A/N: Well, the last chapter to this story. I hope you guys like the sequel as much as I liked writing it and think I did it justice. Let me know what you guys think and my other story will be updated twice a week for now! Enjoy :)

A few weeks had passed since Jane's confession and the two women found themselves waiting outside Danny's school. It had become a routine. When Janecould, she would accompany Maura, the two picking the five year old up from school.

Kids starting filling out, parents eagerly awaiting them. Jane let her eyes travel over everyone there, seeing happy, sad and several other kind of emotions splayed out on kids' faces.

She hoped Danny would have a smile on her face. Although that wasn't all that farfetched. The girl was a ball of sunshine. The Detective had only once seen Danny grumpy and that was because of bath time. It had been a few days after Angela had told Maura stories about her own encounters.

Maura practically had to drag Danny to the bathroom, the girl kicking and screaming the entire way. Jane had almost felt sorry for her, but she knew how important hygiene was.

So when everything calmed down, she had shrugged and settled back into the couch. A piercing scream had her off the couch running towards the bathroom mere seconds later however.

It had come from Maura. Not Danny, Maura. Jane's heart had been beating so fast she was sure it would burst out of her chest at any moment. Several scenario's flashed through her head, all involving Danny hurt in one way or another.

But when she skidded to a halt at the doorway, the sight before her was of a completely different variety. Danny was laughing her head off, Maura sitting before her absolutely soaked.

Jane bit her cheek, willing herself to keep her laughter in. She knew how much Maura valued the clothes she had been wearing that day. Laughing wouldn't score her any girlfriend points.

But when Maura turned around, a pout on her lips, her make-up completely smeared and her shirt very see-through, Jane had burst out in laughter.

Of course the five year old girl in the bathtub laughed only harder when the Detective did and before Jane knew what was happening, the M.E. had grabbed the shower head and had sprayed Jane from head to toe.

The Detective's laugh had stopped the moment she felt water hit her and she tried – to no avail – to make the onslaught stop. Seconds later, it did, leaving her standing there, water cascading down her body.

Maura had this satisfied smile on her face. Something which Jane got rid of moments later. A huge splash was heard as the Detective had picked up the honey blonde and dropped her in the tub.

Danny had the time of her life, watching her mother being dumped in the tub – fully clothed I might add.

And somehow after that night bath time had never been an issue anymore.

Of course Jane had felt the consequences of her actions. All touching, kissing and more had suddenly seized and it had taken the Detective several days to convince the honey blonde to stop being mad at her.

Maura wasn't mad at her – of course – but she just took great pleasure in seeing Jane mope around like a little kid, not getting what she wanted. It had been hard. She loved kissing Jane, touching her and everything else. But it was worth it in the end.

Jane smiled fondly, remembering their first real kiss. If you didn't count all the kisses from twenty years ago that is.

It had been right after they finished watching that documentary the day Jane told Maura she wanted to be in her life. The Detective had found herself immensely enjoying the movie, even learning a thing or two. Maura had been surprised. But didn't comment on it.

They were cleaning up, shutting off all the lights and making sure all doors and windows were evidently closed. It had been pitch dark and Jane hadn't been able to see her hand in front of her face.

That led her to trip over Bass, who had been slowly moving towards his own sleeping place. Maura had heard the thud, the curses and smiled to herself.

"Jane?" Her voice rang out through the empty house. She knew Jane was several feet in front of her, but let her eyes adjust to the darkness first.

"Your stupid rock tripped me. I told you he didn't like me!" The Detective sighed as she rubbed at her shin. She glared in the vicinity of Bass, not necessarily seeing him, but knowing he was there.

Bare feet making its way towards her made the Detective look up. There was a figure looming over her and Jane smiled.

"Hey Maur." The honey blonde sighed softly. Crouching down next to Jane, she cupped the younger woman's cheek.

"Did you hurt yourself?" Jane snorted.

"Of course not! And if I did hurt myself it wouldn't have been my fault! Stupid rock, turtle thing." Maura bit her lip to keep herself from laughing out loud. The Detective was just too adorable when she was grouchy.

"Come on, let's get you up." She reached out her hands, seeing Jane take them. Slowly, the two stood up, not letting go of each other when they did.

Jane's eyes still hadn't completely adjusted to the darkness much to her chagrin, but she could make out Maura's eyes. They were shining bright, the moonlight bouncing off them. She looked absolutely beautiful.

"Maura." Her voice cracked slightly, her emotions overwhelming her. The honey blonde was feeling the same way, her mouth having gone dry the moment they stared into each other's eyes.

"Jane." The Detective grinned softly, feeling herself gravitate towards the other woman.

Slowly but surely their bodies molded into one another, the only space separating them being in between their faces. Jane took a deep shuddering breath. It was now or never.

They started leaning in, their breaths mingling together. The moment their lips touched they were propelled back into the past. Memories of previous kisses and more spurring them on.

Both moaned when their tongues came into contact with each other. Maura let her hands travel upwards, locking themselves in dark curls. Jane's hands were safely on Maura's hips, squeezing and making circles.

Maura sighed softly into Jane's mouth. It was perfect. There might not have been the figurative fireworks going off, but it was definitely one for the books. Just as she was ready to lean back, wanting to take in Jane's appearance, she felt herself being picked up.

She let her legs encircle Jane's waist, holding on tightly as a laugh escaped her. Jane chuckled in response, her lips eagerly attacking Maura's neck. She had been waiting way too long for this. She wasn't going to waste any more time.

