Hello! This is my First KuroBasu story, inspiration kind of hit me hard after hearing a beautiful soprano singer. And since I've read some Fem!Kuroko stories, I haven't come across (yet) with one of her as a Chorus Vocalist. (or along the lines of singing in general).

May I say first, that this will part at some point from Canon, since it's been a while since I read the manga and my memory is horrible, The "Flashback at Teiko" arc it's in little pieces in my head, but I can remember from one to two things.

Second thing is that I will be naming each chapter after the colors, because Skittles Team ain't Rainbow for nothing. And the title will change of Lenguage.

Third, this is a Fem!Kuroko story, and I will pair her with Ogiwara, because childhood friend relationships is one of my weak spots.

Disclamer: Rights to their Owners and All that Cheese, I only own the girl that is Kuroko's friend

Waltzing in einem Regenbogen

The first time she noticed them was when she went to the basketball court on the first week of Club Activities. Her club teacher left the message of a day off since he had some business to attend. And since she didn't have practice at school, the only thing that she was left with was the need of seeing the basketball tryouts.

The first thing she thought when she saw the notice-me hairs of those boy was 'Colors'. And her eyes went roaming at all the court, counting the colors that she saw.

Powerful red, calm green, cool blue and Immature purple. Among the normal color-headed boys inside the place, she kept her eyes all the time at those four.

She saw with admiration how the blue-headed boy moved with wild grace, how the green boy shot from afar, how tall was the purple boy, and the slow calculating movements of the red one.

She wished she could join the basketball team, she really did, she loved the sport so much, but since this school didn't have a Girls Team, her hopes of playing went down. She knew she couldn't play too well, Shigehiro knew it too, but he didn't mind at all, he said that as long as she loved it she could play.

But not in school unfortunately. So her other option was to join the Music club, where she could do the thing that she loved most and felt a passion grow on her heart. Sing.

"Ne, Tet-chan! What are you doing here?"

Kuroko Tetsuna turned her head to where the voice came from, her pale sky-eyes fell on the plain form of her Chorus classmate Migita Shino. One of the few people that were able to notice her from the lack of presence that she had.

"Watching tryouts" was her monotone answer

"I know you like Basketball Tet-chan, but we have chorus practice at 4, we need to be going"

Tetsuna only nodded her head, giving a last glance at the basketball court, a last glance at the colors that her eyes could see.

The second time she noticed them was when she accompanied Shigehiro to one of his matches. From what she heard in school, the four color boys ended up on the first string even that they were first years.

They were 'unstoppable', winning every single match that they played. Starting to make every single team around Japan notice the name of Teikō. She walked right next to said retreating team, the faces of said boys pleased, the blue boy was beaming. Her eyes then changed of route noticing now the monotone faces of the Senpais that attended to the match.

"Oi, Nana! What are you looking at?"

Her attention changed at her childhood friend Ogiwara Shigehiro, his orange hair being the first thing that her eyes looked at.


Shigehiro laughed at her answer, since everything around them had many many colors.

"Sure you are"

The third time was a year later, when a yellow boy joined the team. She then saw that there was a pink haired girl that always stayed stick with the blue boy.

She now knew more about them. Everybody knew of them. 'The Generation of Miracles'. The best players in the middle school basketball league. They haven't lost any one of their games. They are too strong, they are a true challenge. They are the reason that all middle schools have started to do their best to beat them, as Shigehiro said to her.

In the past year Tetsuna could barely go to some of Shigehiro's games, her Instructor told her that she was one of the fewer sopranos that Japan (and her Chorus) had. And since a nice trained soprano voice was uncommon, they started giving her extra-hours of voice practice and (incredibly enough) language lessons.

She tried so hard, very hard, to obtain a solo, but in all the representations, ballets and operas that her group went, they barely had songs for her type of voice. Her Instructor was very sad too.

Shigehiro and Shino told her that everything was going to be alright, that soon was going to be her time to shine. She replied saying that it wasn't going to happen and somewhat it sounded ironic since people could barely notice her presence even if they tried very hard.

What she said somehow fired against her a week later.

The thing about the second floor hallways is that they are —for some reason— very small, and they give you a feeling that someone is going to poke your back with a stick at any moment.

She was walking on the second floor of the west building, heading for the roof top to practice with Shino. Her black folder wide open, her hands moving from time to time searching for the right music sheet.

She was immersed in her pages that she didn't notice the group that walked on the opposite direction of hers, and as she got out the sheet of "La Notte Etterna", she bumped with someone, and all her sheets got out of the folder.

