Aliesha returned, humming happily to herself, only to find Cal sat on his bed, more confused-looking than usual. She alighted and sat on the end of his bed. He blinked.

"What happened?" Aliesha asked, biting back a laugh at his preplexed expression.

"I... I think I got a girlfriend."

"I was only gone for two hours!"

"I was gone for two hours and came home to find I had a little sister! Big things can happen in two hours." Aliesha stuck her tongue out. Then she laced her fingers together under her chin, leaning forward on her elbows.

"Do tell."

"Uh... well, she just kissed me and then left!"


"Sky!" Aliesha gasped, sitting bolt upright. "What?"

"It's about time!"


"Oh, you're clueless! Look, take it from me, Sky has liked you for a long time. Although, I don't think she realised it until you went complete veggie. Sky and Cal sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!"

"Whoa, hey. There is no tree. I'm stumped."

"Ah. I see what you did there."

"Help me!" He hissed pleadingly. Aliesha folded her arms, a knowing look on her face. Cal pulled on his hair, mulling over his thoughts. "I'd never thought of her like that until she kissed me and now she's disappeared and I'm really confused! What do I do, do I go after her? She left upset, I don't like seeing her upset, it makes me upset. Will going after her make things better or worse? She was really hot when she kissed me and by hot I mean too warm, but she is pretty and-" He stopped short. Aliesha looked at him expectantly. "I like Sky."

"And the penny drops!" He seemed amazed at this discovery, speechless. "Well, don't just sit there!" Alieshe scolded. "Go get her!" He startled, scrambling for his staff, tripping over his own feet before zig-zagging from the room. Aliesha smiled victoriously.

Sky was on her way to Bora Bora, wiping her eyes and sniffing. Oh, she had to be such an idiot, didn't she? It was the moment, she was so caught up in the moment, so happy to have her best friend back, that all sense had escaped her and she had kissed him! Why did she have to do that? He probably wouldn't talk to her ever again now, make snide remarks to the others, laugh about her behind her back.

"Sky!" There he was, she realised, flying towards her to add insult to injury. She turned and fled. "Will you stop?" His voice lost in the wind, he flew as fast he could, reaching out with his staff and hooking it about her waist, like his father did so often to his wife. He threw on the metaphorical brakes, dragging her to a halt too. "Moon and stars, you're fast." He panted. "No, don't go! Ooh, you're crying, no... No, don't cry, please don't cry, I'm sorry. This is my fault, I'm an idiot, my brain doesn't work properly, I'm really sorry, please don't go." Cal's fingers closed about her wrist, the other hand reaching up gently to wipe away her tears. "Oh, I didn't mean for this to happen, I'm just not very good with surprises. Do you want to try that one again?"

"W-what?" This time, Cal kissed her. He figured that would gain him a few extra brownie points, sweet and gentle, giving her the chance to pull away if so desired. But she didn't. His heart skipped a beat. "You... don't hate me?"

"Why would I hate you?"

"It was just the look you had after and... I guess I'm as much of an idiot as you are."

"Hey, no-one is more of an idiot than I am."

"You've got that right, you dolt."

"And there she is." Cal grinned, curling her fingers under her chin. "Let's make this official, yeah? I'll be your Frost if you'll be my little ray of sunshine."

"I will burn you."

"Yeah, about that." He looked down. Sky saw he was no longer flying, standing on a snow cloud instead. His eyes were tired and sluggish, but he managed a smile all the same.

"We're going to have to work on that."

"As long as you don't run away again, I can handle a little heat. Is that a no to pet names? Isn't that what couples do?" Sky shrugged. "Yeah, me either." He offered her his hand. Sky beamed and took it. "Aliesha was right. It's about time."