Another multi chapter fic, which has been hanging around in my mind for a while. I'm using Iran for this story, but changing some details about the country, to make the story work in later chapters.
Set post Cotterdam, some time in S8, but without Adam's death. Enjoy.
Harry had been on the London streets for just under an hour. He knew he was being paranoid, but he couldn't risk it were he being followed. This was too important. He stopped at doghouse five, waiting for Adam to arrive. He shouldn't be too long, and Harry hoped he was being careful. Of course he would be. Adam had been doing this too long to be reckless.
It was past midnight and it was just below freezing. Harry shivered, feeling the chill, and briefly wished he was back home in bed. But he couldn't be, because this was important, and he knew it. He pressed a gloved hand to his jacket pocket, making sure it was still there. He heard Adam's footsteps a good thirty seconds before he saw his friends shadow.
"So what was so important we had to meet away from the grid in the middle of the night?"
Harry smiled at Adam, relieved he was here. "You weren't followed?"
"Harry," Adam chastised quietly.
"Sorry. This is important. And unofficial."
"What is it?"
"I can't read Arabic," he said. "I need you to read this for me." He took the postcard out of his pocket with a torch, as it was totally pitch black.
"There are dozens of translators in house, why me?" Adam said as he took it. "And why so late?"
"I trust you. As you'll find out when you read it. I have a… vague idea of what it must say."
Adam read it and sighed, suddenly understanding why Harry wanted this far away from the grid. "It's from Ruth."
"How do you know that?" Harry asked urgently.
"I've seen her write Arabic often enough on the grid," he said. "I know her handwriting. Even if I hadn't read what it says."
"Adam, tell me," Harry said. "It's driving me mad that I can't read it."
"She says: Harry. Well, it's been a long time since I wrote that. I know it is an awful lot to ask, but I'm in trouble and I need help. I wouldn't be writing to you if I had anyone else to turn to. If you can, come to Tehran. I'll understand if you can't. Ruth."
Adam handed the card back to Harry, who pocketed it carefully. "You're not seriously thinking of going to Tehran, are you?"
"Yes," Harry said shortly. Of course he was going to Tehran. Ruth needed him.
"Oh come on, it's a massive city and you've no idea where she is or what kind of trouble she might be in. You'd have to go alone, without any kind of back up Harry."
"I have to go," he said. "And you know it."
"Harry, what will you do when you get there?" Adam said. "You've no idea where she is."
"I have an idea," he said darkly. "I received a postcard with an address in Tehran a few weeks ago. It just had the address on it, nothing more. I didn't know what it meant at the time. Now I do."
"Harry, you can't just leave…" Adam said.
"What if it was you?" Harry asked. "What if it was Fiona asking for your help? Would you just sit here in London?"
"You know I wouldn't Harry," he said. "I'd be on the first flight out there." He sighed heavily, thinking about his next words. "Just… don't do anything stupid."
"I won't," he said. "I need to come into the grid tomorrow anyway."
"To pick up her British passport." Ruth's name had been cleared about a year ago, but Harry had no idea where she was to get in contact with her. Malcolm had looked into it, but had had no joy in locating her, and Harry had guessed she was still in hiding. There had been little he could do, but now…
Adam sighed, but knew there was no talking him out of it. "I'll keep things ticking over in London. Just don't be too long."
"I won't," he said. "Thanks Adam." The younger spook walked off, leaving Harry alone. He knew without a shadow of a doubt that he had to go to Iran, but it did need some planning. And he wondered what trouble she could be in that was delayed enough for her to rely on postcards to let him know she needed help. He sighed, feeling so confused, but he knew he'd go to her. He couldn't not.
Harry had been in Tehran for three days and he'd been watching the address Ruth had sent him for about two of those three days. So far, no sign of Ruth. He wondered if that was good or bad, and he was on the verge of leaving the address she'd given him to look somewhere else. Maybe employ the grids resources into looking for her. As much as he hated to admit it, maybe Adam had a point. Maybe he should have stayed in London and actually formulated a plan before jumping on a plane.
He sat in the car and sighed. He needed some food, and had the key in the ignition to leave when there was a sharp knock on the window. He jerked in shock and looked out of the glass. Ruth. She looked frightened and she wore a hijab, but it was most definitely Ruth. She hurried around to the passenger side. "Just drive," she breathed heavily as she sat down.
"Where?" Harry said, a little bewildered and more than a little speechless at her sudden appearance.
"Anywhere but here," she said, eyes wide. He recognised the look of pure fear on her beautiful face, so he did exactly what she asked, and he put his foot down.
More soon. I'd love to know what you think. Thanks for reading.