Disclaimer: I Do Not Own Merlin.

Ealdor Boys

It had felt like they had been walking for months, when it had only been a few hours.

"Gwaine, complain once more time and I'll make you carry Merlin" said Arthur, where he was holding little Merlin (who had fallen asleep), "and I meant the older one."

"No problem" laughed Gwaine, sweeping Merlin of his feet.

"Hey!" yelled Merlin while his mother laughed.

"I'll carry you" laughed Gwaine. Merlin rolled his eyes and settled down in Gwaine's arms, knowing that the knight would not let him go any time soon.

The group walked a little longer before Gwaine stopped.

"I know this place" he said. Everyone stopped.

"You do?" asked Arthur as Gwaine lowered Merlin to the ground.

"Yeah, feels like de ja vu" said Gwaine looking around before he knocked to the group. Everyone takes a step back while the woman who had knocked Gwaine to the ground turned a sword on the men.

"Who are you?" she demanded. Everyone stared at her blankly.

"Mother?" asked Gwaine, shocked. She turned to glare at him.

"I ain't your mother. I have three children, emphasis on children" she said, placing her hands on her hip and daring him to argue.

"Well, magic is a pain in the ass" said Gwaine, "I've from the future Ma."

She glared at him, marched right up to him and twisted his face from left to right.

"Jesus, you are my son" she said, "why are you here, and why are here with a group?" She looked around at them.

"Where are my and my sisters?" Gwaine asked.

"Back at camp" she answered, "now, answer my question young man."

"We need Gwaine's younger self to help send up back" said Leon. She frowned then nodded.

"Fine, I hate magic" said the woman who was still to introduce herself to them, "this way."

She started to take them through the trees and into a small clearing where three children were sitting around a fire, the eldest a young girl of nine, holding a bow and arrow aimed in their direction. The woman turned and said clearly; "now my name is Artia, who the hell are the rest of you?"