Maura moaned softly, feeling herself being set down on the kitchen counter carefully. Jane was really good with her lips. And her tongue. Dear God.

"Jane." She rasped, slowly pushing the Detective back.

Jane's eyes were full with love and adoration, arousal and hunger hiding right behind. She swallowed, her voice deciding to take this moment to take a break. When Jane raised her eyebrows, awaiting Maura to continue, the honey blonde found her voice again.

"We should go to the bedroom. I don't want Danny to walk in on us." The Detective nodded, lifting Maura up once more with ease.

That night would be forever etched in Jane's mind. The way Maura moved on top of her, the way her hips rocked into her. Even now just remembering that night made arousal shoot through the Detective's body. They would have to put Danny down early tonight.

It was strange – Jane mused – the night of their first kiss was also the night they made love for the first time. The Detective hadn't necessarily counted on it. She had planned on going home, packing a bag and returning the next day. Jo had been all alone as well.

But it had been the way Maura had looked at her. So loving and… hungry. It had taken away all of Jane's self-control and she had found herself just stopping short of attacking the older woman.

And the past weeks had been all but a blur really. Everything passed so quickly. Jane had found herself having dinner with Maura and Danny practically every night. Of course not when she had to work late to finish up a case. But even then she would somehow make it just in time to tuck Danny in.

The five year old had also taken up basketball, declaring Jane her personal coach. They had practiced day in day out, ready to beat Frankie.

Yes, Frankie and Angela had met Danny as well. Angela had been wanting to meet the little girl from the moment Maura told her about her. So they decided to hold a barbeque that next weekend. Even Frost and Korsak had been invited and both of them had looked utterly surprised to find that the M.E. was a mother.

Jane had seen the look Frost shot her. It was something in between surprise, insecurity and adoration. He had said nothing of it, only shooting her these smiles now and then. She knew he approved. And that he was damn jealous. Okay, maybe not, he did have a girlfriend of his own.

Angela had been even more touchy-feely than ever and Maura had been afraid it would all be too much for Danny. But just like with Jane, Danny took an instant liking to the Rizzoli's. Even Frost and Korsak didn't get more than the inquisitive eye.

Danny had been intrigued by Korsak's goatee, her fingers trailing over his facial hair. It had been funny to watch her eyes widen each time Korsak made a funny face. She giggled every time.

They had played a short basketball game, more to make Danny get a feel of what it was like to really play than anything else. Frankie had been careful, but somewhere during the game, he found that the five year old could hold her own. That and she was beating his ass.

Jane had been laughing the whole time, watching Frankie try and play as normally as he could while being bended down the hold time. Maura had joined her after a few moments, slipping her hand into hers. That moment, it was perfect. And luckily for them, Angela had decided to capture it. They had no idea the picture was being taken.

Maura had her head resting on Jane's shoulder, both women absolutely engrossed in watching Danny kick Frankie's ass. They looked so happy and content.

Jane had taken the liberty of getting a copy of that picture to keep in her wallet.

"Do you see her?" Maura's voice cut through the many thoughts going through Jane's head and it took the Detective a moment to get her bearings back.

Craning her head left and right, she shook her head.

"No yet. But she's always the most excited girl among the crowd. We can't miss her." She chuckled, Maura following her lead. It was true. Danny always ran up to them, sometimes even literally bouncing. It depended on what they did that day at school.

The five year old had taken up a habit of making Jane something every single day. Of course she made Maura something too, but Jane seemed to be her favorite. And Maura loved it.

She didn't love the fact that she was always the one that had to say no, but Jane was starting to do that more often too. They had somehow found a routine with Danny.

The bouncing of honey blonde curls caught both their attention at the same time and they watched as the ball of sunshine ran up to them, two – obviously – fake roses in her hand. Jane and Maura shared a smile, preparing themselves for the lengthy explanation.

"Mommy!" White teeth showed themselves and Danny skidded to a stop in front of them. She was breathing heavily, the excitement barely contained.

"Look what I made!" She held out one rose for Maura, watching as the honey blonde took it, smiling at her daughter.

"Thank you sweetie. Did you make this?" Danny nodded, a blush adorning her cheeks.

"For Mother's Day." Maura's eyes widened slightly. She had totally forgotten about it. Glancing over at Jane, she found the Detective smiling down fondly at Danny.

"So, who's the other one for?" Maura's voice cut through all the other exciting ones and she watched as her daughter's eyes widened.

The girl slowly turned towards Jane, a hesitant look in her eyes. She bit her lip softly, a trait she had picked up from Maura lately. The honey blonde watched on in complete intrigue as Danny slowly held out the rose to Jane.

"It's for Mama Jay." Jane's eyes widened in shock. Had Danny really just said that?

Momentarily at a loss for words, Jane wordlessly took the offered rose. She swallowed thickly, a rush of emotions overwhelming her. Crouching down, she smiled as wide as she could at Maura's daughter. Or maybe their daughter. Holding out her arms as an invite to a hug, she watched Danny step into the embrace.

"Thank you kiddo." Her voice was deep, raspy, and full of emotion. Looking up, she found Maura standing there, tears freely running down her cheeks, her eyes full of love.

And in that moment as she let her own tears fall, she knew that everything would be okay. That their family was complete. Everything that happened twenty years ago totally and completely forgotten. They finally had a chance to start anew.

A/N: I would like to thank each and everyone of you and especially the ones that review every single chapter. You guys rule! Seriously, you have no idea how much it means to see your review every single chapter :) One of the reasons I love writing - for the people! And also for everyone who read the story, favorited it, followed it. Thank you to each and every one of you!