I'm back! It's been a long time, but I have a little bit of a break from now until my final placement experience.
World Book Day was great this year… I dressed as a wizard from Gryffindor and the kids and adults were very impressed. I was boiling throughout the whole day in the classroom, but it was a fantastic day.
Hope this chapter is ok for the time being whilst I work on the next one. You know the drill… read and leave me a review of what you think!
Chapter 18: The Howler
Before they could leave, a loud screech echoed around the hall. As it was past breakfast and most of the owls had returned back to the owlery for a snooze, everyone was confused. The hall rippled with gasps of shock as a pure black raven with ruby red eyes scanned the hall before letting out a screech and landing in front of Harry and Hermione.
Whispers echoed as curious students and teacher craned their necks to watch as Harry pulled out his wand to make sure there was nothing malicious in the envelope before untying it and reading who it was addressed to. Hesitantly, he passed it over to Hermione, whispering something to her which made her pale drastically and take the envelope with shaking hands.
Hermione shook in something between fear and apprehension, before realising she had an audience which consisted of every student in the hall and the teachers, with Dumbledore striding down to where her and Harry were sat, and the raven glaring with its beady red eyes as if making sure she opened the envelope from its master.
"You don't have to open it, I can burn it with a simple spell," Harry reassured his frightened girlfriend, reaching out to hold her hand, lacing his fingers with hers and squeezing it briefly. She squeezed back and with a deep breath shook her head.
"I need to know what it says," she whispered shakily and with that, she used her butter knife to slice the wax seal at the back and before she could read it, it floated out of her hands to float at eye level.
"I'm waiting for you, my Mudblood Whore! I've got a VIP room ready, especially for you. You know where to find me and bring your boyfriend along with you. I'm sure we can have a lot of fun together, just ask Harry… Don't make me come for you!" a snake-like voice hissed out menacingly, before the letter burst into black flames, making Hermione jerk back with wide eyes.
Harry was jumping up in an instance and leapt over the table to take a now sobbing Hermione into his arms, as she shook with fear as the message sunk in.
"Students return to your classrooms," Dumbledore boomed and at once, every student save Harry, Lily, Alice and the three remaining Marauders jumped to their feet and a stampede ensued out of the hall, as if the Dark Lord was in the hall himself.
"He's g-going to c-c-come f-for me," Hermione sobbed and Harry tightened his grip around her and shook his head.
"Over my dead body," he soothed but Hermione shook even more.
"D-don't s-s-say that," she tried to shout but it came out muffled where her face was hiding in his shoulder, soaking his robes.
"He won't touch you Hermione, we'll protect you as much as we can," Sirius promised and everyone around where they were sitting nodded solemnly.
"You're a part of our family, and I won't let you be taken anywhere, not even Voldy-pants himself," James announced from the door and he rushed over to hug Hermione as well as Harry was looking for something in his bag determinedly.
"What you looking for?" Lily asked.
"This," Harry said, brandishing some parchment and ink and swiping his hand to clear the immediate vicinity of any dishes, he started to scribble on the parchment.
Intrigued, everyone, save James and Hermione, peered over and read what he has written and their eyes popped out in amazement.
"You're sending that to him?" Remus asked and Harry nodded.
"Yep," he said and with a flourish, signed his name at the bottom and Alice suddenly grinned wickedly.
"I have an idea, how about turning it into a Howler?" she grinned darkly and Harry smirked.
"I take it you know the charm, my fair lady?" he asked smoothly and she nodded before taking out her wand and cast the charm.
"What kind of voice?" she asked.
"A hissing angry one too," he said after a few moment deliberating, "can you also…." He leaned in to whisper what he wanted her to do and she nodded before smirking and a spell shot out at the end of her wand, touching the parchment and they all watched as it turned the familiar red colour that the Marauders were especially familiar with.
Harry stood, called to the raven who was watching this from the rafters of the hall and tied it swiftly to its leg.
