It was a glorious day at Destiny High school for many of the students. Well one of the students did not like this day. That student's name was Riku. Now I bet you're asking; Why would Riku have any reason to hate this day or any day for that matter?

He was very popular, was extremely popular with the girls, has excellent grades and a very loving home. Well none of that mattered. What mattered was that that Valentines Day was only a few days away and he still didn't he have the guts to tell his crush that he liked him. Yea….it was a guy, don't hate. Anyway whenever Riku thought of this person it made his heartbeat ten times faster than normal, sweat enough to fill a pool, and nervous enough to make him nervous?! It wasn't fair. He was able to talk to everybody without feeling a tad bit afraid, but the one person he wanted to talk to the most he always acted like a damn coward.

16-year old Riku was sitting at his desk, in his third period English class. They were done with the class work given to them so him just being the cool, social loner he was decided to look out the window. As he looked at the bright, blue sky he couldn't help but see the similarities between the and his crushes eyes. They were both so beautiful damn it!

"Riku….Earth to Riku, anyone home?" a voice asked as a fist gently, knocked on the top of his head. The only person that was either crazy or brave enough to do something like that was one person that he has respected since the second grad.

"Yes Zexion?" He turned his head around. He was met with the smirk on the blue heads face. Now Zexion was quite a character. For one minute he's as serious as a heart attack. Always making sure he and Riku completed their homework, never did anything totally stupid, yada yada yada.

Next minute he's a complete other person. He's a fanboy when it comes to books, He's gay for Stephen King and shocking the creator of the Harry potter books. (Riku didn't know who the hell wrote those god awful books.) Surprisingly he loves food. Like seriously, Fat albert had nothing on him when it came to food.

"You look like a loner sitting all by yourself fella." Zexion told him as he pushed a strand of blue hair out of his face.

"That's the point." Riku smirked at his friend. Zexion blinked when Riku signed sadly though. It was very Un-Riku.

"Something the matter sunshine?" He asked. Riku began to shake his head, but then he stopped and nodded.

"Yea, it's called "I'm to much of a damn coward to go up to my crush." He answered in a mumble.

Zexion let out an "Aww". He knew all about Riku's little problem. It was kind of funny to see Riku actually have trouble with something. He almost never had trouble with anything.

"I don't know what to do Zexion I mean, I've had a crush on him sense the 7th grade. I-…I just can't believe that I can't tell him. It makes me so freaking angry and so…so much more in love with him." Zexion just rolled his eyes as Riku's face went all dreamy like. Seriously it's not such a big deal. It's not as if the school would be huge homophobic about it ( He doubt Riku would even care) he was just to big of a coward to actually do anything about it.

This is just the beginning of my new story of Riku's Crush Problems. Sense I have no idea where this is going I'm just going to stop right here. Maybe if I get reviews and favorites I'll continue this. Lol I was going to anyway.

So yea tell me what you think of this Idea of mine Sniggle Snork.