A Web of Lies

Don't Starve Fanfiction

All rights reserved for Klei Entertainment

I had my first run-in with the shadow hands today, scared me s#!tless when the music played… I edited a few sentences, nothing too big. Anyway here she is, more at bottom. Also Wiley can be (Why)-(Lee) OR (Will)-(Ee)


"Wiley!" A 34 year old woman yelled out into the forest behind her house. "Wiley you better come inside now or you won't get any dinner tonight!"

"Coming mum!" The words echoed back to Elisa. Elisa had the most beautiful orange curls that came up to her shoulders, her blue eyes scanning the forest line for her son.

Elisa lived in a house with her husband, his father and her son. The house wasn't a mansion but it was her home. It was two stories high and had a basement. It was painted cream all the way around, with a red tile roof that sat perfectly on the top of the second story.

A small boy aged about 7 came running out of the tree line, a toy wooden plane held in his hands. He ran into the house leaving wet mud in his wake. Elisa glared at the small child. He had rusty coloured hair and bright blue eyes. His shorts and short sleeve shirt were caked in mud.

"WILEY! How many times do I have to tell you, take off your outside shoes when you enter the house."

"Sorry mother…" Wiley pouted. Elisa pulled the child into a hug. "I love you very much, just listen to me ok?"

"Yes mum." He kicked off his boots and ran into the living room.

Elisa put her hands on her hips, sighed and went to get a mop.


Elisa spent a mere 5 minutes cleaning up her son's mess. She walked into the kitchen and took half a meat-loaf out of the oven. She served the food and placed it on the table. She went to get the rest of the family; living room was usually where they were.

"Wiley dinner's ready." She called ask she entered the room.

Wiley's grandfather sat in an armchair next to the fire place. Ernest was her husband's father. He had grey receding hair that hid under a Tam o' Shanter. "It's good to see you're awake." Elisa teased the old geezer.

"Very funny lass, what's for dinner then?" He asked taking his pip out of his mouth.


"Again?" Whined Wiley.

"I think she be tryin' to poison us lad." The child stifled a giggle as his grandad's joke.

"Wiley could you please get your father from the basement, Ernest be a dear and go take a seat in the kitchen." The old man got up out of his arm chair and ruffled Wiley's hair before heading to the dining room.


The basement was filled with many wondrous things to a child; gadgets and thing-a-migigs, whats-its and doo-daads, like a candy shop but you couldn't eat anything. His father spent a lot of his time down here working on bits and pieces, if he wasn't at some convention showing off his creations. Connall was a tall man. He had hair the colour of coal and brown eyes. He currently had a pair of thick googles sitting on his forehead. He was looking at a set of blueprints.

Wiley jumped upon a stool that his father has placed for him so he could see what was on top of the table.

"Whatcha' working on now?" Wiley placed his hands on the table.

"It's a machine that will revolutionise the world!"

"You always say that."

"I mean it this time. Any way what do you want champ?"

"Oh right, mum says that you have to come upstairs for dinner."

"Alrighty then, wait one second and I'll come up with you." Wiley watched his father take his lab coat off and place it on the table along with his goggles. Connall scooped his son up and 'flew' him upstairs.


I can't wait for the next few chapters! It's late and this is about 500 words long. I'll update soonish. I eagerly await you reviews and will reply!

See ya!

~Dara999 out.