"Take that to your master," Harry spat out and the raven cawed loudly before soaring off with a large swish of its wings, cuffing Harry as it went across the back of his head.
"Blasted bird," Harry winced and muttered as everyone let out a chuckle.
"What did it say?" James asked, no longer able to keep the question bottled up inside him.
"Just a few threats and something that will make his day," Harry grinned evilly, before tugging Hermione to her feet and twirled her around before dipping her at the end.
"You have no fear Miss Granger, we will protect you and Mr Potter as best as we can," Dumbledore said, having watched this all with a twinkle in his eye and a small smile on his bearded face.
"No offence Headmaster, but what about the time he and his Deathmunchers invaded and Harry had to fend them off himself? No thanks, I don't need your protection," Hermione sneered and with a shake, she marched off, no doubt to the library for some much-needed solace.
"Don't worry, we'll keep her company," Lily said to Harry as she and Alice hurried off to find the distraught girl.
"Why don't you boys head to class whilst the girls have a chance to calm down and join you later," Dumbledore suggested sadly and with that he exited the hall to his office, his heart heavy at what Hermione has painfully opened his eyes to.
"No way that we going to class whilst the girls enjoy skiving, right guys?" Sirius complained, staring at where the Headmaster was a moment ago before turning to see the boys walking out of the hall together.
The Dark Lord himself sat on his throne in Slytherin Castle, as he eagerly waited for Morgue to return from delivering the Mudblood his missive.
He smirked as he imagined the response it would have in Hogwarts… no doubt the old goat Dumbledore would be fretting over security. He almost felt sad that he was not there… almost. He could always review the events through Legilimency as he instructed Morgue to remain there until the end.
No sooner as he had stood up to start planning a major raid, a squawk could be heard as Morgue swooped in through the window and landed on the top of the throne and began to preen himself.
"Well what have we here?" the Dark Lord pondered as he spied the red envelope attached to the leg of his raven.
Casting a silencing charm around the room, lest there was something sinister in it which the wizard doubted… he could never be sure.
No sooner had he opened it, a boom sounded and smoke poured out of the envelope. Voldemort spluttered, not expecting this, and felt magic settle on to him. Shrugging, he conjured a mirror and his eyes widened in anger as he saw his current reflection. A large red nose adorned his face, on his head rested an orange curly wig and pointy hat. His feet were clad with too-large shoes and his acromantula silk robes were replaced with a hideous luminous green clown outfit. He lifted his wand hand and saw his wand had been replaced with a horn and juggling balls were bouncing off of him.
A flash could be seen out of the corner of his eyes and he turned just in time to see a camera disappear, no doubt back to that infernal saviour.
"You mess with my family… I'll mess with you! You think this is bad… wait until we meet on the battlefield. Only one of us will be walking away alive… and you can bet your Galleons that it will be me. I'll reunite you with your dear Muggle father, and rid the world of your infested existence. Oh, and by the way, this will stay on for a whole 72 hours. Good luck with your Death Muncher meeting tonight… wandless and clown-like 'Dark Lord'!"
And with that, the Howler ripped itself up and Voldemort could not believe the insolence of the boy.
"Til we meet, Potter! You'll regret it!"
Harry sighed as he overlooked the side of Hogwarts from the bridge where he was taking 5 minutes for himself, enjoying the peace and listening to the birds cheeping in the air.
'What am I going to do? How will I be able to take down Voldemort when I don't even know where the start with the Horcruxes? Hermione will not be there to help me out, and I'm rubbish at research… I can't even ask the Marauders for help because this is their future, I will be changing… will I still exist?'
He sighed and took a swig of the butterbeer he had requested from the kitchens, which he had visited before heading out.
Harry was shaken out of his worried frame of mind when a camera appeared in front of him. Curiously he took it before it hit him. Giddily, he grabbed it and no sooner had he done it, a picture printed out and Harry chuckled in glee as he sped inside to show his friends and family of his brilliant prank.