Hey guys!

I'm back… somewhat.

So next chapter is still not done and it's a serious bitch to write. I've rewritten it about five or six times already, not really sure, because I stopped counting after second time…

Anyway this is mostly just to inform you that, yes I am still working on this story, however since I am incredibly busy it's simply going incredibly slow.

So since you had to wait for so long and the chapter is still not quite to my liking, I decided that I will at least give you guys a preview so that you know what you have to look forward to.

Once next chapter is done, this will be replaced by the actual seventh chapter.

'Hey that's the guy that pissed himself! I remember cause I used my sharingan back then just so I wouldn't forget...' Naruto thought.

'Honestly… Using those eyes on such things… Sometimes I seriously regret that I awakened them so soon.' Kurami said, only half joking.

Naruto smiled in amusement, before answering the question.

"She is so driven by her hatred of Konoha she will do anything in order to get stronger and crush it. She will even go as far as coming to me just to gain more power. And once she does I will train her."

Both Natsumi and Naruko stared unblinkingly at their brother.

"Are you an idiot? Why would you risk your life like that, knowing she wants to kill you?" Natsumi asked angrily.

"Ah, why are you assuming that Ku could actually kill me? Or that I'd give her any kind of opportunity to do so?" He asked, now even more amused than before. Both girls groaned at the shortened name and decided to let it go, knowing he would not change his mind and now at least somewhat reassured that their brother wasn't trying to get himself killed.

Naruto's sisters were trailing slightly behind him as they were jumping from tree to tree, moving through the jungle, steadily getting closer to their destination.

In front of them, Naruto wasn't quite himself right now as could be seen by the fact that he now had dangerous looking red eyes with slit and a feral smirk on his face.

Kurami always enjoyed these temporary moments of freedom that Naruto granted her. Sure, in his mindscape she could pretty much shape it to her liking, but it still wasn't the same as actually being in the outside world.

She suddenly stopped on one of the branches, when she sensed a chakra signature approaching. Whoever it was, it definitely wasn't a gennin and they definitely didn't come to say hello.

She wanted to fight whoever it was herself, but she promised Naruto that if any promising oponent came along she would let him fight them.

With sigh, she quickly informed Naruto about the situation and retreated back to mindscape. When Naruto opened his eyes, they widened comically seeing the forest infront of him being decimated as what he guessed was a wind jutsu came at him. He quickly shunshinned to safety and noticed that his sisters had already done so.

He blinked when the attacker appeared in the clearing, revealing that it was a kunoichi from Kusagakure. By the quite impressive amount of the killing intent she was outputting, he guessed that Kurami was right and she did not come to say hello.

"Kukukuku… To think that there are two people who have those eyes." Orochimaru said to himself as he wiped the blood from his think that a young child could hold so much power. He couldn't fight all out, otherwise it could cause a commotion and potentially ruin the invasion, so he decided to be patient and simply pull back for now.

"And to think that Pein was hiding this much power entire time and yet he never lost a battle." He thought outloud, not entertaining the thought that young Uzumaki could be more powerful than Pein for even a single second.

"Just you wait Naruto-kun. I will have that rinnegan of yours soon. Very soon. And if everything goes according to plan, Sasuke-kun's sharingan will be mine not long after that."

"Preliminaries, huh? I'm hoping this will not be as boring as the rest of this exam. It's hard for me to step on ants without crushing them..." Naruto said causing the rest of people in the room to glare at him. Naruto only smirked at this and shook his head lightly. All he had to do is say one arrogant thing and they were already eating out of his palm and doing exactly what he wanted them to do. Oh well, he was curious about the jinchuuriki in this room. He wanted to see what they were capable of, so he knew there would be at least something interesting during the preliminaries.