Even though she knew she always was quiet, a small "Ah" of surprise escaped from her mouth.

The black folder lied open on the floor and the sheets of her favorite songs scattered around her.

"I'm sorry!" was the first thing that she heard from the person she bumped with

"Kise you idiot!"

Several scoldings went after that, the poor boy kept hearing one after one while he gathered some of the sheets. And after he collected enough, his eyes went up to apologize again.

But the thing he noticed is that nobody was there.


Kise looked in alarm around him, noticing that only his teammates where occupying the hallway.

"Where are you?!" he exclaimed, now scared

The other voices suddenly stopped when he said that, noticing the lack of a kid that the yellow haired idiot bumped with.

"I'm right here"

That was the moment everyone jumped and screamed of terror, when a girl appeared from nowhere.

Kise was white as snow, he was sure that he experienced a mid-heart attack.

"Y-you, y-you—" he said stuttering, his finger pointing at the girl in front of him in disbelief

"I will take that, thanks for helping me" she said in a monotone voice, her sky-eyes looking at his with an expressionless face.

The moment she took the sheets, was the moment that she disappeared again. And when she was nowhere to be seen, well… let's say it broke havoc again on the hallway.

Tetsuna silently retreated from the place, leaving the startled group behind her.

Adding this to her memory as the fourth time she noticed them, and the first one they saw her.

The days after that one, she knew that they were searching for her.

Every time she went to different places around campus, she saw how the Yellow and Pink ones kept looking everywhere, how the Red one asked in every opportunity for her, the Green one barely gave importance to it, but it didn't mean that he wasn't intrigued as well. The Blue and Purple ones didn't do anything, she even heard the blue guy —whose name she learned was Aomine Daiki— say that it was a matter of time for her to appear on her own.

The matter of the famous 'Ghost Girl Hunt' from the Rainbow Team (as she called them) was put aside when her Instructor gave her a small opportunity to sing. Her Chorus Group was going to give a small voice presentation. All her chorus mates got long duets, and she got a small song that went great with her voice.

Shino went beaming up and down when she got a glimpse of "Once Upon a Dream" from Sleeping Beauty. Tetsuna was happy too, the song hit her just in the childhood after singing it for the first time on a practice day. Both girls accorded to see each other every lunch break to practice their songs.

And like every other day, she made her route to the roof top of the second building after the lunch bell rang.

"Tetsunana!" greated Shino

"Don't call me like that, only Ogiwara-kun has the privilege" she said a little irritated

"Ne! When is he going to man up and ask you already?"

She made like she didn't heard that comment.

"Oi! Don't ignore me Tet-chan!" said Shino with a pout

"Why don't you start then? Since Migita-san is the one that has more energy"

"Nooo! I want to hear Tet-chan first! Your song is shorter than mine!"

Tetsuna hated that Shino had a point, "Lord have Mercy on Me" was indeed a damn long song.

"May Tetsu-hime concede me this pace?" asked the other girl, bowing while extending her hand to Tetsuna, she just smiled and grabbed the hand of the other girl while starting her song.

Anata wo itsumo yume ni mite

Sou hitomi sae totemo natsukashii

Kimi wa maboroshi tatou ii keredo

Demo wakaru anata koso


Ano yume to onaji ni

Shino was the one that made them waltz around the small place, the "La-la –la" lasted a little long than normal.

Demo wakaru anata koso


ano yume to onaji ni

Both girls kept waltzing around the roof, singing in a duet the last part, the vowels in Tetsunas voice were magnificent, her tone went higher in the perfect moment, and her pitch was sensational.

And the moment she finished, they parted from their waltzing poses, while bowing at each other.

"Have I ever told you that I love your voice?" asked Shino with a big smile

"Migita-san's voice is beautiful too" she replied with a small smile

Their little moment was cut when she heard applauses from behind her back. So she turned around.

The Pink-haired girl was the one making the sound, her eyes beaming and her teeth showing in a smile. And behind her on one side that connected to the other half of the building was the Rainbow Team, eyes open wide and a fain blush in the face of the Yellow and Blue one.

"Your voice is Gorgeous Maboroshi no ōjo!"

That was the second time they saw her, and the fifth and last time she could notice them, because curiosity always leads you to do a lot of things, and looking at them from afar and not talking to them was not on the list anymore.

A/N: Maboroshi no ōjo: Phantom Princess Because ye... Hope you enjoyed, Next Chapter: Color Red