It seems I somehow never posted the last chapter of this fic! D:


- Also this is an old fic so I've kinda improved since then, feel free to check my other stories! -

"Why… why do you ask that, Misty?" Cordelia questioned after she regained her breath.

"I've seen how you look at me when you think I'm not watching, every time we're in the greenhouse and I'm looking at the plants or I'm getting something from the higher shelves that you can't reach. Every time you look at me your eyes have this kind of sparkle and it makes me feel those weird little butterflies in my stomach that everyone talks about, and my legs start to shake. I've seen the way you smile every time I get excited after doing an incantation right. At night, you come to my room to make sure I'm sleeping well and not having nightmares; you tuck me in so that I'm not cold. Sometimes you cry after you do that, I can hear you from the bed. The other night I wanted to knock on your door, because you had been crying for hours, but I didn't have the courage to do it. You laugh at my strange sense of humor, and I know sometimes you do that just so I don't feel alone or like an idiot. You make me feel good about myself; you support my beliefs and my interests and never criticize them like the other girls do. You know almost everything I can't remember, and I have the feeling that is not because you were my mentor or because we were best friends. When I am with you my heart is like one of those rides in the amusement parks, beating really fast and turning me inside out. I don't care about my loss of memory when I'm with you, because I kinda feel safe when I'm near you, and this last month I've started to realize that you seemed to be really important to me before the Seven Wonders and that's probably why I don't remember you. If Ma'am Snow is right and I've lost the things that mattered the most to me, it would make sense that we were in love before, right?"

"Yes, I guess it would…" Cordelia muttered, looking down at the files on her desk again.

"Yes it would, and I just wanted you to know that I'm falling in love with you, Miss Cordelia, and that it would make me really happy if you loved me back."

"Misty, I-"

"It's okay if you don't." Misty interrupted her again. "I'll be happy to be just your friend. Just…" she continued, looking for something in the hidden pocket of her dress. "Keep this." she finally said, taking a small box and leaving it on the table before exiting the room. Cordelia shook her head and took off her glasses, still trying to understand what had just happened. Misty just entered through that door and asked me if we were in love. Misty just told me that she is falling in love with me. Cordelia reached for the box, carefully wrapped in a page of that morning's newspaper. She slowly unwrapped it, revealing a graceful swan necklace crafted with bald cypress wood that seemed to be handmade. Cordelia held it in her hands as she observed the beautiful silver chain before realizing the small folded paper that was inside the box too. She took it on her hands and unfolded it.

'Hello dear Miss Cordelia,

If you're reading this I've probably already gathered the courage to ask you on a date, or at least to tell you that I'm in love with you. I kinda prepared a speech for that, I hope I didn't stutter too much. This is kinda the last part of that speech. I know I have only met you for a month, but I have the feeling that I met you long ago before my accident. You'll probably have seen the necklace before this note, so I guess I have to explain why a swan.

I don't know if it's true, but my mother always said that swans' love lasts for life. She said that they were always loyal to each other and that no matter what happened, they always loved each other as much as they could. I know it's silly, but the first time I saw your face after waking up you were holding me and crying, and it instantly broke my heart. You looked awful, with those eyes that were swollen and red, but I think for a moment I remembered two stunning beautiful mismatched eyes. I still don't know if it was a dream or if I saw inside you. I've been thinking about that moment for a month, and now I dream of it every night.

I really suck at writing this kind of stuff, so long story short: I think you're my swan.


Cordelia folded the paper and put it on the box again, feeling the tears run down her cheeks. She looked at the necklace again. Misty loves me, was her only thought as she unclasped it and put it on before walking outside the room. She passed next to a group of students that tuned their heads to see how their new Supreme, wearing a brown vine printed dress and stiletto heels, ran upstairs desperately with tears on her face. The woman ran across the corridor hurriedly, the long dress fluttering behind her and her heels clicking against the floor with every step she took towards the swamp witch's room.

"Misty." she mumbled when she finally reached the door. She put her hand on the doorframe as she tried to normalize her breaths. "Misty."

"Miss Cordelia." the swamp witch said in response. She was sitting in the window sill with her arms around her knees, her face turning from the window to the woman's face. She carefully studied the headmistress' facial features, from the deep of her brown eyes to her full lips, before letting her gaze fall to Cordelia's neck. She stood up with a petite smile on her face. "You're wearing the necklace."

"Yes." Cordelia said, walking into the room with little steps, slowly approaching the swamp witch. "Did you make it?"

"Yeah. When I came back to this room I found a box full of wood carving tools under my bed and I thought I'd give it a try. Do you like it?"

"It's really beautiful, Misty. I love it." Cordelia said, her hand travelling up to lightly touch the necklace. "I love you." she muttered, looking into the witch's bright eyes nervously.

"What?" Misty questioned with a smile, just for the pleasure of hearing the woman say that out loud. Cordelia inhaled deeply before talking again.

"I love you, Misty Day. I've loved you for a long time, since the day you succeeded with your first incantation. Every since that day, I've spent all the time I could looking at you because I am still trying to get accustomed to have someone to look at like I do when look at you. You're stunningly beautiful and I really love your delicate smile. I guess it makes me feel happy to see that you're willing to spend time with me; no one has ever done that. And when you failed Descensum I felt that my life had no meaning, because I thought you would die before I had the chance to tell you that I loved you."

"You… hadn't told me?"

"No. We were not lovers, Misty. I was madly in love with you, but I never told you because you seemed to be really happy with being my friend and I didn't want to fuck it up." Misty giggled. "What?"

"It's the first time I hear you cuss." the swamp witch said, making Cordelia chuckle. "Not very classy for a Supreme."

"I'm not acting as the Supreme right now. I'm just Cordelia, the woman who is incredibly in love with you and who wants to spend all her life with you." Misty raised her hands and cupped the headmistress' face, her fingertips wiping away the woman's almost dry tears. "What do you say," Cordelia continued, "will you be my swan too?"

"Always, Miss Cordelia." she said, wrapping her free hand behind Cordelia's neck and slowly pulling her closer. The taller blonde then moved her other hand from the woman's face, down to her hip, holding the headmistress' body close against her own. Misty looked quickly between Cordelia's eyes and lips as she slowly moved closer, pressing their lips together in pure bliss. The headmistress' lips quickly became the sole focus of Misty's attention, in the same way Cordelia couldn't think about anything else than kissing the swamp witch in a way that none of them would ever forget.

I want to thank everyone who favorited, read or followed it, I had a great time writting it. Again, I am really sorry I didn't post the last chapter! I will still continue to write fics :)