The detective lets out a giggly, ear-piercing shriek as Castle lifts her into his arms and spins them around; his lips meeting hers in a passionate kiss. Kate smiles against his mouth as she secures her arms around his neck.

Castle breaks the kiss moments later and carefully places his wife back onto her feet. He pulls his head back just enough to meet her eyes, reveling in how truly beautiful she looks in this very moment. Castle's deep blue eyes twinkle with a mixture of love, adoration, and curiosity; his eyebrows are raised, practically to the ceiling, as he struggles to form his overly excited thoughts into coherent speech.



Beckett giggles in response to his excitement, finding it equally difficult to control her own as she gently scrapes her fingernails across his scalp; in the way that she knows he loves. Her eyes glimmering with unending love and affection for this man and the chance to begin a new adventure together.

"I am only about five weeks along, according to Dr. Cameron, and how? Really, babe? I'm pretty sure you know exactly how this happened."

Beckett melds her slender frame closer to his, leaving no space between them. Her eyes sparkle with mischief as a devious smirk encompasses her features. The detective punctuates her words with a not so subtle press of her hips against his, flashing her husband a wink.

Castle's eyes widen at her movements. His arms instinctively tighten around her waist as he tries his best to make his brain form coherent thoughts.

Wicked woman.

The detective grins at her husband's reaction; lightly ghosting her lips against the stubbly skin of his jaw. She pulls her head back to meet his eyes, carding her fingers through his hair.

"As far as when," Kate begins, unable to keep the smirk from crossing her features as she speaks, "remember our trip to the Hamtpons a little over a month ago?"

Rick's eyes instantly darken at the mention of their weekend getaway. A knowing expression crosses the writer's face as he rapidly nods his head; grinning from ear to ear as the events of that particular trip flood his memory.

Kate chuckles at her husband's antics, in spite of the slight tinge of light pink prevalent on her own cheeks as she relives some memories of her own.

Quickly shaking the borderline inappropriate thoughts of their Hampton adventure aside the detective releases Castle from her grip and reaches for his hand, lacing their fingers together. Giving his hand a gentle tug, Kate guides them the short distance from the table to the couch where she lazily falls onto the comfortable cushions and pulls her husband down with her.

Rick follows Kate's lead and sits down beside her on the couch, draping an arm around her shoulders as he pulls her into his side. Kate cuddles into his side without hesitation, draping an arm across his stomach.

Castle presses his lips to the top of his wife's head as his eyes wander aimlessly around the room, pausing to glance back at their game board. A goofy smile illuminates the writer's features as the weight of the news begins to sink in. Castle sinks further back into the couch, pulling Kate closer to him; the goofy grin never leaving his face.

She glances up at him, her face instantly breaking into a similar smile. The detective momentarily untangles herself from him and rises from the couch. She quickly retrieves both of their glasses off of the table, careful not to disturb the game board, before offering Castle his glass.

"I do believe a celebratory toast is in order."

Castle's brow furrows as he watches Kate move around the room, silently wondering what she is doing. Upon seeing her pick up both glasses, his eyes widen. A look of complete shock and fear take over the writer's cheery disposition as blue eyes dart frantically between the glasses of dark red liquid and Kate's stomach.

Kate tilts her head curiously upon seeing his distressed expression. She raises a brow in momentary confusion as she glances down to see what has him so frantic all of a sudden. The detective's eyes widen as she finally understands what has her husband so distraught.

"No, no, yours is wine. Mine is just grape juice."

Castle releases a breath that he did not even realize he had been holding as he reaches for both glasses and places them on the end table next to the couch. Kate hesitantly approaches him, moving to stand in the vee of his legs.

"Sorry about that. I should have probably said something earlier."

The author shakes his head as he pulls the detective into his lap, wrapping his arms securely around her.

"No, it's okay. I sort of overreacted. We both know that you would never intentionally harm our baby."

Kate nods as she situates herself across his lap. She moves her legs to rest across the remainder of the couch, while simultaneously reaching for one of his arms to wrap around around her waist. Kate smiles almost shyly at him as she presses his palm against her still flat stomach and intertwines her fingers with his.

A bright smile crosses the writer's features as he watches their hands rest on Kate's stomach. The corners of his eyes crinkle, pure joy radiating off of every inch of his face as he begins rubbing soothing circles across her stomach. The author has absolutely no words to describe this moment. Not only is he spending the rest of his life with the most amazing woman in the world, but now they are having a baby. An actual human being is living and growing inside of his extraordinary wife at this very moment. Pieces and parts of the two of them will come together in order to create the most perfect child in the world; well, second to Alexis of course.

Rick's eyes flutter upward to meet her gaze, only to find that she has been silently observing him the whole time. The expression of complete love and adoration plastered on Kate's face is enough to completely take his breath away. She flashes him a brilliant smile as she moves her free arm up to wrap around his neck, affectionately carding her fingers through the hair at his nape.

"We are going to be parents," Kate whispers to him, her smile somehow growing even wider as she listens to herself speak the words for the very first time.

Castle's own facial expression exactly mirrors Kate's as his lips seek out hers in a slow, languid kiss. He breaks the kiss a few moments later and gently presses his forehead against hers; wide, joyous, smiles still plastered on both of their faces.



I really appreciate all of your kind words on the last chapter!

Thanks to ASimpleCup for beta-ing!

More to come!

As always, feedback and reviews are most appreciated!

Thank you for reading! :)