you will. I'm going to be fine Alex, stop worrying."

Alex kissed her cheek and teased with forced playfulness, "I'm only worried that I'm going to be playing nurse for one very difficult patient."

Jo laughed and pushed his chest playfully, "And I'm going to be stuck with Nurse Ratched."

Alex smiled at her as he pulled back, unable to shake the feeling that his life would never be the same.